Assignment II
Assignment II
Assignment II
Subject: Non Conventional Energy Sources Course: III & IV B. Tech/ II Sem Year: 2019-20
1. Explain with a neat sketch the working of a wind energy systems(WECS) with main
2. What are the advantages of vertical axis machines over horizontal type?
3. Explain with neat sketch, wind energy conversion systems and classify wind mills.
4. What is a power coefficient tip speed ratio and solidity of WECS? Explain the relation
between these parameters.
5. Derive the expression for power coefficient of wind mills. Plot the power coefficient
Vs speed ratio.
6. How are Gasifiers classified? What is Pyrolysis?
7. What are the reactions phases taking place in a digester? Mention the various factors
affecting the generation of bio-gas.
8. What are the advantages and disadvantages of bio-mass energy? Explain the process of
anaerobic digestion.
9. What are the biomass conversion technologies? Draw a schematic diagram to explain
various conversion technologies and products.
10. Classify biogas plant and explain anyone type of biogas plant with neat sketch
11. Discuss briefly the types of bio-gas plant. How bio-energy may be useful for rural
application. Justify your answer.
12. Draw a neat Diagram and Explain Working of a KVIC design of a biogas digester? Advantages
and diadvatges.
1. Explain with neat sketches the various methods of Tidal power generation .What are the
limitations of each method
2. Explain the closed cycle OTEC System, with its advantages over open cycle system
3. What are the main types of OTEC power plants? Explain their working in Brief?
4. What are the different types of geothermal resources? How does harnessing of
geothermal energy work? Explain.
5. What are the different types of wells in geothermal energy? How they are used?
6. What are the advantages and limitations of small scale hydro-electric power generation
7. What are the civil works design considerations for mini-hydel power plants?
8. Classify the different types of hydro power plants and justify which type is used in peak