Production Quality and Acceptance of Tempeh and WH
Production Quality and Acceptance of Tempeh and WH
Production Quality and Acceptance of Tempeh and WH
Production, Quality, and Acceptance of Tempeh and
White Bean Tempeh Burgers
Rayane J. Vital 1 ID , Priscila Z. Bassinello 2, * ID , Quédma A. Cruz 3 , Rosângela N. Carvalho 4 ,
Júlia C. M. de Paiva 5 and Aline O. Colombo 6
1 Faculty of Nutrition, Paulista University—UNIP, Goiânia 74845-090b, GO, Brazil;
[email protected]
2 Department of Food Science, Embrapa Arroz e Feijão, Santo Antonio de Goiás 75375-000, GO, Brazil
3 Food Engineering School, Goias Federal University—UFG, Goiânia 74690-900, GO, Brazil;
[email protected]
4 Grain and Byproducts Laboratory, Embrapa Arroz e Feijão, Santo Antonio de Goiás 75375-000, GO, Brazil;
[email protected]
5 Food Science and Technology School, Paulista University—UNIP, Goiânia 74845-090, GO, Brazil;
[email protected]
6 Graduate Program on Food Science and Technology, Goias Federal University—UFG, Goiânia 74690-900,
GO, Brazil; [email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +55-62-35332186
Received: 7 June 2018; Accepted: 25 August 2018; Published: 30 August 2018
Abstract: The food industry has been challenged to develop new healthy food products. Tempeh,
originating in Indonesia and produced by fungal fermentation, would be an alternative healthy
food for the Brazilian population. This study was designed to produce white bean (cv BRS Ártico)
tempeh burger, to determine and compare its nutritional and sensory properties with conventional
soybean-based tempeh burger. The production and the analyses of proximal composition and
microbiological contamination were determined in the tempeh, following reference methods. For the
sensory analysis, a nine-point hedonic scale test was performed with 82 untrained evaluators, and at
the end, a question of purchase intent was answered. The results indicated significant differences
in the nutritional value of the tempehs, which is justified by the difference in the composition of
the raw materials used. The samples did not present a risk of microbiological contamination for
consumption. The white bean tempeh burgers showed similar appearance and crispy consistency,
but received lower scores for flavor, compared to the soybean burgers, probably due to their residual
beany flavor. The beany flavor could be minimized by increasing the cooking time of the beans.
White bean tempeh can be a good alternative for healthy eating, and its manufacture could promote
the production of new products made from beans, giving a new focus to the Brazilians’ traditional
food. It is still necessary to improve the techniques of production and test new ingredients for the
preparation of tempeh burgers to obtain higher acceptability.
Keywords: tempeh; Phaseolus vulgaris L.; nutritional value; sensory analysis; Glycine max L.
1. Introduction
The food industry has targeted healthy and diversified food for the development of new products
in the market all over the world. The fermented food is one example of recent products demanded by a
considerable population group whose interest in variability and new foods with functional, nutritional,
and tasty attributes has increased lately [1]. Tempeh is a traditional Indonesian food, produced by
fermentation of soybeans using Rhizopus species, having nutritional qualities and metabolic regulation
functions [2]. It can also be produced from other substrates, such as beans, corn, rice, lentils, and barley.
Brazil, being one of the largest producers, consumers and holders of technologies for bean production,
could engage in this promising field by encouraging research on beans [3].
Phaseolus vulgaris L. (common beans) is one of the primary sources of protein and one of the
essential foods for the Brazilian population. It presents an average protein content of 28% and has
all the essential amino acids in its composition; it is rich in lysine, but limiting in sulfur amino
acids—methionine and cysteine [4]. Although there is a regional preference for a specific type of beans,
those from the Carioca group are the 16 most cultivated in Brazil, representing 70% of the national
consumption, cultivar Pérola being the most consumed [5]. There is also a growing potential for types
of beans with different characteristics of color, shape, and size, attracting gourmet gastronomy for
different culinary preparations and in the food industry, not only as the traditional cooked beans [6].
Fermentation of leguminous seeds as beans has several advantages, since it reduces non-nutritional
factors, improves nutrient digestibility, reduces allergenicity, activates antioxidant activity, and the
concentration of phenolic compounds can be increased during the fermentation process, in addition to
being associated with the reduction of chronic diseases risk. Therefore, there is a growing interest in
promoting the production of fermented leguminous seeds [7].
The 68th United Nations General Assembly declared 2016 the International Year of Pulses to
raise public awareness of the nutritional benefits, sustainable production, food security, nutrition,
creating an opportunity to encourage better utilization of plant proteins, crop rotation and the trade of
“pulses” [8]. In this context, there are countries in Africa and Asia, such as Indonesia and India, where
tempeh, due to its nutritional and sensory properties and versatility in the preparation in pure form
or as an ingredient in a number of other food preparations (hamburgers—“green meat”, vegetarian
products, lyophilized or roasted tempeh flour for biscuits), has been stimulated in public policies,
as an alternative in the multimixtures to fight the malnutrition of deprived populations, especially in
mothers and children undergoing weaning [9].
The objective of this work was to develop tempeh and tempeh burgers from white beans (cv
BRS Arctic) without tegument by solid fermentation and to compare their nutritional and sensorial
characteristics with conventional soybean tempeh burgers.
Foods media
2018, were inoculated in a laminar flow chamber and incubated in an oven at 30 °C for 48
7, 136 3 ofh.
The medium presenting the best fungus development was chosen for inoculum preparation.
culture media were inoculated in a laminar flow chamber and incubated in an oven at 30 ◦ C for 48 h.
2.4. Spore Counting
The medium presenting the best fungus development was chosen for inoculum preparation.
Spore counts were performed using the Neubauer chamber (Global Trade, Double Improved—
2.4. 020; Counting
Hatfield, PA) where 0.2 mL of the suspension was homogenized and transferred to a test
tube Spore
and 0.6counts
ml of 0.2%
weretrypan blue dyeusing
performed was added. A 0.5 mL chamber
the Neubauer aliquot was then placed
(Global Trade,on Double
a cover
plate for spore counting
Improved—BSN underPA)
020; Hatfield, thewhere
0.2 mL For calculation
of the of was
suspension number of cells/mL,
homogenized andEquation (1)
was used:
to a test tube and 0.6 ml of 0.2% trypan blue dye was added. A 0.5 mL aliquot was then placed
on a coverNumber
plate forofspore
cells/mL = (totalunder
counting number
the of cells × dilution
microscope. For factor × 10,000)/number
calculation ofcells/mL,
of number of
Equation (1) was used: quadrants counted
Number of cells/mL = (total number of cells × dilution factor × 10,000)/number of quadrants counted (1)
2.5. Inoculum Preparation
2.5. Inoculum Preparation
For the production of the flour inoculum, 100 g of type 1 rice were grounded and sieved on a
BERTEL vibrating
For ®the sieveof
production (Caieiras,
the flourSP, Brazil) using
inoculum, 100 g200of mesh
type 1sieves. The grounded
rice were flour was placed in glass
and sieved on
BERTEL with ® metal sieve
vibrating lid, sterilized,
(Caieiras, and cooledusing
SP, Brazil) at room200 temperature.
mesh sieves. Twenty
The flour milliliters
was placed of thein
glass was inoculated
containers with metalinto lid,each vesseland
sterilized, andcooled
incubated in an
at room oven at 30 °C
temperature. for 5 milliliters
Twenty days. After of this
period, thewas
inoculum containers
each vessel andand
used for up toin30an
incubated days.
oven at 30 ◦ C for 5 days. After this
period, the containers were refrigerated and used for up to 30 days.
2.6. Tempeh Production
2.6. Tempeh Production
Tempehs were prepared following the methodology used by Starzynska-Janiszewska et al. [11].
Two Tempehs
hundredwere grams of beans
prepared were cleaned
following in running water,
the methodology used by submerged in 1000 mL of et
Starzynska-Janiszewska sterilized
al. [11].
Two at room temperature
grams for hydration/maceration
of beans were cleaned in running water, withsubmerged
the addition of 20
in 1000 mLmL of commercial
of sterilized water
alcohol vinegar containing acetic acid (5%) for 20 h. For the removal of surface water, beans were
at room temperature for hydration/maceration with the addition of 20 mL of commercial alcohol
dried oncontaining
vinegar paper towels at room
acetic temperature
acid (5%) for 20 h.and Forthethetegument
removal removed
of surfacemanually.
water, beans Heatwere
was performed by conditioning the beans in beakers capped with laminated paper, autoclaving them
on paper towels at room temperature and the tegument removed manually. Heat treatment was
for 15 min at 121 °C, and then draining them and cooling at room temperature. After those
performed by conditioning the beans in beakers capped with laminated paper, autoclaving them for
15 min at 121beans C, andwere
drainingin polyethylene
them and cooling bagsatand
room inoculated
20 g those
of theprocedures,
previously produced with rice flour and strain of Rhizopus oligosporus. The bags were sealed and
beans were placed in polyethylene bags and inoculated with 20 g of the inoculum previously small
with were made
flour andwith a fork
strain to allowoligosporus.
of Rhizopus the contactThe of bags
the fungus with oxygen.
were sealed and small Finally,
holes beans were
were made
with a fork in an oven
to allow the at 30 °Cofand
contact visuallywith
the fungus monitored to follow
oxygen. Finally, up were
beans on the development
incubated of the
in an oven at
◦ C and visually monitored to follow up on the development of the mycelium (about 30 h) (Figure 1).
mycelium (about 30 h) (Figure 1).
in a Soxhlet apparatus using ethyl ether as solvent; the total nitrogen content was obtained by the
micro-Kjeldahl method using the factor 6.25 for conversion into protein; the total dietary fiber was
analyzed by the gravimetric-enzymatic method established by AOAC 2005 [13] and adapted by
Embrapa Agroindústria de Alimentos [14], and the carbohydrate content was calculated by difference,
as provided by the Resolution of the Collegiate Board of Directors (RDC) No. 360, December 2, 200,315
by Equation (2):
The energy value of the product was estimated using Atwater conversion factors of 4 kcal/g for
protein and carbohydrate and 9 kcal/g for lipid [15].
Ingredients Amount
Salt 2g
Pepper 2g
Dehydrated onion 3g
Dehydrated garlic 3g
Dehydrated parsley 4g
Dehydrated green onions 4g
Olive oil 50 mL
test. The sensorial analysis was carried out in the Food Technology Laboratory at the Metropolitan
College of Anápolis, GO and in the Experimental Kitchen Laboratory at Embrapa Rice and Beans
Research Center, Santo Antônio de Goiás, GO. The laboratories have sensory booths for analysis,
as well as adequate lighting and kitchen support.
Two samples were made available, the first one being of white bean tempeh and the second of
soybean tempeh. A questionnaire was distributed along with a glass of water and samples served in
disposable dishes. The project was submitted to the evaluation and approval of the Research Ethics
Committee of the Federal University of Goiás under protocol No. 60631116.6.0000.5083.
From the data obtained, it can be observed that results for the three microorganisms studied were
within the standards established by RDC No. 12, which includes values for Colony-Forming Units
(CFU) in fermented foods, thus proving that there was no significant growth of typical colonies
of bacteria that could affect the microbiological quality of the product, making tempeh safe for
consumption. Autoclaving and acidification of the medium, steps used in this study, are useful
techniques to control tempeh contaminating agents, but it is worth mentioning that good manufacturing
practices also contribute to the absence of pathogenic bacteria, as well as storage conditions.
Table 3. Proximal composition * and calories content of white bean and soybean tempehs.
Identification Moisture (%) Ash (g/100 g) Lipid (g/100 g) Protein (g/100 g) CHO (g/100 g) Kcal/100 g
White bean a a b b a
3.94 ± 0.10 2.40 ± 0.08 1.29 ± 0.04 23.34 ± 0.21 55.45 326.77 b
2.57 ± 0.12 b 2.03 ± 0.01 b 24.88 ± 0.30 a 43.74 ± 0.28 a 10.39 b 440.44 a
* Means from three determinations ± standard deviation followed by the same lowercase letter in the same column
do not differ by the t-test at 5% significance (p < 0.05).
Foods 2018, 7, 136 6 of 9
It is important to emphasize the significant difference observed in the lipid analyses, where the
soybean tempeh presented 24.88 g/100 g, while that of white bean 1.29 g/100 g, and this difference
impacts and explains the significantly different caloric values of both tempehs. The white bean tempeh
sample showed fewer calories because of the lower lipid and intermediate protein contents compared
to the soybean tempeh. According to Astuti et al. [18], the protein content of soybean tempehs and
soybeans are practically the same. Due to the action of the protease enzyme produced by the fungus
during fermentation, the soluble protein content increases markedly. The soluble nitrogen content in
unfermented soybeans is 3.5 mg/g, compared to 8.7 mg/g in tempehs. Beans are an excellent food,
providing essential nutrients, such as iron and calcium, carbohydrates, and fibers. They are the primary
source of protein for the Brazilian low-income population, but the digestibility of these proteins is
relatively low. According to Mesquita et al. (2007), the protein value of the white bean tempeh does
not increase significantly after fermentation, and the value here was 23.34 g/100 g [19]. However,
it is reported in the literature that Rhizopus uses amino acids as a source of nitrogen for its growth.
This might suggest that the total amino acid content decreases, but free amino acids increase, making
white bean tempeh protein probably more digestible than cooked beans.
Identification Soluble Dietary Fiber (g/100 g) Insoluble Dietary Fiber (g/100 g) Total Dietary Fiber (g/100 g)
White bean Tempeh 4.11 a 13.40 b 17.52 a
Soybean Tempeh 2.18 a 16.80 a 18.96 a
* Same lowercase letters in the same column do not differ by the t-test at 5% significance (p < 0.05).
According to FAO/WHO, an adult individual needs about 25 grams of fiber per day, which makes
tempeh products interesting for fiber supply, and they may also act in the control of intestinal transit
and the treatment of comorbidities such as obesity.
4. Sensory Analysis
Hamburgers of both tempehs presented a firm and consistent shape, similar appearance, pleasant
odor, a brownish crust and a certain degree of crunchiness (Figure 2).
For appearance, 68.29% of the participants liked the white bean tempeh burger, and 23.17% liked
it very much. Not very dissenting results were obtained for the soy burger, where 74.39% of the
participants reported liking the appearance of the product, and 28% liked it very much. Among these,
16 evaluators disliked the white bean tempeh hamburger and eight, the soy one. The aesthetic parameter
is one of the central questions taken into account by the consumer when assessing the safety of food,
which incorporates a different concept of food safety, taking into account technical concepts such as
odor, nutritional value, and appearance. The appearance of the tempeh burgers was considered to be
nice, resembling chicken burgers.
For flavor, 47.56% of the participants reported liking the white bean tempeh burger, with only
6% of the individuals showing a great liking for the product; a very different result for the soy
tempeh hamburger, where 68.29% liked the product at different intensities, and 24.39% showed great
liking. Of the total participants, 34.15% disliked the white bean tempeh burger and 20.73% the soy
one. This can be explained by the fact that the aroma of the bean is not part of the olfactory memory
linked to the aroma of hamburgers. When one imagines or visualizes a food, the aroma, and the
flavor are automatically sought in the subconscious, and when one tastes it one expects an aroma that
is already similar to the known [20]. The storage conditions of the beans and even the ready-made
tempeh may have resulted in the loss of quality causing the off flavor due to the oxidation of the beans’
* Same lowercase letters in the same column do not differ by the t-test at 5% significance (p < 0.05).
According to FAO/WHO, an adult individual needs about 25 grams of fiber per day, which
makes tempeh products interesting for fiber supply, and they may also act in the control of intestinal
transit and the treatment of comorbidities such as obesity.
Foods 2018, 7, 136 7 of 9
4. Sensory Analysis
unsaturated fatty acids. tempehs
of bothThe presented
unpleasant tastea and
and consistent shape, similar
in the soy products appearance,
are attributed pleasant
to the action
odor, a brownish crust and a certain degree of crunchiness (Figure 2).
of lipoxygenase enzymes, which form hydroperoxides from polyunsaturated fatty acids [21].
Figure 2.
2. White bean tempeh
White bean tempeh burger.
For flavor evaluation, 39.02% of the participants said they liked the white bean tempeh burger,
and 53% liked the soy one. Of the total participants, 35 of them disliked the white bean tempeh burger,
and only 17 disliked the soybean. The same considerations regarding aroma are applied to flavor
since this attribute is a mixture of olfactory, gustatory, and tactile sensations. There were reports of the
presence of a residual flavor in both burgers. The remaining taste in the mouth sometime after the food
has been swallowed seems to be more noticeable in the white bean burger. The autoxidation of the
fatty acids present in the soybean generates several classes of volatile compounds, which contribute to
the residual taste of ‘green grass’. One hypothesis for the low acceptance of the soy and white bean
tempeh burgers would be their manufacturing process, which had a shorter cooking time compared to
soybeans and home-cooked beans. The overall impression (Table 5) depicts a collection of prejudged
elements that define the appraiser’s appreciation of the product as a whole. In this case, the soy tempeh
burger obtained higher scores than the white bean tempeh one, presenting a higher performance in
all attributes.
Table 5. Overall scores of the sensorial analysis of white bean and soybean tempeh burgers *.
In general, the soybean burger had a higher average score for all attributes, but there was no
significant difference in appearance, demonstrating that both burgers were similar. Figure 3 shows
that the buying intention for the soy tempeh burger was higher than that for the white bean tempeh
burger, which is consistent with the attributes previously analyzed.
Burgers can be one of several options for the use of tempeh. The low purchase intent may be
associated with the fact that the consumers connect the hamburger with characteristics of succulence,
meat flavor, frying smell, and darker color. Shurtleff et al. [22], in the mid-1980s, mentioned that
soybean burgers were used in campaigns in Europe to promote the consumption of soy-based products
as a beef substitute and as a healthy food. When faced with the bean samples, the expectation created
for the consumption of this food is dissolved by the difference from traditional hamburgers.
Foods 2018, 7, 136 8 of 9
Foods 2018, 7, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 10
20 22
15 18 18
14 15
10 13
5 8
Soybean Tempeh Burger White Bean Tempeh Burger
Figure 3. 3.Purchase
intention for thetempeh
forthe burger.
tempeh burger.
Burgers can be one of several options for the use of tempeh. The low purchase intent may be
5. Conclusions
associated with the fact that the consumers connect the hamburger with characteristics of succulence,
Whitemeat flavor, frying smell, and darker color. Shurtleff et al. [22], in the mid-1980s, mentioned that
bean tempeh is an innovative food; it has good nutritional value, with a considerable
soybean burgers were used in campaigns in Europe to promote the consumption of soy-based
amount ofproducts
protein;asmay be substitute
a beef an alternative
and asand eventually
a healthy an option
food. When faced for
withmeat, and samples,
the bean can be consumed
the by
vegetarians expectation created for theItconsumption
and sympathizers. of thiscontent
also has a high food is dissolved by the difference
of carbohydrates, from traditional
calories, and a good source
of fibers, being an excellent product for energy intake, and if inserted in a balanced diet, it may act as
intestinal regulator. The soybean tempeh burger showed higher scores in all attributes evaluated in the
5. Conclusions
sensory analysis, demonstrating the need for further research to either improve tempeh production
White bean tempeh is an innovative food; it has good nutritional value, with a considerable
and to use other ingredients for the preparation of hamburgers or other tempeh products
of protein; may be an alternative and eventually an option for meat, and can be consumed
to providebygreater acceptance
vegetarians of this new
and sympathizers. It alsoproduct. White of
has a high content bean tempeh could
carbohydrates, beand
calories, a good
a goodalternative
for healthysource of fibers,
eating, being
but its an excellent product
recommendation for energy
should intake, on
be based andscientific
if inserted studies
in a balanced
which diet,demonstrate
its beneficial act as intestinal regulator.
Continuous The soybean
scientific tempeh is
research burger showed to
necessary higher scores beneficial
identify in all attributes
evaluated in the sensory analysis, demonstrating the need for further research to either improve
their mechanisms of action, function, nutritional aspects. The production of legume-based tempeh
tempeh production techniques and to use other ingredients for the preparation of hamburgers or other
can promote the creation of newgreater
tempeh products to provide products madeoffrom
acceptance common
this new product. beans,
White beangivingtempehancould
be a to the
traditionalgood alternative
Brazilian food.for healthy eating, but its recommendation should be based on scientific studies
Finally, wedemonstrate
believe that its beneficial
this study effects.
hasContinuous scientificsocial
some potential researchandis necessary
economic to impacts
identify such as
beneficial components, their mechanisms of action, function, nutritional aspects. The production of
the contribution to the advancement of scientific knowledge regarding the pioneering process of
legume-based tempeh can promote the creation of new products made from common beans, giving
manufacturing tempeh
an alternative to in
the Brazil; it Brazilian
traditional gives nutritionists
food. the opportunity to explore the versatility of
common beans Finally, we believe thatimproves
in gastronomy; this study hasthesome
beanpotential social and
production economic
chain as wellimpacts
as such as the farmer’s
the small
techniques, contribution
and givestothem the advancement of scientific
the opportunity knowledge
to explore regarding
different common the pioneering process of
bean cultivars.
manufacturing tempeh in Brazil; it gives nutritionists the opportunity to explore the versatility of
common beans in gastronomy; improves the bean production chain as well as the small farmer’s
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, P.Z.B.; Methodology, A.O.C.; Formal Analysis, R.J.V. and Q.A.C.;
Investigation, and gives
P.Z.B. and them
R.J.V.; the opportunity
Resources, P.Z.B.toand
explore different
R.N.C.; Datacommon bean R.J.V.;
Curation, cultivars.
Writing-Original Draft
Preparation, R.J.V.; Writing-Review & Editing, P.Z.B. and J.C.M.d.P.; Visualization, P.Z.B.; Supervision, P.Z.B. and
Authors Contribution: Conceptualization, P.Z.B.; Methodology, A.O.C.; Formal Analysis, R.J.V. and Q.A.C.;
A.O.C.; Project Administration, P.Z.B.; Funding Acquisition, P.Z.B.
Investigation, P.Z.B. and R.J.V.; Resources, P.Z.B. and R.N.C.; Data Curation, R.J.V.; Writing-Original Draft
Preparation, R.J.V.; Writing-Review & Editing, P.Z.B. and J.C.M.d.P.; Visualization, P.Z.B.; Supervision, P.Z.B.
Funding: This research
and A.O.C.; wasAdministration,
Project funded by Embrapa and Acquisition,
P.Z.B.; Funding by a CNPqP.Z.B.
Acknowledgments: The authors thank the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq),
Embrapa Rice and Beans Research Center for the scientific/financial support and the Grain and Byproducts
Laboratory together with its staff and the Metropolitan College of Anápolis-GO.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.
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