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Submitted in partial fulfillment on the Requirement

For Degree of Bachelor of Education in English Education








1.1 Background of The Research

Instructional media in teaching English process has been an important part in teaching

and learning process. According to Scanlan which was cited by Wildan, instructional media

all materials that can be used by teachers to conduct teaching learning activities and support

students in reaching instructional objectives. Materials must support teaching and learning

process in classroom. Harmer (2007) states that there are several kinds of instructional media

such as realia, pictures, board, computer-based presentation technology, and so on. Since

technology has been used widely in education field, we can use computer-based presentation

technology. One of software that include in computer-based presentation is PowerPoint.

According to Hammer (2007), PowerPoint can present all of visual materials such as pictures,

video, words, and graphics in interesting way. This kind of software has been an alternative

way in teaching and learning process in classroom. PowerPoint can help teachers to design

their materials in teaching English. They can put anything than can support in teaching and

learning process. Since PowerPoint can put anything such as video, audio, pictures, and so

on, it can be as multimedia.

Students should master all of kind text in English such as narrative, report, recount,

descriptive and so on. For eight grades, they should master descriptive text because it was

decided in curriculum. Sometimes, teachers just use pictures as their media to teach them

about descriptive text. For students, it seems bored because the media is not varied. It will

give effect for their English score. They still can think English as a difficult and bored course.

Actually, we can teach them descriptive text not only through pictures but also video and

audio. In PowerPoint, we can put all of them in one media. According to Moria, PowerPoint

is presentation graphic package. If there is variation in teaching this kind of text, students will
not get bored easily and teachers will also explore their creativity in creating teaching

material in order to get attention from their students. Students also can be motivated to learn

English by using PowerPoint. If they have motivation in learning English, their English

achievement will be effected.

Another problem that faced by students is they are difficult to express their idea through

written text in English. They do not have enough vocabularies and knowledge about grammar

that used in writing. Not only that but also they are confuse to arrange sentences well. They

also tend to do repetition in making text or just copy paste from books. From learning

through PowerPoint, it can be good media for them to improve their ability in writing,

especially to write a descriptive text.

Based on the discussion above, the researcher is interested to conduct an experimental

research entitled “The Effect of Using PowerPoint in Teaching Descriptive Text on Students’

Achievement at Eight Grade of SMPN 5 Jambi City”

1.2 The Question of Research

From this research, the problem will be solved by researcher is:
“Is there any significant effect of using PowerPoint on students’ achievement in

descriptive text at eighth grades of SMPN 5 Jambi City?”

1.3 Objective Study
The Objective of research is to find out whether PowerPoint has significant effect on

students’ achievement in descriptive text at eighth grades of SMPN 5 Jambi City.

1.4 The Limitation of Study
This study focuses on students’ achievement in learning descriptive text by using

PowerPoint. The sample is class VIII A and B of SMPN 5 Jambi City. The researcher will do

experiment in these school to get the result. In this study, there are two hypotheses to be

tested. They are null hypothesis (H0) and alternative hypothesis (H1).
H0 = There is no effect of using PowerPoint on students’ achievement in teaching descriptive

text at eighth grades of SMPN 5 Jambi city

H1 = There is any effect of using PowerPoint on students’ achievement in teaching descriptive

text at eighth grades of SMPN 5 Jambi city

1.5 Significance of Study
By conducting this research, the researcher hope that result of study will give some

beneficial contribution in teaching English, especially in teaching descriptive text and

PowerPoint to be an alternative way and a useful media to teach English. For students, the

researcher hopes that they will be enthusiastically in learning English because of using

PowerPoint. Last, for reader, it will be their reference to develop their teaching material or

out of field education.

1.6 The Definition of Terms

1. Media: Media means for television, radio and newspapers considered as a whole and

as ways of entertaining of spreading news or information to a large number of people.

(Richard in Nuhung)
2. Instructional Media: all materials that can be used by teachers to conduct teaching

learning activities and support students in reaching instructional objectives.(Scanlan

in Wildan)
3. PowerPoint: presentation graphic package (Moria)
4. Descriptive Text: Descriptive writing appeals to the senses, so it tells how something

looks, feels, smells, tastes, and/ or sounds (Oshima and Hogue in Tossi)


In this chapter, the researcher is going to explain the literature review that consists of

English language teaching, technology in education, definition of media, kinds of media

(realia, pictures, cards, coursebook, board, OHP, flip chart, computer-based presentation

technology, and the students themselves), definition multimedia, concept of instructional

media, concept of PowerPoint, features of PowerPoint (audio, video, and picture), advantages

and disadvantages PowerPoint, concept of writing (definition and steps), genre of writing,

teaching writing by using multimedia, descriptive text (social function, generic structure, and

language features) and review of study.

2.1 English Language Teaching

English has been taught around the world because it has been universal language. Even

elementary school is taught English by teachers. It becomes as an important subject for some

countries even it becomes their second language. Some institutions and private school make

English as a main subject.

In Indonesia, English is a foreign language. However, government decides to put English

the main subject for junior and senior high school. They make curriculum for learning


2.2 Technology in Education

Technology becomes important thing in this decade. Education field is also effect by

technology. Actually technology has used since 1960s for education. According to Dudeney

and Hockly (2007), technology in education started from computer-based materials, referred

to CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning) in early 1980s continues become ICT
(Information and Communication Technology), adding the internet and web-based tools, last

become TELL (Technology Enhanced Language Learning).

Technology can give some benefits for education. Teachers can give some tasks and

feedback for their students easily. They can access their material in short time and unlimited,

especially for authentic material. In class, learning process can be more attractive because

teachers implement technology. It is main reason why teachers get training for ICT in this


2.3 What is Media?

In learning process, teachers will need media as their resources for teaching their

students. As cited Zahro, Gerlach and Elly purposed media as persons, materials, or events

that establish condition of students to acquire knowledge, skills and attitudes. Media are

tools of study that has instructional content for students in learning process.

Media can engage students’ participation and make them more enthusiastic in learning

process. They can be more active in the class. They also understand the lesson easily.

2.4 Types of Media

According to Arsyad Azhar’s book types of media in general are:

1. visual
They are media or aid that can be seen. It can be form of picture or moving picture
2. Audio
They are media or aid can be listened, such as radio.
3. Audio-visual aids
They are media provide a sound and picture

2.5 Definition of Multimedia

Robinnete in Marcovitz suggests “Multimedia is about combining sights, sounds, and

interactive elements to create an experience unlike that which comes from simply reading

text or idly viewing video”. Multimedia combines some media in one tool. It can be more

simple but has some multifunction. In teaching process, multimedia has power to changes the
way of teachers and learners to access and express their understanding because multimedia

put multisensory learning (Papert in Marcovitz,2012:2).

2.6 Concept of Instructional Media

Instructional media is when it can give educational message to students which are

related to instructional objectives. According to Scanlan in Module MGMP(2007:7)

instructional media combines all the materials and physical means an teacher might use to

implement instruction and facilitate learners’ achievement of instructional objectives. It can

be traditional materials such as chalkboards, charts, slides, and so on and newer method such

as computer, DVDs, internet, and so on. Instructional media have function to make students

understand the lesson and the class can be more alive.

2.7 Kinds of Instructional Media

Instructional media for teaching learning process has various of kinds that can be used by

teachers. Harmer has already stated kinds of this media in teaching process.

2.7.1 Realia

Realia include in a range of objects because it is a term for real objects. It refers to the

real thing around us as media for teaching. According to Harmer (2007) for children, realia

can be very useful to understanding the meaning of words or can give stimulate children to

more understand the words. It will be interested for children because they can look directly

the things that related the words which are learned. Teaching process is more enjoyable.

2.7.2 Pictures

According to Harmer (2007) pictures can be different form such as flashcard (small cards

with pictures and words that can be hold by children), large wall pictures (size should be

enough for everyone to read detail), cue cards (small cards that used in a pair-work or group),

photographs or illustration. The usage pictures depend on topic in learning process. By using
pictures, teachers can make some activities for students to stimulate them in learning

language. Actually, teachers can use their own drawing pictures to stimulate their students.

2.7.3 Cards

Cards have different shapes and size. It can be used as media for learning activity.

Teachers can make material from this media. It usually is in thick paper and can bring

anywhere. Teachers also can make some activities to stimulate their student through cards.

2.7.4 Coursebook

A coursebook is commonly used by teachers as their media in learning teaching process.

All materials have been already written in this book. So, teachers just follow instruction in

coursebook. A coursebook usually match with curriculum. It is also a simple media for

teachers. Teachers tend to make a coursebook as their base in teaching. Sometimes it can be

bad because they just focus on materials in coursebook, not try to find another resource.

2.7.5 Board

According to Harmer (2007) boards provide a main point during learning process in

whole class. It is versatile tool of classroom for teaching whether it is a chalk-dust variety

board or blackboard, whiteboard, and even IWB (Interactive Whiteboard). Teachers can do

anything with board. They can make a note, pictures, task, game, and so on. They can explain

the lesson without any obstacles. It is a multifunction tool for teacher in classroom.

2.7.6 Overhead Projector (OHP)

OHP is unique tools for teaching process. It uses transparencies to show the materials in

classroom. However it can be problem if there is no electricity. Teachers can show anything

one by one. It can be effective if teachers use this media in giving tasks for their students.

2.7.7 Flip Chart

Flip chart is very useful to make notes, to record points of discussion, and it can be torn

off when it has been already used. It can works in two particular situations, a teacher and
group leader write at the flipchart and record the main point of discussion (Harmer,2007:

Students also can express their in this media.

2.7.8 Computer-based presentation technology

Since technology has been used widely, education also uses technology as media in

teaching learning process. However, it is a good thing for those who have enough money to

purchase it. It has hardware and software. For hardware, consists of a computer and a data

projector. Then, there is presentation software that can be used in learning process,

PowerPoint. It provides us an attractive and dynamic media for teaching. It can mix audio,

video, pictures, graphic, text and so on in interesting way. It can stimulate both of teachers

and students.

2.8 Concept of PowerPoint

PowerPoint is presentation graphic package (Moria,). All of aspect in presentation is in

one of software, PowerPoint. Heni stated in Ravel Putri Haji, Microsoft PowerPoint is a

Microsoft Office program that is used to make and design a presentation to make public more

interest. Users can make a topic become more attractive if they make their presentation in

PowerPoint. PowerPoint focuses on how users can design content of topic to be more

attractive. We can put anything in one of presentation PowerPoint. We do not need to

separate things if we use this software. PowerPoint uses slide to present the point of topic.

2.9 Features of PowerPoint

In PowerPoint, there are some features that provide a slide more attractive beside text.

The features are:

2.9.1 Video

Video can be put in slide of PowerPoint. Not only video but also film can be added in

the slide of presentation. We can use video to show a topic clearly because we can see it
like we look in real situation. We can also set where should video begin and where should

it end, depends on the need. Sometimes video can be ice breaking during presentation.

2.9.2 Audio

In the listening section, audio is crucial thing that must be added. In PowerPoint, we

can put audios in a slide presentation. It can be long or short duration. We can configure

the audio depend on the need.

2.9.3 Picture

Pictures can be put in a slide presentation even we can make an album photo in it. We

can set when picture come or when picture disappear in slide. We can use animation to

make picture more attractive.

2.10 Advantages of PowerPoint

The main advantage of PowerPoint in learning process is to make material more

interested for learners and to motivate them in learning process. Beside that advantage, there

are some advantages using PowerPoint. (Gibbon, are_


1. It can easily put images

2. Templates are built in for different appearances

3. It can add notes pages

4. It can easily add media and recordings

5. It is more exciting than a simple word document or hand written presentation

6. Master slides make presentation consistent

Teachers can use PowerPoint as their media in their classroom in learning teaching

process. It can help teachers to get attention from their students.

2.11 Disadvantages of PowerPoint

Beside advantages of usage PowerPoint, there are also disadvantages using this

multimedia. The main disadvantage of using PowerPoint is if there is no electricity, we

cannot use it because it must operate with electricity. The other disadvantages are:

1. Some features such as animations and backgrounds can make the audience not focus

on the actual information in the presentation

2. File size can become quite large

3. Some of the features can be quite complicated to use

4. When at work, you can’t rely on someone else's computer or laptop to run your

presentation, there are too many software conflicts and disk space barriers.

5. Takes quite a bit of time to create a complete presentation



2.12 Definition of Writing

Writing is one of the way express the ideas. For those who can express their feeling,

though, or idea through speaking, they will use writing to show it. in writing, we can

communicate each other like we do speak. In learning process, writing is one of skills that

need some process. Writing is also progress activity.

According to Bello in Utami writing enhances language acquisition as learners

experiment with words, sentences, and other elements of writing to communicate their idea

effectively. Ghaith states in Utami writing is a complex process to make writers to explore

ideas and thoughts, and make them visible and concrete. In short, writing is a process of

organizing ideas from writers who perform their creativity in using language skills to produce

a written text.

2.13 The steps of writing

In writing, there are four steps that should be through. The first step is prewriting. The

second is organizing. The third is writing. The last is polishing (Oshima, 2007:16-20).

1. Prewriting

Prewriting is process to get ideas. In this step, students choose a topic and collect data

to explain the topic. One technique that can be used in this step is listing. Making

outline what students want to write. It can be useful to explore ideas more detail.

2. Organizing

The next step is to organize the ideas in good arrangement. It starts from write the

topic and main ideas.

3. Writing

Writing is a process to write down the ideas. It can be a rough draft or first draft in

writing. It is better if students write the draft as quickly as they can without stopping

without thinking about grammar, spelling or punctuation. In this step, students write

rough draft based on the outline that has been already written.

4. Polishing (Revising and Editing)

The last step is revising and editing. It has two steps. First is revising the content and

organization in rough draft. The second is editing grammar, punctuation, and


Meanwhile, according to Harmer the steps of writing are planning, drafting, editing

(reflecting and revising) and final version.

1. Planning
Before a writer start to write, he or she will think and decide what should be written.

There are some considerations before writing. First, a writer must consider the

purpose of writing. If a writer doesn’t know why he/she do writing, the writing

doesn’t have any value to read. Then, a writer must consider the audience. A writer

must know who will be his/her reader because the writing will be influence readers.
So, the language that will be used can be formal or informal. Last, a writer must

consider about the content structure of the piece.

2. Drafting
The first version of piece writing can be referred as a draft. It is a raw version that

have not edited yet.

3. Editing (reflecting and revising)
After first draft is finished, a writer will read it again to check whether there is

ambiguous or confusing or not. A writer also checks a general meaning and

grammatical structure. After a writer checks it all, he/she start to revise the mistake.
4. Final version
After do revising, it is time to make a new one. It can be referred as final draft of

writing. This may look different or even totally different from the first draft because

there are some changes from the previous one.

Although there is different view in process of writing, the first step to write is getting

ideas or content, then to do writing, next revising, and the last make final draft.

2.14 Teaching Writing by Using Multimedia

Writing is one of skill which is difficult to do. In Indonesia, English is still as foreign

language. One aspect should be considered by teachers in teaching writing is always

motivating the students to write. Providing a contextual aspect for them and making a

comfortable environment. One of the way to create those condition is teachers can use

multimedia in teaching writing. Multimedia can help teachers provide the material in one

tool. Using multimedia can avoid students from boredom. Besides that, they can be motivated

because the materials are interesting. From this media, teachers is indirectly motivate them to


Students will be more understand if we use multimedia because it provides all of

elements media such as audio, visual, and audio-visual. They can explore their ideas more


2.15 Descriptive Text

Description is writing about specific details of particular things. According to Oshima

and Hogue (2007:61), descriptive writing appeals to the senses, it tells how something

looks, feels, smells, tastes, and sounds. Descriptive text describes all of items in a

particular thing from A to Z. A good description if the reader can imagine the object,

place, or person in his or her mind.

2.15.1 Social Function

Social function of descriptive text is to describe particular person, thing, or place.

Description of people tells about what a person look like. Description of place tells about

what a place look like. Description of thing tells about its colour, texture, shape, size, and

so on.

2.15.2 Generic Structure

The generic structures of a descriptive text are identification and description. (1)

Identification is part where writers introduce the subject of description and (2)

description, describe the details from the subject or characteristics of subject.

2.15.3 Language Feature

The language features of a descriptive text are use particular nouns, often uses ‘be’ and

‘have’, use of a variety of types of adjectives, uses of simple present, uses action verb, uses of

adverbials, uses of similes, metaphors, and other types of figurative language, particularly in

literary description.

2.16 Previous Study

In the research, it is necessary to reviews of previous studies to avoid replication. Some

similar studies have been conducted to find out the effectiveness of using media in teaching

writing. There are some previous studies about the use of teaching media in teaching English.

The first previous study is written by Desi Sri Lestari entitled “Pengaruh Penggunaan

Media PowerPoint terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas X SMA N 1 Depok Tahun Ajaran
2010/2011 pada Pokok Bahasan Jamur”.Even though it is not about English language

teaching, it still discuss about usage of PowerPoint in teaching process and it has relation

with the research’s researcher. In her research, she used an action research design. This

research finds out the most effective technique to use PowerPoint. The result of research is

there is no significant effect using PowerPoint. However, students give positive feedback.

Another research is written by Ravel Putri Aji entitled “Microsoft PowerPoint as a

Teaching Media to Improve the Students’ Competence in Mastering English Vocabulary at

SMP Bahrul Ulum, Surabaya”.In her research, she uses pre-experimental research with one

group pretest-posttest design. This study is conducted on one class and doesn’t use control

class. Observation, pretest-posttest and documentation are used to collect the data. In this

research, there are three activities of teaching English vocabulary by using Microsoft

PowerPoint. Pretest is given before and posttest is given after treatment. The result from this

research is there is significant effect in using PowerPoint.

The third research is written by Tossi Ana Ari Utami entitled “Improving the Ability in

Writing Descriptive Texts through Brainstorming Technique for Grade VIII Students at SMP

N 1 Piyungan”.In her research, she used qualitative in nature. It consisted of two cycles. The

data of this research were mostly qualitative although there were some quantitative data. The

qualitative data were obtained by observing the teaching and learning process during the

implementation of the actions, and interviewing the students of class VIII B at SMP N 1

Piyungan and the English teacher as the collaborator, while the quantitative data were gained

through assessing students’ ability in writing descriptive texts via a pre-test and a post-test.

The result from this research is brainstorming to be effective to improve students’ ability in

writing descriptive text.

In journal of Ramon Cladellas (2013), he conducted a research about effect PowerPoint

methodology on content learning. It focused on whether the use of PowerPoint has an effect
on students’ achievement compared with students’ who did not teach y using this technology

in educational psychology. The result from this research is there is significant effect from

using PowerPoint. The score of group who learn by using this technology is 19% higher than

who did not. It shows that technology has good influence in learning process.

The last research is written Icah Minarsih entitled “The Effect of Using Flickr on

Students’ Ability in Writing Descriptive Paragraph at Eighth Graders of SMP Negeri 1 Kuala

Tungkal”. In her research, she used quasi experimental. There were eight meetings. There

were pre-test and post-test in beginning and in the end of meeting. Then, using homogenous

formula to selected two groups. The experimental used Flickr and control group used

pictures. The researcher carried out an experimental study using t-test. The result from this

research is there is significant effect in using Flickr in students’ ability making descriptive



3.1 Research Design

This research will be an experimental research that will test the effect from treatment on

outcome (Creswell 2014:156). The variable consists of independent and dependent variable.

In this research, independent variable is multimedia PowerPoint and dependent variable is

students’ writing descriptive ability. For the participant, the researcher uses a procedure that is

called a quasi-experiment to prevent disturbing condition classroom.

There will be two classes in this research. There are an experimental group and a control

group. Experimental group will use multimedia PowerPoint in teaching writing descriptive

while the control group will use manual or using picture and whiteboard in teaching writing

descriptive text.

There are some steps that will be used in this research. First, pre-test will be given to

students both of group in the first meeting. The score will be first data before giving

treatment. Second, giving treatments will be six meeting. The last, in the end of meeting, the

students will be given the post-test to know the result from the treatment. The result of pre-

test and post-test will be compare to know whether treatment successful or not.

3.2 Population and Sample

Population in this research will be taken from eighth graders of SMP Negeri 5 Jambi


3.2.1 Population

Population is a potential group of participants whom that want generalize the results

of a study (Salkind, 2014:95). Population of this research is all of students in eighth grade

students of SMPN 5 Jambi City in academic year 2015-2016.

3.2.2 Sample

Sample is a subgroup of a potential group that will be used by researcher (Salkind,

2014:95). In this research, the researcher will use cluster sampling. Cluster sampling is

deciding sample based on which units of individuals rather than individual themselves

(Salkind, 2014:102)

In this research, since the researcher decides to use cluster sampling, the sample of the

research is VIII A and VIII B. Class A will be an experimental class while class b will be a

control group. It decides based on alphabetical.

3.3 Technique of Data Collection

This research will be used quantitative data that will be taken from the students’

writing scores. The first data were pre-test and the second data from post-test. Both of tests

will be written test. Both of group will be given the same test in pre-test and post-test.

3.4 Instrument

The instruments of this research will be written test. The materials will be taken from

the text book “Smart Steps” written by Ali Akhmadi and Ida Safrida published by Ganexa

Exact and “English Activities” written by Nur Zaida published by Erlangga. There will be six

topics. These topics will be taught during the research in six meetings. The topics are

describing my beloved things, my house, describe myself, pet, favorite person, and favorite


3.5 Test Validity and Reliability

3.5.1 Test Validity

In testing, the test should be as valid as possible, whether it is for informal classroom

test or public examination, even for this research. The test will be valid if it measures

accurately what should be measured (Hughes, 2003:26). For this research, it will be used

content area in validity. According to Hughes (2003:26) the test which has content validity
must contain a representative sample of the language skills, structures, etc. In other words,

the content must appropriate which materials that have though.

3.5.2 Reliability

Reliability in test must be considered. Boyle in Minarsih state that reliability is

focused on how accurate a test score is. According to Ary (2006:239) reliability is concerned

in consistent of what should be measured. Reliability focus on consistency in testing.

3.6 Technique of Data Analysis

3.6.1 The Criteria of Writing Process

There are four major elements to be standard in evaluating students’ writing score:

fluency. grammar, vocabulary and spelling.

3.6.2 The Procedure of Scoring

After getting data from testing, the data will be analysed. These data will be analysed

to be presented the result of data analysis. To analyze it, there will be two raters. The first is

will be English teacher of the class and second rater will be the researcher herself.

The researcher tends to use rubric from Brown cited in Utami:

3.6.3 T-test Formula

The score of post-test both of group will be tested by using t-test formula in order to

know the significant differences between two classes. The result of t-test will be compared to

score to the score in t-table. If there is significant effect in using multimedia PowerPoint on

students’ ability in writing descriptive text, hypothesis I will be accepted. If there is no

significant effect, hypothesis 0 will be accepted.


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