Hari: Selasa Tarikh 8.1.2019

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Hari: Selasa Tarikh 8.1.


Masa Standard Pembelajaran Aktiviti EMK/IMPAK

7.45-8.45 1.生活中的小发明 1.老师吩咐学生朗读课本第 2 EMK
RBT 4.3.1 面。 科学
6J 学习成果:学生能够确定材料 2.老师说明材料的特性
的特质 3.老师要求学生讨论,人类是否 道德价值
应该减少使用聚氯乙烯制品? 环保
11.15-12.15 Unit 1 Love Yourself 1.Teacher guide students to read EMK
4U 2.2.2 a, 2.3.1 b the article in page 4 textbook. Health
English Objective: Students will be able 2.Students underline the words
to answer questions base on that they do not know the Moral value
articles correctly meaning of. Love yourself
3. Teacher explain the words.
4. Students discuss the answer of
the questions with their friends.
5. Students write down the
answer in their activity book.
12.15-1.15 Unit 1 All About Feelings 1.Teacher instruct pupils to read EMK
6K 2.2.4, 2.2.2 a the words in red of page 3 Technology
English Objective: Pupils will be able to 2. Students use dictionary to find
use dictionary to find out the out the meaning of the words Moral value
meaning of the red words in under teacher’s guidance. Rationale
textbook. 3. Students share out the
meaning of the words with their
4. Teacher make correction to the
meaning of the words.
5. Students write down the
meaning of the words in their
activity book.
Hari: Rabu Tarikh: 9.1.2019

Masa Standard Pembelajaran Aktiviti EMK/IMPAK

8.15-9.15 Unit 1 All About Feeling 1. Teacher instruct students to EMK
English 2.2.3, 2.2.2. 3.2.1 read the passage in page 4. Technology
6J Objective: Students can 2. Students read the passage in
construct an i-think map based page 4. Moral value
on the information given. 3. Students discuss in group on Rationale
how to make an I think map base
on the information given
4. Teacher give guidance to
5. Students write down the map
in their I think map paper.

Year 2K
Time: 11.15-12.15pm
Content standard: 1.1
Learning standard: 1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with support a range of high frequency target language

Objective: Students can identify the activities done by different individual and draw the activities that each
of them.

1. Prelesson: Teacher let students listen to an audio clip

2. Lesson development:
Students listen to the audio clip and teacher repeat it again.
Students guess the activities done by each individual in the audio clip.

Post lesson: Students write down the name of the individuals in the audio clip and draw the activities done
by them in each column respectively.
Hari: Khamis Tarikh: 10.1.2019

Masa Standard Pembelajaran Aktiviti EMK/IMPAK

8.15-9.15 模组 1 1.老师展示一架电脑的图片。 EMK
RBT 电脑世界 2.学生猜一猜电脑部件的名字。 科技
4U 1.0 认识电脑及其功能 3.学生说明电脑部件的功能。
1.1.说明电脑的含义 4.老师引导学生把正确电脑部件 道德价值观
学习成果:学生能够说明电脑 的功能说出来。 珍惜
部件的名称和功能 5.学生把电脑部件的功能与名字
11.15-11.45 Unit 1 All About Feelings 1.Teacher instruct students to EMK
English 3.2.3, 3.1.1 read the grammar tips in page 5. Technology
6J Objective: Students can identify 2.Students discuss in group about
and correct the punctuation. the usage of each punctuation Moral Value
mark. Respect.
3.Students try to correct the
wrong punctuation mark in page
5.Teacher discuss with students
about the correct answer of
11.45-12.15 Unit 1 Feel Good About Yourself 1.Teacher instruct students to EMK
English 3.2.3, 2.2.2, 3.1.1 read the instruction on how to Art
5K Objective: Students able to use use speech mark correctly.
speech marks correctly 2.Students think out some other Moral Value
example of usage of speech mark. Respect.
3.Students tell their friends about
what they’ve thought.
4.Students practice to correct the
wrong answer in textbook.
12.15-12.45 Unit 1 Love Yourself. 1.Students read the dialogue in EMK
English 3.1.2, 3.3.1, 2.2.2 page 5. Health
4U Objective: Students able to fill 2.Students discuss with their
in the blank base on the empty friend about the rational respond Moral Value
space in textbook. of the dialogue in page 5 Love yourself.
3. Students write down the
correct answer in exercise book.
Hari: Jumaat 11.1.2019

Masa Standard Pembelajaran Aktiviti EMK/IMPAK

8.15-8.45 Unit 1 Love Yourself 1.Teacher guide students to read EMK
English 2.2.2 a, 2.3.1 b the article in page 4 textbook. Health
4U Objective: Students will be able 2.Students underline the words
to answer questions base on that they do not know the Moral value
articles correctly meaning of. Love yourself
3. Teacher explain the words.
4. Students discuss the answer of
the questions with their friends.
5. Students write down the
answer in their activity book.
8.45-9.45 Unit 1 Feel Good About Yourself 1.Teacher instruct students to EMK
English 3.2.3, 2.2.2, 3.1.1 read the instruction on how to Art
5K Objective: Students able to use use speech mark correctly.
speech marks correctly 2.Students think out some other Moral Value
example of usage of speech mark. Respect.
3.Students tell their friends about
what they’ve thought.
4.Students practice to correct the
wrong answer in textbook.
11.15-12.15 Unit 1 All About Feelings 1.Teacher instruct students to EMK
English 3.2.3, 3.1.1 read the grammar tips in page 5. Technology
6J Objective: Students can identify 2.Students discuss in group about
and correct the punctuation. the usage of each punctuation Moral Value
mark. Respect.
3.Students try to correct the
wrong punctuation mark in page
5.Teacher discuss with students
about the correct answer of
Hari: Isnin Tarikh: 14.1.2019


11.15- Unit 1: Reading: A Window to the 1. Teacher greets the pupils and get the EMK:
11.45 World pupils to respond. Talk/ask about pupils Language
BI 1.1.2 Able to listen to and respond activities within their surrounding. Thinking Skills
6J confidently to a given stimulus by 2. Displays two conversation and ask
using appropriate words, phrases and pupils to talk about the dialogues HOT/ITHINK:
expressions with the correct stress and they’ve read. Circle map
intonation. 3. Pupils read the dialogue in the
textbook Thinking process:
4. In pairs, asks pupils to talk about their Cause and Effect
favourite story and teacher guides them
try to give their reasons.
12.15- Unit 1: Our Community 1. Talk about the picture in textbook EMK:
12.45 Content Standard:: 1.1, 1.3 page 1 Creative and
BI Learning Standard: 1.1.4, 1.3.1 (a) 2. Classroom discussion. In group, innovative
4U Objective: discuss the picture and practice the
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be dialogue Moral Values:
able to: 3. Individual work. Write about what Respectful,
1. Talk about related topics with they can see and buy at the stationery awareness.
guidance. shop.
2. Listen to and demonstrate
understanding of oral texts.
12.45-1.45 Unit 1 Feel Good About Yourself 1. Show students the related textbook EMK
BI 1.1.3 Able to listen to and respond to a page. Respectful
5K given stimulus by using appropriate 2. Students read textbook page 4 and
words, phrases and expressions with understand the story. Moral Values
guidance. 3. Teacher explain the words that Trust in yourself
students do not know.
Objective: Students able to give the 4. Students discuss the answer to the
correct stimulus when teacher ask questions.
them questions related to the topic. 5. Teacher guide students to answer the


Content Standard:
Reading 3.1 Recognise words in linear and non-linear texts by using knowledge of sounds and letters

Learning Standard:
Reading 3.1.1 Identify, recognise and name the letters of the alphabet.

By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
1. To present and practise vocabulary for days of the week.

1. Prelesson: Hold up each flascard in turn and in sequence. Say the word for students to repeat in chorus.
2. Lesson development:
Hold up each flashcard for students to say the word in chorus.
Write Days of the week in the middle of the board and stick the flascards around it to make a word map.
3. Post lesson: Teacher revise the lesson with pupils.

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