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The first two terms of an infinite geometric sequence are u1 = 18 and u2 = 12sin 2 θ , where 0 < θ
< 2π , and θ ≠ π.

1a. Find an expression for r in terms of θ. [2 marks]

1b. Find the possible values of r. [3 marks]

1c. Show that the sum of the infinite sequence is 54 [4 marks]

2+cos (2θ)

1d. Find the values of θ which give the greatest value of the sum. [6 marks]

An arithmetic sequence has u1 = logc (p) and u2 = logc (pq), where c > 1 and p, q > 0.

2a. Show that d = logc (q). [2 marks]

2b. 20 [6 marks]

Let p = c2 and q = c3 . Find the value of n=1 un .

[6 marks]
Consider the expansion of (2x + x)
3. k
, where k > 0 . The coefficient of the term
in x3 is equal to the coefficient of the term in x5. Find k.

4. In the expansion of ax3 (2 + ax)11 , the coefficient of the term in x5 is 11880. Find the [6 marks]
value of a.

The first three terms of a geometric sequence are ln x16 , ln x8 , ln x4 , for x > 0.

5a. Find the common ratio. [3 marks]

5b. [5 marks]

Solve k=1 2 5−k ln x = 64.

6. Solve log2 (2 sin x) + log2 (cos x) = −1, for 2π < x < 2
. [7 marks]

= ln 3 = ln 5
Let x = ln 3 and y = ln 5. Write the following expressions in terms of x and y.

7a. ln( 5 ). [2 marks]


7b. ln 45. [4 marks]

8. Three consecutive terms of a geometric sequence are x − 3, 6 and x + 2. [6 marks]

Find the possible values of x.

The mass M of a decaying substance is measured at one minute intervals. The points
(t, ln M) are plotted for 0 ⩽ t ⩽ 10, where t is in minutes. The line of best fit is drawn. This is
shown in the following diagram.

The correlation coefficient for this linear model is r = −0.998.

9a. State two words that describe the linear correlation between ln M and t. [2 marks]

9b. The equation of the line of best fit is ln M = −0.12t + 4.67. Given that M = a × bt , [4 marks]
find the value of b.

2 10
Consider the expansion of (x2 + x) .

10a. Write down the number of terms of this expansion. [1 mark]

10b. Find the coefficient of x8 . [5 marks]

11a. Given that 2m = 8 and 2n = 16, write down the value of m and of n. [2 marks]

11b. Hence or otherwise solve 82x+1 = 162x−3 . [4 marks]

12. The third term in the expansion of (x + k)8 is 63x6 . Find the possible values of k. [5 marks]

13a. Write the expression 3 ln 2 − ln 4 in the form ln k, where k ∈ Z. [3 marks]

13b. Hence or otherwise, solve 3 ln 2 − ln 4 = − ln x. [3 marks]

The first two terms of a geometric sequence un are u1 = 4 and u2 = 4.2.

14a. (i) Find the common ratio. [5 marks]

(ii) Hence or otherwise, find u5 .

14b. Another sequence vn is defined by vn = ank , where a, k ∈ R, and n ∈ Z+ , such [5 marks]

that v1 = 0.05 and v2 = 0.25.
(i) Find the value of a.
(ii) Find the value of k.

14c. Find the smallest value of n for which vn > un . [5 marks]

Write down the value of

15a. (i) log3 27; [1 mark]

15b. (ii) log8 18 ; [1 mark]

15c. (iii) log16 4. [1 mark]

15d. Hence, solve log3 27 + log8 18 − log16 4 = log4 x. [3 marks]

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