RMC 37-2012
RMC 37-2012
RMC 37-2012
The provision
August 3, 2012| Department of Finance - BIR. | Capital Gains Tax reads:
SUBJECT: Clarifying Section 11 of Revenue Regulations No. 06-08
TO: All Revenue Officials, Employees, and Others Concerned SEC.11. EFFECT OF NON-PAYMENT OF TAX. — No sale, exchange,
SUMMARY: RMC 37-2012 issued on August 6, 2012 clarifies Section 11 transfer or similar transaction intended to convey ownership of, or title to
of Revenue Regulations (RR) No. 06-08 or the “Consolidated Regulations any share of stock shall be registered in the books of the corporation unless
the receipts of payment of the tax herein imposed is filed with and
Prescribing the Rules on the Taxation of Sale, Barter, Exchange or Other
recorded by the stock transfer agent or secretary of the corporation. It
Disposition of Shares of Stock held as Capital Assets.” shall be the duty of the aforesaid persons to inform the Bureau of Internal
To transfer ownership of shares of stock not traded in the Stock Exchange, Revenue in case of non-payment of tax. Any stock transfer agent or
it is necessary to secure a Certificate Authorizing Registration (CAR) secretary of the corporation or the stockbroker, who caused the registration
pursuant to the process laid down in Revenue Memorandum Order No. 15- of transfer of ownership or title on any share of stock in violation of the
03. The receipts of the payment of the tax should also be filed with and aforementioned requirements shall be punished in accordance with the
recorded by the Secretary of the Corporation pursuant to Section 11 of RR provisions of Title X, Chapters I and II of the Tax Code, as amended.
No. 06-08.
All other issuance inconsistent with the provisions of this Circular are ISSUE:
repealed or modified accordingly. (taken from the digest of BIR)
DOCTRINE: In order to transfer shares of stock not traded in the 1. Whether a CAR is still needed before shares of stock not traded in
Stock Exchange, it is necessary to secure a CAR. The receipts of the Stock Exchange may be transferred – YES
payment of tax should be filed with and recorded by the Secretary of
the Corporation.