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District Rate Sunsari 072 73
District Rate Sunsari 072 73
Institute of Engineering
A Project Proposal
Earthquake Resistant Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Building
The success of this project required a lot of guidance and assistance from many people and we
are extremely fortunate to have got this all along the completion of our final year project work.
Whatever we have done is only due to such guidance and assistance and we would not forget
to thank them.
Firstly, we would like to thank Institute of Engineering for including the final year project as a
part of our curriculum. Special thanks go to Department of Civil Engineering for initiating and
facilitating this Building Project to further enhance our knowledge of structural analysis and
We respect and thank our Supervisor – Er. Sujan Tripathi, for providing us all support and
guidance during the working phase.
We are thankful to and fortunate enough to get constant encouragement, support and guidance
from all teaching staffs namely Mahendra Raj Dhital, Dinesh Gupta, Pradip Koirala, Prof. Dr.
Hikmat Raj Joshi, Dr. Bharat Mandal, Asso. Prof. Nabin Chandra Sharma and Department of
Civil Engineering which helped us in successfully completing our project work.
Acknowledgement would be incomplete without mentioning our family members and friends
who have been constant source of inspiration during the preparation of the project.
The main aim of the project is to structurally analyze and design a seismic resistant
multistoreyed building. A building has to perform many functions satisfactorily. Amongst
these functions are the utility of the building for the intended use and occupancy, structural
safety, fire safety; and compliance with hygienic sanitation and ventilation and daylight
standards. The design of the building is dependent upon the minimum requirement prescribed
for each of the above functions.
As per the recent following of the Gorkha Earthquake that occurred in 25th April, 2015, the
construction of multistoreyed building has been of major concern. So proper selection of the
building site is required. The analysis and design of our building is based on increasing the
seismic capacity through proper configuration of the structure as well as proper designing and
ductile detailing of structural elements.
The project will commence within the above mentioned criteria and the strength and
serviceability will be checked. If the conditions are okay the final output of the project as
detailed drawings will be obtained else certain changes in the design will be required.
We are interested in carrying out a project work on the analysis and design of an earthquake
resistant building, which is one of the topics recommended by the Department of Civil
Engineering for carrying out a project work on, for the fulfillment of the Bachelor in Civil
Engineering program.
Nepal is located in a seismic zone and is prone to earthquakes. We have experienced several
earthquakes in the past, the most recent one being the Gorkha Earthquake of April 25, 2015,
which measured 7.8 on the Richter scale. Proper analysis and safe design of structures,
therefore, carries great importance which is the main reason why we propose to perform a
project on seismic resistant building design.
The design of the building will be based on the detailed plans of a proposed RCC building
provided by the project supervisor. The design shall include the design of following
Basement Wall
Lateral load resisting systems
Salient Features
Name of the Project: Seismic Analysis and Design of Multi-Storeyed RCC Building
Region: Central Development Region
Zone: Bagmati
District: Kathmandu
Type of Building: Apartment Building
Structural System: Special Moment Resisting Frame
Soil Type: ii
Seismic zone: v
No of Storey: 11.5 including basement
Dimension of building:
Maximum length: 70’5”
Maximum Breadth 79’2”
Type of Stair: Open Well
Type of foundation: Raft Foundation
Floor Height:
Basement: 9’10”
Typical: 10’6”
Staircase cover: 9’6”
Infill wall: Brick Masonry
Main wall: 9”
Partition wall: 4.5”
Design criteria: As per IS code
Size of structural elements:
Beam: 12”*20”
Slab thickness: 6”
Depth of footing: 20”
No of columns:
Basement: 42
Typical: 42
Staircase cover: 8
Better acquaintance with the code provisions for reinforced concrete design.
Literature Review
Every engineering design is the outcome of the past experiences and observations. It is
necessary to justify the result of the analysis and design properly with reference to the pre-
existing standard results or the past experiences. Structural design is the methodical
investigation of the stability, strength and rigidity of structures. The basic objective in structural
analysis and design is to produce a structure capable of resisting all applied loads without
failure during its service life. Safe design of structures can be achieved by applying the proper
knowledge of structural mechanics and past experiences. It is needed to provide authentic
reference to the design made i.e. the design should follow the provision made in codes of
practices. Use of codes also keeps the designer to the safe side in case the structure fails within
its service life. For this design, certain references and criteria are taken from the literatures
discussed below.
thereof. In the code wind load estimation is done by taking into
account the random variation of the wind speed with time.
Part 4: Snow Loads
This part of the code deals with snow loads on roofs of buildings.
Roofs should be designed for the actual load due to snow or the
imposed load specified in Part 2 whichever is more sever. Since
location of the building is within Kathmandu Valley, there is no
possibility of snowfall. Hence the snow load is not considered in the
Part 5: Special Loads and Load Combinations
This code loads and loads effects (Except the loads covered in Part 1 to
4 and seismic load) due to temperature changes, internally generated
stress due to creep shrinkage, differential settlement etc. in the building
and its components, soil and hydrostatic pressures, accidental loads etc.
This part also covers the guidance for the load combinations.
4. IS 456: 2000 (Reaffirmed 2005) Plain and Reinforced Concrete – Code of
This Indian Standard code of practice deals with the general structural use
of plain and reinforced concrete based on Limit State Design Method.
According to the code, plain concrete structures referred to those structures
where reinforcement if provided is ignored for determination of the strength
of the structure. This code does not cover special requirements for the
structures like bridges, chimneys, hydraulic structures, earthquake
resistance buildings etc. but allows the use of separate code for those
structures in conjunction with this code.
8. IS 2950 (Part I): 1981 (Reaffirmed 1998) Code of practice for design and
construction of Raft Foundations:
Raft foundation is a substructure supporting an arrangement of columns or
walls in a row or rows and transmitting the loads to the soil by means of a
continuous slab with or without depressions or openings. Such types of
foundations are found useful where soil has low bearing capacity. This
standard covers the design of raft foundation based on conventional method
(for rigid foundation) and simplified methods (flexible foundation) for
residential and industrial buildings, store-houses, silos, storage tanks, etc.,
which have mainly vertical and evenly distributed loads.
publications including charts and tables for required values like material properties
and explaining examples of designs. Following design aids will be used for the
design of the structure:
Apart from these references there may requires data related to the past earthquake,
the earthquake zoning map and soil condition of the site. These data may be
obtained from the government authorities and other concerning organizations.
The reports on the same project prepared by the students of previous batches was
also an important reference to the project.
Nepal is dominated by the Himalaya – the highest, youngest and seismically very active
mountain range. Hence building construction in Nepal should consider the seismic loading.
In Nepal, design of buildings is mainly based upon the guidelines provided by the Nepal
National Building Codes: 000- 1994. But in most of the cases NBC refers to the Indian
Standard Building Codes and other foreign building codes and permit the use of such codes.
The design based on the foreign codes must fulfill the requirement that the finished structure
must meet or exceed both qualitatively and quantitatively the requirements of NBC:000-
1994. Hence for this project, analysis and design of the given building is aimed to be done
using Indian Standard Codes of Practice and design aids (Special Publications of Bureau of
Indian Standard) which follows the limit state design method.
Limit state design (LSD) is also known as Load and Resistance factor Design. Limit state is a
condition of a structure beyond which it no longer fulfills the design criteria. The objective of
design based on the limit state concept is to achieve and acceptable probability that a
structure will not become unserviceable in its lifetime for the use for which it is intended i.e.
structure will not reach limit state within its lifetime. The limit state that concern with the
safety of people and safety of structure is known as limit state of collapse. It includes the loss
of equilibrium of structure, failure by excessive deformation, fatigue, rupture, loss of stability
of the structure or any part of it including supports and foundations. The limit state that
concern with the functioning of the structure or structural members under normal use, or
comfort of people or appearance of the construction works is classified as limit state of
The analysis and design of the building in this project will be carried out following the below
listed methods:
i. The design and analysis process requires knowledge of structural mechanics and
design theories which were acquired in previous semesters (1st to 6th semesters).
Reinforced Concrete Design and Earthquake resistant design are being studied in
this semester (7th semester). It is planned to learn structural analysis and design
software (SAP 2000) during this Semester (7th Semester).
ii. After completing these basic requirements, detailed design of the structure will be
accomplished according to the following steps:
Estimation and idealization of the loads i.e. dead load and live load will be done
based on the Indian Standard Code of Practice IS:875-1987 (Code of Practice
for Design Loads (Other than Earthquake) for Buildings and Structures, Part 1,
2 and 3).
Estimation of the seismic load will be based on IS:1993-2002 (Criteria for
Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures, Part 1). For Kathmandu Valley,
Seismic zone is considered as Zone V and medium (II) soil type. For the
detailing of the designed reinforcement IS:13920-1993 (Ductile Detailing for
Reinforced Concrete Structures Subjected to Seismic Forces- Code of Practice)
will be referred
Modeling of the structure will be done using the software SAP2000 which is
published by American software company Computers and Structures. This
software is freely available for academic purpose.
Analysis of the structure will also be carried out using SAP2000 which analyses
the structure based on the Finite Element Method. The results of design obtained
from SAP2000 will be also verified using other software packages.
All the calculations for the design will be based on IS:456-2000 (Plain and
Reinforced Concrete- Code of Practice), IS:4326-2003 (Earthquake Resistant
Design and Construction of Buildings- Code of Practice), IS:5525-1999
(Recommendations for Detailing of Reinforcement in Reinforced Concrete
Works) and IS:13920-1993. Beside these codes design aids Indian Standard
Special Publications (SP 16, SP 22, SP 24 and SP 34) along with the textbooks
by Pillai and Menon, SN Sinha, AK Jain etc. will be referred.
Final outcome of the analysis and design will be the structural drawing
including detail ductile detailing of the reinforcement bars based on IS 13920
and other related Indian Standard codes.
If sufficient time is left at the end, estimation of cost for the construction of the
building will also be carried out.
After the complete analysis and design, required modifications for the
provided architectural drawing including size of structural members, partition
walls etc. will be carried out and all the drawing will be printed in appropriate
format for inclusion with the final report.
Time Schedule
The project has been allocated to the completed in the time being of 7th and 8th semester of
Civil Engineering. The first phase of the project which includes the theoretical study of RCC
design, documents related to seismic design and codes, architectural corrections needed in the
drawing and preliminary design of the structure has been completed during the 7th semester.
Also, a proposal for the project is submitted.
Future Works
The second phase of the project will have begun before the start of the 8th semester. The second
phase of the project will be comprised of the following tasks:
Idealization of structure
Load assessment
Modeling and Analysis of structure
Drawing and Detailing
Estimating and Costing