Diffuse Injury FIx

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Pembimbing :
dr. Erie B.P.S Andar, SpBS, PAK
Classification of Head Injury
Diffuse Injuries

Diffuse injuries form a continuum of brain damage

caused by increasing amounts of acceleration –
deceleration injury to the brain
Is the most common type of head injury
Diffuse Injury

1. A mild concussion
• is an injury in which consciousness is preserved but
there is a noticeable degree of temporary
neurological dysfunction
• The mildest form of concussion results in confusion
and disorientation without amnesia  completely
reversible and is not associated with any major
• A slightly greater injury causes confusion with both
retrograde and anterograde amnesia ( before and
after injury)
2. A classical cerebral concussion

• is an injury that results in loss of consciousness.

Always is accompanied by some degree of
posttraumatic amnesia and the length of amnesia
is a good measure of the severity of the injury

• The loss of consciousness is transient and

3. Diffuse axonal injury (DAI)

• is the term used to explain prolonged post

traumatic coma that is not due to a mass lesion or
ischemic insult.
• They often demonstrate evidence of decortication
or decerebration ( motor posturing) and often
remain severely disabled if they survive.
• Often exhibit autonomic dysfunction such as
hypertension, hyperhidrosis and hyperpyrexia and
previously thought to have primary brainstem
Phase of Acute Head Injury

• Acute head injury is a progressive process

Primary head injury

Secondary head injury

Primary Head Injury

• Caused by the mechanical deformation of brain

tissue and blood vessel at the moment of injury
• Disruption at macroscopis and microscopis level
• Evolve hours or days through a series of interrelated
biochemical and metabolic changes, inflammatory
reactions and progressive structural damages to
neurones, glia, and cerebral vasculature
Secondary head injury

Refers to delayed effect of events initiated by the


Systemic events occuring after injury that have the

potential to add to the damage to neurones, axons,
and the cerebral vasculature
Biomechanics of Head Injury
a. Impact Injury
 Direct effects that contact has on the head
 Direct impact to the cranium results in local
distortion and propagation of stress waves from
the area of impact through succesively deeper
layers of the cranium
 Degree of distortion of the determined by the
velocity of impact
 Ussualy involves energy of high magnitude acting
directly on the skull for a short duration (approx
b. Inertial Injury (contre coup)
direct impact can result in movement of the skull
and the brain in direction away from the impacting
 Brain legs behind the skull because of its inertia and
and surrounded by CSF
 Effects of relative movement between the skull and
the brain
Computed tomography classification of head injury by the
Traumatic Coma Data
Diffuse Injury Clasification on
Histological Appearance
1. Diffuse Injury Grade I
Abnormalities are limited to histological evidence of
axonal damage, throughout the white matter without
focal concentration in either the corpus calosum or in
the brain stem
2 Diffuse Injury grade II
Wider distribution of axonal injury accompanying a
larger focus of axonal damage in the corpus callosum
3. Diffuse Injury Grade III
diffuse damage to axons associated with larger foci of
axonal damage in both corpus calosum and brain stem
MANAGEMENT ?????????
Surgery for ICP control

When the conservative measures has failed

The two basic approaches are either resection of
brain parenchyma or removal of a portion of the

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