Telecommunications Policy - 2015

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Ministry of Information Technology

Table of contents
Table of contents ................................................................................................................. 1 
Foreword .................................................................................................................................... 1 
1.  Background ......................................................................................................................... 2 
1.1  Penetration .............................................................................................................. 2 
1.2  Market structure ...................................................................................................... 2 
1.3  Coverage ................................................................................................................. 3 
1.4  Tariffs ...................................................................................................................... 4 
1.5  Policy Review Drivers ............................................................................................. 4 
2.  Policy Vision ....................................................................................................................... 5 
3.  Principles of Policy Delivery .............................................................................................. 6 
4.  Policy Goals ........................................................................................................................ 7 
5.  Telecommunications Market and Services ......................................................................... 8 
5.1  Competition Rules ................................................................................................... 8 
5.2  Licensing framework ............................................................................................. 10 
5.3  Termination or transfer of a business ................................................................... 11 
5.4  Service provision ................................................................................................... 12 
5.5  VoIP and other Over-the-Top (OTT) services ...................................................... 12 
5.6  PTCL ..................................................................................................................... 13 
5.7  Interconnection ..................................................................................................... 14 
5.8  Peering and exchange points ................................................................................ 14 
5.9  International telecommunications ......................................................................... 15 
5.10  Public Wi-Fi .......................................................................................................... 16 
5.11  Customer services ................................................................................................. 16 
5.12  Corporate networks ............................................................................................... 17 
6.  Broadband Services .......................................................................................................... 18 
7.  Telecommunications Infratsructure .................................................................................. 19 
7.1  Rights of Way ........................................................................................................ 19 
7.2  Outside plant code................................................................................................. 20 
7.3  In-building cabling ................................................................................................ 20 
7.4  Use of utility infrastructure ................................................................................... 20 
7.5  Infrastructure sharing ........................................................................................... 20 
7.6  National roaming .................................................................................................. 21 
7.7  Use of fibre ............................................................................................................ 21 
7.8  Telecommunications and National Disaster Management ................................... 21 
7.9  Alternative power sources ..................................................................................... 22 
8.  Spectrum ........................................................................................................................... 23 
8.1  Background ........................................................................................................... 23 
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8.2  Spectrum harmonization ....................................................................................... 23 

8.3  Spectrum strategy .................................................................................................. 24 
8.4  Release of spectrum............................................................................................... 24 
8.5  Spectrum refarming ............................................................................................... 24 
8.6  Analogue UHF TV spectrum and MMDS spectrum .............................................. 25 
8.7  Spectrum assignment ............................................................................................. 25 
8.8  Spectrum for digital microwave communication .................................................. 27 
8.9  Continuing spectrum rights and obligations ......................................................... 27 
8.10  Relinquished spectrum rights ................................................................................ 27 
8.11  License renewal where the license includes spectrum assignments ..................... 27 
8.12  Introduction of AIP for microwave spectrum assignments ................................... 28 
8.13  Unlicensed access ................................................................................................. 28 
8.14  Test and development licenses .............................................................................. 29 
8.15  Spectrum trading ................................................................................................... 29 
8.16  Spectrum sharing .................................................................................................. 30 
8.17  Mergers and acquisitions ...................................................................................... 30 
8.18  Interference protection .......................................................................................... 31 
9.  Telecommunications Law and Regulation........................................................................ 32 
9.1  Market regulation.................................................................................................. 32 
9.2  Quality of service .................................................................................................. 32 
9.3  Broadband quality of service ................................................................................ 32 
9.4  Affordable services ................................................................................................ 33 
9.5  Numbering ............................................................................................................. 33 
9.6  Type approval regime for telecommunication terminal equipment ...................... 33 
9.7  Environmental obligations .................................................................................... 34 
9.8  Content management ............................................................................................. 34 
9.9  Lawful Interception ............................................................................................... 35 
9.10  Amended law and regulation ................................................................................ 36 
9.11  Continuing policies and rules ............................................................................... 36 
9.12  Role of the PTA and other organisations .............................................................. 36 
10.  Use of Telecommunication Services ................................................................................ 37 
11.  Communication Networks and Analysis Functions .......................................................... 38 
12.  Universal Service .............................................................................................................. 39 
12.1  USF focus .............................................................................................................. 39 
12.2  USF funding .......................................................................................................... 39 
12.3  Use of the USF ...................................................................................................... 39 
12.4  Eligibility for applying for USF contracts ............................................................ 40 
12.5  The USF Services .................................................................................................. 40 
12.6  Rolling programme ............................................................................................... 41 
Ministry of Information Technology

12.7  USF Contract Area ............................................................................................... 41 

12.8  Market Failure ...................................................................................................... 41 
12.9  Services to be facilitated by the USF .................................................................... 42 
12.10  Community broadband services ............................................................................ 42 
13.  National ICT R&D Fund .................................................................................................. 43 
13.1  Funding ................................................................................................................. 43 
13.2  Applications associated with Government developmental goals and WSIS
Capacity Building Action Lines ........................................................................................ 44 
13.3  Content development ............................................................................................. 44 
13.4  Development of Intellectual Property in ICT ........................................................ 44 
13.5  Rolling R&D funding programme......................................................................... 44 
14.  Satellite Telecommunications ........................................................................................... 46 
14.1  Definitions ............................................................................................................. 46 
14.2  Satellite service provision ..................................................................................... 47 
14.3  Access to electromagnetic spectrum ..................................................................... 47 
14.4  Access to space segment capacity ......................................................................... 47 
14.5  Satellite based telecommunication service licensing and general provisions ...... 48 
14.6  Satellite service and Satellite system spectrum fees .............................................. 49 
14.7  Satellite terminal equipment standards; ............................................................... 50 
14.8  Installation standards............................................................................................ 50 
14.9  Publicly available information .............................................................................. 50 
15.  Public Sector Service Providers ........................................................................................ 51 
15.1  NTC ....................................................................................................................... 51 
15.2  Special Communications Organisation................................................................. 51 
15.3  Broadband provisioning in public buildings......................................................... 51 
15.4  Local manufacturing ............................................................................................. 51 
16.  Convergence between Telecommuncation, IT and Broadcast Media Sectors .................. 52 
17.  Policy Review and Implementation .................................................................................. 53 
Glossary ................................................................................................................................... 54 
Ministry of Information Technology


Communication satellite systems have a unique capability to deliver telecommunication services

nationally and internationally, providing social and economic benefits. The ability to deliver high
quality communications services, economically to remote areas that are difficult to serve by
terrestrial means, makes satellite communications an essential supplementary part of Pakistan’s
national telecommunications infrastructure. Communication satellite systems enable rural access
to telecommunication services including voice and broadband, critical telecommunication
services for disaster relief operations, socially beneficial e/m-services including e/m-learning and
e/m-health, and the efficient provision of broadcast services over wide geographic areas.

Satellite communications is by its nature a global sector. It is the aim of the Federal Government
(MoIT) to operate a balanced and transparent telecommunication market that also includes service
provision via communication satellites which encourages local and foreign investment to deliver
world class satellite communications for use by the citizens, businesses and government.

This section of the telecommunication policy is concerned only with the development, use and
administration of satellite based telecommunication services in Pakistan.

This section of the policy relates to:

• Promotion of the use of satellite based telecommunication services in accordance
with the relevant ITU guidelines, procedures and Radio Regulations;
• Regulations for the establishment, operation and provision of satellite services,
inclusive of satellite earth stations.
• Protection against harmful interference.
In doing so, the goal of policy is to provide for a sound regulatory structure for Satellite
Telecommunications which fosters;
A ‘balanced’ approach to encourage local and foreign investment, deployment and use of
Fixed, Broadcast and Mobile Satellite Services.

14.1 Definitions

14.1.1 The Satellite Services covered by this Policy are as defined in the Radio Regulations
published by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU):
• Fixed-Satellite Service (FSS): A radio-communication service between earth stations
at given positions, when one or more satellites are used; the given position may be a
specified fixed point or any fixed point within specified areas; in some cases this
service includes satellite-to satellite links, which may also be operated in the inter-
satellite service; the fixed-satellite service may also include feeder links for other
space radio-communication services.
• Mobile-Satellite Service (MSS): A radio-communication service between mobile
earth stations and one or more space stations, or between space stations used by this
service; or between mobile earth stations by means of one or more space stations.
This service may also include feeder links necessary for its operation.
• Broadcasting-Satellite Service (BSS): A radio-communication service in which
signals transmitted or retransmitted by space stations are intended for direct reception
by the general public.

Ministry of Information Technology

14.1.2 An “earth station” is defined by the ITU as a station located either on the Earth’s surface
or within the major portion of the earth’s atmosphere and intended for communication
with one or more space stations; or with one or more stations of the same kind by means
of one or more reflecting satellites or other objects in space.

14.1.3 In this Policy, the term “Earth Station” is to be distinguished from the term “Gateway
Earth Station”. The term “Gateway Earth Station” is used for an earth station that acts as
a gateway to a public network. Any earth station used for access is termed as a Terminal
Earth Station.

14.2 Satellite service provision

14.2.1 Satellite based telecommunication services can be provided by any foreign or domestic
satellite operator through a satellite service provider duly licensed by PTA.

14.2.2 A satellite service provider is an entity that provides satellite based telecommunication

14.2.3 The satellite service provider will satisfy the licensing requirements specified by PTA for
the provision of such services before providing the same to its customers.

14.2.4 The satellite service provider will not be required to establish a local gateway to provide
telecommunication access service within the geographic bounds of Pakistan by satellite
unless adequate lawful interception cannot otherwise be established subject to any
specific requirements.

14.2.5 Satellite based telecommunication services will not include DTH distribution service.

14.3 Access to electromagnetic spectrum

14.3.1 Access to spectrum and associated orbital resources for satellite services will be managed
by FAB in accordance with the applicable ITU-R Radio Regulations, Recommendations
and Pakistan Table of Frequency Allocations while keeping in view the protection of
existing services/ users to the extent possible with minimum chances of harmful

14.4 Access to space segment capacity

14.4.1 Radio transmissions from earth stations have the potential to cause harmful interference
to communication satellite systems. The Government of Pakistan has obligations under
international ITU Radio Regulations to avoid causing such harmful interference.

14.4.2 Satellite terminal equipment must conform to the relevant ITU guidelines and

14.4.3 Satellite service providers will be required to register their Earth Stations with PTA prior
to installation.

14.4.4 All relevant technical details of earth stations will be shared with PTA. The same
information will be used by FAB for interference mitigation, if reported by foreign or the
national satellite operators.

Ministry of Information Technology

14.5 Satellite based telecommunication service licensing and general provisions

14.5.1 The present rights and obligations specified in the LDI, LL and infrastructure licenses
associated with the installation and use of satellite networks will continue to apply.

14.5.2 Local entities that currently operate without any of the above mentioned licenses or in
future intend to market bandwidth or services of satellite to corporate or other customers
may do so after acquiring a satellite services class license. This category of CVAS will be
duly introduced by PTA in pursuance to this policy. USF contribution provisions will also
be applied to such licensees in line with other licensees eligible to provide such services.
Licensees will be required to register the VSAT network with PTA.

14.5.3 VSAT or other Terminal Earth Station may be used to provide fixed access to public
telecommunication networks as per following framework: Any LL licensee may use VSAT, etc. services in such a manner under its license
having first registered the service with PTA in accordance with their license. A class licensee may use VSAT, etc. services in such a manner through satellite
service provider to provide narrowband and broadband access. The holder of a
license that allows the provision of a public telephony service may use VSAT,
etc. services in such a manner as to provide such public telephony services. Licensees that use VSAT, etc. services to provide fixed access to public
telecommunication networks will be required to use an LDI licensee for the
provision of national and international transit services.

14.5.4 VSAT services are used to provide point to point transmission nationally or
internationally: Any LDI, Infrastructure or CVAS licensee may use VSAT services in such a
manner under its license having first registered this use with PTA. An LL licensee may use VSAT, etc. services in this manner with in its
geographic area having first registered this use with PTA.

14.5.5 Mobile Satellite Services Except where noted below, the operation of a terminal in a Mobile Satellite
Service will require authorisation from the PTA. Satellite terminals that operate
in Mobile Satellite service must conform to relevant technical standards which
will be specified and made available on the PTA website.

14.5.6 General licensing provisions for GMPCS The use of mobile terminals for Global Mobile Personal Communications by
Satellite (GMPCS) will not require a specific end user license where the service
is provided either by a local service provider or on a roaming basis by
‘recognised’ providers of GMPCS Services. For the purposes of this policy a
‘recognised’ provider will be one that is registered with PTA.

Ministry of Information Technology The local service provider will need to obtain a class license in the category to be
set up by PTA for the provision of GMPCS services, unless it holds a mobile
license. A mobile operator will inform PTA on the introduction of a GMPCS
service. Whether the local service provider is providing services using a domestic
satellite network or one owned by a foreign entity, it will be a provision of the
class license that information concerning traffic originating in, or routed to,
Pakistan are made available to PTA and that provision of lawful interception of
such traffic will be mandatory.

14.5.7 Roaming GMPCS terminals Use of GMPCS terminals on a roaming basis is subject to provisions being in

place with the respective GMPCS operators to provide data concerning traffic
originating in, or routed to, Pakistan. A list of such ‘recognised’ operators will be
made available on the PTA website. The PTA website will provide guidance for
GMPCS operators to ensure they are included on this list. Prior to entering Pakistan it will be the responsibility of the individual user of the
GMPCS terminal to register their intent to bring a GMPCS terminal into the
country. A web based registration process will be established by the PTA to
facilitate this. Where a GMPCS operator is not included on the list of
‘recognised’ operators the use of a GMPCS terminal will not be permitted. Unregistered GMPCS operators shall not be authorized to bring GMPCS

terminals in the country.

14.5.8 Aeronautical Terminals Aeronautical terminals will require a license/NOC from the PTA for operation
while in Pakistan’s Airspace. The license/NOC will set out the conditions of use
for the Aeronautical Terminal.

14.5.9 Earth Stations on Vessels (ESV) Earth Stations on Pakistan registered vessels operate under the regulations set out
by the ITU or other recognized international standards body. NOC with
appropriate conditions, issued by the PTA, will be required for the use of
terminals on foreign registered vessels within the territorial waters of Pakistan. Where an ESV operator is required to coordinate the use of the terminal with
Pakistan, as determined under the relevant sections of the ITU-R Radio
Regulations or other recognized international standards body, FAB will be the
point of contact.

14.5.10 PTA will develop and publish processes and requirements relating to registration and
granting permission for the use of equipment and services, and licensing of satellite based
telecommunication services.

14.6 Satellite service and Satellite system spectrum fees

14.6.1 Satellite related spectrum fee will be calculated on an Administrative Cost Recovery
Basis. The schedule of licensing fees will be published on the PTA website.

Ministry of Information Technology

14.6.2 PTA will review and update Satellite related spectrum fees periodically to ensure they are
consistent with international best practice as well as the efficient and effective use of
spectrum resources as required by this policy. PTA will consult with stakeholders before
significant changes to the license fee arrangements are made.

14.7 Satellite terminal equipment standards;

14.7.1 To protect adjacent satellites and terrestrial services, satellite terminal equipment used in
earth stations will be regulated by technical standards published by PTA. A technical
standard will prescribe the minimum technical requirements to be fulfilled by the satellite
terminal equipment intended for sale and use in Pakistan. These requirements will
conform to the relevant requirements published by the ITU or other recognized
international standards body for satellite earth stations and to the extent possible will be
based on existing international equipment standards.

14.8 Installation standards

14.8.1 The operator of an Earth Station or Terminal will be responsible for ensuring that the
installation adheres to international best practices to avoid interference with other services
and appropriate health and safety standards.

14.9 Publicly available information

14.9.1 Information relating to the operation of satellite systems, licensing processes, charging
mechanisms, standards, complaints procedures and public consultations will be made
available publicly through the PTA website.


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