Developing The Basics of Pavement Management System in Besiktas District and Evaluation of The Selected Sections
Developing The Basics of Pavement Management System in Besiktas District and Evaluation of The Selected Sections
Developing The Basics of Pavement Management System in Besiktas District and Evaluation of The Selected Sections
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Pavement management is in a broader sense, a working program that involves all the procedures of
planning, programming, designing, building, maintaining, and rehabilitation. Pavement management
concept is first introduced in the 1960’s to ensure the best use of existing resources. Today many
corporations in USA use managements systems either developed by themselves or modified to fit their
climate, traffic, land, equipment, corporate structure and budget constraints. A pavement management
system (PMS) arranges tools and methods to be used for determining the best maintenance schedule
for the decision makers in a given period. A good pavement management is an integrated system which
makes it necessary to think in a systematic and organized way, besides, it ensures that, necessary work
is performed on daily basis. In this study, infrastructure distress data which is compatible with the
distress identification manual published by American Society for Testing and Materials in 1999 is
collected from 20 sections selected from the arterial road network in Besiktas district of Istanbul. The
reasons for formation of distress types in the determined network are studied under the headings like
axle load, climate and other (material characteristics), and distress evaluations throughout the whole
network and each section are carried out.
Key words: Pavement management system, paver system, pavement condition index (PCI), distress types.
In the literal sense, first roads built through Egypt from increased interest in developing a formal management
the South part of the Asia almost after the invention of approach to optimize the utilization of highway con-
wheel around 3500 B.C. On the other hand, first road that struction and maintenance resources. The specific com-
depends on some scientific rules built by Romans around ponent of this approach related to pavement is termed
300 B.C. The oldest and the longest known road is the Pavement Management System (PMS). Hence,
“King’s Road” which built by Persians. Through the end of optimizing the current pavement condition, an evaluation
the 18th century some basic scientific principles about practice will be the first and foremost task of efficient
road construction had been defined by the engineers. pavement management systems (Terzi, 2006).
During the 1960’s AASHO started to determine Good pavement management is not business as usual.
theoretical roots of road pavement using “AASHO Road It requires an organized and systematic approach to the
Test” results (Haas et al., 1994). way we think and in the way we do in day-to-day
Pavement management concept was first conceived in business. Pavement management, in its broadest sense,
the mid-1960’s to organize and coordinate the activities includes all the activities involved in the planning and
involved in achieving the best value possible for the programming, design, construction, maintenance, and
available funds. In response to the growing need for rehabilitation of the pavement portion of a public works
highway rehabilitation and maintenance on one hand and program. PMS is a set of tools or methods that assist de-
shrinking resources on the other, there has been an cision makers in finding optimum strategies for providing
and maintaining pavements in a serviceable condition
over a given period of time (Haas et al., 1994).
*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected], Pavement management comprises two different opera-
[email protected]. Tel: +90-212-383 5184. Fax: +90-212- ting levels which are “network level” and “project level”.
383 5133. The Principal aim at network level is to develop programs
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that have priority and to develop management system pavement work including special project validation. The
work plans. At project level, basically, decisions which objective is to use the standardized surfaced area
are made at network level implemented. The pavement maintenance management system to reduce mainte-
management process consists of the following main nance and repair costs while improving pavement service
tasks, successively, pavement network definition, ability. The PCI is a numerical indicator based on a scale
pavement condition measurement, pavement condition of 0 - 100 and is a measure of the pavement’s integrity
prediction, network level management, project level and surface operational condition. ASTM D 6433
management (Shahin, 2002). “Standard Practice for Roads and Parking Lots Pavement
Pavement is not a cheap part of road network. In U.S, Condition Index Surveys” is the standard to follow on
for only intercity road network, pavement investments 30 performing a survey and to determine the PCI (Cline et
billion USD had been spent during 1994 (Haas et al., al., 2003).
1994). Besides, more than 1 billion USD has been spent PCI is an index which shows the present condition of
for improving and maintaining these pavements. In pavement according to simultaneously evaluation of dis-
Istanbul maintenance, repair and renewal works of pave- tress amount, distress density and distress type as well.
ments has been done by the IBB Road Maintenance and While standard PCI scale evaluates pavements within 7
Renewal Office. Amounts of pavement investments’ and different categories, special PCI scale uses only 3
prices between 2003 - May of 2007 are shown in Table 1. different categories. Also, different colours have been
used by Micropaver to depict different situations within
both standard and special scales. Concurrently, present
PAVEMENT DISTRESSES AND CLASSIFICATIONS condition, with other words pavement quality, can be
described by using words “excellent”, “very good”, etc.
Many of the pavement management offices make Pavement quality and PCI comparison are shown in
periodical surveys within their responsibility areas for Figure 1.
tracking pavement condition. These surveys are made by
measuring distress at different type, priority level and
density. Though, different methods are used, usually American society for testing and materials (ASTM)
measured factors and components shows similarities. distress identification manual
Measured factors can be listed as surface defects, per-
manent deformation or distortion, cracking and patching Pavement distress manual for roads and parking areas
(Cafiso et al., 2006). are published by ASTM in the year 1999 with D 6433–99
code. Distress types gathered in three different catego-
ries which names are “axle load”, “climate” and “others”.
Paver system At the design phase thicknesses of the layers of a pave-
ment that composed road body determined, depending
Paver system has been widely used as a pavement upon the repeat number of chosen standard axle load. If
management system at several airports’ and cities/towns more traffic uses the road than expected or heavier axle
of USA and at different countries’ which is developed loads uses the road more than calculated axle loads,
during 1970’s by U.S. Army Corporation of Engineers. then “axle load” caused distresses would be observed.
Paver system developed by taking into consideration of Besides, seasonal temperature or daily temperature
pavement distress data along with some destructive and differences also causes distresses at the pavement which
nondestructive performance test results which also are named “climatological distresses”. Table 2 shows the
include a computer programmed named “Micropaver”. “distress type reasons” and “ASTM distress definition
Paver system use Pavement Condition Index (PCI) for guide”. Furthermore, pavements goes bad in time with
determining current circumstance in a pavement section. such reasons which are; construction faults, maintenance
The Navy’s PCI Guidance provides guidance and faults, material specifications, leaking of oil, gas and
direction for implementation of the PCI system for all other chemical fluids, salting at defrosting works.
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Table 2. Paver distress classification for roads and parking areas (Shahin, 2002).
APPLICATION TO THE BESIKTAS DISTRICT office. The office accepts boulevard names and arterial
street names as sections, and then they planned their
First task of developing a PMS is determining the size whole investment and budget plans according to this
and boundaries of network. For being base for our work, assumption. We used the same assumptions in order to
the total of 20 arterial streets chosen, belong to Besiktas be able to taking advantage of using previous years’
district. According to paver system’s network definition data.
rules, our network first split to divisions then to sections. GIS technique used for visualizing and emphasizing
The most important parameter used for fulfilling this pro- the results of our work. After determining sections and
cess is the sections which are determined by the Istanbul then using them in GIS, every section further divided
greater city municipalities’ road maintenance and renewal sample areas as pointed out in Shahin (2002). After the
Kirbas and Gursoy 809
finding of sample areas’ number, the number of minimum and special PCI scales. According to standard PCI scale
sample area’s found by using PCI standard deviation existing conditions of the pavement can be seen in Figure
σ=12. Namely, by choosing PCI interval as 30 then the 2. Besides, to display and to make deductions from the
minimum number of sample areas’ found. Considering present condition of pavement, it’s been assumed that in
“systematic random” the principle paver system suggests, the special PCI scale that, if the grades between 100 and
the number and location of sample areas’ determined. 70, called as sufficient and considered in good condition,
Then, site work plans prepared for every section. In the if the grades between 70 and 55 called as deteriorated
light of this site, work plans distress data gathered at and considered as need rehabilitation, if the grades
every sample area and recorded into “pavement between 55 – 0 called as insufficient and considered as
condition observation sheet”. need total renewal. Pavement condition of our network
Also, some additional sample areas has been added to can be shown in the Figure 3. These assumptions do not
our original sample area group if an area does not belong reflect any governmental office’s decision. These kinds of
to our sample group at first hand but it observed with decisions can be given in the light of previous PMS
dense distress. 1017 sample areas determined at first, experience of the office and considering the budget con-
then, 307 of them selected for our sample group straints as well. However, in the first establishment phase
according to “systematic random” principle and finally, 13 of any PMS some border values or scales have to be
additional areas selected by observations to reach a total assumed for making decisions. In the light of the
of 320 for examinations. After gathering data with site assumptions to be made at Figures 2 and 3, it can be
work, then sections’ PCI values calculated as explained considered that the pavement is in good condition. Then,
in detail in Shahin (2002). Table 3 shows calculated PCI some comments about management strategies have
values. been given after the evaluation of obtained distress data
Calculated PCI values classified according to standard from the sample areas. For this aim, first of all distress
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Table 5. Distress type weights that existing the sections in Network (%).
Distress code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
In Network 5 0 0 1 4 2 1 0 0 13 28 20 10 0 5 0 0 0 9
Table 4. Reasons for distresses at the pavement. labour, materials’ specifications, defrosting works etc.
Furthermore, one can also say defrosting chemicals
Cause should be inspected carefully before spilled over the
Load (%) Climate (%) Other (%) pavement. At the last part of the work, the weights of
In Network 21 23 56 distress types in the sections inspected and then design
strategies are developed based on this inspection. In the
developed chart (Table 5) distress codes are used
instead of distress names. Distress weights are
types (load, climate, others) denoted as percentages calculated for the whole network as well.
which are obtained by the ratio of amount of the It can be concluded that, when one thought that, the
distressed area to amount of the sample area. road patches applied to road surfaces for the restitution
Table 4 shows the whole picture of the network of distresses that come in to being in years and again
according to distress causes. Besides, in Figure 4 is an “Polished aggregate” seen at roads after years of
evaluation of the sections according to distress types that repetitive vehicle axle loads effects the pavement of our
can be seen graphically. Throughout the network, axle network that can be said to proliferated with periodical
load caused distresses are about 21%, climatologically maintenance and it can also be said to be old. The most
distresses are about 23% and other types (that is, labour, important phase at the project level evaluation in a PMS
materials’ specifications, defrosting works) are about is the single evaluation of the sections. For that reason,
56%. As easily can be seen most of the distresses are at the end of the evaluation, taken this into consideration
caused by “other” kind of reasons. So, in the light of of the distress will causes new design strategies that
these findings one can say that most of the distresses developed for a renewal work at all sections. These
arises because of “other” type of reasons which could be evaluations and the situation of the network are based on
Kirbas and Gursoy 811
developed strategies as shown in Figure 5. Concerned distress types have been published by ASTM
in 1999 with D 6433-99 standard code. In standard
distress types that have been detailed and described with
Conclusion associated pictures. In this study, distress data have
been collected and evaluated according to the standard.
Paver system has examined 19 different types of distress Paver system is a management system, which can
and described 3 types of distress severity (low, medium, decide pavement’s condition, only evaluating pavement
high) for 18 of them (excluding polished aggregate). distress, without using information about climate and
812 Sci. Res. Essays
traffic load. This ability is the greatest advantage of it. Cline GD, Shahin MY, Burkhalter JA (2003). Automated Data Collection
for Pavement Condition Index, TRB 2003 Annual Meeting CD-ROM.
It can be said that at the end of all evaluations, in 12
Haas R, Hudson WR, Zaniewski J (1994). Modern Pavement
sections of total 20, the pavement condition can be Management. Kriger Publishing Company, Malabar, Florida, U.S.A.
accepted as good, in 7 sections the pavement needs Kirbas U (2007). Pavement Management System and A Search on
some maintenance and rehabilitation, and finally, only in Application Possibilities at Besiktas District, Master Thesis
(Unprinted), Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Yildiz
1 section the pavement needs total renewal. Again, it is
Technical University.
believed that, most of the distresses seen on the Shahin MY (2002). Pavement Management for Airports, Roads and
pavement caused by “other” types of reasons (almost Parling Lots. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
51%) then we can say pavement design for the whole Terzi S (2006). “Modeling the Pavement Present Serviceability Index of
Flexible Highway Pavements Using Data Mining”, J. Appl. Sci. 6(1):
network in general can be considered as appropriate 193-197.
(Kirbas, 2007).