Acoustic Report
Acoustic Report
Acoustic Report
REPORT REF: 14163-002 Revision A (replaces report 14163-002 dated August 2014)
Appendix B: Drawings Showing Equipment Location & Direction To Nearest Residential Locations
Philip Acoustics has been commissioned to assess noise and vibration associated with a proposed new air
conditioning unit to be installed at 14C Pembridge Crescent, Notting Hill, London W11 3DU. The assessment
considers Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea’s planning consent acoustic requirements.
Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea’s planning consent acoustic requirements are broadly that noise from
equipment shall be attenuated as necessary so to not increase the lowest measured existing background
noise level to outside nearest residential properties and that equipment be supported on proprietary vibration
isolator mountings.
As the noise requirement is dependent upon existing background noise levels, then a noise survey has been
carried out adjacent to nearest residential properties to establish lowest existing background noise levels
during the full range of proposed operational times of the new equipment.
Based on acoustic calculations using equipment manufacturer’s noise data, the overall noise level due the air
conditioning unit (without any noise reduction treatment fitted) is calculated to exceed Royal Borough of
Kensington & Chelsea’s noise requirement. Noise attenuation treatment is required to the equipment to
reduce noise levels to comply with Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea’s noise requirement
Philip Acoustics recommends the required noise reduction can be achieved by fitting an acoustic louver
enclosure around the air conditioning unit. Full specification details of the recommended noise reduction
treatment are provided in Section 6 of the report.
Location of the new equipment is not structurally linked to any adjacent residential properties and therefore
there will be no potential for any structure-borne vibration from the equipment to transfer to adjacent
residential properties. Nevertheless, it is anticipated the equipment will be installed using vibration isolators as
good practice and to anyhow protect residents within the building itself at 14C Pembridge Crescent.
A new air conditioning unit is proposed to be installed at 14C Pembridge Crescent, Notting Hill, London W11
It is anticipated that as part of the planning process for the new air conditioning unit, the Local Planning
Authority (Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea) will require information in the form of an acoustic report
regarding noise and vibration from the proposed equipment in order to seek to protect the amenity of residents
in the vicinity with regard to possible noise and vibration emissions from the equipment.
Philip Acoustics has therefore been commissioned to provide an acoustic assessment for the equipment.
This report presents results of the assessment and includes:
Confirmation of Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea’s planning consent acoustic requirements;
Review of any noise/vibration control treatments necessary to ensure compliance with the planning
consent requirements of Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea.
Note this Revision A acoustic report replaces Philip Acoustics’ previous report reference 14163-002 dated
August 2014 and is required because the proposed location for the new equipment has changed.
Supplementary Planning Document (SPD): Noise Adopted May 2009 supporting the Royal Borough of
Kensington & Chelsea Local Development Framework (LDF) covers in detail noise issues relating to a wide
range of noise and vibration related planning scenarios including of proposed new mechanical services
Section 6: Noise Generating Development and Section 7: Vibration includes advice and acoustic related
planning requirements specifically for new mechanical services equipment (building services plant).
2.1 Noise
Paragraph 6.1 of Section 6: Noise Generating Development advises that building services plant and
equipment will be subject to the imposition of the following condition (shown below), where it is considered
appropriate to protect residential amenity:
“Noise emitted by external building services plant and equipment shall not increase the
existing concurrent measured lowest LA90(15min) background noise level at any time
when the plant is operating. The noise emitted shall be measured or predicted at 1.0m
from the façade of the nearest residential window or at 1.2m above any adjacent
residential garden, terrace, balcony or patio. The plant and equipment shall be
serviced regularly in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions and as necessary to
ensure that the requirements of the condition are maintained.”
Paragraph 6.1 also advises that the actual wording of the above condition may change to reflect the
specific site circumstances. Notwithstanding this, it is the author’s experience that most sites similar to
that at 14C Pembridge Crescent with a proposed new air conditioning unit, and granted planning consent
by Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea, have the above condition applied without alteration to the
In addition, Paragraph 6.2 of Section 6: Noise Generating Development includes reference to noise
assessment procedures and guidance contained within British Standard BS4142:1997 “Method for rating
industrial noise affecting mixed residential and industrial areas”.
Paragraph 6.2 advises that when a “…new noise source does not attract the +5dB correction of para 8 of
BS4142 the Rating Level shall be 10dBA below the measured background noise level L A90, where the new
source would attract the +5dB correction the difference shall be -15dB……”.
The noise assessment procedures and guidance contained within British Standard BS4142 are quite
technically complex. However in simple terms by referencing BS4142, Paragraph 6.2 requires that if noise
from the equipment does not produce strong tonal elements or have other very noticeable noise
characteristics (such as impulses etc.) then noise from the equipment shall be no higher than 10dBA below
the background level, whereas if the noise from the equipment is expected to have strong tonal elements or
other very noticeable noise characteristics then noise from the equipment shall be no higher than 15dBA
below the background level.
It is the author’s experience and professional opinion that the type of relatively small domestic use air
conditioning unit as proposed at 14C Pembridge Crescent and subject to this noise assessment (see Section
4), generates a typically broadband type of noise (i.e. without any strong tonal or intermittent characteristics
sufficient to attract attention). Therefore in accordance with Paragraph 6.2 it is considered that the proposed
new equipment at 14C Pembridge Crescent shall be no higher than 10dBA below the lowest background level
in order to comply with the planning consent requirements of Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea.
2.2 Vibration
Paragraph 7.8 of Section 7: Vibration advises that building services plant and equipment shall be supported
on proprietary anti-vibration mounts and that any permission granted will normally contain a condition
necessary to control plant vibration as follows:
In order to assess noise from the proposed new equipment against Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea’s
planning consent noise requirement it is necessary to establish lowest background noise levels outside the
nearest residential premises. Details of the background noise survey carried out by Philip Acoustics are
provided in Sections 3.1 to 3.3.
3.1 Instrumentation
Details of the noise survey instrumentation used are provided in Appendix A. The sound level meter was
calibrated before and after the survey measurements using the UKAS certified calibrator.
Although the proposed air conditioning unit would likely only tend to operate during the daytime and evening
periods, as it will serve a residential property then it will potentially operate at any time over 24 hours.
Therefore the survey was carried out over at least a full 24 hour period to obtain background noise levels
during the entire range of possible times of operation for the unit.
The noise survey was carried out over a 24 hour period from 29 July 2014 to 30 July 2014; the weather
included dry and calm conditions during the survey daytime and night-time periods.
It is noted there is on-going construction activity at the site and associated noise from this could have
potentially contaminated part of the daytime noise survey results, however the assessment uses lowest (night-
time) background noise levels not affected by any construction works.
The client has proposed to install the new air conditioning unit externally at roof level of the building; unit to be
installed behind a C-shape brick enclosure.
Nearest non-associated, noise sensitive (residential) locations to the proposed unit position are:
Location 1: Residential property at 14B Pembridge Crescent approximately 10m from proposed unit
Location 2: Residential property at 14 Pembridge Crescent approximately 13m from proposed unit
Proposed unit position plus direction to the nearest noise sensitive locations as described above are shown on
a marked up drawings in Appendix B.
The background noise measurement location was selected to the rear of the site boundary, directly adjacent
to neighbouring residential properties, selected as being representative of both nearest residential locations.
The survey was carried out using an extension pole and microphone extension lead arrangement to obtain
levels representative of outside windows of the neighbouring properties.
3.3 Measurement Results
Existing background noise levels in the vicinity are relatively low principally due to noise from occasional traffic
along Pembridge Crescent.
A graph showing full raw data background noise level measurements over the entire survey period is provided
in Appendix C. The lowest measured background noise level and corresponding noise requirement are
shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Lowest measured background noise level and corresponding noise limit requirement
A copy of available manufacturer’s noise data for the proposed unit is provided in Appendix D. The proposed
air conditioning unit is a relatively small modern domestic type unit with only modest noise output. Summary
of noise data for the unit in terms of overall free-field dBA sound pressure level at 1m is shown in Table 2.
The client has advised that during the night-time period the unit will be operating in ‘setback’ mode which (as
advised by Daikin) has slightly lower noise output of approximately 2-3dB, however for the purpose of this
noise assessment it is cautiously taken that the unit operates in ‘normal’ mode all of the time and therefore is
“worse case”.
Table 2: Equipment noise level (based on manufacturer’s noise data – ‘normal’ mode)
To calculate noise contributions from the air conditioning unit to outside nearest non-associated residential
windows a spreadsheet noise model has been used. The model takes account of distance between the unit
location and residential windows, acoustic directivity, acoustic reflections and any natural acoustic screening.
The noise model also takes account of noise reduction due to a proposed acoustic enclosure to the Daikin air
conditioning unit as specified in Section 6 of the report. Acoustic calculation details are provided in Appendix
Summary overall calculated noise levels from the proposed equipment to outside the nearest non-associated
windows at both locations: 14B Pembridge Crescent (Location 1) and 14 Pembridge Crescent (Location 2)
compared with Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea’s planning consent noise requirement (based on 24
hour equipment operation) are shown in Table 3. The acoustic calculations are considered extremely cautious
for the following reasons:
The calculation assumes the unit is operating in ‘normal’ mode all of the time (when operating in night
‘setback’ mode levels will be 2 to 3 dB lower);
The calculation assumes the unit is operating constantly all of the time. In practice this type of air
conditioning unit operates “on demand” and even when providing significant cooling during the middle of
a hot day / night tend to operate only 60 to 70% of the time. It is extremely unlikely that the air
conditioning unit would operate constantly for a full 60 minute period;
The noise limit used for the assessment is cautiously based on the lowest measured background noise
level over the complete noise survey period which occurs during the very middle of the night.
Background noise levels for most of the time are much higher and correspondingly for these times any
equipment noise would be significantly lower than noise limits applicable to these times based on the
background noise during these times.
Table 3: Equipment noise at nearest residential locations compared with noise limit
Table 3 shows that noise from the proposed unit with the specified noise reduction treatment applied (see
Section 6) complies with Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea’s planning consent noise requirement. At
this level, any noise from the air conditioning unit will be significantly below lowest existing background levels
and be subjectively very low such that it would not be expected to give rise to any audible noise or complaint
from adjacent residential occupiers.
Location of the new equipment is not structurally linked to any adjacent residential properties and therefore
there will be no potential for any structure-borne vibration from the equipment to transfer to adjacent
residential properties. Nevertheless, it is anticipated the equipment will be installed using vibration isolators as
good practice and to anyhow protect residents within the building itself at 14C Pembridge Crescent.
Note that Philip Acoustics Ltd can only advise on acoustic issues and therefore it is recommended that
professional advice from others may need to be sought to confirm suitability of noise reduction treatment
including acoustic louvers etc. with regard to non-acoustic issues such as airflow ventilation to the air
conditioning condenser, access for maintenance, structural and any visual requirements (e.g. colour of
In order to comply with Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea’s noise requirement it is recommended that
the proposed C-shape brick wall screening around the unit is upgraded incorporating an acoustic louver front
panel and solid roof to form a full “acoustic” enclosure.
A concept detail for the recommended acoustic enclosure is indicated on a marked up section drawing and
sketch in Appendix F.
Calculation of noise levels with the recommended acoustic enclosure is provided in Appendix E and confirms
that with the acoustic treatment applied, noise from the equipment complies with Royal Borough of Kensington
& Chelsea’s noise requirement.
It is anticipated that the proposed C-shape brick wall screen is to be at least as high as the air conditioning
unit, therefore the louvered front panel should be of the same height. The louver would typically be secured in
place by brackets/channels fixed to the proposed screen walls and/or supported by suitably designed
The recommended minimum performance requirement for the acoustic louver is shown in Table 4.
The acoustic louver in Table 4 is based on a proprietary 150mm deep type acoustic louver available from
Allaway Acoustics. A technical data sheet for the acoustic louver and details of possible acoustic hardware
companies who could supply the specified types of acoustic louver are provided in Appendix G.
It is anticipated the acoustic louver forming the enclosure may need to be demountable to enable maintenance
access to the condenser unit. This would be achieved typically by using easy release acoustic louvered
access panels (as opposed to acoustic louver doors which are much more costly).
Top of the unit acoustic enclosure need not be acoustic louvers; this could be formed by a normal “lean to”
pitched timber lid or roof with felt covering or similar, constructed from minimum 18mm ply or similar
thickness/density material.
Rion sound level meter type NL-31 Class 1 serial number 00903983 plus Rion microphone type UC-53A serial
number 317502 complete with weatherproof and lockable outdoor environmental kit, microphone extension lead
and extension boom arrangement;
Bruel & Kjaer calibrator type 4231 serial number 2642929 (UKAS certified).
Acoustic Calculations
Consultants in Noise and Vibration
ASSESSMENT POSITION: Location 1 - To outside nearest residential windows at 14B Pembridge Crescent.
NOISE MITIGATION: With acoustic enclosure fitted to the proposed unit location (as per Section 6 of report
14163-002 Revision A)
Equipment Sound Attenuation Correction Distance to Correction for Correction for Correction Individual
Pressure Level for noise assesment distance to line of sight for acoustic Contributions
Note 1: Free-field overall dBA sound pressure level at 1m based on manufacturer noise data.
Note 2: Specified acoustic louvre reduces equipment noise by differing amounts at different frequencies; the equivalent overall dBA
noise level reduction for the specified acoustic enclosure is -11dB.
Note 4: Distance is from center of sound source (Air Conditioning Unit location) to outside center of nearest residential windows.
Note 5: Distance correction for point source sound radiation within hemispherical flat reflecting plane.
Note 6: Line of sight acoustic screening between unit location and nearest residential windows due to location of the unit plus
orientation and elevations of the building, cautiously only allowed maximum -5dB screening loss.
Note 7: Air Conditioning unit is located in non free-field conditions, cautiously allow +9dB correction to account for noise reflections off
surrounding vertical surfaces.
NOISE MITIGATION: With acoustic enclosure fitted to the proposed unit location (as per Section 6 of report
14163-002 Revision A)
Equipment Sound Attenuation Correction Distance to Correction for Correction for Correction Individual
Pressure Level for noise assesment distance to line of sight for acoustic Contributions
Note 1: Free-field overall dBA sound pressure level at 1m based on manufacturer noise data.
Note 2: Specified acoustic louvre reduces equipment noise by differing amounts at different frequencies; the equivalent overall dBA
noise level reduction for the specified acoustic enclosure is -11dB.
Note 4: Distance is from center of sound source (Air Conditioning Unit location) to outside center of nearest residential windows.
Note 5: Distance correction for point source sound radiation within hemispherical flat reflecting plane.
Note 6: Line of sight acoustic screening between unit location and nearest residential windows due to location of the unit plus
orientation and elevations of the building, cautiously only allowed maximum -5dB screening loss.
Note 7: Air Conditioning unit is located in non free-field conditions, cautiously allow +9dB correction to account for noise reflections off
surrounding vertical surfaces.
SOUND REDUCTION INDEX B.S. 2750/3-1980 ( ISO 140/3 -1978 )
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
OLD POLICE STATION, 1 QUEENS ROAD, HERTFORD, HERTS SG14 1EN. TEL : 01992 550825 FAX : 01992 554982