Air Conditioning: Maintenance Manual and Illustrated Parts Catalogue Extra EA - 400

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Maintenance Manual and Illustrated Parts Catalogue

Extra EA -400

Chapter 21
Air Conditioning

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Maintenance Manual and Illustrated Parts Catalogue
Extra EA -400
Air Conditioning

Table of Contents

21-00-00 GENERAL .........................................................................................................5

Description ..........................................................................................................5
Service and Maintenance.....................................................................................8
Removal / Installation..........................................................................................8

21-20-00 DISTRIBUTION................................................................................................9
Description ..........................................................................................................9
21-20-01 Panel Vent Fans .................................................................................................9
Removal (Pilot’s Side) ........................................................................................9
Installation (Pilot’s Side) ...................................................................................10
Removal (Copilot’s Side)..................................................................................12
Installation (Copilot’s Side) ..............................................................................13

21-30-00 PRESSURIZATION CONTROL ..................................................................15

Description ........................................................................................................15
Handling ............................................................................................................16
Removal / Installation........................................................................................18
21-30-01 Cabin Outflow Control Valve Filter..............................................................18
Replacement ......................................................................................................18
21-30-02 Cabin Outflow Control Valve.........................................................................18
Removal / Installation........................................................................................18
21-30-03 Safety Valve......................................................................................................19
Removal / Installation........................................................................................19

21-60-00 TEMPERATURE CONTROL .......................................................................20

Description ........................................................................................................20

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Maintenance Manual and Illustrated Parts Catalogue
Extra EA -400
Air Conditioning

Figure 21-01a
Cabin Air Condition and Pressurization Scheme (SN 03 to 19)

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Extra EA -400
Air Conditioning

Figure 21 – 01b
Cabin Air Condition and Pressurization Scheme (from SN 20 foll.)

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Extra EA -400
Air Conditioning

21-00-00 GENERAL

Refer to Figure 21-01a/b. For ventilation either pressurized or ram air is
available. The air source can be selected by the cabin air selection knob located
on the middle console controlling the cabin air selection valve.
If pressurized air is selected, air is guided from the combustion air intake
through an air filter, the turbocharger, the intercooler, a sonic venturi and then
either through the cabin cooler or directly through the cabin inflow check valve
into the cabin. At the same time ram air is guided from the ventilation air ram
intake to the vacuum pumps for cooling.
Note If maximum air flow for ventilating is desired it is advisable to select
pressurized air.
If ram air is selected, air is guided from the ventilation air ram intake through
the cabin inflow check valve into the cabin, while pressurized air now feeds the
vacuum pumps.
SN 03 through 19
Inside the cabin air can be guided to the windshield dispensers for defogging
and defrosting and to the legroom dispenser or through the RH armrest channel
to the rear, which depends on the position of the windshield defrost flap
controlled by the respective knob on the middle console. In the pressure dome
area an electric heater and the evaporators of the air conditioning system are
installed. The evaporators also work as cabin fans. The air conditioning system
including a compressor condenser module located in the tail cone sucks cabin
air and blows cool air through hoses to the eyeball vents and the leg room
dispenser in the front cockpit area and to the adjustable nozzles in the overhead
air channel of the passenger compartment ceiling.
SN 20 through 25
From SN 20, the ventilation system has been modified. Instead of the rear
overhead air channel, the cooled air is now routed through the LH arm rest duct
to the lower LH cockpit section as well as through the RH arm rest duct to the
RH cockpit section. The overhead air channel is furnished with a vent fan to
feed the adjustable air deflectors with ventilated cabin air.
The eyeball vents have been replaced by two independent adjustable air outlets,
which are combined with two panel vent fans to re-circulate the cockpit air.
Finally, the leg room dispenser has been removed.
When the evaporator blowers are operating, either cooled (air condition on) or
ventilated (air condition off) air is pressed through both side armrest channels.
From the RH evaporator blower, air is led into a duct in the RH armrest to the
right cockpit section. From the LH evaporator blower, air is ducted first
through the electrical heater in the LH armrest duct. This duct leads through the

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Maintenance Manual and Illustrated Parts Catalogue
Extra EA -400
Air Conditioning

cabin door where it is sealed with two oval rubber seals, and finally is routed
into the lower LH cockpit section. When the electrical heater is engaged the
compressor module is disengaged, and vice versa.
From SN 20, operation of the heating, ventilating and air conditioning system
implies the following characteristics: (Refer to Section 7, Pilot’s Operating
Handbook, figures 7-3, 4, 6, 13)
1 The cabin ventilation system, including both evaporator blowers and the
overhead air channel vent fan, is controlled by the VENT HI / LO switch in
the CABIN area of the left side panel. Both evaporator blowers work with
different power settings in low or high mode, whereas overhead air channel
fan operation features only one power rate for both switch positions LO / HI.
2 Heating and air conditioning system work exclusively. For either operating the
heating or the air conditioning, the ventilation system must run in high mode
simultaneously (VENT switch to position HI).
SN 26 following
The LH duct ends in the LH armrest behind the switch/breaker panel. The other
system components remain unchanged.

Complaint Possible Cause Remedy
No or inadequate Excessive cabin leakage Identify and seal
Excessive door seal leakage Replace door seal
Excessive emergency exit seal Replace emergency exit seal
Dump solenoid energized Check dump switch and squat
Controller failure Replace controller
Pressurization system inactive Switch pressurization system
Control valve failure Replace control valve
Safety valve failure Replace safety valve
Incorrect pressurization or Pressurization system inactive Switch pressurization system
pressurization rate control ON
Control valve static reference Clean static reference
blocked connection
Control valve filter blocked Replace filter
Controller defective Replace controller

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Maintenance Manual and Illustrated Parts Catalogue
Extra EA -400
Air Conditioning

Complaint Possible Cause Remedy

Incorrect pressurization or Control valve defective Replace control valve
pressurization rate control
Pressure differential exceeding Control valve static reference Clean static reference
5.5 psi blocked connection
Control valve differential Replace control valve
No dump Pressurization system inactive Switch pressurization system
Squat switch setting incorrect Correct squat switch setting
Safety valve static reference Clean static reference
blocked connection
Dump switch defective Replace dump switch
Squat switch defective Replace squat switch
Safety valve solenoid failure Replace safety valve
Safety valve blind plug at Install blind plug
vacuum port not installed
Erroneous CAB PRESS Differential pressure switch Replace differential pressure
warning (5.65 psig) defective switch
Absolute pressure switch Replace absolute pressure
(10,000 ft) defective switch

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Maintenance Manual and Illustrated Parts Catalogue
Extra EA -400
Air Conditioning

Service and Maintenance

Servicing of the air-conditioning unit shall be performed by an approved air-

conditioning service station, only R-134a type refrigerant must be used.

The air-conditioning compressor condenser module is equipped with

conventional evacuating and charging connections.

After new system plumbing installation, component replacement or line or

hose rupture, a leak check is required, see General Operating, Servicing and
Maintenance Manual for Airborne R-134a Air-conditioning Systems for leak
check and general charging procedures.

Refer to General Operating, Servicing and Maintenance Manual for Airborne

R-134a Air-conditioning Systems for component maintenance procedures..

Access to the compressor condenser module is gained through the tailcone

access hatch.

Charging quantity of the installation is 1.050 kg +/- 0.050 kg, proper charging
can be verified at the sight glass on the receiver dryer. With the system fully
charged and operating, observe the suction and discharge pressures. Typical
values at various ambient temperatures, with hot cabins are shown below:

OAT Suction pressure Discharge pressure

(°C) (psig) (psig)
20 28 112
25 30 133
30 31 156
35 32 180

Removal / Installation
For removal and installation of air-conditioning, heating or temperature control
system components, contact EXTRA Flugzeugbau GmbH.

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Maintenance Manual and Illustrated Parts Catalogue
Extra EA -400
Air Conditioning

Valid for Serial - No. 20 following
For better ventilation in the forward cabin section two vent fans (Micronel type
D603L-024KA-3) are installed in the LH and RH side of the instrument panel.
Each vent fan sucks air through a composite tube from the lower side of the
panel shelf. On the blow side each vent fan is connected to a vent grid, which
can be adjusted to either direct or shut off the air flow. Two jiggle switches
(marked 0/1), placed on the instrument panel near the resp. air outlet, control
the vent fans. The electric fan motors are protected by a 1A - fuse each.

21-20-01 Panel Vent Fans

Valid for Serial - No. 20 following
CAUTION With some installations, it might not be required to remove the main panel
completely, depending on individual wire and hose length. Take care not
to damage instrument wiring and gyro air hoses.
Removal (Pilot’s Side)
Detail Steps/Work Items Key Items
Main Panel Removal
1 Remove 8 Phillips screws around left main
2 Remove 4 Phillips screws securing EHSI
ED - 461 to panel
3 Remove 4 Phillips screws securing EADI
ED - 462 to panel
4 Slightly swivel down left main panel Take care not to dama ge
flexible hoses and electrical
5 Disconnect illumination wires on instru-
ments without D-Sub-Connections
6 Disconnect D-Sub-Connection on Warning
7 Disconnect D-Sub-Connection on Fuel Flow
8 Disconnect electrical wiring on OAT
9 Disconnect DME Hold Switch

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Extra EA -400
Air Conditioning

Detail Steps/Work Items Key Items

10 Disconnect electrical wiring on Turn
11 Disconnect electrical wiring on Slaving
Control KA - 51 B
12 Disconnect wiring from Amperemeter Molex plug
(prop de- ice)
13 Unscrew flexible hose on Manifold / Fuel
Pressure Gauge
14 Pull off pitot and static hoses from Airspeed
15 Pull off static hose to Altimeter at T-fitting
next to Altimeter
16 Pull off static hose to Vertical Speed
Indicator at T- fitting next to Vertical Speed
17 Remove main panel completely
Vent Fan Removal
18 Carefully remove vent grid from panel Use a lever to pull out four
guide lugs at the edges
19 Remove composite tube from vent fan back Loosen clamp
20 Cut off two electrical wires about 5…10 Sign connection
inches from fan connection or de-solder
wires from fan connection
21 Loosen 4 Allen bolts and nuts securing fan
to LH panel corner
22 Remove vent fan inclined backwards

Installation (Pilot’s Side)

Detail Steps/Work Items Key Items
Vent Fan Installation
1 Move fan to back side of LH panel corner
2 Install 4 Allen bolts and nuts securing fan to
3 Re-solder electrical wires to fan connection

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Extra EA -400
Air Conditioning

Detail Steps/Work Items Key Items

4 Lead composite tube from underside of
instrument shelf to vent fan back side.
Install tube with clamp.
5 Snap vent grid into panel
Main Panel Installation
6 Move left main panel in reach of
7 Connect D-Sub-Connections on Warning
8 Connect D-Sub-Connections on Fuel Flow
9 Connect electrical wiring to OAT Indicator
10 Connect DME Hold Switch
11 Connect electrical wiring to Turn Coor-
12 Connect electrical wiring to Slaving Control
KA - 51 B
13 Connect Molex - plug to Amperemeter
(prop de- ice)
14 Connect illumination wires to instruments
without D-Sub-Connections
15 Connect flexible hose to Manifold / Fuel
Pressure Gauge
16 Connect pitot and static hoses to Airspeed
17 Connect Altimeter static hose to T- fitting
18 Connect Vertical Speed Indicator static hose
to T- fitting
19 Insert panel into instrument shelf Take care not to damage
flexible hoses and electrical
20 Re- install Phillips screws to panel
21 Re- install Phillips screws to ED - 461
22 Re- install Phillips screws to ED - 462

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Extra EA -400
Air Conditioning

Removal (Copilot’s Side)

Detail Steps/Work Items Key Items
1 Remove 8 Phillips screws around right main
2 Slightly swivel down right main panel Take care not to damage
flexible hoses and electrical
3 Remove two 37-pin-connections from
Annunciator Panel
4 Remove 30-pin-connection from KNI-204
VOR/LOC and Glide Slope Indicator
5 Pull off static and pitot hoses from Airspeed
6 Disconnect wiring from Airspeed Indicator Molex plug
7 Pull off static hose from Altimeter
8 Disconnect wiring from Altimeter Molex plug
9 Remove Vac., Gage and Air Inlet hoses
from Sigma Tek 5000 Vacuum Horizon
10 Disconnect wiring from Sigma Tek 5000 Molex plug
Vacuum Horizon
11 Remove Vac., Gage and Air Inlet hoses
from Sigma Tek 4000 Directional Gyro
12 Disconnect wiring from Sigma Tek 4000 Molex plug
Directional Gyro
13 Remove 3 single pin connections from
Coolant Temperature Gage
14 Remove 4 single pin connections from
15 Remove 5 single pin connections from Oil
Temperature / Oil Pressure Gage
16 Remove 2 single pin connections from TIT
17 Remove 2 single plugs and 1 triple plug
from LH Fuel Quantity Gage
18 Remove 2 single plugs and 1 triple plug
from RH Fuel Quantity Gage

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Extra EA -400
Air Conditioning

Detail Steps/Work Items Key Items

19 Remove 2 screwed cable clamps (+, -) from
20 Remove 2 screwed cable clamps (+, -) from
21 Remove 4 air hoses Vent, Vac, R, L from
Dual Suction Gage
22 Remove main panel completely
Vent Fan Removal
23 Carefully remove vent grid from panel Use a lever to pull out four
guide lugs at the edges
24 Remove composite tube from vent fan back Loosen clamp
25 Cut off two electrical wires about 5…10 Sign connection
inches from fan connection or de-solder
wires from fan connection
26 Loosen 4 Allen bolts and nuts securing fan
to LH panel corner
27 Remove vent fan inclined backwards

Installation (Copilot’s Side)

Detail Steps/Work Items Key Items
Vent Fan Installation
1 Position fan to back side of RH panel corner
2 Install 4 Allen bolts and nuts securing fan to
3 Re-solder electrical wires to fan connection
4 Lead composite tube from underside of
instrument shelf to vent fan back side.
Install tube with clamp.
5 Snap vent grid into panel
Main Panel Installation
6 Move right main panel in reach of
instrument connections
7 Screw cable clamps (+,-) to Voltmeter
8 Screw cable clamps (+,-) to Ammeter

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Extra EA -400
Air Conditioning

Detail Steps/Work Items Key Items

9 Install single plugs and triple plug to LH
Fuel Quantity Gage
10 Install single plugs and triple plug to RH
Fuel Quantity Gage
11 Install 2 single pin connections to TIT Gage
12 Install 5 single pin connections to Oil
Temperature / Oil Pressure Gage
13 Install 4 single pin connections to CHT /
EGT Gage
14 Install 3 single pin connections to Coolant
Temperature Gage
15 Connect Molex plug to Sigma Tek 4000
Directional Gyro
16 Install Vac., Gage and Air Inlet hoses to
Sigma Tek 4000 Directional Gyro
17 Connect Molex plug to Sigma Tek 5000
Vacuum Horizon
18 Install Vac., Gage and Air Inlet hoses to
Sigma Tek 5000 Vacuum Horizon
19 Install 4 air hoses Vent, Vac, R, L to Dual
Suction Gage
20 Connect static hose with Altimeter
21 Connect Molex plug to Altimeter
22 Connect static and pitot hoses with Airspeed
23 Connect Molex plug to Airspeed Indicator
24 Install 30-pin-connection to KNI-204
VOR/LOC and Glide Slope Indicator
25 Install two 37-pin-connections to
Annunciator Panel
26 Insert panel into instrument shelf Take care not to damage
flexible hoses and electrical
27 Re- install Phillips screws to panel

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Extra EA -400
Air Conditioning


The system consists of the engine turbocharger, a sonic venturi (flow limiter), a
cabin control outflow valve, an unregulated safety valve, the cabin
pressurization switch, the cabin pressure controller, a dump safety switch, the
landing gear squat switch, and two indicators, one for cabin altitude and
differential pressure and one for cabin rate-of-climb.
Pressurization air is supplied from the engine turbocharger through the sonic
venturi and then through a check valve into the cabin. Adequate flow to
maintain pressurization up to the maximum differential pressure of 5.5 PSI is
provided by the engine at normal power setting. Power changes should be
made smoothly to prevent sudden changes in pressurization air inflow resulting
in cabin pressure transients.
The airplane may be operated in either the pressurized or depressurized mode.
The mode selection is made with the cabin pressurization switch, whic h either
opens the safety valve for depressurized mode, or closes the safety valve and
thus activating the cabin control outflow valve for pressurized mode, on
condition that pressurized air is selected on the cabin air knob and the dump
safety switch is in OFF-position. Mode operation should be selected prior to
takeoff. If a change from pressurized to depressurized mode must be made
while airborne, depressurize the cabin following the procedure given below
before turning the dump switch as otherwise a rapid decompression occurs,
which would cause discomfort to the passengers. When changing from
unpressurized to pressurized mode, the cabin altitude rate of change will be
limited by the pressurization controller. The valves are also opened by the
landing gear squat switch assuring depressurized mode when aircraft is on
ground to avoid bursting the cabin door due to cabin pressure when opening.
However this is only a safety device: landing in pressurized mode is
prohibited !
In the pressurized mode cabin pressure is regulated by the cabin control
outflow valve allowing air to exhaust either to the pressure level preselected by
the cabin pressure controller or to maximum differential pressure level. Setting
the center dial (identified as “Flight Level”) of the cabin pressure controller
will suggest the system being at a certain flight altitude. So the system will
maintain the corresponding cabin altitude (about 5.5 PSI above static pressure
of flight level) or reach it with the rate set by the rate control knob located on
the lower left corner of the pressurization controller. Only in case of maximum
differential pressure is reached or flight level is below the selected cabin
altitude, cabin altitude changes with the same rate the flight altitude does.
In case of failure of the cabin outflow control valve the safety valve will open
at a differential pressure of slightly above 5.5 PSI to avoid structure damage.

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Extra EA -400
Air Conditioning

Use the cabin pressure controller as follows. Also refer to the sample chart
(Figure 21-02).
1 Activate the pressurization controller by turning on the cabin pressurization
switch. Make sure that the dump switch is off and the pressurized cabin air is
2 Set the published official airport altitude (such as shown on flight charts) under
the index arrow by turning the center control knob.
3 Turn the index arrow of the rate control knob (lower left corner of the control)
to the 12 o’clock position (approx. 500 fpm).
These steps set the system to pressurize at approximately 700 feet above the
runway after takeoff. The system will hold this cabin altitude until the
maximum differential altitude is reached (see “Cabin Altitude with minimum
Flight Level Setting” line of Figure 21-02) or a different cabin pressure is
4 After having cleared the airport area and established the climb and being on
course to the destination (see “a” on Figure 21-02), select the flight level
corresponding to the intended cruise altitude in the center dial and align that
with the index arrow. This alignment also indicates the approximate cabin
altitude (within approx. 700 feet) at the index on the larger numbers marked
“Airport Alt.”.
5 Increase or decrease the rate at which the cabin changes altitude for the best
comfort level from normally 500 fpm by turning the rate knob counter
clockwise for decreasing or clockwise for increasing the rate.
Usually it is the best method to set the rate to reach the changed cabin pressure
(referenced from the “Airport Alt.”) slightly ahead of reaching the cruising
altitude (550 fpm in the sample of Figure 21-02). This selected altitude will be
maintained until the aircraft changes altitude sufficiently to reach the max.
differential pressure or descends sufficiently to go below the selected airport
6 When the aircraft reaches the proximity of the destination and starts to descent
(see “b” on Figure 21-02), set the selector knob to the published airport
7 Set the rate so that the selected airport altitude is reached in the cabin prior to
descending to that altitude (650 fpm in the sample of Figure 21-02).
When approaching the runway, the pressurization will cease approximately 700
feet above the landing prior to landing. Should any slight pressure remain, the
remainder will dump when the squat switch closes. However, this is an
additionally safety device, because landing with cabin pressurized is not
CAUTION If pressurization mode shall be finished during flight, follow the procedure
above, setting the airport altitude equal to the momentary flight altitude.
Switch to the depressurized mode not before the selected airport altitude is

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Extra EA -400
Air Conditioning

Figure 21-02 Cabin Pressurization Sample Chart

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Extra EA -400
Air Conditioning

Removal / Installation
For removal and installation of pressurization system components, contact
EXTRA Flugzeugbau GmbH.

21-30-01 Cabin Outflow Control Valve Filter

Detail Steps/Work Items Key Items
1 Gain access to the inner side of the rear
pressure bulkhead by removing the aft cabin
2 Loosen the filter retention screw on the
control outflow valve housing until the filter
flange is free to rotate. It is not necessary to
remove the screw entirely.
3 Rotate the filter until the flat on the filter
clears the screw head.
4 Remove the filter cartridge and replace with
new one.
5 Rotate the filter so filter flange is captured
by the screw head.
6 Tighten filter retaining screw.

21-30-02 Cabin Outflow Control Valve

The valve is attached to the LH side of the pressure dome.

Removal / Installation
Detail Steps/Work Items Key Items
1 Remove upper half of rear baggage Machine screws AN 526
compartment wall 10-32
2 Remove tail cone access panel on LH
fuselage side
3 Remove valve flange from pressure dome 8 stop nuts MS 21044 AN3
with washers AN960 – 10L
(3/8 inch.)

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Extra EA -400
Air Conditioning

Detail Steps/Work Items Key Items

4 Remove 2 overflow tubes 9/16 fitting; retain with 11/16
wrench at pressure dome
5 Lift up valve from pressure dome

Install in reverse sequence of removal

21-30-03 Safety Valve

The valve is attached to the RH side of the pressure dome.

Removal / Installation
Detail Steps/Work Items Key Items
1 Remove upper half of rear bagga ge Machine screws AN 526
compartment wall 10-32
2 Remove tail cone access panel on LH
fuselage side
3 Remove battery Refer to Ch. 24-30-01
3 Remove valve flange from pressure dome 8 stop nuts MS 21044 AN3
with washers AN960 – 10L
(3/8 inch.)
4 Remove 2 overflow tubes 9/16 fitting; retain with 11/16
wrench at pressure dome
5 Lift up valve from pressure dome
Install in reverse sequence of removal
NOTE Verify that blind plug at vacuum port is installed correctly. With
installed valve, the vacuum port is accessible behind the rear baggage
compartment wall.

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Extra EA -400
Air Conditioning


If pressurized air is selected the temperature mainly can be regulated by means
of the cabin cooler bypass valve controlled by the cabin temperature knob
located on the middle console. Additional regulating is possible by either
activating the electric heater or by switching on or off the air conditioning
system and changing the operation mode of the cabin ventilation.

Note The heater and the air conditioning system operate only if cabin
ventilation is running at least in low mode.

If ram air is selected the cabin temperature knob has no function.

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