CAM PW 04 102 99BridgeDesign
CAM PW 04 102 99BridgeDesign
CAM PW 04 102 99BridgeDesign
CAM PW.04.102.99
From time to time the Base Docum ent may be changed by the
Australian Authorities. Any such change shall be automatically
incorporated into the Cambodian Bridge Design Standard unless
it conflicts with a provision of the Amendments.
PART A LIST OF AMENDED CLAUSES IN THE BASE DOCUMENT................................ ............ 5
Section 1 General 7
1.1 General Principles ................................ ................................ ..............................7
1.1.1 Applicability ................................ ................................ .................... 7
1.3.1 Bridge Carriageway Widths................................ ...............................7
1.3.2 Edge Clearances for Bridges Without Footways ................................ .7
1.3.4 Vertical Clearance at Structures................................ ........................ 7
1.10 Australian Standards ................................ ................................ ..........................8
Section 2 Design Loads
2.3 Traffic Loading................................ ................................ ................................ ....9
2.3.3 L44 Lane Loading ................................ ................................ ............ 9
2.3.4 Heavy Load Platform Loading................................ ............................ 9
2.3.5 Number of Lanes for Design and Lateral Position of Loads................. 11 Heavy load platform loading ................................ ............................ 11
2.3.8 Fatigue Loading................................ ................................ ............. 11
2.4.2 Dynamic Load Allowance -T44 Truck and L44 Lane loading ...............11
2.5.2 Braking forces................................. ................................ .............. 11
2.5.4 Minimum Lateral Restraint Capacity - Ultimate Limit State ................ 12
2.8 Wind Loads 13
2.8.1 General................................ ................................ ......................... 13
2.8.2 Basic design wind speed ................................ ................................ 13 Derivation of site design gust wind speed (Vz)................................ ...13 Terrain Category ................................ ................................ ............ 14 Terrain and structure height multiplier (M (z,cat) )................................ .. 15 Topographic multiplier (Mt)................................ .............................. 17
2.8.3 Transverse wind load................................ ................................ ...... 17 Area of structure for calculation of transverse wind load, At ................ 18 Calculation of drag coefficients, Cd................................ ...................18
2.8.4 Longitudinal Wind Load................................ ................................ .. 19
2.8.5 Vertical Wind Load ................................ ................................ ........ 20
2.9 Thermal Effects................................ ................................ ................................ 20
2.9.2 Variation in Average Bridge Temperature................................ .......... 20
2.9.3 Differential Temperatures. ................................ ...............................22
2.13 Earthquake Forces ................................ ................................ ...........................23
2.13.1 General................................ ................................ ......................... 23
2.13.2 Earthquake Resistant Design................................ .......................... 23
2.13.4 Equivalent Quasi-Static Earthquake Forces................................ ...... 23
2.19 Road Signs and Lighting Structures ................................ ................................ ...24
2.19.3 Design Wind Speeds ................................ ................................ ..... 24 Ultimate Limit State ................................ ................................ .......24
2.19.4 Design Wind Pressure ................................ ................................ ...24
Section 3 Foundations................................ ................................ ................................ ...26
Section 4 Bearings And Deck Joints ................................ ................................ .............. 26
Section 5 Concrete
5.1 Scope and General ................................ ................................ ...........................27
5.1.1 Scope and Application ................................ ................................ ...27 Application ................................ ................................ .................... 27
5.1.5 Construction................................ ................................ .................. 27
5.2 Design Requirements and Procedures................................ ................................ 27
1.1 General Principles
1.1.1 Applicability
Add the following paragraph between paragraphs 2 and 3:
“The Cambodian Bridge Design Standard has been prepared for the design of road,
rail and pedestrian bridges and other bridge-related structures under the jurisdiction of
the Cambodia Ministry of Public Works and Transport, referred to in this document
as the Authority, and also for use by other Authorities and organisations.”
“The T44 Lane Loading shall consist of a uniformly distributed load as given in Figure
2.3.3 together with a tandem of two concentrated loads 90 kN each spaced at 1.20
m. The L44 Lane Loading shall be considered as uniformly distributed over the width
of a 3 m Standard Design Lane.
For continuous spans the L44 Lane Loading shall be continuous or discontinuous as
may be necessary to produce maximum effects, and the tandem of concentrated loads
shall be placed in such a position as to produce maximum effects. Only one tandem of
concentrated loads shall be used per lane except that one additional tandem of
concentrated loads of equal force shall be placed in each lane in one other span in the
series in such a position as to produce maximum negative moment. The L44 Lane
Loading does not apply for spans less than 10 m.”
“(a) The HLP 240 design loading shall be applied to bridges on the following road
- Expressways
- Highways
- Provincial Roads
- Collector Roads
- Arterial Roads
These roads generally will comply with design standards R6/U6, R5/U5 and
R4/U4 of the Cambodian Road Design Standard Part 1 – Geometry.
(b) For a bridge on any other road category, the Authority shall determine if the
bridge shall be designed for the effects of Heavy Load Platform loadings.
(d) The Heavy Load Platform (HLP) loadings shall have the following configurations:
ii. The total load per axle shall be 200 kN. The axle load shall be equally
distributed among all wheels.
v. The overall width of axles shall be 3.6 m. The lateral spacing of dual wheels
along an axle shall be as shown in Figure 2.3.4.
vi. For continuous bridges, the loading may be separated into two groups
of 6 axles (HLP 240) with a central gap of between 6 m and 15 m,
the gap being chosen to give the most adverse effect.
vii. The tyre contact area for each individual wheel shall be assumed to be
500 mm x 200 mm.”
HLP 240
1400 mm 1400 mm
3600 mm
“The HLP 240 Heavy Load Platform loading shall be assumed to centrally occupy
two Standard Design Lanes.”
Fatigue design traffic Number of fatigue stress cycles for bridges on roads of
loading category:
Category R6/U6: All other roads
Expressways, Highways,
Arterial Roads
W7 Wheel loading 2,000,000 500,000
T44 Truck loading 500,000 100,000
L44 Lane loading 100,000 100,000
Replace existing Figure 2.5.2 with the Figure on the following page:
For all bridges over roads, vehicular accesses, railways and navigable waters, the
restraint system shall be designed for an ultimate lateral load of 500 kN in accordance
with the following criteria:
1. Bridges over roads and vehicular accesses. Where the clearance between the
maximum legal load and the underside of the structure is less than 3.5 m, the 500 kN
load shall be applied to the superstructure within the width of the road formation.
2. Navigable waters. Where the clearance between the top of the design vessel,
excluding masts and aerials, to the underside of the bridge superstructure is less than
3.5 m, the load shall be applied to the superstructure within the width of the navigable
3. Railways. Where the clearance from the railways clearance zone to the underside
of the superstructure is less than 3.5 m, the load shall be applied to the superstructure
within the width of the railway clearance zone plus 10 m either side of the railway
clearance zone.”
2.8.1 General
Designing for wind loading is to be based on a static analysis, which is essentially a quasi-
steady analysis approach using a design gust wind speed in conjunction with a mean loading
coefficient. The gust wind speed is the maximum wind speed, averaged over a period of 2
to 3 seconds which occurs in one hour. This approach is limited to conventional structures,
(nominally having a first-mode frequency of vibration of less than 1 Hz). For wind sensitive
structures such as suspension or long-span cable-stayed bridges, which may be subject to
significant wind excited dynamic response, special investigations into the dynamic behaviour
of the structure should be carried out.
The methodology for determining the wind loading here is based on the 92' AUSTROADS
Bridge Design Code and the Australian Standard for Wind Loading, AS 1170.2, to which
acknowledgments are made.
The design gust wind speed (Vz ) at the site and for height, z , shall be calculated from the
appropriate limit state basic wind speed given in Table 2.8.2 as follows:
Vz = V M(z,cat) Mt
Vz = The site design gust wind speed at height z, in metres per
V = The basic wind speed, (Vu) or (Vs) (see Table 2.8.2), in
metres per second
M(z,cat ) = A gust wind speed multiplier at height z for a terrain
category with upwind distance of at least 2500 m (see
Mt = A topographic multiplier which shall be 1.0 if the
approaching slopes are less than 0.05.
Note: Mz,cat may change from the tabulated values if the structure site is within
the transition zone near the edge of a terrain boundary (see Clause
Irrespective of the calculation in this Clause, the ultimate limit state site design gust wind
speed (V z), shall not be less than 30 m/sec.
For serviceability limit state wind loads in conjunction with traffic loads on a structure, the
selection of a wind speed for a specified return interval is not appropriate and the design
wind speed shall be taken as 35 m/sec in all locations. The effect of wind on the traffic load
need not be considered.
Terrain, over which the approach wind flows towards a structure, shall be assessed on the
basis of the following category descriptions:
(a) Category 1 Exposed open terrain with few or no obstructions and water
surfaces at serviceability wind speeds (V s) only.
(b) Category 2 Open terrain, grassland with few well scattered obstructions
having heights generally from 1.5m to 10.0m and water
surfaces for Vu.
(c) Category 3 Terrain with numerous closely spaced obstructions having the
size of domestic houses (3.0m to 5.0m high).
(d) Category 4 Terrain with numerous large, high (10.0m to 30.0m high) and
closely spaced obstructions such as large city centres and
well-developed industrial complexes.
Selection of terrain category shall be made with due regard to the permanence of the
obstructions which constitute the surface roughness, in particular vegetation in tropical
cyclonic regions shall not be relied upon to maintain a wooded terrain roughness.
The variation of terrain multipliers with height (z) shall be taken from Tables and (B). Designers shall take account of probable future changes to terrain roughness in
assessment of terrain and structure height multipliers M (z,cat)
TABLE (A) Terrain and Structure Height Multipliers for Gust
Wind Speeds in Fully Developed Terrains in Region A
Multiplier M (z,cat)
Height (z)
M Terrain Category 1&2 Terrain Category 3&4
≤3 0.90 0.80
5 0.95 0.80
10 1.00 0.89
15 1.07 0.95
20 1.13 1.05
30 1.20 1.15
40 1.25 1.25
50 1.29 1.29
75 1.35 1.35
TABLE (B) Terrain and Structure Height Multipliers for Gust
Wind Speeds in Fully Developed Terrains in Regions B & C
Multiplier M (z,cat)
Height (z) Terrain Terrain Terrain Terrain
M Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4
Where, for the direction under consideration, the wind approaches across ground
with changes in terrain category within 2500 m of the structure, M(z,cat) shall be
taken as the weighted average terrain and structure height multiplier over the
2500m upwind of the structure at height z above ground level.
zo,r = larger of the two roughness lengths at a boundary between roughnesses (given in
z= height of the structure for which the design velocity is required.
Note: For height less than 10m the lag distance should be taken as 1.0.
The weighted average of Mz,cat is weighted by the length of each terrain upwind
of the structure allowing for the lag distance at each terrain category change for a
distance of 2500 m, as shown in Figure
2500 m
xt 3 xt4 xt2
Wind direction
z z
Terrain cat 3 Terrain cat 4 Terrain cat 2
M z , 2 xt 2 + M z , 4 xt 4 + M z , 3 xt 3
M z ,cat = for the case illustrated
For bridge sites approach slopes are usually less than 0.05, and for which Mt = 1.0.
However, if approach slopes are greater than 0.05 the Topographic Multiplier from Table
3.2.8 in AS 1170.2-1989 shall be used.
Wt u* = 0.0006 Vu At Cd (kN)
Vs = design wind speed for Serviceability Limit States (m/sec)
Vu = design wind speed for Ultimate Limit States (m/sec)
At = area of the structure for calculation of wind load (m2 )
Cd = drag coefficient.
The area of the structure or element under consideration shall be the solid area in normal
projected elevation subject to the following provisions:
The area of the superstructure shall include the area of the solid windward parapet,
but the effect of the leeward parapet need not be considered.
The total load shall be the sum of the loads for the superstructure, the windward
barrier and the leeward barrier considered separately. Where there are more than
two parapets or safety fences, irrespective of the width of the superstructure, only
those two elements having the greatest unshielded effect shall be considered.
(c) Piers
The wind force on truss girder superstructures shall be calculated by considering each
component individually, using the drag coefficients C d from Appendix B in AS 1170.2.
The drag coefficient for beams and girders during erection stages shall be calculated
for individual beams using Figure Shielding shall not be considered for
individual beams, but may be allowed for when two or more beams are connected,
provided the ratio of the clear distance between beams to the depth does not exceed
7. Under such circumstances, the drag coefficient for the combination may be taken
as 1.5 times the value for an individual beam.
(d) Drag coefficient for parapet railings, parapet barriers and substructures.
1. The values given assume a vertical elevation and a horizontal wind
2. Where the windward face is inclined to the vertical, the drag coefficient C d may be reduced by
0.5% per degree of inclination from the vertical, subject to a maximum reduction of 30%.
3. Where the windward face consists of a vertical and a sloping part or two sloping parts inclined
at different angles, the wind load shall be derived as follows:
(a) The basic drag coefficient C d is calculated using the total depth of the structure.
(b) For each non-vertical face, the basic drag coefficient calculated above is reduced in
accordance with Note 2.
(c) The total wind load is calculated by applying the appropriate drag coefficients to the
relevant areas.
5. Where a superstructure is subject to wind inclined at not more than 5 degrees to the horizontal,
C d shall be increased by 15%. Where the angle of inclination exceeds 5 degrees, the drag
coefficient shall be derived from tests.
6. Where a superstr ucture is superelevated and also subject to inclined wind, the drag coefficient
shall be the subject of special investigation.
load shall be considered. The serviceability and ultimate design longitudinal wind loads shall
be calculated in a manner similar to those for transverse wind loads.
Longitudinal wind loads on the superstructure may also be significant during the construction
stage of some bridge types which are not affected by these loads at normal service levels.
Wv s* = 0.00045 Vs2 Ap
Vx = design wind speed for Serviceability Limit States (m/sec)
Vu = design wind speed for Ultimate Limit States (m/sec)
Ap = bridge area in plan (m2 ).
The above relationships may be used provided the angle of inclination of the wind to the
structure is less than 5 degrees. For inclinations in excess of 5 degrees, the lift coefficient
shall be investigated by testing.
“eg frost pockets and sheltered low-lying areas where the minimum shade air
temperature may be substantially lower”
“As a minimum requirement for conditions prevailing in Cambodia, the ends of deck at
abutments and at piers of simply supported structures shall allow for a minimum 200
mm of horizontal displacement additional to displacements calculated for other
loadings, without falling off the edge of the support.”
Delete Table and replace the text with the following:
“The value of Seismicity Factor shall be determined by the application of the following
relationship to the acceleration coefficient, a:
“The Site-Structure Resonance Factor shall be either taken as 1.5 or determined from
Table 2.13.4 (e):
Replace “200 year return interval wind speed *” with “ 0.85 Vu* ”
Replace “* Determine from AS 1170.2” with “ The design wind speed, Vu, shall be
determined from Clause which includes the application of height and topographical
Q * = 0 .61 C d V 2 10 −3
V = the basic wind speed (VU ) or (VS) (see Table 2.8.2), in metres per second.
Note: For tall slender structures, such as high masts, the equivalent dynamic pressure
approach may be unconservative. As an alternative the gust-energy or gust-
factor method of determining design wind loads may be employed.
The AUSTROADS Code includes provisions for the determination of ultimate pile
resistance design of pile footings by a choice of methods, including static analysis, dynamic
analysis or static load testing, and provides the appropriate material factors for
determination of the design resistances.
In view of the broad range of acceptable methods, which also include the current practice
in Cambodia, it is not considered necessary to modify this Section.
The following Australian Standards referred to in the text have been replaced:
5.1 Scope and General
5.1.1 Scope and Application Application
“Compressive strength of concrete is defined in this Code on the basis of tests carried
out on standard test cylinders 150 mm diameter by 300 mm long. Where concrete
strength is to be determined on the basis of tests carried out on samples of other
dimensions, this fact shall be clearly stated on the drawings and in the specification.
Where standard 150 mm x 150 mm x 150 mm concrete cubes are used for testing,
the equivalent standard cylinder strength may be obtained from:
f cube
f c' = 0 .76 + 0 .2 log 10 f cube
5.1.5 Construction
Add the following paragraph at the end of the Article:
“The tolerances for position and size of the structure and members are reproduced in
Clause C5.15. More stringent tolerances may be required for reasons of
serviceability, fit of components, or aesthetics of the structure. These will be specified
in the Construction Specifications issued by relevant Authorities.”
Refer to the Commentary for examples of additional requirements stipulated by some Road
Authorities in Australia to supplement the requirements related to cracking.
2) If testing has been undertaken to ascertain that the soil in contact with concrete is non-
aggressive, then exposure classification A may be used, provided that the soil is not
subject to wetting and drying. Typically, members in the top 500 mm of soil would not
qualify for this reduction.
3) Permeable soils with pH < 4.0 or with ground level containing more than one gram per litre
of sulphate ions, would be considered aggressive.
4) For the purpose of this Table, the coastal zone includes locations within 1 km of the
shoreline of the large expanses of salt water, eg river deltas affected by tides. Where there
are strong prevailing winds or vigorous surf, the distance should be incr eased beyond 1
km and higher levels of protection should be considered. Proximity to small salt water
bays, estuaries and rivers may be disregarded, except for structures immediately over or
adjacent to such bodies of water.
“In cases where the standard of formwork is likely to be lesser than specified by
AS 3610 - Formwork for Concrete, the values in Table (A) shall be suitably
“For the definition of the compressive strength of concrete refer to Clause” Shrinkage
For the applicability of the curves for the shrinkage coefficient k 1 appropriate for the relative
humidities applicable in Cambodia refer to clause C5.6.1.7. Creep
For the applicability of the curves for the creep factor coefficient k2 appropriate for the
relative humidities applicable in Cambodia refer to clause C5.6.1.8.
“Reinforcing bars, steel hard drawn wires and welded wire fabric to the ASTM
Standards may be also used follows:
“The AUSTROADS Code provision for design of concrete are based on main
reinforcement deformed bars with yield strength of 400 MPa; refer to Table
Reinforcement of higher yield strengths may be sometimes available. Currently the use
of such reinforcing bars is not fully covered by this Code, unless they are used on the
basis of fsy = 400 MPa.
“Cement complying with ASTM C150 Standard Specification for Portland Cement
Type I would also be acceptable.”
“The ASTM C618 Standard Specification for coal Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined
Natural Pozzolan for Use as a Mineral Admixture in Concrete is the nearest
(d) Slag.
“The ASTM C989 Standard Specification for Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag
for Use in Concrete and Mortars is the nearest ASTM equivalent.”
The ASTM C 1240 Standard specification for Silica Fume for Use as a Mineral
Admixture in Hydraulic Cement, Concrete, Mortar and Grout is the nearest
“(f) Aggregates”
“(g) Water”
“Cement shall comply with AS 3972 alone or in combination with one or more
cementitious materials.”
“AS 3582.1 Supplementary Cementitious Materials for use with Portland and
Blended Cement - Fly Ash
AS 3582.2 Supplementary Cementitious Materials for use with Portland and
Blended Cement - Ground Granulated Iron Blast Furnace Slag
AS 3582.3 Supplementary Cementitious Materials for use with Portland and
Blended Cement - Silica Fume
ASTM A615 Standard Specification for Deformed and Plain Billet Steel Bars for
Concrete Reinforcement
ASTM A185 Standard Specification for Steel Welded Wire Fabric, Plain, for
Concrete Reinforcement
ASTM A82 Standard Specification for Steel Wire, Plain, for Concrete
ASTM 416-96 Standard Specification for Steel Strand, Uncoated Seven-Wire for
Prestressed Concrete
ASTM A722-97 Standard Specification for Uncoated High-Strength Steel Bar for
Prestressing Concrete.
ASTM A882/A882M-96 Standard Specification for Epoxy-Coated Seven-Wire
Prestressing Steel Strand.
ASTM A886/A886M -96 Standard specification for Steel Strand, Indented, Seven-Wire
Stress-Relieved for Prestressed Concrete.
ASTM C150 Standard Specification for Portland Cement Type I would also be
ASTM C595M Standard Specification for Blended Hydraulic Cements (Metric)
ASTM C618 Standard Specification for coal Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural
Pozzolan for Use as a Mineral Admixture in Concrete
ASTM C989 Standard Specification for Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag
for Use in Concrete and Mortars
ASTM C1240 Standard specification for Silica Fume for Use as a Mineral Admixture in
Hydraulic Cement, Concrete, Mortar and Grout
ASTM C33 Standard Specification for Concrete Aggregates
ASTM C494 Standard Specification for Chemical Admixtures in Concrete
ASTM C260 Standard Specification for Air-entraining Admixtures of Concrete
ASTM C1017 Standard Specification for Chemical Admixtures for Use in Producing
Flowing Concrete.”
AS 1314
6.2 Materials
6.2.1 Yield Stress and Tensile Stress used in Design.
Add the following new Article after
The revised Table 6.2.1 includes nearest, but not exact, equivalent ASTM Standards
and Grades. An exact equivalent is not possible to specify as there is sometimes none
available or because part of the standard complies, but other part may not (eg the
range of thicknesses).
In critical cases both standards (AS and ASTM) should be compared and the
designer should establish the full compatibility of the ASTM Standard for the intended
6.2.4 Fasteners
The Australian Standard AS 1285 referred to in the text has been withdrawn.
“In instances where it is considered necessary for a bridge to be designed for fire
resistance (for example, railway underbridges near railway stations) the relevant
policies of the Authority shall be observed and specialist literature on the design for
fire resistance shall be consulted.”
There are no amendments to Section 7.