Hari: Selasa Tarikh 8.1.2019
Hari: Selasa Tarikh 8.1.2019
Hari: Selasa Tarikh 8.1.2019
Year 2K
Time: 11.15-12.15pm
Content standard: 1.1
Learning standard: 1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with support a range of high frequency target language
Objective: Students can identify the activities done by different individual and draw the activities that each
of them.
1. Prelesson: Teacher let students listen to an audio clip
2. Lesson development:
Students listen to the audio clip and teacher repeat it again.
Students guess the activities done by each individual in the audio clip.
Post lesson: Students write down the name of the individuals in the audio clip and draw the activities done
by them in each column respectively.
Hari: Khamis Tarikh: 10.1.2019
Content Standard:
Reading 3.1 Recognise words in linear and non-linear texts by using knowledge of sounds and letters
Learning Standard:
Reading 3.1.1 Identify, recognise and name the letters of the alphabet.
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
1. To present and practise vocabulary for days of the week.
1. Prelesson: Hold up each flascard in turn and in sequence. Say the word for students to repeat in chorus.
2. Lesson development:
Hold up each flashcard for students to say the word in chorus.
Write Days of the week in the middle of the board and stick the flascards around it to make a word map.
3. Post lesson: Teacher revise the lesson with pupils.