Newsletter Week 4 Term 2 2019

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Number 12
Ph 09 438 3939
24 May 2019
[email protected] Website
Phone (09) 433 5823 Email – [email protected]

… to those parents who supported our year 7 and 8 students at this
week’s Interschool Sports Tournament.
… to those folk who have put their names forward for the
Contact: David van Boldrik
Tel: 0800 830 600 or 027 497 6550
forthcoming Board of Trustee elections.
Email: [email protected] People of the week
… Please see the end of the newsletter.
… Players of the day – Basketball-Shooting Stars: Nikau K & Kaden A;
Rockets: Chyanne T; Mavericks: Aaron Lee.
Netball - Fantails: McKenna T; Pukeko’s: SummerLee G; Tui’s: Amelia
T; Weka’s: Natalya H; Kiwi’s: Summer D; Moa’s: Amy E; Hockey –
Dave Neumann Limited KiwiSticks Cobalt - 4 May: Molly Nathan & Livia Henderson (3 grading
Effluent Spreading
games); 11 May Brooke Tito; 18 May: Mariela Shortland-Mendez
Tel : 09 433 5069
Mobile : 021 731 223
Email : [email protected] Term Calendar … More to follow as dates come to hand!
29 May Teacher’s Union Strike day, no school
30 May Hearing & Vision Screening
3 June Queen’s Birthday
5 June Year 4 to 6 Winter Sports Tournament
25 June Matariki Day celebration
Professional Asbestos Removal 27 June Year 7 Boostrix Vaccinations
& Demolition 1/2 July Mid year interviews
Email : [email protected] 5 July Final day of term 2 (22 July – first day of term 3)
Tel : 021 586 976 Senor Crump … Our Resident Author
In a recent newsletter, I mentioned that Adam Crump has got his short
story published in the U.S. A huge achievement! Some of you may
know that newly published authors greatly multiply their chances of a
second published work when there is a good response to the first. So …
if you feel inclined to support, you might like to order a copy at the link
Tel : 021 143 9323 below, and become part of the official support team. Adam has
Email : offered to sign any local copies, which is an added bonus. So, no
[email protected] pressure, here is the link ……
(you will see here that Senor Crump is rubbing shoulders with some
pretty famous names in the literary world).

Hayden Martin Electrical

46 Kaka Street Whangarei Tel - 027 645 8923
Tel : 09 438 7209 Email - 366 Kamo Road
Email : [email protected]
[email protected] Kamo
Tel : 09 435 1924
From recent weeks … please visit our website and click on newsletters
Morning Arrival Times Measles AIMS Games Soon to be 5 Year olds
Digital Devices Lunch order forms Drink Bottles School Attendance


Many of you will be aware that the Teachers' Union (NZEI) has called a nationwide strike over pay
and conditions scheduled for Wednesday 29 May. Accordingly, Matarau School will be closed for
instruction on this day, but will be open for administrative work and general enquiries.
Staff sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused to our parents and students, and hope that
you understand that this is not just about their pay, it is about very serious levels of under-
funding across the system, which have significant negative implications for students.
So please do not send your children to school on this day.
Our After School Care providers may be able to
offer supervision if there is enough interest on a paid basis.
If interested please phone Kim on 021 066 3806.

Matarau School HONEY FOR SALE!

You can purchase a jar (or 2) by sending back the yellow order form sent home last week and
payment can be either cash at the office or payment into the school bank account.
The price is $12 each for an approximately 600g jar.
Lots of jar’s left at this stage – but don’t miss out!!
Feedback is it’s great tasting honey – and all collected by our local bees!
School Contributions
Requests for school contributions, etc were emailed this week to families who opted for term
payments or haven’t paid school fees yet. The school contribution is optional, but the board
strongly encourages all families to pay their contribution. The school contribution helps meet a
critical shortfall in government funding & enables us to provide extra resources & opportunities
for the benefit of all children. Please also note that payment requests include the annual fee for
Maths Whizz & Activity (EOTC) Fees. The activity fee entitles children to attend events where
fees are levied by external agents, or to take materials home with them. If you do not wish for
your children to attend or participate in these activities it is not necessary to pay the activity fee.
The Board appreciates all contributions. Regular part payment arrangements are welcome. Contact
Kevin if you would like to discuss your options.

Plastics and the Environment

Please help us to reduce the amount of plastic coming to school each day by using
compartmentalised lunchboxes and/or removing plastic wrappings from items before packing. We
have explained to children that plastic dropped here enters waterways, and eventually the sea, and
that this can cause sometimes irreversible damage. If you have time you could reinforce the
critical importance of caring for our environment and that even small things, added together, can
make a huge difference.
Cambridge .. survey of former students
We would be keen for as many of our former Cambridge students as possible to complete a Google
survey. If you have a child who was on this programme last year, please ask them if they would be
willing to be surveyed. If they say yes, and we hope they will, could you please email their current
email address to Mrs Donaldson at [email protected]
We have been getting great feedback from former students, and secondary schools, but want to
ensure our programmes as well calibrated as possible. Thank you for your assistance!
School Library
We would like to invite you to drop by our library next time you’re passing. We have a special team
invested with responsibility for taking the library, and the love of books, to the next level. Phase
one has involved creating an exciting and vibrant library environment. Although a team effort,
special credit must go to our librarian Paula for the work she does (above and beyond), and to Di
Taylor for her diligent work behind the scenes covering and repairing books.
So .. please visit in the next week or two (hopefully with your child) AND SIGN OUR VISITORS
BOOK just to show your child, and other children, that you thought our library was important
enough to visit. We will be involving all of our parents in the library in some way soon and so this is
your first homework task. Parents signing the visitor's book will be acknowledged in forthcoming
newsletters, and will go in the draw for a prize. Children of these parents will also go in the draw
for a prize.

Library - Overdue Books

Last week you may have received a request to seek out the darkest corners of your child's
bedroom to see if you can locate any school library books. Not only are we keen to retrieve some
of our missing books, we also want to tidy up and improve our systems for the issue and tracking of
books, update our records, and then roll with some exciting initiatives which will give your child
easier access to books, and enable you to support them in this process. We need to tidy up first
before we can take this step.
So, please do a thorough check (you might be amazed where books can hide), and return any
overdue books to us by the end of next week. A thorough parent look is worthwhile, you would be
amazed how often a box of books is returned to us when a child exits for high school.
Having said all of this, please just do your best. We are improving our systems, and we know you
will be very enthusiastic about some of the initiatives soon to roll. Thank you in anticipation and
thank you so much for being the reading role models our children so desperately need.

Board of Trustee’s Triennial Election - Update

Nominations have closed today. More nominations were received than places available on
the Board, so there is a postal election. Voting forms & candidate statements will be in
the post from Monday. Please vote & return your voting form in the supplied envelope to
the school office by noon on Friday 7 June – either by post or hand deliver. Please see
Helen (who is the returning officer) if you have any general questions.

I was thinking this week of how I might encourage you to stay the distance with our virtues
programme. When home and school engage in similar conversations around virtues (and maybe
other things), the outcomes of these conversations are greatly multiplied.
This week I wanted to encourage you with the following feedback received by the school after this
week’s Year 7 and 8 Interschool Sports Tournament.
We would like to especially acknowledge …
… Asher O’Donnell, who stepped forward in defence of another student who was the victim of some unpleasant
bullying by other students from his (the other student’s) school. My understanding is that Asher was, himself,
hit as a result of this intervention. We are hugely proud of Asher for taking this action, which, as the unfolding
of this event revealed, was not without personal cost.
… Ava Perkins, who (at another venue) went out of her way to encourage a disabled student in the opposing
team. This student was struggling to be effective, and was receiving little support, or encouragement, from
his own team members. After tackling an opposing team member, Ava passed the ball to the student concerned,
and stood back as he proceeded to score a goal for his (the opposing) team.
… Florrie Whittacker-Cook who, as goal-keeper for our team, willingly allowed this student to score not once,
but twice.
… our entire hockey team for their part in this act of kindness.
We are very proud of these students who were a wonderful example to all present. They are a reminder to us
of the many other-centred acts, which go on around us all of the time if we open our eyes to them. Our hockey
team drew in this game … but in all reality they won hands down, and, by association, so did the rest of us!

Regards, Our Sponsors support your

Kevin Trewhella
children, please support them Hayden Martin
School Lunches
Wednesdays – $1.50 : for Sausage (meat or vegetarian option) in bread with sauce.
Order on Wednesday mornings through the classroom teacher.


Snack Boxes – delivered with a juice box for $6.00 each
A choice of  Mini Hotdog & Chips  Fish Bites & Chips  Chicken Nuggets & Chips
Tasty Toppa’s delivered with a juice box for $5.00 each
A choice of  Lasagne Toppa  Macaroni Cheese Toppa
Or Simply a Hot Chip Box for $3.00 each
These Old Favourites are still on the Menu …
 Sausage Roll, Museli Bar & a juice box for $4.00  Crispy Chicken Salad Wrap & juice box for $5.00
Swap any juice box meal for a Flavoured Milk for just $1 extra (Chocolate, Strawberry or Banana)
Order by Wednesday at the office, to receive Friday. Please note - We cannot supply lunches on
Friday if the order is placed after 9am on Thursday morning.

Community Notices
Battery Recycling Please note that EcoSolutions will collect household batteries for recycling. Please
drop your used batteries into them at 141 Cameron Street - next to the Toolshed.
Mobile Phone Recycling – send in old or unwanted cell phones to the school office & we will send
away for recycling – some are cleaned & sent to places like Africa, others are dismantled & as much as
possible is recycled into new items.
Firewood for Sale – gum, dry/split $110m3 delivered locally free, elsewhere by arrangement.
Ph Kevin 021 191 5911.
Kiwi North notice - The first official ‘listening window’ for the 2019 Annual Northland Kiwi Call
Count Survey runs from May 22nd – June 10th. Find more details
at: Students and their families
can take part and contribute to our understanding of the increasing numbers of kiwi in our area.
Whangarei Line Dancers – looking for new members – weekly classes for beginners Tuesdays 5-6pm
Parish Hall, 2a Kamo Road, from 28th May. 6 week introduction course for just $36.
Phone Bev 021 268 4681 or email [email protected]
Rizing Stars Drama - Bugsy Malone 28th June to 6 July, Riverbank Theatre. Has a cast of over 30 kids
and should be very entertaining. Bookings – at Storytime or Reyburn House or online at

KINGS SEED FUNDRAISER – We are getting in early this year!.

Early notice that order forms will be sent home by mid-June and seeds delivered to you before the
July holidays ready for winter/spring planting. SO WATCH THIS SPACE !

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