Ehh Programme End Report A1
Ehh Programme End Report A1
Ehh Programme End Report A1
The natural environment contributes significantly to people’s health through the quality of air we
breathe, the food we eat and the water we drink. On the one hand, it offers health enhancing economic
and recreational opportunities, while on the other, it is threatened by activities such as transport,
industrial processes, agricultural and waste management practices. Environmental pollutants and
potentially pathogenic organisms can harm people’s health through a series of complex transport and
exposure pathways. These are areas of growing public and government interest and this is reflected in
UK and international priorities: for example in the Environment Research Funders’ Forum, the EU,
the World Health Organisation (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, 2005), and International Year of
Planet Earth 2006 (Earth & Health theme).
Prior to SR2004, the members of the Environment Research Funders’ Forum (ERFF) identified
Environment and Human Health (E&HH) as one of its priority areas for research investment and joint
working. In an effort to advance that interest, NERC undertook a number of consultation exercises
(e.g. a web consultation; bilateral meetings with stakeholders; and an open, jointly organised, town
meeting) to further scope the research needs. A synthesis of these activities can be found in a report on
the NERC website. This document highlights the science priorities identified through the consultation
activities. The consultation identified four broad areas: pathogens and pollutants (particles and
chemicals), the pathways these follow through the environment, and their interactions with people.
The Environment and Human Health (E&HH) Programme was formulated as an outcome of these
consultations and will address the fundamental question of ‘How do we effectively manage the
natural environment to improve human health?’ In attempting to solve this problem, a
multidisciplinary research approach will be needed in order to address issues such as:
• the effect of global environmental change on vector-borne diseases and parasites;
• the survival and persistence of pathogens;
• the characteristics of particles (including nanomaterials) that impact on human health;
• the toxicity of mixtures of chemicals, particularly at low levels; and
• long-term low level exposure to toxins.
A significant conclusion of the consultation exercises was that, in order to successfully tackle the
research priorities identified, we must first facilitate collaborations among scientists that have
traditionally not worked closely together. Consequently, the focus of the E&HH Programme, in its
first phase, is on capacity building (see Annex A): we will be supporting inter-disciplinary activities
such as:
• proof of concept studies or exploratory awards;
• workshops/networks;
• working groups;
• “discipline hopping” opportunities to encourage career development for young scientists.
The outcomes of the E&HH Programme will inform development of more effective policy and
practice to improve human health and increase scientific knowledge regarding environment and
human health issues. It will also create working relationships between academics of different
disciplines; these relationships can be built on in the anticipated second phase of the E&HH
Aims & Objectives
The E&HH Programme aims to develop multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary capacity in order to
resolve environmental problems that involve human health issues. The primary objective of the E&HH
Programme is to gain a better understanding of how we interact with our natural environment and
what the consequences will be for sustainability of environmental goods and human health. This goal
requires that we have the necessary multidisciplinary capacity capable of responding in an
interdisciplinary way to resolve problems that are intrinsically interfacial in character. By effectively
identifying and interconnecting the interdisciplinary elements we will see the emergence of new ways
of solving problems in what, at present, are seemingly unrelated areas of environment and human
In this first phase of the Programme, we are investing predominantly in capacity building activities as
described above. Further details on the different types of mechanisms can be found in Annex A.
Science Plan
We live in a highly complex world where living systems are strongly interdependent, often in ways
which continue to surprise us. Environmental impacts by both natural events and man-made
interventions are a fact of life; and developing the capacity to minimise these impacts and their harmful
consequences for biological resources, ecosystems and human health is a daunting task for
environmental (and other) legislators and regulators.
Complicated issues are involved in evaluating environmental risk, such as the effects of the physico-
chemical interactions on the speciation and uptake of pollutant chemicals, inherent inter-individual and
inter-species differences in vulnerability to toxicity, the emergent toxicity of complex chemical
mixtures, and knowledge of reservoirs of microbial pathogens as well as factors governing infectious
viability. Effectively linking the impact of environmental change, through the various hierarchical
levels of biological and social organisation in order to understand the interactions between natural and
social systems, requires a pragmatic integrated approach. Initially, this can be based on existing
information that can be used to test for causal linkages, starting with driving forces (economic sectors,
human activities) through pressures (emissions, waste) to states (physical, chemical and biological) and
impacts on ecosystems and human health. This would eventually lead to recommendations for political
responses (prioritisation, target setting, indicators).
While the health of the UK, and other parts of the world, has improved considerably over the last three
decades, there remains considerable social and spatial difference in ill health distribution. Causal
factors have been identified that explain much of this difference for certain diseases (e.g. high
cholesterol and insufficient exercise for coronary heart disease). A significant proportion, however, of
this difference in health burden remains unexplained; environmental factors are likely to be
significant. For example, we are only beginning to appreciate the possible impact of changes in the
climate and global environment on ecosystems and health.
Relevant exposure results from pathways through air, soil, and water and from chemical and
microbiological residues in food. How exposed populations respond to these stressors in both the short
and long term will depend on both the degree of exposure and on individual factors such as socio-
economic and nutritional status, age, genes, gender and behavioural aspects that influence avoidance
or risk-accepting attitudes. Attempts at mitigating these adverse impacts on human health are often
undertaken through risk-based regulation. However, the many levels of uncertainty associated with
risk-based regulation contribute to public concern about how policy is both formulated and
Many human pathogens have reservoirs in the environment or are transmitted between humans by
animal vectors or through animal intermediate hosts. Better control of human pathogens requires an
understanding of their ecology in the environment. It is also important to try to anticipate new
emerging diseases, a problem that is likely to become acute with climate and global change, and
increasing globalisation with its concomitant rapid transfer of people and products throughout the
Humans have altered and will continue to alter their environment, while remaining dependant upon
ecosystems as resources of food, water and materials (e.g., timber, biofuels etc.). Such alterations are a
result of combinations of physical, biological and socio-economic factors. However, evaluation and
management of the resultant impacts on ecosystems and human health has generally been undertaken
as largely separate activities, under the auspices of different disciplines with no obvious interaction.
Hence, many of our perceptions of the relationships between the natural environment and human
health are very limited, and still relatively unexplored. Consequently, these limitations have resulted in
a knowledge-gap for those seeking to develop effective policies for sustainable use of resources and
environmental and human health protection.
In attempting to fill these knowledge-gaps our understanding of the functioning of the biosphere and
our connections with it must be adequate in order to inform policy and decision-making processes.
Unravelling the complex network of interactions is a prerequisite if we are to develop a practical
predictive capability to forecast how environmental change impacts on linkages between natural
systems, social systems and human health. While such predictive capability must remain a major
longer-term scientific goal, the scope of the first phase of the E&HH Programme will be, of necessity,
more pragmatic and focus on capacity-building and exploratory research.
Transport and dynamics of micro-organisms of human health importance in the natural environment
• response of microbial transfers to environmental change
• science based issues of scaling up from the local site to the catchment or appropriate policy level
• gene flow (e.g. involving antibiotic resistance) through the microbial horizontal gene pool
• harnessing a systems biology approach to help understand complex processes in the soil microbial
environment where indirect impacts on human health may result in terms of surface water quality
or bathing water quality
• interactions of micro-organisms and pollutants
• integration and quantification of risks to humans through both environmental and other pathways
• the risks of organic agriculture (including trans-national transport of pathogens) through different
approaches to crop and animal production
Transport and dynamics of both chemicals and particles of different sizes and compositions in the
natural environment that are of human health importance
• assessment of exposure and bioavailability from various physical (soil, water, air, food) and
behavioural pathways through different routes (e.g. developing and using effective biomarkers) to
better inform toxicology, epidemiology and human risk assessment
• active features of particles that cause problems, e.g. surface properties, size and composition
• interactive effects of mixtures of chemicals in the environment and the impact on human health,
exploiting sensitive analytical and molecular techniques
• chronic low level exposures to toxins, leading to human health effects including trans-
generational toxicity (genetic and epigenetic) and other long term outcomes
• inter-individual susceptibility to environmental factors and interactions (e.g. toxicity), including
genetic make up, particularly with respect to susceptible groups such as foetus, children, elderly,
and those with ill health or receiving medication; including the extent to which these differences
may be socially structured
• effect of changes in the environment (e.g. climate change, land use change) on human health;
regulatory changes leading to land use change and impacts of changes on the pollution profile and
nutrient depletion
• soil degradation and trace metal deficiencies affecting human health
Technologies providing new capabilities for establishing and predicting the impact of the environment
on human health
• application of new techniques including computational, physical, engineering, analytical
chemistry/biochemistry methods, i.e. application of massively parallel screening approaches
possibly using new lab-on-a-chip methods for understanding the interplay of pathogens/toxic
agents with other environmental agents on human health
• novel techniques for studying pathogenic microbes or pollutants (chemicals or particles) in the
environment where a potential link to human health may be important
• approaches to enable an understanding of the impact of nanotechnology and nanoparticles on
human health
• data analysis/modelling tools, including approaches such as machine learning or other intelligent
agents, possibly providing predictive capability from large data sets gathered from social,
environmental or medical studies. It is anticipated that these tools could provide predictive models
of relevance to human health, or alternatively provide models for fate and transport
Social, economic and behavioural factors in the genesis and health impact of environmental hazards
• what are the macro-social factors and processes (e.g. business organisation, trade, urbanisation
and population change) influencing the exposure of people to environmental risks and hazards
(pathogens and pollutants)?
• what is the role of factors such as socio-economic status, age, gender, and culture in shaping
behaviours relevant to environmental health risks?
• how does a stressful social or physical environment impact on biological processes linking the
environment and disease?
• what is the importance of age, culture, social position, disability, and illness for resilience and
adaptive capacity in the face of environmental health hazards?
• what is the impact of differing perceptions of risk and attitudes in enhancing public engagement
and dialogue about environment and health issues?
• how are political, economic, cultural and social forces shaping the emergence of new
environmental health risks and benefits and how may these be managed?
• can we quantify the benefits to human health of changes in the environment such as the spatial
distribution of and access to green space?
• what are the economic and social costs (or benefits) of environmental impacts on health?
Programme Partners
£4.4m of core funding for the E&HH Programme is being provided by the Natural Environment
Research Council, DEFRA, the Environment Agency and the Ministry of Defence. Additional funding
of up to £1million is expected from the Wellcome Trust, the Economic and Social Research Council,
the Medical Research Council, the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council and the
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, each of whom have agreed to consider co-
funding projects with substantial science components within their science remits.
The Health Protection Agency has offered in-kind support, such as laboratory access for training and
research projects, to the Programme as part of applications.
Scottish Executive, SEERAD, SNIFFER and SEPA are also pursuing an environment and human
health initiative. The E&HH Programme will maintain close links with the Scottish (and other)
initiatives, to ensure collaboration and avoid the risk of duplication of work.
Implementation Plan
Programme Management
The E&HH Programme has been established with a Programme Management Group (PMG) and a
Science Advisory Committee (SAC). The PMG is responsible for final funding decisions and the
overall strategy of the Programme, the SAC is responsible for defining the scientific scope of the
Programme, drafting the Announcement of Opportunity (AO), assessing applications and advising the
PMG on how to engage with their communities (See Annex B for PMG and SAC Terms of Reference
and membership lists). The first AO reflected the vision and priorities referred to above, applying the
various funding mechanisms described in Annex A. There has been only one major funding round,
with a closing date in August 2006. A second, more targeted funding round may also be desirable if
strategically significant science gaps emerge following the first funding round.
This first phase of the Joint E&HH Programme is primarily a capacity building exercise and we
particularly encouraged submission of proposals involving the development of multi- or inter-
disciplinary teams comprising researchers and practitioners from several of the following sciences:
• Environmental Sciences
• Medical, Biological and/or Veterinary Sciences
• Social Sciences
• Engineering and Physical Sciences
Component projects were required to combine environmental science with medical, biomedical or
public health research; and the inclusion of social, mathematical, biological, physical or engineering
sciences was strongly encouraged.
All proposals received were assessed to several criteria, as it was very important that the assessment
mechanism ensured we fund multi-disciplinary work. These included science excellence, multi-/inter-
disciplinarity, originality, impact, fit to Programme, capacity building, risk reward and cost-
effectiveness (see Annex C for definitions). All proposals had to score highly on both Science
Excellence and Multi-Disciplinarity to be considered for funding.
Due to the small size of the workshops/networks, working groups and discipline hopping applications
these were sent directly to an assessment panel (November 2006). The Exploratory Awards were sent
to external peer review and then considered at a moderating panel (February/March 2007). Every
effort was made to ensure that exploratory award applications were sent to reviewers from both
environmental and medical/public health communities as well as any others appropriate to ensure
multi-disciplinary review.
Both the assessment and moderating panels were based on the Science Advisory Committee, with
extra panel members recruited to cover particular areas of expertise (selected based on the applications
received). The panels used the criteria listed above, and a range of opinions was ensured on each
application to deliver multi-disciplinary assessment and consideration of all applications.
The PMG approved the funding recommendations of the assessment and moderating panels.
The proposals selected for the first round of the E&HH Programme fulfil many of the thematic criteria
outlined above (see Science Plan), and will provide the consortium-building capacity that will be
required for a larger-scale research-driven phase.
The projects chosen for the E&HH Programme will tackle the complicated mix of environmental,
social and economic factors that influence health, particularly focusing on naturally occurring toxins,
man-made pollutants, nanoparticles and pathogens to ascertain:
• how they spread within the environment,
• how their properties change as they interact with other substances or organisms,
• how humans become exposed to them, and
• impact on human health.
Supporting Activities
Focused Strategic Activities - Annual Science Meetings will be convened for the E&HH Programme
participants and members of the PMG and SAC in order to facilitate the integration and capacity
building process. These will include one day for focused workshops on themes such as systems level
science, and integration of natural and social systems.
Programme Co-ordination
Co-ordination of the Programme will encompass not only the monitoring of progress of funded
projects and reporting on Programme activities, but more importantly the raising of the profile of
Environment and Human Health in a political context in order to galvanise large-scale support for a
second phase of the Programme. There is concern from potential co-funders that, unless a concerted
effort is made to secure more substantial (cross-council / multi-agency) funding for the future, the
capacity building phase will be a wasted effort.
The Annual Science Meetings (2008 & 2009) will serve to bring together all of the award holders and
members of the PMG and SAC. Other specialists and representatives of end-user communities will
also be invited to these meetings. Furthermore, the Programme Science Co-ordinator will be meeting
with all lead Principal Investigators during the course of their projects in order to discuss and review
progress as well as to recommend additional interactions with members of related projects within the
E&HH Programme. This will serve to further the capacity-building process and the attainment of a
suitable critical mass of potential interdisciplinary consortia to bid for support in the second phase.
The SAC will be required to comment on the progress of the Programme at the end of each Annual
Science Meeting and their advice will be considered by the PMG at subsequent meetings.
The Programme Science Co-ordinator will be tasked with raising the profile of the E&HH Programme
in the UK through delivery of presentations at Scientific Conferences and other appropriate forums, as
well as preparation of short articles for publication in the popular scientific literature and media.
Ongoing dialogue with the existing stakeholders and potential new stakeholders will also be conducted
by the Programme Science Co-ordinator. The Programme Science Co-ordinator will also explore
international links if appropriate.
Considerable effort is also being expended by the Programme management team to engage other
relevant groups in the activities of the Programme. Examples include the
nanotoxicology/nanotechnology and climate change communities as well as systems biologists and
social scientists.
Data Management
Since round 1 is essentially a capacity-building phase of the E&HH Programme there will be no
significant generation of new large data sets. Rather the projects will be largely reliant on existing
information and supportive data mining.
All larger research projects supported by the Programme awards include a data management plan,
particularly where “proof of concept” data will be generated.
Further information
Programme Manager
Dr Pamela Kempton
Tel: +44(0) 1793 411588
Email: [email protected]
Programme Co-ordinator
Professor Michael Moore
Tel: +44(0) 1752 633100
E-mail: [email protected]
EA Environment Agency
DEFRA Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
SE Scottish Executive
SEERAD Scottish Executive Environment and Rural Affairs Department
EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
ESRC Economic and Social Research Council
MOD Ministry of Defence
MRC Medical Research Council
HPA Heath Protection Agency
DH Department of Health
SEPA Scottish Environment Protection Agency
SNIFFER Scotland and Northern Ireland Forum For Environmental Research
Annex A
Types of Capacity Building Activities Envisaged
The types of activities that will be funded through the Environment and Human Health Programme are
as follows:
Working Groups
This scheme is intended to support groups of up to 20 scientists to work at a designated institution for
a few days to a few weeks (generally smaller groups and longer stays are most effective),
concentrating on specific issues that require in depth analysis of data and synthesis of ideas.
Details of funding for these capacity building activities are shown in Table 1.
The Management Group will report formally at least once a year, through the Chair, to the Chief
Executives (or nominated person) of all the funding organisations involved. The Chief Executive of
the NERC, as lead Council, will be responsible for reporting to RCUK.
Ex Officio Members
John Stephenson, Department of Health
Science Advisory Committee - Terms of Reference
The Science Advisory Committee is responsible for directing and integrating the Programme science
and related activities, assessment and recommending the award of research funds, future vision and
direction of the Programme and ensuring the delivery of Programme objectives. The SAC reports to
the Programme Management Group (PMG) and will be supported by a Programme Science Co-
In particular, the Science Advisory Committee is required to carry out the following tasks:
• provide overall guidance and direction on the Programme and advise on the general approach;
• help define the objectives, based on the draft Science and Implementation Plan, that will guide the
scientific development and management of the Programme and against which it can be
subsequently evaluated;
• ensure these objectives are set out in a revised Science and Implementation Plan;
• guide the progress of activities supported within the Programme, providing advice to investigators
and encouraging collaborations where appropriate;
• advise on the future vision and direction of the Programme;
• participate in the assessment of applications in response to Announcements of Opportunity as
members of Assessment and Moderating Panels;
• provide views on the reported monitoring of progress and evaluation of the results of individual
projects and of the Programme as a whole, taking account of Output Performance Measures
• advise on the development and implementation of a Communication Strategy, to promote the
Programme’s various activities and outcomes to a wide audience;
• advise on and help foster the development of international collaborative activities;
• advise on and foster the development of user engagement;
• report to the PMG as required, including ensuring provision of Annual Programme Reports and a
Final Programme Report;
• advise on the development of an Evaluation Plan and assist the PMG with any evaluation of the
The intention of the Programme is to fund applications containing excellent science but also that are
building multi-disciplinary teams. Therefore all applications need to involve both environmental
scientists and medical/health researchers working on joint research projects. We also strongly
encourage the involvement of relevant social, biological, mathematical, physical and engineering
sciences in proposals. The assessment process will consider how effectively the proposed work
achieves this aim of building capacity across disciplines.
Environmental Science in the context of this Announcement of Opportunity (AO) means fields of
research traditionally associated with Natural Environment Research Council (NERC). This includes
abiotic and biotic processes occurring on the land and in the sea, in freshwater, in the soil and in the
atmosphere. We exclude processes that do not occur in the “natural environment” of NERC’s remit:
for example restricted to the inside of buildings or the surface of human skin.
Annex 2. Originality
How original is the proposal? Please consider if the combination of disciplines creates originality.
Originality is graded on the following scale:
A. Not original, duplicates existing work
B. Some elements of originality but not others
C. Highly original, all elements of the proposed work new and original, or standard elements are
combined in an original way
Annex 3. Impact
Although the applications are for exploratory research or proof of concept studies, the potential impact
of any follow-on work will be considered and graded on the following scale:
A. No Impact
B. Some impact
C. High Impact