Validation Instrument
Validation Instrument
Validation Instrument
Direction: This tool asks for your evaluation of the questionnaire to be used in
the data gathering for the investigation stated above, to establish its validity. You
are requested to give your honest assessment using the criteria stated below;
please check only one from the selection.
5 4 3 2 1
Item Content Analysis
1. The items are focused on a single problem.
2. The items meet the specified Mathematical skills.
3. Over specific knowledge is avoided.
4. The items emphasize higher level of thinking.
5. The item is not based on opinion.
Problem Solving Performance Test Analysis
6. The directions are clearly stated and that wording
lets the examinee know exactly what is being asked.
7. The problems are clearly stated and logical.
8. The problems are neither too easy nor too difficult.
9. The problems has the capability to measure the
different Mathematical skills within a given timeframe.
10. The number of problems presented are enough for
the understanding of Grade 10 students.
11. The problems included in the test are relevant to the
needs of the students.
12. The problems provided are adequate coverage of
the topics in the syllabus.
Overall Test Content Analysis
13. The test measures the Mathematical skills acquired
by Grade 10 students.
14. The test is comprehensive enough for the purpose
of the study.
15. The language level used is appropriate for the
16. The level of difficulty is appropriate for the students.
Signature over Printed Name of the Validator
Appendix E
The Results of the Instrument Validation by the Experts
Average Mean