Oplam Kalusugan Sa Dep Ed Action Plan 2018

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National Training and Orientation Workshop on Oplan Kalusugan sa Department

of Education (OK sa DepED)


Region XI


Curriculum Structural/Facilities
Services Integration/Co Development & DepEd Partners
curricular Activities others
1. SBFP  Identification of beneficiaries  Food Production  Putting up of SHNU DOH
(Height and Weight taking) in schools Feeding Center, SGOD LGU
 Complementary Activities: (promoting bio- Water and CID GO
o Handwashing intensive Sanitation NGO
o Tooth brushing gardening); Facilities, waste Parents
o Iron supplementation  Integration of receptacles Volunteers
o Deworming health and  Putting
o Hygiene Kit Provision nutrition concepts up/Improvement
o Food Safety in selected subject of School
implementation areas; Canteen/Clinic
o Sustain Gulayan sa  Integration of
Paaralan Nutrition Month’s
o Canteen Operation Theme in subject
DO 13 s 2017 areas;
o Environmental  SBFP Program
Sanitation (Waste Implementation
Segregation) Review ;
o Health and Nutrition  Submission of
Education & Values periodic and
Formation terminal reports
o Partnership building
 Parents Orientation
2. NDEP  Conduct of Training of • Integration of drug •Put up of NDEP SHNU DOH
Guidance counselors on education concepts in Corners and Drop-in SGOD LGU
ASSIST and Brief the curriculum Centers CID GO
Intervention Techniques  Put up NGO
 Conduct of Life Skills signages on Parents
Training to School NDEP Volunteers
 Assist in the conduct of
random drug testing to
identified JHS, TP & NTP
 Training of Division
Nurses/MOs & identified
GC on the Universal
Prevention Curricula on
Substance Use
 Referral of learners found
to be positive on
drugs/substance abuse to
accredited service
 Establish linkages with
/Barangay Anti-Drug
 Strengthen/Organize the
Barkada Kontra Droga
 Conduct of fora on
substance use prevention
 Advocate for the
Implementation of DM
200, s. 2016
(Strengthening NDEP in
Schools), and DepEd
Order No. 48, s. 2016
(Comprehensive Tobacco
Control Policy)
3. ARH  Training of peer • Monitor the •Establish RH SGOD DOH
educators integration of health hubs/teen centers in CID LGU
 Conduct of screening for and nutrition concepts coordination with the HP GO
adolescent health in the curriculum by DOH/RHU NGO
problems and issues teachers Parents
 Provision of iron implementing the Volunteers
supplementation to G 7 Comprehensive
to 12 female learners Sexuality Education
 Conduct of basic
counseling for
reproductive health
 Capacitate/Train
guidance counselors on
the Adolescent Health
Education and Practical
Training (ADEPT) and
Adolescent Job Training
 Implement the Menstrual
Health Management
(MHM) component of the
WinS Policy
 Identification of potential
4. WinS  Advocacy on  Integration of • Provision of HP DOH
understanding among WinS basic potable water, SGOD LGU
learners/parents on concepts & washing, handwashing CID GO
effective hygiene and messages in facility, genderized ICTU NGO
sanitation practices and the curricula toilets QAD Parents
behavior (clean and safe Volunteers
through school-based
solid waste management,
proper drainage, the
elimination of breeding
grounds for mosquitoes
to prevent vector-borne
diseases, and strengthen
food safety)
 Implementation of the 3
star approach on WinS
 Identification of
potential public and
private partners for
program implementation
and sustainability.
 Orientation of parents,
other stakeholders on
 Provision of hygiene kits
5. Health
a. Medical  Conduct medical  Integration of  Putting up/ Medical DOH
examination, treatment health Improvement Officer LGU
(referred by the Nurses) concepts in of functional GO
 Facilitate the provision of the identified clinic NGO
medical supplies learning areas Parents
 Conduct of post Volunteers
conference to school
administrators to discuss
observations and findings
of cases and
 Integration of health
service delivery in the
 Conduct of Medical
examination of athletes
and coaches in sports
 Monitor Health Services
 Issuance of medical
certificates as needed
 Conduct of medical
consultation and/or
referral for teaching and
non-teaching personnel
needing healthcare
 Conduct follow up of
pupils with ailments and
those referred for further
evaluation and Provision
of mental health and
psychosocial support
 Act as Medical Team
during seminars, sports
 Conduct medical missions
during disasters
 Ensure compliance with
data privacy act
 Provision of First Aid
 Recommends/Approves
of Monthly Duties,
Activities, Itinerary of
Travel of Health
 Follow-up of personnel
on Rehabilitation leave
 Act as resource person on
health matters
b. Nursing  Conduct health  Integration on • Prepare the Nurses DOH
examination/referral of basic health areas where the LGU
learners concepts/ examination and GO
 Facilitate the provision of messages in treatment will be NGO
medical supplies the curricula done Parents
 Issuance of permission Volunteers
slips/consent forms to
pupils to be signed by
 Conduct of post
conference to school
administrators to discuss
observations and findings
of cases and
 Integration of health
service delivery in the
 Conduct of Health
assessment of athletes
and coaches in sports
 Conduct of vision
screening (K, G1, G4 G7,
 Conduct of color vision
testing (G10)
 Conduct of auditory
 Facilitate the conduct of
the School-based
Immunization for
Measles, Rubella, Td for
G1, G7
 Facilitate the conduct of
HPV for G4 female
 Administer WIFA to
Grades 7 to 12 female
 Conduct health
assessment and/or
referral to teaching and
non-teaching personnel
needing healthcare
 Follow - up of pupils with
ailments and those
referred for further
evaluation and
 Prepare schedule of
school visits/deployment
plan (monthly and yearly)
 Mobilize the teachers and
members/parents to
support the activity
 Source out additional
funds for medical
supplies and medicines
 Provision of mental
health and psychosocial
and psychological First
 Assist in the conduct of
medical missions during
 Act as Medical Team
during seminars, sports
 Conduct home/hospital
visits as needed
 Ensure compliance with
data privacy act
 Accomplish needed
forms, consolidate data
 Submit reports
 Conduct action research
 Provide Brief Tobacco
 Conduct advocacy for
Tobacco Control, Rabies
Prevention and Control,
Toxic Free Schools,
Mental Health and
Psychosocial Support, TB
Prevention and Control,
Health Promoting Schools
and other health related
c. Dental  Conduct of Oral  Integration of • Prepare the Dentists DOH
Examination and basic oral areas where oral Dental Aids LGU
Treatment such as Tooth health examination and GO
extractions, filings, concepts/ treatment will be NGO
among others messages on conducted Parents
 Provision of Oral Urgent the curricula Volunteers
Treatment (OUT)
 Provision of Oral
Prophylaxis as needed
 Provide Atraumatic
Restorative Treatment
(ART) filing
 Conduct of toothbrushing
 Identify potential
partners for the dental
service delivery
 Facilitate on the provision
of dental supplies and
 Source out additional
funds for dental supplies
 Ensure compliance with
data privacy act
 Monitoring of oral health
programs to schools

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