Bahra University: Course: BBA VI Sem. E-Marketing: BBM 643 Session: Jan - June 2019
Bahra University: Course: BBA VI Sem. E-Marketing: BBM 643 Session: Jan - June 2019
Bahra University: Course: BBA VI Sem. E-Marketing: BBM 643 Session: Jan - June 2019
Shimla Hills
Waknaghat--173234, District. Solan, (HP) Ph. No. 01792-247444.
Course: BBA VIth Sem. E-Marketing: BBM 643 Session: Jan - June 2019
Sr. No. Topic/Module/Unit
Introduction to Electronic Commerce
Past, present and future, strategic E-marketing and Performance Matrix. E-marketing planning process, Steps in
planning and budget.
E-marketing Overview
World of e marketing opportunities, ethical and logical issue. E-marketing research, consumer behaviour online,
E-marketing strategy, segmentation, differentiation and positioning strategies.
Internet Marketing Product- online offer, pricing the online value, internet for distribution. E-Marketing
communication, integrated marketing.
Website & online events Website, online events, e-mail, spam privacy and building consumer relation.
1. E-Marketing 5th Edition – by Judy Strauss and Raymond Forost
Q6. What fundamental changes has the internet bought to marketing? 10
Q.7 What is strategic planning and why do companies prepare a SWOT (Strength, Weaknesses,
Opportunities and Threats) analysis during the strategic planning process? 10
[Parts of this process is to identify the firm’s goals
such as- Growth, Competitive Position, Geographic
Scope, Other objectives],
Internet Business Models and Strategies Suggest the
following components as critical to appraising the
fit of a business model for the company and its
(i) Customer value, (ii) Scope, (iii) Price, (vi)
Revenue sources, (v) Connected activities, (vi)
Implementation, (vii) Capabilities, (viii)
Q3. Explain E-Business Model. What is the formula for determining Value? 10
Value and Revenue= Benefits-Cost,
**E-Marketing Contributes to the E-Business model:
1. E-Marketing Increases Benefits: Lowers costs for knowledge acquisition (e.g. research and
Online mass customization (different products and customer feedback)
messages to different stakeholders) Creates efficiencies in supply chain (through
Personalization (giving Stakeholders relevant information) communication and inventory optimization
24/7 Convenience, Decreases the cost of customer service
Self-Service ordering tracking 3. E-Marketing Increases Revenues:
One-Stop shopping, Online Transaction revenues such as product, information,
Learning from customers on social networking sites advertising, and subscription fees; or commission/fee on a
2. E-Marketing Decreases Costs: transaction or referral
Low-Cost distribution of Communication messages (e.g. E- Adds value to products/services and increase prices (e.g.
mail) online FAQ and customer support)
Low-Cost distribution channel for digital products Increases customer base by reaching new markets
Lowers costs for transaction processing Builds customer relationships and, thus, increases current
customer spending (share of wallet)
Q4. What are the Strategic E-Business Models? Write down different types of E-Business Models. 20
1) Activity-Level E-Business Model: The lowest level of the Online sales promotions
pyramid affects individual business activities that can save the Dynamic Pricing strategies online
firm money if automated using information technology or the 3) Business-Level E-Business Model: The next level of the
internet. In this lower risk area, the firm realizes cost pyramid changes business process to increase the firm’s
reductions through e-business efficiencies, (e.g. order effectiveness.
processing, competitive intelligence, or surveys online). The Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
following is a brief description of Activity-level model: Knowledge Management (KM)
Order Processing Supply Chain Management (SCM)
Online Purchasing Community Building online
E-Mail Enterprise resource planning (ERP)
Content Publishing Mass Customization
Business Intelligence (BI)
Online Advertising and public relations
2) Enterprise-Level E-Business Model: At this level of the
pyramid, the firm automates many business processes in a
unified system-demonstrating a significant commitment to e-
business. Firms relying heavily on these models (such as Dell
Computer, Google, and CNN) believe that their future will
depend on e-business activities.
E-Commerce, direct selling content sponsorship,
Social networking
Broker Models: Online exchange, hub and Online Auction
Agent Models: Shopping Agent, Manufacturer’s/selling
agents, Reverse auction.
Q5. What is Performance Matrix? What are three ways of collecting Web Analytics? 10
Performance Matrix: The only way to know whether a Commonly collected metrics include which tactics generated
company has reached its objectives is to measure its results. the site traffic (e.g. click through from online advertising),
Performance Matrices are specific measures designed to evaluate which pages are viewed most often, what patterns visitors use
the effectiveness and efficiency of an organization’s operations. in clicking through the site, and how long they stay on various
When a Company designates the performance matrices it will pages. Of course, a key metric involves conversions to sales or
use to measure strategy effectiveness, it does four important other desired behaviour, such as registering at the site. Finally,
things: organizations want to know which of their new tactics are
It translates its vision, strategy, or E-business model into working well- things such as a new one day shipping price or
components with measurable outcomes. Some e-marketing special promotion on the site to increase sales. These data for
goals needing metrics include attracting visitors to the Web web analytics are collected in several ways:
site for selling more advertising or converting them to sales Web site logs record the user’s IP address, which browser
and building visitor loyalty to the site. he is using, his location before arriving at the company site,
The performance metrics must be easy to understand and use. the time of the day and every user click through the site.
They should be accessible to employees using them for The IP address helps companies understand where users
decision making. It is difficult to choose from among all the live.
available data, so firms often settle on Key Performance Cookie files are small data files written to a user’s hard
Indicators (KPI) to monitor progress toward important goals. drive when visiting a site. They are necessary for using
Matrices must be actionable. Companies use benchmarking shopping carts and other operations at a site. When
and last year’s matrices to decide where they and then can set customers return, the cookie file data are retrieved and used
metric goals for the future (such as increase the amount of to understand how many visitors are returning and more.
time visitors spend on the site from 5 minutes to 10 uses cookie file data to display the user name
minutes/session) on its home page instantaneously.
Finally, when employee evaluations are tied to the metrics, Page Tags are one pixie on a page that is invisible to users
people will be motivated to make decisions that lead to the (a pixel is one dot of light on a computer screen). Page tags
desired outcomes. Even though the metrics are usually set by activate a special script when users are on the page
top management, successful firms collect employee input providing information such as when items are removed
throughout the process so that the measurements are relevant from a shopping cart. Tags can also be activated based on
and the organization gains consensus on their importance. cookie files on the visitor’s hard drive from a previous visit-
Thus, the adage, “what you measure is what you get”. creating data about the return visit and what the user did.
Web Analytics: Web analytics is the study of user behaviour on Web analytics software helps companies analyze all
Web pages. Companies collect data as users click through pages these data on server logs to uncover usage patterns.
and use it to optimize their online investments.
Q5. What are the seven steps in an E-marketing Plan? (20) Q6. What four elements in Tire I and 5 elements in 20
Tire II are devised for E-Marketing Strategy?
Define E-marketing, it’s planning process.