M.Phil, - B. Maheswari PDF
M.Phil, - B. Maheswari PDF
M.Phil, - B. Maheswari PDF
Definition 1.1
A topological space (X, τ ) with operations λ and λ0
on αO(X) is α(λ,λ0 ) -connected if there is no disjoint pair
M and N of α(λ,λ0 ) -open sets such that M ∪ N = X.
Example 1.2
Therefore (−∞, 1) ∩ [1, ∞) = ∅ and
(−∞, 1) ∪ [1, ∞) = R.
Definition 1.3
Let (X, τ ) be a topological space and Y ⊂ X. Then
the collection of α(λ,λ0 ) -open sets in Y is τα(λ,λ0 )Y = {Y ∩
M : M is α(λ,λ0 ) -open in X}.
Remark 1.4
(a) A topological space (X, τ ) is α(λ,λ0 ) -disconnected if
and only if there exists a non-empty subset M of X
which is both α(λ,λ0 ) -open and α(λ,λ0 ) -closed.
Definition 1.5
For a subset M of a topological space X, the α(λ,λ0 ) -
boundary of M is equal to α(λ,λ0 ) -cl(M ) ∩ α(λ,λ0 ) -cl(M c ).
The following theorem gives a characterization for α(λ,λ0 ) -
connectedness in terms of α(λ,λ0 ) -boundary.
Theorem 1.6
A topological space (X, τ ) is α(λ,λ0 ) -connected if and
only if every non-empty proper subset of X has a non-
empty α(λ,λ0 ) -boundary.
Proof :
Assume that (X, τ ) is α(λ,λ0 ) -connected.
Let M be a proper non-empty proper subset of X such
that M has empty α(λ,λ0 ) -boundary.
Then α(λ,λ0 ) -cl(M ) ∩ α(λ,λ0 ) -cl(X\M ) = ∅
⇒ α(λ,λ0 ) -cl(M ) ⊂ X\α(λ,λ0 ) -cl(X\M )
⇒ M ⊂ α(λ,λ0 ) -cl(M ) ⊂ α(λ,λ0 ) -int(M ) ⊂ M.
⇒ M = α(λ,λ0 ) -cl(M ) = α(λ,λ0 ) -int(M ).
Therefore M is both α(λ,λ0 ) -open and α(λ,λ0 ) -closed. That
is X is not α(λ,λ0 ) -connected which is a contradiction.
Conversely, Suppose X is α(λ,λ0 ) -disconnected.
Then X has a proper subset M which is both α(λ,λ0 ) -open
and α(λ,λ0 ) -closed.
⇒ α(λ,λ0 ) -cl(M ) = M and α(λ,λ0 ) -cl(X\M ) = X\M
⇒ α(λ,λ0 ) -cl(M ) ∩ α(λ,λ0 ) -cl(X\M ) = ∅.
which is a contradiction.
Therefore X is α(λ,λ0 ) -connected.
Definition 1.7
α(λ,λ0 ) -component of X is a maximal α(λ,λ0 ) -connected
subset of X.
Example 1.8
Let X = {a, b, c, d} and τ = {∅, X, {a}, {b}, {c}, {a, b}, {a, c},
{b, c}, {a, b, c}}.
Define λ and λ0 on αO(X) by
cl(M) if d ∈ M
λ(M ) =
M if d ∈
0 M if d ∈ M
λ (M ) =
int M if d ∈
In this topological space {a,b,c} is not α(λ,λ0 ) -component
while {a,c,d} is α(λ,λ0 ) -component of X.
Theorem 1.9
For a topological space (X, τ ), the following condi-
tions are hold
(c) If the operations λ and λ0 are α-regular, then every
α(λ,λ0 ) -connected subset of X is which is both α(λ,λ0 ) -
open and α(λ,λ0 ) -closed is α(λ,λ0 ) -component of X.
Proof :
α(λ,λ0 ) -components .
Therefore P is contained in exactly one
α(λ,λ0 ) -component of X.
Definition 1.10
A topological space (X, τ ) is α(λ,λ0 ) -locally connected
if for every point x ∈ X and every α(λ,λ0 ) -open set M con-
taining x, there is a α(λ,λ0 ) -connected and α(λ,λ0 ) -open set
O such that x ∈ O ⊂ M .
Example 1.11
Let X = {a, b, c, d} and τ = {∅, X, {a}, {a, b}, {a, c},
{a, d}, {a, b, c}, {a, b, d}, {a, c, d}.
Define λ and λ0 on αO(X) by
M if d ∈ M
λ(M ) =
M ∪ {d} if d ∈ /M
M if c ∈ M
λ0 (M ) =
M ∪ {c} if c ∈
In this topological space, α(λ,λ0 ) -open sets are
∅, X and {a,c,d}.
Clearly X is α(λ,λ0 ) -locally connected.
Theorem 1.12
If X is α(λ,λ0 ) -locally connected, then X has a base
with α(λ,λ0 ) -connected and α(λ,λ0 ) -open sets.
Proof :
Let M be the collection of all α(λ,λ0 ) -connected and
α(λ,λ0 ) -open subsets of X.
Let x ∈ X and let O be α(λ,λ0 ) -open set containing x.
Since X is α(λ,λ0 ) -locally connected, there exists α(λ,λ0 ) -
connected and α(λ,λ0 ) -open set M ∈ M such that x ∈
M ⊂ O.
This implies O is the union of elements of M.
Therefore M is a base for the collection of all α(λ,λ0 ) -open
sets of X.
Theorem 1.13
α(λ,λ0 ) -locally connectedness is α(λ,λ0 ) -open hereditary.
Proof :
Let M be α(λ,λ0 ) -open subset of X containing x and
let O be α(λ,λ0 ) -open set such that x ∈ O ⊂ M .
Then O is α(λ,λ0 ) -open set containing x in X.
Since X is α(λ,λ0 ) -locally connected, there exists α(λ,λ0 ) -
open set W containing x such that x ∈ W ⊂ O.
W is α(λ,λ0 ) -connected and α(λ,λ0 ) -open set containing x
such that x ∈ W ⊂ O ⊂ M .
Therefore M is α(λ,λ0 ) -locally connected.
2 µΩ -Compact Spaces
µΩ -compact space was defined and some properties of
µΩ -compact spaces were examined in this chapter.
Lemma 2.1
γ-operation is a restriction of λ-operation.
Proof :
Let M be an open set. Then M is an α-open set.
Therefore τ ⊂ αO(X). Thus, λτ = γ.
Example 2.2
Let X = {a, b, c, d} and τ = {∅, X, {a}, {d}, {a, d},
{b, d}, {a, b, d}}.
In this topological space α-open sets are ∅, X, {a},
{d}, {a,d}, {b,d}, {a,b,d}, {a,c,d}.
Theorem 2.3
Let (X, τ ) be a topological space with an operation γ
on τ , Y ⊂ X and let M be a γ-open subset of X. Then
M ∩ Y is γ-open in Y if γ(O) ⊂ M ⇒ γ(O ∩ Y ) ⊂ M ∩ Y
for all O ∈ τ .
Proof :
Let M be a γ-open subset in X. Then for all x ∈ M
there exists an open set O of X containing x such that
γ(O) ⊂ M .
By assumption, γ(O ∩ Y ) ⊂ M ∩ Y .
Since O∩Y is open in Y and M ∩Y ⊂ M , for all x ∈ M ∩Y
there exists an open set O of X such that
γ(O ∩ Y ) ⊂ M ∩ Y .
Thus M ∩ Y is γ-open in Y.
Corollary 2.4
If Y is open in X, then γ-open sets in Y are γ-open
in X.
Definition 2.5
An operation µ on ΩO(X) is stable if µ induces an
operation µY : ΩY O(X) → P(X) such that µY (M ∩ Y ) =
µ(M ) ∩ Y for every M ∈ ΩO(X) where ΩY O(X) = {M ∩
Y : M ∈ ΩO(X)}.
Example 2.6
Let X = {a, b, c, d} and let τ = {∅, X, {a}, {c}{a, b}, {a, c}, {a, b, c}}.
In this topological space, Ω-open sets are {c},{a,b},{a,c},{a,b,c}.
Define µ on ΩO(X) by
M ∪ {b} if M = {d}
µ(M ) =
M if M 6= {d}
Let Y={b,c,d}. Then the operation µ is stable with respect
to Y.
Proposition 2.7
Let µ : ΩO(X) → P(X) be an operation satisfying
the following conditions:
1. M ⊂ µ(M ) for all M ∈ ΩO(X).
2. µ(∅) = ∅.
If µ is stable with respect to all proper Ω-closed subsets of
X, then µ is an identity operation.
Proof :
Let M be a proper Ω-open subset of X.
Then M c = P is Ω-closed. Since µ is stable,
µ(M ) ∩ P = µP (M ∩ P )
= µP (∅)
= µP (∅ ∩ P )
= µ(∅) ∩ P
= ∅ ∩ P = ∅.
This implies µ(M ) ⊂ M . Therefore µ(M ) = M .
Theorem 2.8
Let (X, τ ) be a topological space with an operation µ
on ΩO(X), Y ⊂ X and let M be a µΩ -open subset of X.
Then M ∩ Y is µΩ -open in Y if µ(O) ⊂ M ⇒ µ(O ∩ Y ) ⊂
M ∩ Y for all O ∈ ΩO(X).
Proof :
Let M be a µΩ -open subset in X. Then for all x ∈ M
there exists an Ω-open set O of X containing x such that
µ(O) ⊂ M .
By assumption, µ(O ∩ Y ) ⊂ M ∩ Y .
Since O ∩ Y is Ω-open in Y and M ∩ Y ⊂ M , for all
x ∈ M ∩ Y there exists an Ω-open set O of X such that
µ(O ∩ Y ) ⊂ M ∩ Y .
Thus, M ∩ Y is µΩ -open in Y.
Definition 2.9
Let (X, τ ) be a topological space with an operation
µ on ΩO(X). Then X is µΩ -compact if for every Ω-
open cover O of X, there exists a finite sub collection
{O1 , O2 , ..., On } of O such that X = ∪ni=1 µ(Oi ).
Example 2.10
Let (N, τ ) be a discrete topological space where N is
the set of natural numbers. Define the operation µ on
ΩO(X) by µ(M ) = N for all M ∈ N . This topological
space is µΩ -compact.
Remark 2.11
µΩ -closed subset of µΩ -compact space is µΩ -compact.
Theorem 2.12
µΩ -compact subset of a µΩ -T2 space is µΩ -closed if
the operation is µΩ -regular.
Proof :
Let M be a µΩ -compact subset of X. Claim M is
µΩ -closed.
Let x ∈ M c . For all y ∈ M , there exist Ω-open sets P and
Q such that x ∈ P , y ∈ Q and µ(P ) ∩ µ(Q) = ∅.
Using these Ω-open sets, we can construct a Ω-open cover
{Oy : y ∈ M } of M .
Since M is µΩ -compact, there exists a finite collection
{O1 , O2 , ...On } such that M ⊂ ∪ni=1 µ(Oi ).
Let O = ∩ni=1 Oi . Then O is Ω-open set containing x.
Since O1 , O2 , ...On are Ω-open sets containing x and µ is
µΩ -regular, there exists Ω-open set W such that W ⊂
µ(W ) ⊂ M c .
This implies M c is µΩ -open. Therefore M is µΩ -closed.
Theorem 2.13
Let (X, τ ) be a topological space with an operation µ
on ΩO(X) which is stable with respect to Y where Y ⊂ X.
If X is µΩ -compact and Y is µΩ -closed, then Y is µΩY -
Proof :
Let φ = {Oi }i∈I be a Ω-open cover of Y by ΩY O(Y )-
open sets.
Let φ∗ ⊂ ΩO(X) be the set of all Ω-open sets such that
for all M ∈ φ∗ , M ∩ Y ∈ φ.
Since X\Y is µΩ -open, take a Ω-open cover of X\Y say
χ = {Nx ∈ ΩO(X) : µ(Nx ) ⊂ X\Y, x ∈ X}.
Then the collection φ∗ ∪ χ is a Ω-open cover of X.
Since X is µΩ -compact, there exist a finite subcollection
{O1 , O2 , . . . , Om } ⊂ φ∗ and {N1 , N2 , . . . , Nn } ⊂ χ such
X = {∪m n
i=1 µ(Oi )} ∪ {∪j=1 µ(Nj )}
Y = {∪m n
i=1 µ(Oi ) ∩ Y } ∪ {∪j=1 µ(Nj ) ∩ Y }
Y = {∪m
i=1 µY (Oi ∩ Y )}
Theorem 2.14
Let M be a subset of X and let µ : ΩO(X) → P(X)
and µM : ΩM O(M ) → P(M ) be operations satisfying
µM (O ∩ M ) ⊂ µ(O) ∩ M for any Ω-open subset O of X
such that M ∩ O 6= ∅. If M is µΩM -compact, then M is
µΩ -compact.
Proof :
Let O be Ω-open cover of M . Then {O ∩ M : O ∈
O} ⊂ ΩM O(M ) is a ΩM -open cover of M .
Therefore there exists a finite collection {O1 , O2 , ...On } of
O such that M = ∪ni=1 µM (Oi ∩ M ) ⊂ ∪ni=1 µ(Oi ) ∩ M ⊂
∪ni=1 µ(Oi ). Therefore M is µΩ -compact.