Knee Osteoarthritis in A Chestnut Farmer - Case
Knee Osteoarthritis in A Chestnut Farmer - Case
Knee Osteoarthritis in A Chestnut Farmer - Case
Introduction. Several studies have dealt with the issue of professional risk factors and onset of knee osteoarthritis (OA). In
particular, occupational epidemiological studies have provided evidence that activities resulting in biomechanical overload
may be linked with an increased risk of knee OA – also among farmers. To our knowledge, no cases of knee OA among
chestnut farmers have been reported in the literature.
Case report. We report the case of a 70-year-old Caucasian male who has worked for more than 50 years on a chestnut
farm. In 2007, an X-ray and a MRI, performed after a workplace accident to his left knee, showed the presence of knee OA.
His job required a range of repetitive tasks, such as squatting, kneeling, climbing, walking on sloping terrain, assuming
uncomfortable postures, and lifting and carrying heavy loads for the great majority of the working day. All the aforementioned
tasks are known occupational risk factors for knee OA. Regarding individual risk factors, at the time of the first diagnosis of
knee OA, the worker was 64-years-old with a body mass index of 26.5 kg/m2. He reported no cases of arthritis among his
relatives and no sports playing on his part. In addition, his medical history revealed the presence of two minor lumbar disc
herniations and tendinitis of the long head of the biceps.
Conclusion. Considering the lack of major individual risk factors for knee OA, it is reasonable to suppose that five decades
of exposure to biomechanical overload as a chestnut farmer was a relevant risk factor for the onset of the disease.
Key words
knee osteoarthritis, chestnut farmer, agricultural workers’ diseases, occupational exposure, biomechanical overload
List of abbreviations
MRI: Magnetic Resonance Imagining
OA: Osteoarthritis
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Authors’ contributions
SM collected the clinical data and formulated the etiological
hypothesis. SM drafted the manuscript together with SC and
AA. FG performed the exposure assessment and collected the
Figure 3. 2011 Left knee X-ray, axial projection: lateralisation of the patella exposure data. All authors participated in the interpretation
of the data. FG, RB and FSV performed critical revision of
All the aforementioned tasks are well-known occupational the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final
risk factors, as reported by Palmer in a systematic review manuscript.
regarding the contribution of occupational activities in the
development of knee OA [2]. Palmer concluded that there is Acknowledgments
reasonably good evidence to connect work activity and knee The authors express their thanks to their radiologist colleague,
OA and – more specifically – that this evidence is stronger Dr Valentina Arrighi, for her invaluable support.
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CONCLUSIONS jsp?introPage=intro_3.html. Accessed 28 April 2015.