Quantum Mechanics: Vibration and Rotation of Molecules: 5th April 2010
Quantum Mechanics: Vibration and Rotation of Molecules: 5th April 2010
Quantum Mechanics: Vibration and Rotation of Molecules: 5th April 2010
The classical picture for motion under a harmonic potential (mass attached
to spring attached to surface; two massess connected by spring) is deter-
mined by solutions to Newton’s equations of motion:
d2 x dV (x)
F = ma = m 2
=− = −kx
dx dx
where k is a force constant for the spring connecting the masses, and V (x) =
1 2
2 kx is the harmonic potential (Hooke’s Law),and vector notation has been
dropped for this one-dimensional case. General solutions to this equation
are of the form:
x = xM cos(ωt − φ)
p2 1 p2 1
E = T + V (x) = + kx2 = + mω 2 x2
2m 2 2m 2
Substituting the general solution equation discussed above, we see that the
total energy is independent of time (as required for conservative sys-
E= mω 2 x2M
Aside: Though we will not consider the following in terms of reduced mass
for an oscillator (or rigid rotor when considering angular momentum), we
present here the reduced mass for reference.
Reduced mass is the effective inertial mass appearing in the two-body
problem of Newtonian mechanics. This is a quantity with the units of mass,
which allows the two-body problem to be solved as if it were a one-body
problem. Note however that the mass determining the gravitational force is
not reduced. In the computation one mass can be replaced by the reduced
mass, if this is compensated by replacing the other mass by the sum of both
Given two bodies, one with mass m1 , and the other with mass m2 ,
they will orbit the barycenter of the two bodies. The equivalent one-body
problem, with the position of one body with respect to the other as the
unknown, is that of a single body of mass
1 m1 m2
mred = µ = 1 1 =
m1 + m2
m1 + m 2
where the force on this mass is given by the gravitational force between the
two bodies. This can be proven easily. Use Newton’s second law, the force
exerted by body 2 on body 1 is
F12 = m1 a1
F21 = m2 a2
According to Newton’s third law, for every action there is an equal and
opposite reaction:
F12 = −F21
m1 a1 = −m2 a2
a2 = − a1
The relative acceleration between the two bodies is given by
m1 m2 + m 1
a = a1 − a2 = (1 + )a1 = ( )m1 a1 = F12 /mred
m2 m1 m2
With respect to describing the dynamics of atoms and molecules, the particle-
in-a-box wavefunctions help us describe the quantum mechanical analogue
of particle translational motion. Molecules can also have vibrational and
rotational dynamics, both of which can be formulated and determined in a
quantum mechanical framework.
Keep in mind: quantization will arise from boundary conditions when
solving Schrodinger’s Equation, as was discussed in the case of the particle-
Ia. Schrodinger Equation Solution for Harmonic Potential
We have seen from the particle in a box problem that the potential, V (x),
helps to define the nature of solutions to the time-independent Schrodinger
equation. For a system characterized by the relative motion of two masses
connected by a spring of force constant k, with small displacements from
equilibrium, the potential can be taken as a harmonic (Hookean) form:
1 2
V (x) = kx
k = m ω2
p2 1
Etotal = T + V (x) = + m ω 2 x2
2m 2
We have seen that the quantum mechanical operators for the momentum
and position are (Table 14.1 Engel and Reid) x = x̂ and p = P̂ = −i h̄ dx .
Thus, the quantum analogue for the total energy is the Hamiltonian op-
erator, which uses the momentum and position operators to represent the
kinetic and potential energies of the quantum system as:
1 2 1
Ĥ = P̂ + mω 2 x̂2
2m 2
Ĥψ(x) = Eψ(x)
−h̄2 ∂ 2 ψ(x) 1
+ mω 2 x2 ψ(x) = Eψ(x)
2m ∂x2 2
If we define several alternate variables, the expression can be cast in a di-
mensionless form. This is important as we will see in a moment.
x h̄2 2
y= α= = E
α mk h̄ω
d2 ψ(x)
− y 2 ψ(x) + Eψ(x) = 0
dy 2
x − x22
ψ(x) = An Hn e 2α n = 0, 1, 2, 3, ...., ∞
0 1 Even
1 2y Odd
2 4y 2 − 2 Even
3 8y 3 − 12y Odd
1. 1-D harmonic oscillator has equally spaced energy levels
2. Constant Energy spacing defined by fundamental frequency, ω. Contrast
to P-I-B energy level spacing at high quantum numbers
3. Energy levels are non-degenerate: only 1 state per energy level
4. Wavefunctions are orthogonal set of polynomial functions known as Her-
mite Polynomials
5. Symmetry of wavefunctions alternates between even and odd based on
quantum number
6. Finite probability of finding the quantum oscillator in classically forbid-
den regions (outside of classical turning points;tunneling)
large n, the quantum approach should agree with the classical approach.
Representative Wavefunctions
n=0 n=1
n=5 n=20
Useful properties:
(even)(even) = even
(odd)(odd) = even
(odd)(even) = odd
d(odd) d(even)
= (even) = odd
dx dx
Z ∞ Z ∞ Z ∞
(odd)dx = 0 (even)dx = 2 (even)dx
−∞ −∞ 0
Hermite Polynomials
A polynomial is a finite sum of terms like a k xk , where k is a positive
integer or zero. There are sets of polynomials such that the product of any
two different ones, multiplied by a function w(x) called a weight function
and integrated over a certain interval, vanishes. Such a set is called a set of
orthogonal polynomials. Among other things, this makes it possible to ex-
pand an arbitrary function f(x) as a sum of the polynomials, each multiplied
by a coefficient c(k), which is easily and uniquely determined by integration.
A Fourier series is similar, but the orthogonal functions are not polynomi-
als. These functions can also be used to specify basis states in quantum
mechanics, which must be orthogonal.
The Hermite polynomials Hn (x) are orthogonal on the interval from
−∞ to +∞ with respect to the weight function w(x) = e x . Surprisingly,
this is sufficient to determine the polynomials up to a multiplicative factor.
2 2
Let’s start with the expression Hn = ex (dn /dxn )e−x ) . We notice that each
differentiation will bring down a factor −2x, and that the exponential will
survive in each term. Each term will contain the factor exp(−x 2 ) that will
be cancelled by the exponential in front. Therefore, the result will be a
polynomial of degree n, and the leading term will be (−2x) n . The powers
of x will either be all even or all odd, as well. Moreover, the form of this
definition will guarantee that the polynomials belonging to different values
of n are orthogonal.
An alternative definition uses the weight function w(x) = e x /2 instead.
2 2
Then,Hen = ex /2 (dn/dxn )e−x /2 , where the notation He is used instead of
H to make the different weight function clear. Of course, the corresponding
polynomials will be very similar, and one could be used as well as the other,
with appropriate changes of variable. In this case, each differentiation brings
down the simpler factor(−x), so that the coefficient ofx n is (−1)n . In fact,
the usual definitions include the (−1) n factor, so that the coefficient ofxn is
always positive. Of three classic references (see References), Jackson uses
He, Pauling and Wilson H, and both are given in Abramowitz and Stegun.
The possibilities of confusion are not as great as in the case of Laguerre