Antibiotic Classification Mechanism - Sheet1

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Natrual First generation Ciprofloxacin Amikacin Aztreonam Ertapenem Imienem Azithromycin Vancomycin
(Cipro) Levofloxacin Gentamicin Meropenem Clarithromycin Rifampin
Cephalothin (Levaguin) Kanamycin Dirithromycin Doxycycline
Cefazolin (Ancef, Moxifloxacin Neomycin Erythromycin Linezolid
Kefzol) Cephapririn (Avelox) Norfloxacin Tobramycin Clindamycin Tetracycline
Penicillin G Cephalexin (Keflex) Trimethoprim/
Penicillin-VK other sulfamethoxacole
Resistant Second Generation
Methicillin Nafcillin Cefacor Cefotetan
Oxacillin other (Cefotan) other

Aminopenicillins Third Generation

Ampicillin (Rocephin) other

Fourth Generation

Antibiotics used
to treat
One of the infections by
Oldest class of Mechanism newest class of gram-negative
antbiotics that identical to antibiotics, bacteria. They Target bacterial
are used to penecilins that theyre can be used in ribosomes and
treat skin, are a very bactericidal and combination prevent protein
dental, ear, diverse class of kill bacteria by with penecilins production.
respiratory tract, antibiotics. Its inhibiting or Highly effective Used to treat
and urinary tract used to treat bacterial cephalosporins antibiotic agents respiratory tract
infections pneumonia, enzyme DNA to have better that are used infections and
including strep throat, gyrase. They antimicrobial for the genital,
gonorrhea. tonsillitis, staph are used to coverage. treatment of gastointestinal
There are four infections, treat urinary Bacteria can Effective only severe or high tract and skin
types including bronchitis, otitis tract infections, become against aerobic risk bacterial infections. Has
natural, media and skin, respiratory resistant to gram-negative infections. spectrum
penicillinase- varioys skin and pulmonary them and can bacteria. There They're similar to
resistat, infections. Also infections.Can be broken down is currently only typicallly penicilin and
aminnopenecilli used to treat be be easily in the one common unaffected by are particulary
ns, and gonorrhea and adminstered stomatch only manobactam emerging useful for
extended- urinary tract intravenously through antibiotic callled antibiotic excellent lung
DESCRIPTION spectrum infections and orally injection. aztreonam. resistance. penetration.
Penicilin G Cephalexin Levofloxacin Kanamycin Azetreonam Meropenem Erythromycin Tetracycline

DISCOVERED 1929 1967 1993 1957 1986 1983 1952 1945
Active against Inhibits bacterial
bpth gram cell wall
positive and synthesis like
Inhibits the third gram negative Inteacts with other B lactam
Treats number and last stage bacteria, subunit Inhibits antibiotics Displays
of bacterial of bacterial cell functions by prokaryotic muropeptide bacteruastic Inhibits protein
infections and it wall synthesis inhibiting the ribosomes ans synthesis in the activity or synthesis by
is not first line by bindin DNA gyrase gives rise to bacterial cell inhibots growth blocking the
agent for specific proteins and substantial wallblolcking of bacteria at attachment of
MECHANISM pneumococcal located inside topoisomerase amounts of peptidoglycan huigher charged
OF ACTION meninitis. cell wall V mistranslation crosslinking concentrations. aminoacyl-tRNA
Treats Treat bacterial respiratory tract
tuberculosis, infections infections, skin
meninitis or including infections,
Bacteriall pelvic menintitis, intya chalamydia
Pneumonia, infections of the inflammatory bone infections, abdominal infections, Treats acne,
strep throat, middle ear, disease, urinary Used to treat endometritis, infections, pelvic cholera,
TARGET syphilis, gas, bone, joint, skin, tract infections, tuberculosis inta abdominal anthrax, inflamatory brucellosis,
ORGANISMS/ gangrene, and and urinary and chronic and other vial infections, and pneumonia, disease, and plague, malaria
INFECTIONS tetanus tract. prostatitis infections sepsis sepsis syphilis. and syphilis.
Can cause
which includes Serious and
damage to the occasionally Nausea,
Nausea, ear and fatal allergic vomiting, Stomatch
Diarhea, vomiting, hearing. Can reations can abdominal cramps,
nausea, mild diarrhea, also cause occur including discomfort and diarrhea,
stomatch abdominal pain. nephrotoxicity seizures that diarrhea. Oral nausea,
Diarrhea, cramps or Serios but less which is kidney are a dose erythromycin vomiting,
nausea, upset. 5-10% of common effects damage. Renal limiting toxicity. can be highly esophageal
vomiting,upset patients with are central damage is Diarrhea and irritating to the ulceration, sore
stomatch. In allergic nervous system related to the Common side patients with stomatch and mouth or
rare cases, hypersensitivity disturbances accumulation of effects would allergy to needs to be tongue. Can
allergic to penicillins including high include skin penicilin can als used with cause skin
reactions, skin also have headache, concentrations rash and develps cross caution in photosensitivity
rashes, fever, cross-reactivity confusion, of occasional sensitivity to patients with and rarely
and with dizziness, and aminoglycoside abnormal liver carbapenemens liver cause allergic
SIDE EFFECTS angioedema cephalosporins. tremor s. functions. . dysfunction. reactions
Streptoccus s aureus,
pneymoniae enterocuccus neomycin
RESISTANT and neisseria and streptococcus phosphotransfer pseudonomas oral
BACTERIA menintidis pseudomonas pneumoniae ase aeruginosa carabaphen streptococci unclear

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