Knee Osteoarthritis in A Chestnut Farmer - Case

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Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine 2017, Vol 24, No 1, 148–150 ORIGINAL ARTICLE

Knee osteoarthritis in a chestnut farmer – Case

Stefano Mattioli1, Francesca Graziosi1, Stefania Curti1, Roberta Bonfiglioli1, Antonio Argentino1,2,
Francesco Saverio Violante1
Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences, University of Bologna, Italy
School of Occupational Medicine, Italy
Mattioli S, Graziosi F, Curti S, Bonfiglioli R, Argentino A, Violante F.S. Knee osteoarthritis in a chestnut farmer – Case Report. Ann Agric Environ
Med. 2017; 24(1): 148–150. doi: 10.5604/12321966.1233903

Introduction. Several studies have dealt with the issue of professional risk factors and onset of knee osteoarthritis (OA). In
particular, occupational epidemiological studies have provided evidence that activities resulting in biomechanical overload
may be linked with an increased risk of knee OA – also among farmers. To our knowledge, no cases of knee OA among
chestnut farmers have been reported in the literature.
Case report. We report the case of a 70-year-old Caucasian male who has worked for more than 50 years on a chestnut
farm. In 2007, an X-ray and a MRI, performed after a workplace accident to his left knee, showed the presence of knee OA.
His job required a range of repetitive tasks, such as squatting, kneeling, climbing, walking on sloping terrain, assuming
uncomfortable postures, and lifting and carrying heavy loads for the great majority of the working day. All the aforementioned
tasks are known occupational risk factors for knee OA. Regarding individual risk factors, at the time of the first diagnosis of
knee OA, the worker was 64-years-old with a body mass index of 26.5 kg/m2. He reported no cases of arthritis among his
relatives and no sports playing on his part. In addition, his medical history revealed the presence of two minor lumbar disc
herniations and tendinitis of the long head of the biceps.
Conclusion. Considering the lack of major individual risk factors for knee OA, it is reasonable to suppose that five decades
of exposure to biomechanical overload as a chestnut farmer was a relevant risk factor for the onset of the disease.
Key words
knee osteoarthritis, chestnut farmer, agricultural workers’ diseases, occupational exposure, biomechanical overload

INTRODUCTION to contribute to the onset or aggravation of knee OA [2].

In particular, several studies showed an increased risk of
Osteoarthritis (OA) is a painful chronic joint disease that developing knee OA among farm workers [3, 4, 5, 6].
can induce some changes to the joints, such as articular We report a case of knee OA in a chestnut farmer along
cartilage loss, synovial inflammation, subchondral bone and with the biomechanical risk analysis of the tasks performed
meniscal damage, muscle weakness, ligamentous laxity, and in this occupation.
osteophyte development. When this disease affects the knees
(i.e. gonarthrosis or OA of the knee), the most commonly
affected joint compartments are the medial tibiofemoral CASE REPORT
and the patellofemoral [1]. Knee OA can cause significant
disability and impaired quality of life, and its development We present the case of a 70-year-old Caucasian male who
can have an impact on patients’ capacity to undertake daily has worked for more than 50 years on a chestnut (Castanea
activities, including their ability to work [2]. sativa) farm, located in the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines on
With regard to individual risk factors, women and older a sloping terrain with an area of 10 hectares, 1,350 trees and
people have an increased risk of developing this pathology. a production per year of about 15 tons.
There is also evidence for the existence of ethnic differences, In 2007, the farmer had a work accident in his left knee
with higher rates in black and Chinese people than in white while he was descending from a ladder. A month later, he
people [1]. Obesity and joint injury – in particular anterior reported to the emergency department where an X-ray
cruciate ligament and meniscal injuries in people who play showed the presence of knee OA. At that time, his body
sports – are other important and modifiable risk factors; mass index was 26.5 kg/m2.
obesity and knee malalignment (varus for medial knee Two months later, a new exacerbation of the left knee
and valgus for lateral knee osteoarthritis) can promote pain led him to return to the emergency department where
progression of the pathology [1]. a Magnetic Resonance Imagining (MRI) performed in his
As regards occupational risk factors, there is reasonably left knee excluded acute lesions, but showed severe knee OA.
good evidence that occupational activities involving squatting On the basis of this clinical situation, an orthopedic surgeon
and kneeling for substantial parts of the working day, regular indicated the need for arthroscopic lavage with lateral release,
heavy lifting, climbing, and high physical workload are likely also suggesting the need to undergo arthroplasty. At the end
of 2007, the arthroscopic lateral release of the left knee was
Address for correspondence: Antonio Argentino, Department of Medical and
Surgical Sciences, University of Bologna, Italy performed. In 2009, an X-ray showed signs of bilateral knee
E-mail:[email protected] OA. Figures 1–3 show the X-ray of his left knee performed in
Received: 29 July 2015; accepted: 26 September 2016; first published on January 2017 2011. At the beginning of 2014, he underwent arthroplasty
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine 2017, Vol 24, No 1 149
Stefano Mattioli, Francesca Graziosi, Stefania Curti, Roberta Bonfiglioli, Antonio Argentino, Francesco Saverio Violante. Knee osteoarthritis in a chestnut farmer – Case Report

of the left knee. In early 2010, the patient was examined in

our operative unit. His medical history revealed the presence
of other musculoskeletal disorders due to biomechanical
overload: lumbar disc disease (two minor lumbar herniation
in L4-L5 and L5-S1 with some lumbosacral bulging,
highlighted by an MRI in 2010) and tendonitis of the long
head of the biceps in his left shoulder (shown by a medical
ultrasonography in 2008).

Assessment of potential biomechanical risk factors. The job

evaluation included an interview to determine the worker’s
tasks and their frequency and duration. Observations were
performed for each task in order to identify any physical
stresses. Of note, different specific duties are required in
each season.
In winter the chestnut farmer prunes and chops the tree
branches using a 4 kg chainsaw for more than 8 hours a day.
Then, he manually removes the branches and clears the fern
undergrowth with a shoulder strap blower (10 kg weight),
which he uses also for nearly 8 hours a day. He prunes 10
trees per day with an average of about 45–60 minutes per
tree. The most frequent tasks performed in this period (i.e.
November – March) are those related to climbing ladders for a
part of the day, with the back bent forward (30°). Hand-wrist
flexion/extension movements, gripping and working with
the elbows raised above the shoulders, are also carried out.
In spring (specifically in April), the main task is manual
plant grafting, which involves climbing ladders and holding
heavy loads, such as a chainsaw for part of the working day.
During this period, the tasks require frequent hand gripping Figure 1. 2011 Left knee X-ray, anterior-posterior projection: severe tibiofemoral
and working with the elbows raised above the shoulders. The knee OA: joint space narrowing with osteophytes, in particular in the medial
number of manual plant grafts is about 40–50 per day; every
graft requires not more than 15 minutes.
In summer (May – September), he clears undergrowth;
this job requires standing, walking and leaning on a sloping
terrain, frequent trunk rotation, holding heavy loads, hand
gripping and hand-wrist flexion-extension.
In autumn, the most important and frequent task is
hand-harvesting by ground pick-up. This activity includes
transporting bags of the collected chestnuts to storage, walking
up-and-down a sloping terrain for about 500–600 metres. In
particular, this job is performed in October for 8–10 hours
a day. Approximately 4–6 bags are to be filled and carried
daily, corresponding to a total of 130–150 kg handled per day.
Kneeling, squatting and back bent forward (30°), together
with upper limb repetitive movements (especially hand-wrist
flexion-extension, hand gripping and pinching), are performed
for a large part of the working day. Of note, the job also requires
lifting and carrying heavy loads on a sloping terrain.


The patient’s occupation may have played a role in

the development of knee OA, since during 5 decades of
employment as a chestnut farmer, he performed multiple
tasks that exposed him to biomechanical overload of the
Briefly, a chestnut farmer’s job requires a range of repetitive
tasks, such as squatting, kneeling, climbing ladders, walking
on a sloping terrain, assuming uncomfortable postures, and
lifting and carrying heavy loads for the great majority of the Figure 2. 2011 Left knee X-ray, lateral projection: severe patellofemoral knee OA:
working day. joint space narrowing and lateralisation of the patella
150 Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine 2017, Vol 24, No 1
Stefano Mattioli, Francesca Graziosi, Stefania Curti, Roberta Bonfiglioli, Antonio Argentino, Francesco Saverio Violante. Knee osteoarthritis in a chestnut farmer – Case Report

Occupational epidemiological studies provide evidence that

activities such as squatting, kneeling, climbing, lifting and
physical workload may be linked with an increased risk of
knee OA. All the aforementioned activities were performed
by our patient during his long-lasting working life as a
chestnut farmer.
Considering these aspects, together with the lack of major
individual risk factors for knee OA, it is reasonable to suppose
that chestnut farm work could be considered as a relevant
risk factor for the onset of the disease.


Written informed consent was obtained from the patient

for publication of this Case Report. A copy of the written
consent is available for review by the Editor of this journal.

List of abbreviations
MRI: Magnetic Resonance Imagining
OA: Osteoarthritis

Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Authors’ contributions
SM collected the clinical data and formulated the etiological
hypothesis. SM drafted the manuscript together with SC and
AA. FG performed the exposure assessment and collected the
Figure 3. 2011 Left knee X-ray, axial projection: lateralisation of the patella exposure data. All authors participated in the interpretation
of the data. FG, RB and FSV performed critical revision of
All the aforementioned tasks are well-known occupational the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final
risk factors, as reported by Palmer in a systematic review manuscript.
regarding the contribution of occupational activities in the
development of knee OA [2]. Palmer concluded that there is Acknowledgments
reasonably good evidence to connect work activity and knee The authors express their thanks to their radiologist colleague,
OA and – more specifically – that this evidence is stronger Dr Valentina Arrighi, for her invaluable support.
with regard to squatting / kneeling, lifting and physical
workload, somewhat weaker for climbing and somewhat
against an important effect caused by standing or walking REFERENCES
[2]. McWilliams et  al. conducted a meta-analysis on the
same topic, highlighting that occupational activities such 1. Bennell KL, Hunter DJ, Hinman RS. Management of osteoarthritis of
the knee. BMJ. 2012; 345:e4934.
as kneeling, squatting, lifting/carrying, climbing stairs and 2. Palmer KT. Occupational activities and osteoarthritis of the knee. Br
knee bending/straining, gave positive risks for knee OA [7]. Med Bull. 2012;102:147–70.
In contrast, the analyses also pointed out that standing work 3. Walker-Bone K, Palmer KT. Musculoskeletal disorders in farmers and
was not a risk factors for knee OA. farm workers. Occup Med (Lond). 2002; 52(8):441–50.
Regarding the presented case study, it should be underlined 4. Kirkhorn S, Greenlee RT, Reeser JC. The epidemiology of agriculture-
related osteoarthritis and its impact on occupational disability. WMJ.
that individual risk factors (such as age and excess weight) 2003; 102(7):38–44.
may have also contributed, at least in part, to the onset of 5. Franklin J, Ingvarsson T, Englund M, Lohmander S. Association
this pathology: diagnosis of knee OA was performed for between occupation and knee and hip replacement due to osteoarthritis:
the first time in 2007, when the worker was 64-years-old a case-control study. Arthritis Res Ther. 2010; 12(3):R102.
6. Mattioli S, Gori D, Di Gregori V, Ricotta L, Baldasseroni A, Farioli
and was slightly overweight according to the World Health A et al. PubMed search strings for the study of agricultural workers’
Organization (WHO) cut-off point of 25 kg/m2 [8]. No family diseases. Am J Ind Med. 2013; 56(12):1473–81.
history of OA or sport-related injuries resulted from his 7. McWilliams DF, Leeb BF, Muthuri SG, Doherty M, Zhang W.
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8. World Health Organization (WHO). Global Database on Body
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CONCLUSIONS jsp?introPage=intro_3.html. Accessed 28 April 2015.

To our knowledge, no other cases of knee OA among

chestnut farmers were previously reported in the literature.

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