Draja - Mickaharic - Magic - Simplified - 2002 New PDF
Draja - Mickaharic - Magic - Simplified - 2002 New PDF
Draja - Mickaharic - Magic - Simplified - 2002 New PDF
A series ofpractical exercises
for developing
the neophyte magician
Draja Mickaharic
About Desire ........................................................................ 9
Introduction ....................................................................... 11
Relaxation .......................................................................... 19
Breathing ........................................................................... 26
PayingAttention ................................................................ 30
Gaining Control of Your Mind ........................................... 35
Copyright © 2002 by Draja Mickaharic. Projection of the Non-Physical Body ................................. 44
ISBN: Softcover 1-4010-6008-0 v-1suar1zat1on
. ...................................................................... 58
Thought Transference ......................................................... 63
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or IdentifyingThoughts .......................................................... 67
transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, More Out Of The Body Work ........................................... 70
including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and The Invisible Hand ............................................................ 76
retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright Manipulation of Physical Objects ....................................... 80
owner. Applying Concentration and Focus of the Mind ................. 83
Mastering Your Voice .......................................................... 87
This book was printed in the United States of America. Listening andAwareness ..................................................... 91
Applying the Result ............................................................ 94
Doing Rituals or Spells ....................................................... 97
Summoning Spirits ............................................................ 99
Summoning the Human Dead ......................................... 102
Non-Physical Entities ....................................................... 106
Other magical operations .................................................. 109
The results of your hard work .......................................... 111
Other Books By Draja Mickaharic .................................... 113
To order additional copies of this book, contact:
Xlibris Corporation
If Wishes were horses, Beggars
would ride.
of various kinds, strange religions, and even the Hollywood has brought magic to the screen
very odd that typified the public scene of thirty in a way that cannot ever be replicated in the
or forty years ago has now passed away. This is real world, even by the most talented or powerful
but one example to us of how much things change magician. The movies and television have
in the universe. The ever changing universe of presented us with a standard of magical practice
human interests, desires, drives, and demands, is that no real magician can ever equal. As a result,
fascinating to those who have witnessed it. people become bored with the kind of magical
Unfortunately, having witnessed this broad sweep the slim results that they see in the real world.
of change indicates one's advanced age, as well Hollywood and its associates in the other facets
as their desire to be an open minded spectator to of the entertainment industry are far more
all of the many changes that mankind passes interesting, as well as being far more appealing to
through. our natural human desire to have power over our
immediate surroundings.
These changes involve something that is
known as the H uman Intention, which Our minds review the spectacular, supposed
theoretically shows what human beings are magical, work that we see on the motion picture
supposed to concern themselves with at a screen and the television and apply it to us in the
particular time, or in a particular place. Naturally, realm of magical practice. Unfortunately, as
and as might well be expected, we humans magicians, we can never replicate these technical
concern ourselves with the most emotionally achievements of the entertainers' art. These
laden facets of whatever it is that we are exposed fantasies remain only in the dreams of those who
to of this ever changing kaleidoscope of human wish for the power that the fantasies of these
activities. We all feel that in satisfying, or at least entertainments of supposed magic implied.
in stimulating our emotions, we will gain some Having these dreams, we may still seek in vain to
benefit from these ever changing experiences. have these fantasies manifest for us in our daily
Perhaps we do gain some benefit, but I am certain life.
that the benefit that we receive from these
changing emotions is never so great as we might Real magical work requires dedication,
wish it to be. practice, and the conscious disciplined
development of the magician them self. This is While I taught classes in magic and the occult
something that is never either shown, or even arts for over twenty years, I no longer do so. At
mentioned in the Hollywood epics that treat my rather advanced age, I know that I shall not
magic in such an appealing and interesting be teaching classes in the future either. I am now
manner. The work required to manifest even the too old to do anything but write on the subject,
simplest magical spell into reality on this earth is and that only as my age and health permit.
beyond the desire of the undedicated to even
attempt. A few people have written me concerning
the progress they have made in developing
Were there a real 'Hogworts,' or a real 'Harry themselves from the information given in my
Potter,' I assure you that his training would be previous book, 'Practice ofMagic.' However, that
quite different from what is mentioned in those book was intended to give only some introduction
interesting books, or shown in the excellently to magical work, not to reveal the method of
made motion picture. Whatever it may be, real training oneself to become a magician. This book
magic is never simply an academic study. Magical gives that information.
training is always a matter of difficult and willed
self-development. The primary purpose of the true Of course, for most people, taking a few steps
magician is to develop themselves, mentally and on the road of real self-development will so alter
in their ability to deal with the non-physical their life experience that they will often decide
universe. that no further steps need be taken. For others, a
vista opens and the desire to proceed further stirs
It is my desire in this book to prepare the their spirit. This is quite alright, as it is not
student to undertake some magical training on intended that every human being master the art
his or her own. It is a guide to self-development of magic, just as it is certainly not intended that
for the aspiring magician. If the student has every human being become a physician, an
dedication and follows these instructions, they attorney, or a chef, for that matter. We all have
can go quite a long way toward achieving the our place, our great good fortune is to find and
goal of becoming a magician. accept the place in our world that best suits us.
All magical studies begin in approximately the There are no instructions given herein for
same way, mastering the art of physical relaxation practicing Cabalistic magic, Enochian magic, or
and learning to pay attention to the universe Kaas magic. Those who master these exercises
around you. Once these abilities have been are free to go into any of these they might wish.
learned, and made a part of the student's life, it is Many other books cover these specialized studies.
possible for the sincere student to go on from
there. If they are not learned, the person who The question of magical schools, arcane
wished to practice magic will have to struggle mystical organizations, occult lodges, and secret
through having most of their magical efforts fail, orders, are one that I have always avoided. In my
or they will soon enter into the self-delusion so youth I was directed to set myself to mastering a
often found among many of those who only think series of exercises very much like those given here,
that they have magical abilities, and who save only that I had an instructor who taught
pleasantly delude themselves in this way of their me, guiding me each step of the way. He had a
supposed magical powers. poor opinion of magical lodges, and other similar
organizations, and I am afraid that his poor
You should read this book through first. Then opinion of them has carried over to me.
you should consciously decide within yourself to
begin mastering the exercises, starting with the There are quite probably a number of these
first chapter. Save for a few instances, which you organizations in the world which are of great
will note as you read through the book, each benefit, and which adequately prepare their
chapter of this book is to be mastered by the members to practice magic. However, I must
student before the exercise in the next chapter is admit that I do not know of any of them. On the
seriously entered into. If this is done, by the time other hand, as I do not know them at all, I do
the book is finished the person who has not criticize or condemn any of them either. I
accomplished this process of self-development will simply say that I am not a member of any of them,
be able to be at least fairly accomplished in the nor do I seek to affiliate myself with others in any
arts of a practicing magician. I might also point kind of magical work.
out that they will not be the devotees of any
particular specialized school of magical practice. I sincerely believe that becoming a magician
people believe that they are protecting themselves be used to promote physical relaxation. It does
from the random assaults of daily life. In fact, what not matter which method anyone uses, so long
physical tension actually does is alienate people as it is one that is comfortable for the person using
from the world in which they live. Their physical it. It is the goal of mastering the art of living your
tension makes it difficult for them to sense and life in a physically relaxed state that is being
observe what is actually happening around them. sought; the means of reaching that goal is actually
rather unimportant, so long as the goal is
The person who is physically relaxed is open achieved.
to experience life in its fullness. The person who
is tense is attempting to control their life, and Daily practice of the physical relaxation
thus has placed him or herself in a position in exercise is another thing that is most important.
which they can only respond to those events that This practice must be achieved by exerting
they wish to admit into themselves. In this way, conscious self-discipline on oneself to actually do
they may well lose much of the value of their real the work required to bring physical relaxation into
life experience. their daily life. Developing the self-discipline
required to daily physically relax ones self is
Thus it first becomes necessary to master the another thing that assists in self-development. In
art of physical relaxation, and gradually remove this case, it builds the development of the
these often ingrained internal physical tensions discipline required to perform the daily relaxation
from one's being. Only as these physical tensions exercise. So improving your self-discipline, and
fade and disappear is it possible for the individual your willpower, is always a side goal of the
to begin to make progress in sensing the non relaxation exercise.
physical universe around them. Mastering the art
of relaxation of the physical body is always the Some methods of
first step in mastering the disciplined self-control physical relaxation include:
that is required for anyone to eventually become
a real magician. The Yoga 'Death Posture,' in which the
person lays down on a comfortable surface and
There are any numbers of methods that may places themselves in a state of complete physical
relaxation by imagining that they are dead. The as you lie or sit passively, you mentally command,
hands are alongside the body, the legs extended say, your right hand to relax. Then you command
straight out, and the eyes are closed. In this your wrist to relax, and so on, gradually working
position the goal is to consciously rid oneself of your way up your body, until your entire body is
all tensions and physical feelings that are not completely physically relaxed.
indicative of perfect physical relaxation. The
conscious mind continually explores the physical Attaining the state of physical relaxation is
body, gently commanding any tense part of the the first step. Once you have attained that state
body to relax. With sufficient daily practice of this, you should maintain yourself in that relaxed state
or of any other relaxation exercise, it is quite soon for at least ten or fifteen minutes each day. It is
possible to enter into a state of complete physical this timed period of physical relaxation that
relaxation at will. demonstrates to your body that it is no longer
necessary to live a life of tension.
Another method of mastering physical
relaxation is through tensing and relaxing the Specific areas where tension often afflicts
muscles of the body. In this method, one muscle people negatively are their abdomen, their face,
group is tensed and then relaxed, then another their neck, their shoulders, and their spinal
group of muscles are tensed and relaxed, until the column. The person who is mastering the art of
whole body has been tensed and relaxed in this physical relaxation should pay particular attention
manner. For example, the right leg is first tensed to relaxing these areas as they relax themselves
and relaxed, and then the left leg is tensed and in each of their daily relaxation sessions. All parts
relaxed. The right arm, the left arm, the back and of the body are sensitive to tension, but in my
so forth follow this tension and relaxation in order. experience, these are the parts that it is most
Many people have found this to be an excellent difficult for the average person to thoroughly
method of mastering the relaxation process. relax. This is why I suggest that special attention
be paid them in learning and practicing the
A third method is telling yourself mentally to relaxation exercise.
relax a part of your body, and then moving on to
relax another part of your body. In this method, As with any other exercise, it is impossible to
master the physical relaxation exercise perfectly you relax yourself, you will see that its real value
without constant daily repetition. The world's to you will slowly increase. More difficult exercises
greatest musicians practice their musical are always ahead, and until you master the art of
instrument for hours every day. The world's physical relaxation you will be unprepared for
greatest athletes practice their sport for hours every them, and unfortunately, you will be unable to
day. If you wish to become proficient in any field, master them.
practice in that field is always essential. This is as
true of the exercises leading to magical Persevere, remembering that the mastery of
development as it is of the exercises leading to physically relaxing yourself is the key to all else
attaining any other state of proficiency. that follows.
soon find that you will have a great deal more breathing will also assists us greatly in maintaining
non-physical energy to deal with. This will make our general level of physical and mental health.
it easier for you to relax your physical body, as Diaphragm breathing always produces great
well as to master any of the other exercises given benefits in all who use it.
in this small book.
When you breathe with your diaphragm, you
Many people prefer to inhale through their must avoid straining yourself. The breaths you
nose and exhale through their mouths. There is take should be relaxed, even, rhythmical, and
noting at all wrong with this practice, and in fact easy. Breathing easily, without strain or tension,
it is an excellent way to habitually breath, assists in calming your normal tensions, as well as
although this method is less common in our society in relaxing your physical body.
than it is in some others. You might try breathing
in this way to see if it is a manner of breathing Interestingly enough, the more relaxed you
that you might wish to adopt. So long as you are are, the more you will find that breathing with
breathing with your diaphragm, and inhaling your diaphragm is easily accomplished, while the
through your nose, you will be getting both the more you breath with your diaphragm, the easier
oxygen and the vital non-physical energy that it will be for you to relax your physical body. This
you need in your daily life. is why you should breath with your diaphragm
when you practice the relaxation exercise. These
Breathing is so very important to us as living two effects work together quite harmoniously, so
beings on the earth that we tend to take it for practice them together until breathing with your
granted. We should ever not do so, as proper diaphragm becomes the way you ordinarily
breathing is what provides us the very real, breathe. Once you have developed the habit of
although non-physical, energy that we need for diaphragm breathing, I am sure that you will
success in our daily life. It is possible for a person notice some of the other beneficial effects of this
to live for days without water, for weeks without practice entering into your life as well.
the person and 'focusing all of your attention' guarantees cleaner dishes as well as indicating to
on them, you can speak with them for a while the student that this exercise may be done rather
and quickly fill their attention needs. This is briefly any number of times each day. Like all of
something that those who handle complaints the other exercises in this book, the attention
in retail stores often learn during the course of exercise takes a great deal of time to master.
their work. Many people complain about Nonetheless, even a sight improvement in the
something, or return a purchase, when they amount of attention that you pay to others, as
actually are only seeking to receive attention. well as to your physical surroundings, is very likely
Other people may go shopping for the same to immediately result in some direct benefits to
reason, seeking to gain attention from their you in your daily life.
favorable interaction with the sales clerk.
When you are doing any task at all, such as
Once you have mastered the technique of washing the dishes, simply focus all of your
paying attention to others, people will find you attention and concentration on doing exactly
more pleasant and satisfying to be around, and what you are doing. Do not allow your mind to
quite amazingly, most of them will not know why. wander, but instead, deliberately and willfully
Most people are completely unaware of their own concentrate exclusively on the task immediately
attention needs. They usually blame their inner before you. Treat the task at hand if it were the
feelings of discomfort on something else. Once most important thing in the world to you. You
you learn about your own attention needs, you should not criticize yourself for any failures or slips
can easily master them by closely paying attention of your attention either. Simply ignore any slip
to others. ups you might make, and carefully watch what
you are doing. Then return to paying close and
Learning to pay attention is actually a rather exclusive attention to the task at hand.
simple thing, although like all of these exercises
it is usually far more difficult to put into daily You will soon discover that this exercise is
practice than we might wish it to be. I used to tell actually far more difficult that it might appear to
my students to begin to do the attention exercise be at first glance. As soon as you begin to find
when they were washing their dishes, as it this exercise difficult to do, you are beginning to
so that we can eventually recognize just where If we are to identify stray thoughts in our
the thoughts in our mind actually do originate. mind, we must first be able to pay total attention
To do this, we shall first have to learn to blank to our own thoughts. We can do this only if we
our mind. Later on we must learn to arrange are living in a state of complete physical relaxation,
ourselves mentally so that we can recognize our and are able to consciously focus our attention
own thoughts, and distinguish them from those on our thoughts.
other thoughts coming into our mind from some
other source. Being able to do this successfully implies that
we live in a state in which we are completely
We must accept that this entire process will unconcerned about the opinions of other people,
take us quite some time. Until we have mastered and can yet maintain the necessary social niceties
the art of completely relaxing our physical bodies, and courtesies that are required of us in our daily
and have made some progress in the art of paying life. It also means that we are unconcerned about
attention, any efforts we make in learning to our immediate physical environment, and yet are
control our minds will generally be a wasted able to make our own way in the world as
effort. This is why I recommend that you master productive members of the society in which we
the first two exercises before going forward with have found ourselves.
the exercises in this chapter. Doing so will make
the following increasingly difficult exercises more Further, this condition also implies that we
easily learned. Although I must assure you that are unconcerned or indifferent to any other forces
no matter how well prepared you may be, these around us, especially those physical forces, the
exercises are still quite difficult for anyone to forces of nature, and the actions of other people,
actually master. This is why dedication and over which we really have no control at all.
perseverance are so necessary in becoming a Learning to be unconcerned about the criticism
magician. However, even attempting to master of others, whether expressed or implied, is often
these difficult exercises will assist you in quite difficult for us. We always want other people
strengthening your will power. A strong will has to hold a good opinion of us. In fact, it is always
benefits of its own, which always brings good impossible for all other people to like us, so if we
things into the life of the one who has it. can just accept that some people will like us, and
some other people will not, we will do far better Learning to blank your mind is not ever a
for ourselves over the course of our life. The desire first step in mastering magic. There is a well
to have everyone like and respect us is never a known training manual for magicians that give
practical one anyway. as one of its first exercises holding the mind in
a completely blank state for ten minutes each
To some people, this state of indifference may day. This is all very well if the student has
seem to be a negative condition. It is not. To other reached that point, but most people who desire
people, this is a state in which they are able to to become magicians find this to be quite
act without being limited by externals, particularly impossible for them to accomplish. I thought it
by those external pressures of the physical and to be impossible myself when I first began this
social universe that surround us to attempt to exercise. Having managed to attain that point,
influence us in various ways. These forces are after striving for it for some years, I assure you
actually completely beyond our conscious control. that it is not impossible at all.
We had best realize this, and just accept that it is
so. This is another reason why becoming Learning to blank your mind begins with
indifferent to all of the things we have no control completely relaxing your physical body and
over at all is ultimately very important to our focusing all of your attention on your breathing,
personal development. while ignoring everything else around you, or
internal to you. Hopefully, by this time you have
Once we have reached the state where we become accustomed to breathing with your
are able to begin to meet these goals, we can start diaphragm.
making the effort to control our mind. We must
begin this effort by consciously deciding that it While you are focusing your attention on your
will be all right if we cease the internal chatter of breathing, should any thought come into your
our mind for five minutes each day. Having mind you should just ignore it. Do not deliberately
consciously, thoughtfully, and willfully, made that try and push the thought out of your mind, just
decision, we will now move a step further and pay no attention at all to that thought, and focus
begin to implement it. We shall do this by using all of your attention on your breathing. The
our will power. thought will eventually go away. Keep the focus
of all of your attention on your breathing, and "My mind is blank, my mind is blank," as they
just completely ignore everything else. did the exercise. Of course, this is not at all what
is required. To master this exercise you must do it
Practice this exercise for five minutes each exactly as described, focusing all of your attention
day, after reminding yourself before you begin that on your breathing, ignoring everything else, after
you have agreed with yourself to eliminate all of having completely relaxed your physical body.
the random chatter from your mind for five
minutes each day. Then just relax your physical Once you have accomplished this for periods
body, and breath slowly and evenly as you focus of a few seconds to a minute, you must now
all of your attention on your breathing. If you continue to practice the exercise until you can
have really mastered the attention and relaxation achieve total concentration on your breathing
exercises, you will find that within a few weeks for as much as five minutes. Generally speaking
time you will be able to blank your mind this will take you at least three or four times as
completely for brief periods of time, say for ten to long as it did for you to reach absolute
thirty seconds or so at a time. concentration on you're breathing for thirty
seconds or so. Perseverance and self-discipline is
One successful session with this or any other the real key to success with this exercise. There is
exercise proves nothing. It is being able to do no easy road to this very real attainment.
these exercises day after day, week after week, and
month after month, that really counts. Naturally Once you are able to completely concentrate
doing these exercises regularly increases your self your attention on your breathing for ten minutes
discipline, and to some extent, it increases your each day, and have done so for several weeks,
will power. Again, if you do not do these exercises, you are ready to begin another stage of this
the time will pass by for you anyway. exercise. Focus all of your attention directly on
the emptiness of your mind. Avoid trying to feel
It is not unusual for people to practice these any external sensation, just focus all of your
exercises once or twice and decide that they have attention on your mind, and its lack of thought
mastered them. I once had a student who thought of any kind.
that they were blanking their mind by repeating,
You will know that you have achieved success turning your attention from them. At this time,
with this part of the exercise when you find that attempting to search out the origin of these
you are unaware of anything other than your thoughts is just a waste of time. Later it may well
empty mind, free of any thought, free of any be worthwhile, but by then you will not be
sensation. In the ideal case, someone, or deceived as you learn to do this. At this stage,
something, will have to recall you from this state, self,deception is too easy for you to fall into. It is
as you will not easily hear the sound of a timer, or the problem of self,deception that is always the
any other subtle reminder of the end of your greatest trap for the developing magician.
meditation period. On the other hand, you will
soon discover why mystics of all ages have loved Practice this exercise, paying attention to your
to spend considerable time in this blank and thoughts, and completely blanking your mind for
empty meditative state. ten minutes each day for another three months.
If by that time you are absolutely certain of
Now before you go into this state, remind yourself, and of your ability to control your mind,
yourself that you are only to stay in the empty you will be ready to go on to the next step in
mind state for approximately ten minutes. You your training.
should find that you will come out of the state by
yourself when that time has elapsed.
that was required to master each step of the many of the characteristics of your physical body.
process that the art school taught them. Those few people who can see or sense it will
perceive it as if it were the physical you in a non
The following instructions will seem a great physical form. Your non-physical body will have
bore to those who find that they have natural many of the physical senses that you enjoy in your
talent in astral projection. However, if they are physical body.
followed precisely, they will teach anyone who
has mastered the previous exercises to project out However, in practice, these characteristics and
of their physical bodies and eventually to become senses that your non physical and physical bodies
quite competent at projecting their non-physical share will be considerably different in your non
bodies into the real physical world. Once again, physical body than they are in your physical body.
these instructions presuppose that the previous Before you begin adventuring in the non-physical
exercises have been mastered, and the student or astral realms, you must first get used to these
has the ability to completely relax their physical differences. You accomplish this by mastering the
body, focus their attention, and blank their mind. many differences between the physical and the
All of these abilities are required to successfully non-physical realms as found in your body.
deliberately and consciously project out of the
physical body, and into the physical world. Should you decide not to do this, you will
end up trapped in some of the many charming
Your consciousness is what you think you are, and distracting glamour's and snares of the non
it is not what you really are. When you project physical realm. Falling into self-delusion is quite
yourself out of your physical body you are easy to experience in the non-physical realm.
projecting your consciousness, in the form of an This is the greatest danger in projecting the
invisible non-physical body. Some people call this non-physical body. Projecting into this land of
the astral, or starry body. I shall refer to this as the dreams and fantasy is of no real value to anyone
non-physical body, as that is a better definition at all. You must master the art of projecting your
of the effect. non-physical body into the physical or
'physically real' world if you are to become a
Your invisible non-physical body will have true magician.
The steps to astral projection are quite simple; in your non-physical body as you sit on the edge
accomplishing these simple steps is something else of the bed or couch on which your body is laying.
again. Look around you. You may see the room you are
in as it is, or you may see it in a slightly different
First, relax yourself completely while laying arrangement. Recall the room , as you actually
prone on a bed or couch. Relax your physical know it to be. Impress what you know this room
body and quiet your mind, closing your eyes.Now to actually look like over any differences that you
focus your attention on your body, and see it lift may see in the room with your non-physical eyes.
out of the physical shell of your body, sitting up
on the edge of the bed or couch upon which you Now close your eyes again, and re enter your
are relaxed. physical body. Next, sit up again, this time in your
physical body, and open your eyes. Study the room,
Realize that you may be entirely successful at noting any differences from what you saw when
this the first time you try it, or you may not be. In you were in your non-physical body. Place these
either case, see yourself returning to your physical differences into your mind, and try and 'memorize'
body, and once again relax your physical body the picture that you see of the room. Once you
completely. Now sit up again in your non-physical have the view or picture of the room memorized,
body, and then return to your physical body once lie down again, relax yourself, and sit up in your
again. During all of this, feel any of the sensations non-physical body. Open the eyes of your non
that may be present, but keep your eyes closed. physical body and look at the room, willing the
picture you remember of the physical appearance
Do this several times, not to simply practice of the room over any discrepancies you may notice
this as an exercise, but to master the art of leaving with your non-physical senses.
and entering your physical body. This too takes a
great deal of repetitive practice. It is a learned It is impossible to stress too much to the
ability-and you must learn it well. novice at projecting the non-physical body how
easy it is for them to become lost in the allure of
Once you have accomplished this, and know the non-physical world. Becoming lost, they will
that 'something' has taken place, open your eyes probably see all kinds of wonders and marvels. In
most cases they will become literally enchanted. projecting in, as it physically exists. In time you
Unfortunately this often leads the projector to will find that the small changes and deviances
believe that they have achieved great powers. In from physical reality you first noticed will gradually
fact, they have only become lost in self-deception. disappear. This is an indication of progress on your
They have limited themselves, and their part, and it will tell you that after a few more
developing abilities, severely restricting them, sessions with the same good result you will be
often permanently. ready to take the next step.
The only way to prevent this deception, Every human child who can do so learns to
which is essentially self-deception, is to practice walk by first learning how to crawl. It takes a great
mastering the projection of the non-physical body deal of time for the child to progress from crawling
into the physical world. This is why you must to walking, and a great deal more time to progress
limit your practice of the projection of your non from walking to running, and then playing soccer.
physical body to your room for quite some time. Magicians in training must be both patient and
It is vitally necessary for you to master the art of determined. They must consider themselves to
projecting your non-physical body into the be aiming toward an attainable goal. It is much
physical world. Then you must learn to navigate as if a child first began crawling with the goal
your non-physical body in the physical world if firmly placed in their mind of eventually
you are going to master the art of projection as a becoming a professional soccer player.
real magician. The alternative is to become only
a tourist, one who is attracted to the pretty sights Master each step of this exercise and you will
and glimmering objects that will present succeed. Jump toward the conclusion, and you
themselves to you over the course of time. will ultimately deceive yourself, and ultimately fail.
For at least a month, you should practice Now that you are ready to do so, project
projecting yourself out of your physical body by yourself out of your body by sitting on the edge of
sitting on the edge of the bed or pallet, and then the bed or pallet, open your eyes, and then stand
returning to it. With each projection you must up. You must be aware that you are likely to either
also master the art of seeing the room you are fall into the floor, or rise a bit toward the ceiling.
Your non-physical body is not affected either by or four weeks, you are ready for the next step.
gravity, or by what ever it is that may appear to You will now leave your room for the first time.
be solid in the physical world. Begin by projecting from your physical body and
walking up close to the door of your room. Now
Should you find that you are not standing carefully extend your non-physical arm through
firmly on what you know to be the floor, focus the door. You should take some time to assure
your attention on standing firmly on the floor, yourself that you can do this without any difficulty.
just as you would stand on a physical floor. Once
you are able to do this, take a step toward the Do this with first one arm, and then with
wall opposite your bed or couch, being certain to another. Now do it with both hands. When you
neither rise in the air nor sink into the floor. are sure that you are ready, simply step through
the door. Take a step away from the door, and
This is usually far trickier than it seems, so look back at it. This is to assure yourself that you
you will have to practice doing this for quite some have not damaged either the door or yourself.
time. Keep working on it, as learning to walk in Once you realize that you have come through
your non-physical body, while maintaining the door safely, walk back through the door once
yourself on physical surfaces, is at least as difficult again.
as was learning to walk in your physical body.
Practice walking for a while, then re-enter your You have just demonstrated to yourself that
physical body and get up and move around the solid objects in the physical world are not at all
room. solid in the non-physical world. I suggest that you
practice this exercise for several of your exercise
You must repeat this exercise for at least a few session before going any further.
weeks until you have mastered it. Then continue
for a week or two more, to be certain that you Next, look out any exterior wall in your room.
really have mastered this very different art. Look out of the wall just as you would look out of
an open window. Do not be concerned about
Once you are able to walk around your room what you see. This is only to demonstrate to you
without difficulty, and have done this for three that it is possible for you to do so. Under no
circumstances should you attempt to walk through those who are long dead, in the non-physical
the wall. Just look through it. Fancy moves will universe. At present, you must just ignore them,
come later, once you are more accustomed to although that is sometimes very difficult to do,
moving around the physical world in your non especially if you are emotionally connected to
physical body. these people in some way. Harden your heart and
ignore them for now, knowing that in the future
Once you have practiced this exercise several you will be able to have a real reunion with those
times, you can walk out of you room, going whom you may have lost. Rushing things at this
through the door, and walk down the hallway, point will ultimately lead to an unsatisfactory
being certain that you are walking on what you conclusion to your ultimate development. Be
recognize to be the physical floor. You should then patient and continue to be determined to succeed
continue to the front door of your house, but do at this task.
not leave the house just as yet. Instead, turn
around and come back, impressing what you Keep working on these exercises, mastering
know of the physical reality of what you are seeing the projection of your non-physical body into all
upon the images that present themselves to you of the rooms of the building or apartment in
in your non physical body. which you live. You can never have enough
practice before taking the next step. Impatience
It is not unusual to find extra doorways, leads ultimately to failure.
strange corridors, and other such things present
in the non-physical universe that have no physical One of the things that you will soon learn is
reality at all. You must learn to just ignore these that you are invisible to almost all people. While
apparitions, and to be aware of just what is actually a few people will be able to see you, most people
physically present. Until you are able to master cannot. Look at people and see if they see you or
the art of projecting your non-physical body into not. If anyone does see you, leave the room
the 'physically real' universe, you are at grave risk immediately. You are not ready to deal with those
in dealing with the non-physical realms. who can see you as yet.
It is not unusual to find people, sometimes Another early lesson is that you apparently
have no physical strength in your non-physical these things, and seeing them, to believe in their ,,;
body. You must continue to project yourself and reality. These perceptions may not only cloud your
travel in the building in which you live, being judgment, it can cause you to make decisions that
constantly aware of the physical reality, and are quite incorrect. This is just another reason
ignoring the non physical images that will why you must first learn to master the subtle
constantly present themselves to you. Spend at differences between the physical and non-physical
least a month, or better two or three months, on universe before you go further in your
this exercise before you go any further. It is explorations.
important that you master this before you leave
the building in which you live. You must practice floating to the roof of your
building and observing the area around you,
Once you believe you are ready to leave the differentiating between the physically real and the
building in which you, live, first allow yourself to not physically real for some time before you go
float up to the roof of the building. Then walk any further. There are also several other things
around the roof, looking down at the street or that you must master before you are really ready
grounds below. Take note of anything that you to take to the streets.
know is not physically present. Realize that these
things are present only in the non-physical Practice brings success, and in this art,
universe, and have no physical reality. This is quite continual comparison between what you know
important, as it is these non-physical images that of the physical reality and the non-physical is of
can easily become quite negative distractions for the utmost importance to your ultimate ability to
you. become a master of both realms. Continue to work
and practice with your non-physical body,
Buildings that were once present, emotional although you may now restrict your practice
scenes, and items to which strong emotions are sessions to three days a week while you go on to
attached can be located in the non-physical the following exercise.
universe for many years after they have physically
disappeared. It is possible for someone who is
projecting into the non-physical universe to see
1 Ii\ s, ,ii pt:n il did not change in the physical visualization of geometric shapes and simple
\\ 1 ll Id, i ls image did not change in his mind.
diagrams. You can draw these shapes if you wish,
t\lcording to the story of this experience that I but you must be able to recall all of their details,
h ard, Crowley required two weeks to make including any imperfections in either the drawing
:-alisfactory progress with this exercise. On the or the printed page.
other hand, when he began doing it, he had
probably not mastered the relaxation exercises or Once you believe that you have mastered this
the other previous exercises that were given to exercise, it's time for a test. Take a reasonably new
you earlier in this book. paper bill, preferably a twenty-dollar bill, and
visualize it. Now hold the image of that bill in
If you have already attained mastery of these your mind, concentrating on it and nothing else
previous exercises, this exercise should be for at least five minutes. Then visualize that bill
somewhat easier for you. You should be able to coming to you, and entering your billfold or purse.
make satisfactory progress with it in about a week
or ten days. Practice this exercise until you have Now go out of your room and physically walk
mastered the idea of creating and holding in your around town a bit, holding in your mind the
mind the image of several common objects. Pick thought that the bill you have visualized, or it's
simple physical objects, not pictures. Pencils, pens, kin, is coming toward you. Assuming that it is at
paperclips, and other such simple things are far all possible for it to do so, you should either find
easier to master visualizing in the beginning than or be given a twenty-dollar bill during your
anything more complex. excursion.
Once you have mastered visualizing simple Of course, if you are far out in the country
objects you will see that your ability to navigate with no one around, it's considerably less likely.
in the physical world while out of your physical If you are in the downtown area of a city during
body will improve dramatically. Your memory of working hours, it's far more likely that you will
what you see both physically and non-physically find such a bill. Once you can call money to you,
will have improved as well. Once you have you may tell yourself that you have begun the
reached this point, you may begin mastering the mastery of the art of visualization. It was in this
Once you have mastered the technique of
visualization, its time to go on to more prosaic
things. One of the interesting things that you can
use your newly developed abilities for is to have
people place telephone calls to you. Of course,
they have to have your phone number, but unless
it's a long lost love, they probably have it or they
can probably find it. To accomplish this fete,
simply visualize the person, as you recall them.
Of course if you have a picture of them it's better,
but even without a picture, it's usually quite
possible to visualize the person. T here is always
an image of every one you have met in your should be done only during the hours when the
memory, you just have to recall that image with person is normally awake. If you do this while
perfect clarity, and then hold it in your mind while the person is asleep it may cause them to awaken
you do this work. suddenly with the idea that they should call you
immediately. So practice this with exercise,
Now when you send someone a message, you dealing with one person at a time. Only do this
must make the message very short. Long messages, exercise with another person after the first person
more than three or four words just don't work has actually called you, and you have seen that
nearly as well as a short message. If you wish to you can get results with it.
send someone a message, it had best be on the
order of"Call George Smith." Once they contact The reason for practicing this exercise slowly
you, whatever long message must be given them is the same as the reason for going slowly with all
may be communicated over the telephone of the other exercises in this book. You are trying
anyway. to master a magical technique, not learning to
perform a parlor trick. This means that you work
While visualizing the person who is to receive slowly, mastering each step in the technique, and
the message, form the message consciously as a finally mastering the entire technique, so that you
thought on your forehead. Visualize that thought may easily do it at will.
as though it were an object, a non-physical object,
but an object non the less. Once the message is If you remember when you first learned to
formed, move it over the top of your head and drive an automobile, you went quite slowly at first,
down to the back of your neck, directly under until you got the hang of it, so to speak. Do the
your skull. Then, with the image of the person same with these exercises. In that way you will
who is to receive the message clearly held in your master the technique, and be able to eventually
mind, release the thought. Now put this entire perform it quite rapidly when you desire to use it.
operation out of your mind, recalling it only when
the person actually calls you. As you are learning this technique, you will
soon find that some people are far better at
It may not seem to be too obvious, but this receiving thoughts than others. In time, you
By this time you should be able to identify
which of the many thoughts that come into your
mind are yours and which are not. Your mind
should normally be quiet, unless you decide to
think of something. When any thought enters
your mind, examine casually, it without giving it
any emotion or value. If it is not a thought that
you wish to consider, reject it by just turning away
from it and ignoring it, just as you did when you
were learning to control your mind. Learn to
ignore any thoughts that you do not wish to
around the block as you did earlier in your physical Fighting astral demons is hardly your task, as
body. As you make this walk, impress what you should you decide to do so, others will quickly
know of the physical reality of the area over any present themselves to you. There is literally no
distortions or illusions that might present end to the delusions that can encompass you in
themselves to you. Make only one circuit of the these explorations.
block, and then return to your home, just as you
would in your physical body, and then enter into Eventually, things will settle down on your
your physical body. walks, and the non-physical scene you have
imposed the reality of the physical on will stabilize.
Now get up and wash your face or do You will now have to continue these walks, to
something else that is fairly prosaic. You must now see if you can find anything there in the non
bring yourself fully back into the physical world. physical universe that you might be able to make
I have always found that washing my face with a use of. Usually there is not much useful material
warm washcloth has this effect. Other people do that is present, but sometimes there is. Just
other familiar tasks. The purpose of this task is to continue the walks and keep looking, to see what
break any connection still remaining between the you can see . As you continue to do this, you will
non-physical reality and the physical reality in also develop your abilities in this area.
which you live your day to day life.
At this point, the possibility of your deceased
This exercise should be repeated at least three relatives appearing to you presents itself. You
or four times each week for the next month or should pray a brief prayer that they have peace,
two. Do not vary from it, as you will see that while and move on. Do not indulge yourself in entering
your ability to impress scenes of physical reality into conversation with them. It is entirely possible
on the non-physical world will gradually improve, that these apparently deceased people are actually
you will also gradually be exposed to more scenes phantasms created from your sub conscious mind.
of the non physical world, some of which can be At this time you will not be able to clearly
quite revolting, shocking, or even very disgusting differentiate between the fantasy of your own
in nature. These scenes should simply be ignored, projection and the reality of actually seeing the
do not ever actively decide to oppose them. shade of a departed relative. Eventually you will
be able to tell the difference, but that all comes Continue your walks, and familiarize yourself
later, as you slowly gain more experience dealing with the non-physical nature of your block. After
with the non-physical world. a few months of walking around the block two or
three times a week you will find that things will
You may observe the non-physical usually settle down for you. Then you can easily
phenomena that seems to be most stable, but do distinguish between the 'physically real' and the
not allow yourself to become drawn into it, or non-physical illusion. This is another sign that
decide that you should 'do something' about you are making real progress. Now it is time for
whatever it is that you may see. Just observe what you to go even further in learning about the non
it is, and upon your return to your physical body, physical world.
think about why such phenomena is long lasting.
It is not the task of magicians to 'clean up' any
non-physical phenomena that has decided to
occupy a particular space for some reason of its
INVISIBLE HAND This appendage more often looks and feels like a
tentacle projecting from this point on your
Obtain a felt tip marker, preferably one that
has washable or easily removable ink. Art supply Once you have extended this non�physical
stores usually carry these markers. You will only appendage flex it, getting yourself used to
need one of them. The color of the marker you manipulating it. See this appendage in its non�
purchase is not important at all. physical form, but realize that it has a purpose for
you in your magical work, as well as in your life.
In the privacy of your room, expose your Now call this appendage back into yourself and
abdomen and place the knuckle of the thumb of put this exercise out of your mind until the next
the hand you use to write with right at the base time that you practice it.
of your navel, with your thumb pointing directly
downwards toward your groin. Using the felt Do not become discouraged if you are not able
tipped marker, mark a spot on your abdomen at to do this exercise the first time you attempt it.
Keep working on it, and continue to persevere at true physical reality of the area. It is always
the exercise until you are successful. In time, you necessary that you are able to maintain yourself
will be able to master this exercise, just as you in the 'physically real' world while you are out
have mastered all of the others. With the on your non-physical travels.
conscious activation of this appendage, often
known as 'the invisible hand,' you are developing You must go very slowly as you learn to deal
another useful magical ability. with the physical universe in your non-physical
body. The non-physical universe has many
Practice this exercise every day for a week, surprises in it for those who simply barge into
about five minutes each time, once you have been things. Some streets that are very nice in the
able to locate and extend the appendage. The physical universe are very dark and quite ugly in
second week practice this exercise every other the non-physical world. You should avoid
day for about ten minutes each time. Continue traveling on any of those streets that you see in
practicing this exercise every other day for a your non-physical body as being dark and ugly.
month or more, until you believe that you have You will have to avoid them until you have gained
gained the ability to successfully manipulate your a great deal more experience in traveling out of
invisible hand. your physical body.
You should begin to do this exercise with your Be cautious, but as you perfect yourself, you
invisible hand as you continue performing the should gradually expand the area you travel three
exercise of projecting your non-physical body nights a week in your non-physical body. At the
walking around the block that you live on. Once same time, you should remain in or quite near
you are certain that you have mastered walking the physical neighborhood in which you live. In
around your block, you may expand your walk, time, you will master this art, but practice and
but do so by walking around two blocks physically experience is very important in gaining your
before you begin walking around them in your ultimate development as a magician. This may
non-physical body. Each time you expand your only be accomplished through the constant
non-physical journeys, you must expand your repetition of these exercises.
physical journey first so that you can learn the
have placed it on. When you attempt to
unbalance the card, in addition to attempting to
unbalance it with your non-physical body, you
must also consciously will the card to become
unbalanced and fall.
This exercise is one that only a few people
may actually ever become truly accomplished at Spend no more than three or four minutes a
performing. Do not worry if you practice this day on this exercise. You may practice this exercise
exercise for several months without having any on your return from your walk around your
success at all. Your desire to perform this exercise neighborhood. Make the attempt to unbalance
will slowly and gradually open up the possibility the card, but you must be completely
of your being able to do it. For some people, it unconcerned as to whether you actually
takes at least six months of continual practice to accomplish this task or not. The effort of will that
accomplish. Other people never master this you make to unbalance the card is as much mental
exercise at all. I place this exercise here, in the development for you as actually unbalancing it,
hope that some people may eventually master it, having it fall from the place you have set it.
any difficulty. It is now time to apply your well people may almost hold you in awe when you
honed mind to your daily affairs, as well as to any speak to them. When you begin to notice this, it
magical work you may be doing. is time to soften your approach a bit. You should
do so in such a way that people are not as
Whenever you are speaking with someone, consciously aware of the intensity you are focusing
concentrate intently on listening to him or her, on them as you listen to them or speak to them.
deliberately paying close attention to them. The You can moderate this intensity by displaying a
idea is to be actively listening intently to what sincere social interest in the other person, as
they say. Focus your conscious mind and attention demonstrated to them by your facial expression
on them, as if it were a spotlight that you were as well as by the words and manner of your
aiming directly at them. speaking to them.
In the pauses that always come between your Many outstandingly successful people have
speech and their reply, listen intently, as if what mastered this art, and not a few credit their success
they were about to say were the most important in the world to it. When you interrelate with
words that you will ever hear. Once the other people in this way, they feel flattered, and are
person finishes speaking, slowly and carefully usually quite pleased with you when you have
formulate your reply in the pause that follows their finished speaking to them, regardless of the subject
speech, thinking carefully about what you will of the conversation. Once you have mastered this
say, and wording your reply so it will have the technique, you will find that people will give you
greatest possible effect on the person you are far more respect and attention that you have
speaking to. You should always speak softly, but previously received from them. The use of this
speak while paying extremely close attention to technique is one of the reasons why magicians
the other person, treating them as if they were are usually looked at as being really extraordinary
the only other person on the face of the earth. people.
In the course of time, as you gradually master This technique is necessary in magical work,
this exercise, you will find that other people will as when you speak to any non-physical entity, or
begin to hold you in a state of higher regard. Some to the spirit of any physical object, your full
I was sitting in a small restaurant in New York
City one evening. There were four of us, all
magicians, just finishing our dinner. The waitress
came up to us and complimented us all on our
voices. She said that we "all had such nice
speaking voices." Then she inquired if we were
singers. Considering the usual rather blase and
crass nature of waitresses in inexpensive
restaurants in New York City, that was a rare
compliment indeed.
but these voices are developed through training, for about five or ten minutes, twice a day for
those who become magicians are not usually born several months.
with them. Magicians also have very flexible
voices. They are able to project the sound of their In the English language, the vowels are taken
speech to fill a large room, as well as being able to as being A, E, I, 0, and U. For this exercise, the
speak in the soft and gentle whisper of strict semi vowels, Y and W are added. Speaking them
confidentiality. Again, these abilities, like all of in alphabetical order, you would say:
their abilities, are developed through training; they
are not usually natural to those who become A, E, I, 0, U, W, Y
Repeating these vowels can quickly become
The exercise given below has been used for just as boring as any of the other repetitive
many years to develop the voice of magicians. I exercises. However, the ultimate results from this
am aware that there are other exercises that may exercise are quite worthwhile, as the goal is not
be used for the same purpose, but I do not know just repeating these vowels, but projecting them
what they are, so I give below the exercise that I out from your mouth as if they were living things,
was given in my own training. Like most of these or even commands to be heeded by others. As
exercises, the instructions are simplicity itself. you do this, you must breath with your diaphragm,
While sitting in a crouch, with your back erect, and concentrate all of your attention on your
speak aloud the vowels of your native language, speaking these vowels to fill the room.
making them resonate to fill the room in which
you are speaking. In a few weeks time, with regular practice,
you will find that your voice will subtly change.
You should sit on a low chair or stool when After several months of this practice, you will find
doing this exercise. I first used a firm cushion, that you have developed what is known as a voice
about four inches high. My legs were bent, my of command. You will find that people you speak
feet aimed away from my body, so that my feet to will now be paying more attention to what
were flat on the floor beside the cushion. In that you say than they formerly did. This is one of the
initially uncomfortable position I spoke the vowels natural results of this exercise.
It is another asset that you may use successfully
for everyday purposes. You will discover that
people will respond to you better when you speak
to them, regardless of the subject of your
You are probably well aware that most people
You should also master the control of the do not listen to what other people are saying.
volume as well as the modulation of your speech. Instead of listening to what others say, most people
You need to be able to softly whisper, as well as to are busy formulating an answer to what they
bellow out in the kind of over loud voice that believe that they are hearing, or have heard. As
drill sergeants use to drill troops. Both variations you develop yourself, this unfortunate fact will
in tone and volume have their uses, and in time soon become painfully obvious to you. The more
you can develop good control over both. intently you pay attention to someone, the more
you will begin to hear and understand both what
they are actually saying, and subtly begin to hear
what they are proposing to say.
Having taken the trouble to master the art of to other people in your everyday conversations
clearing your mind of clutter, you should be well with them, as well as when you are in a position
aware that for almost all people, there is a to overhear conversations between people. It will
continual conversation going on in the always be to your benefit to take the opportunity
background of their mind. If you listen to other to gain practice in this art. Naturally, you will
people intently, while holding your own mind discover that this practice in listening to others is
blank, you can often begin to hear this internal of great benefit to you in your daily life as well.
conversation. Initially it is heard not so much in
words, as received in impressions and feelings that
you receive from the one you are speaking to.
Ah, but of course that is not enough for you.
You became a magician because you wanted to
do magical rituals or spells, controlling your life
and surroundings in some way. This is the usual
motivation for one to become a magician. While
it is not the best motivation, it is the most common
one, so we shall follow that urge, and discover
that we are now prepared to do what we will.
too complicated, and too difficult to use in the threats that the amateur sorcerer or trained
world of today. magician may make to them are far out of
proportion to what these people can actually do
Most spirits will actually come to a magician to them. The spirits are quite right in this. This is
when they are called, especially when summoned another reason for re writing these ancient spells
with the voice of command. On the other hand, into something that is more suited to the practical
the spirit may not wish to communicate with you, reality of today. Remove the threats and you will
or may be uninterested in assisting you in any way have better results.
at all. T he inhabitants of the non-physical world
seem to be just as curious as any other being, so
when they are respectfully invited to attend
something, they will usually do so. However, they
prefer to work for pay, a trait that I am sure that
we all share.
been difficult for you to perform in the past have Speaking to elementals is also possible, but
opened themselves up fully, and are now available here you must remember that they expect to be
for your use. treated with respect by those who come to them
to make appeals for assistance. In many of the old
I have often stated that prayer is the most magical texts the commanding of elemental forces
effective form of magic. Through mastering the is encouraged. This is not only a dangerous idea,
training you have undertaken, you are now able it is a very stupid one. The elemental forces are
to pray successfully, in that your prayers may now the rulers of their world, just as humans are the
be productive of a physical result. You will find rulers of this physical reality in which we live.
that by simply focusing and concentrating your The elementals are the forces that make manifest
mind, and then praying with sincerity directly to the physical reality in which we humans live,
the creator, you will realize more results than could which gives them some control over our
be obtained in most of the magical spells that are environment, if not our spirits. Winning their
undertaken by others, using any other system or enthusiastic cooperation is the only way to really
technique of magic. Sincere prayer is influence them to assist you in attaining any goals
communication directly with the creator, and you may have for them. As with another human
such prayers never go unheard. being, this is accomplished only through showing
them respect and using persuasion to gain their
Natural and elemental magic cooperation. Trying to command or force any of
the powerful beings of the non-physical world to
You will find than your efforts in performing do your bidding will always result in failure.
natural magic have been greatly expanded as well.
Should you wish to know what any natural item
might be used for, simply take a sample of the
item in your hand and question it. In your inner,
or non-physical, ear you will hear the natural item
speak to you, revealing to you its useful non
physical properties and uses, in answer to your
sincere inquiry of it.
There are any numbers of inhabitants of the Other non-physical entities may attempt to
non-physical world.Just as in our world, this non lure you into their particular venue, often through
physical world has many kinds of inhabitants, as emotional lures of some kind. Avoid these as well,
well as levels or territories. In this way, it is similar again with unfailing courtesy, and a polite turning
to our world, which has different species, as well away from their lure. In time, your indifference
as continents, oceans, and nations. Once you and good manners will attract one of the higher
have spent some time walking around the streets entities that will personally guide you through
or by ways of the city or area in which you live, these realms. Until the time comes that these
you will undoubtedly find that you have higher entities are convinced of your sincerity and
encountered any number of these very many non lack of desire to control them, you had best be
physical entities. courteous, polite, and indifferent to all of them.
This attitude will pay off for you quite handsomely
These many new abilities that you have
achieved are the result of your hard effort at self
discipline and dedicated work. A beautiful result
it is, because you now are far more able than most
people to fit yourself into the real life of the world,
which you can now prove to yourself has both
physical and non-physical constituents. You will
now fully realize that the world operates quite
well, both physically and non-physically, on the
path that its creator has set it on.
Published by
P. 0. BOX 612