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Prolink SDR33

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Downloading the SDR33 into ProLINK and exporting to

AutoCAD (all versions) and Softdesk (including Land
Development Desktop)

Downloading into ProLINK: steps to perform in ProLINK

1. Download the DXF patch for ProLINK from the Sokkia website (www.sokkia.com). The patch can be found
by clicking on United States and Canada, then click on Support Services, then click on Patches which is
located under Software which in turn is located under Technical Support. Included in this patch are instructions
for installing the patch. The Patch file that you download is a ZIP file and will need to be unzipped. If you do
not have a ZIP program you can download WinZip from their website located at (www.winzip.com).
2. Install the Patch per the instructions.
3. Start ProLINK by either double clicking the ProLINK icon on your Desktop or by clicking Start, then click on
Programs, then click on Sokkia, Then click on ProLINK Version (whatever version is installed).
4. After ProLINK has been started click on File, then click on New Project. In the New Project dialog box, locate
the place on your hard drive to save the Project File which can be done in the area that is labeled Save in:.
Next, locate the area labeled File name: and highlight the text box that has the project name and type in the
name of your project, then click on Save.
5. After you have created a New Project you should see a Field Book. If you do not see a Field Book click on
View, then click on Field Book Editor.
6. Now you are ready to set up ProLINK to receive your SDR file from the SDR33. Click on File, then click on
Receive. In the Receive dialog box, under Destination, click the option for Save and import to current field
book. Click on Device, then click on SDR33/31 (SDR Format), then click Settings, then click the following
settings: Com Port – the Com Port you are using on your computer (usually Com 1), Baud Rate – 38400,
Parity – None, Data Bits – 8, Stop Bit – 1. Then click OK to accept settings, then click OK to accept device.
Next, where it says Import Conversion select SDR Files (*.SDR), then click OK. In the text field labeled File
Name type yourfilename.sdr or put a check in the check box next to Use Job Name, then under Directories
select the directory where you want to save the SDR file, then click OK. ProLINK will now display “Waiting
to receive”.
7. After the steps for the SDR33 are done, the screen will display Transfer complete, press OK. All of your
downloaded points are now visible in the Field Book.

Downloading into ProLINK: steps to perform in the SDR33

1. Connect the download cable to the correct Com Port on your computer and also connect the 6 pin hirose cable
to the instrument cable (connected to the SDR33).
2. Press F1 (FUNC), then arrow down or push C twice so that Communications is highlighted then press OK.
3. Under Data Format arrow to the right to select SDR. Press F1 (OPTNS), then select the view or views you
want to download by highlighting yes or no and pressing the right arrow button to select (Yes) or deselect (No)
the different views. POS view is recommended for CAD use. When desired choices are selected press OK.

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4. Press F2 (COM), then set the following settings (to change settings highlight the setting to change, then press
the right arrow key to toggle through the options that are available): Port – Top, Modem – No, Baud rate –
38400, Word length – 8, Parity – Not set, Stop bit – 1, Output delay – 0, File – No, then press OK.
5. Press F4 (SEND), then highlight Select jobs, then press OK. Next to each job that you want to select for
download, highlight the job then press the right arrow key to toggle each job to Yes (selected), then press ok
and the job(s) will begin downloading. A screen will appear that reads Complete…Press any key…, press any
key and the download is complete. Note, if you select more than one job, all of the selected jobs will download
into one Field Book (ProLINK). It is recommended to download one job per Field Book (ProLINK), unless the
jobs that are selected in the SDR33 are different parts of a large job (in the field).

Exporting from ProLINK for AutoCAD: steps to perform in ProLINK

1. Now that the download is complete and all of the points are visible in the Field Book, click File, then click
Export. The Export dialog box appears, notice under Source that Current Field Book is already selected.
You cannot use the Reduced Coordinates unless you have the full version of ProLINK, which can be purchased
from Sokkia or a Sokkia Dealer. Next, under Export Conversion choose the option for DXF Export fbk
w/annotations (*.DXF), then click OK.
2. In the Save Export File As dialog box, in the Save in: field, choose the place on your hard drive to store the
DXF file. Remember where you saved the file because you will need to locate it when you DXFIN the file into
AutoCAD. Type a file name for your DXF file in the File name: text field, your Save as type: should be DXF
Export fbk w/annotations (*.DXF), then click Save. The DXF export is now complete.

Exporting from ProLINK for Softdesk and Land Development Desktop (LDD):
steps to perform in ProLINK

Option 1:
1. Now that the download is complete and all of the points are visible in the Field Book, click File, then click
Export. The Export dialog box appears, notice under Source that Current Field Book is already selected.
You cannot use the Reduced Coordinates unless you have the full version of ProLINK, which can be purchased
from Sokkia or a Sokkia Dealer. Next, under Export Conversion choose the option for Pt,N,E,Z,Cd Field
Book Export (*.txt), then click OK.
2. In the Save Export File As dialog box, in the Save in: field, choose the place on your hard drive to store the TXT file.
Remember where you saved the file because you will need to locate it when you import the point file into Softdesk or
LDD. Type a file name for your TXT file in the File name: text field, your Save as type: should be Pt,N,E,Z,Cd Field
Book Export (*.txt), then click Save. The txt Field Book Export is now complete.

Option 2:
1. Now that the download is complete and all of the points are visible in the Field Book, click File, then click
Export. The Export dialog box appears, notice under Source that Current Field Book is already selected.
You cannot use the Reduced Coordinates unless you have the full version of ProLINK, which can be purchased
from Sokkia or a Sokkia Dealer. Next, under Export Conversion choose the option for Softdesk Field Book
Export (*.txt), then click OK.
2. In the Save Export File As dialog box, in the Save in: field, choose the place on your hard drive to store the FBK file.
Remember where you saved the file because you will need to locate it when you import the Field Book file into
Softdesk or LDD. Type a file name for your FBK file in the File name: text field, your Save as type: should be
Softdesk Field Book Export (*.txt), then click Save. The Softdesk Field Book Export is now complete.

Importing a DXF file into AutoCAD: steps to perform in AutoCAD

1. Double Click on the AutoCAD icon on your Desktop or open AutoCAD by clicking Start, then click
Programs, then click on your AutoCAD folder, then click on the AutoCAD program file.

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2. If when AutoCAD starts up, a start up dialog box appears, click cancel. Next type DXFIN, then locate the
DXF file that was previously saved to your hard drive, to change to a different folder you can click the down
arrow to the right of the text box which is labeled Look in:. After you have located the DXF file you can
double click the file (*.dxf) or click the file (*.dxf), then click Open. The DXF file is now in AutoCAD, type
Z, then press the Enter key, then type E, then press the Enter key. All of your points are zoomed to the extents
of the display. Next, type PDMODE, then type 2, this selects the point node to be a + symbol. Next, type
PDSIZE, then type 0.05, this selects the size of the + symbol to be relative to the text size (height of 1).

Importing a Points file (*.txt) and a Field Book file (*.fbk) into Softdesk and Land
Development Desktop (LDD): steps to perform in Softdesk and LDD

Option 1 (*.txt)
1. Double click on the Softdesk icon or the LDD icon or open the program by locating it by clicking Start, then
click Programs, then click the Softdesk or LDD folder, then click the Softdesk or LDD program file.
2. Start a New drawing, if a Start Up dialog box appears click Start from Scratch, then click OK in the Create
New Drawing dialog box. If no Start Up dialog box appears then click File, then click New, then click OK in
the Create New Drawing dialog box. Next click File, then click Save As, then locate the place on your hard
drive where you wan to store the drawing file, then in the text field labeled File name: type a name for the
drawing, then click Save.
3. Next, change the module to the survey module by typing SD, then select from an existing project or create a
new one, then click OK, then select from the list of programs the Survey module (double click or click it, then
click OK).
4. Next, from the pull down menu click Points, then click Import/Export Points, then click Edit Format. Next,
select from the list labeled Format name click the drop down arrow, then click PNEZD, then click on the
selection for Comma (located under Delimiter), then click OK.
5. Next, from the pull down menu click Points, then click Import/Export Points, then click Import Points From
File. In the Import Points dialog box you should see the previous settings from step 4 above, also click the
select for COGO Point Database under Destination, then click OK. Locate the TXT file that was previously
saved to your hard drive, to change to a different folder you can click the drop down arrow to the right of the
text box which is labeled Look in:, then double click the file (*.txt) or click on the file to highlight it, then
click OK. Next, on the command line for Import Method type O for Overwrite, then press the Enter key, then
Echo status to screen should default to No, if it does not default to no, type N, then press the Enter key.
6. The TXT file is now in Softdesk or LDD, type Z, then press the Enter key, then type E, then press the Enter
key. All of your points are zoomed to the extents of the display. Next, type PDMODE, then type 2, this selects
the point node to be a + symbol. Next, type PDSIZE, then type 0.05, this selects the size of the + symbol to be
relative to the text size (height of 1).

Option 2 (*.fbk)
1. Double click on the Softdesk icon or the LDD icon or open the program by locating it by clicking Start, then
click Programs, then click the Softdesk or LDD folder, then click the Softdesk or LDD program file.
2. Start a New drawing, if a Start Up dialog box appears click Start from Scratch, then click OK in the Create
New Drawing dialog box. If no Start Up dialog box appears then click File, then click New, then click OK in
the Create New Drawing dialog box. Next click File, then click Save As, then locate the place on your hard
drive where you wan to store the drawing file, then in the text field labeled File name: type a name for the
drawing, then click Save.
3. Next, change the module to the survey module by typing SD, then select from an existing project or create a
new one, then click OK, then select from the list of programs the Survey module (double click or click it, then
click OK).
4. Next, from the pull down menu click Collect, then click Import Field Book, then click Edit Format. Locate
the FBK file that was previously saved to your hard drive, to change to a different folder you can click the drop
down arrow to the right of the text box which is labeled Look in:, then double click the file (*.fbk) or click on
the file to highlight it, then click OK. Next, on the command line for Erase all COGO points in Database,
the default is N but if you setup a new project or are not worried about the database, type Y, then press the
Enter key, then Erase all existing observations should default to No, You should have a new drawing so type

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Y, then press the Enter key, Erase all figures should default to N, You should have a new drawing so type Y,
then press the Enter key.
5. The FBK file is now in Softdesk or LDD, type Z, then press the Enter key, then type E, then press the Enter
key. All of your points are zoomed to the extents of the display. Next, type PDMODE, then type 2, this selects
the point node to be a + symbol. Next, type PDSIZE, then type 0.05, this selects the size of the + symbol to be
relative to the text size (height of 1). Line work can be brought in with this option through description keys,
figures, and symbols but these options have to be configured in Softdesk or LDD.

Sokkia Technical Support , 1-800-257-2552 (tel) , 913-492-0188 (fax) , [email protected] (email)

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