Rogue Trader Careers and Skill List
Rogue Trader Careers and Skill List
Rogue Trader Careers and Skill List
To become a Rogue Trader or join one’s trusted retinue is to become one of a very
select few in the Imperium—those with the power to leave it behind. Rogue Traders
have the power to step beyond the oppressive laws and controls of the Imperium of
Mankind, to pass beyond its boundaries into the darkness that surrounds the
flickering fires of civilisation.
To do this requires a unique breed of self-confidence (some would say arrogance).
The countless trillions that live amongst the Imperium’s innumerable worlds have
traded their freedom for security, an all too precious commodity in a galaxy full of
danger and lurking horror. As a Rogue Trader and his trusted companions,
however, you have regained your independence—at the cost of safety and security.
When you walk amongst the alien and forsaken worlds beyond the Emperor’s light,
you do so with none to rely on save yourself. The consequences you will endure
should you fail are too terrible to consider…but the rewards should you succeed are
equally limitless.
Those able to accept the risks and grasp the prize offered in return are a disparate
and varied bunch. Arch-militants see the obstacles to their fortunes as something
to be overcome with a keen eye and trusty boltgun, while the Seneschals know that
knowledge and information are the true routes to prominence. A Navigator charts
paths to glory through the treacherous currents of the Immaterium while a
Missionary inspires his fellows to ever greater deeds in the God- Emperor’s name.
They are all united by the iron will of the Rogue Trader, by whose authority their
efforts are directed to a greater whole.
Your Career represents your character’s abilities and potential, your role amongst a
Rogue Trader’s crew. It will define who you were before you signed on, as well as
who you become once you venture beyond the Imperium’s boundaries. Your career
defines how you are viewed by those you meet, the skills you can learn, and by what
means you will become wealthy, powerful, and revered (or feared) as a legend in
the 41st Millennium.
(Author’s note: All the careers are quite simplified compared to what they are in the Rogue Trader
game itself. You will see some terms which may or may not be familiar, and all of them should be
referenced in other documents if not in the present moment, then in the near future.)
Rogue Trader
he bearer of a sacred Warrant that
empowers him to journey beyond the
boundaries of the Imperium to trade,
explore, and make war in the
God-Emperor’s name, a Rogue Trader is a
unique figure in the grim darkness of the
Imperium. He may be a newly entitled
power on the rise or hail from a long
lineage of nobles and voidfarers, but all
bear their titles with pride, striking out into
the unknown in search of fortune and
glory. A Rogue Trader is a power unto
himself in the dark voids, master of all he
surveys―at least as far as his force of arms
and sharpness of wits can press the claim. A
Rogue Trader can be many things but
whether standing as diplomat before a
planetary ruler, cutting a shadowed deal in
a station undercity, bellowing orders
amidst an armed host set upon plunder, or
striding the bridge of a mighty starship,
they remain one thing above all—free.
Rogue Traders must always look to their own abilities
and protection, regardless of the power of their allies, for
there will always be those envious of their power and
station, and countless rivals to their goals. As a result,
most have a penchant for the very finest personal weapons and equipment their fortunes
can acquire―for even friends can soon become enemies when a world’s ransom is at
stake. Some never leave their bridge without donning an ancient and revered suit of
artificer-wrought power armour, while others secrete fiendishly cunning personal force
field generators of alien manufacture beneath a gaudy uniform. None are ever unarmed,
bearing, even aboard their own vessels, minute digital weapons and other implements of
destruction. However they outwardly comport themselves, Rogue Traders must be
supremely confident in their own abilities, and able to walk away from even the most
desperate situation somehow having profited from their perilous adventure, even if that
profit must be counted purely by survival.
The 41st Millennium is an age of total war, an
age of bloodshed and toil into which every
human being, from the lowliest
hive-serf to the highest scion of nobility, is
born. No life is untouched by the incessant
wars that plague the Imperium,
and countless lives are shed each year to hold
at bay the forces of the traitor, the heretic,
and the alien. From amongst
the uncounted ranks of warriors step those
for whom a life of bloodshed and war is not a
death sentence, but rather a calling.
Such men and women are sometimes
The Arch-militant is an expert in every form
of combat. It is no idle boast that there
is no weapon they cannot kill with or strip
and reassemble in the field. Each has
an unerring ability to master even the most
exotic of wargear with little or
no practice, and fears death little and pain
less. But it is not just expertise at
arms that sees the Arch-militant succeed
where others fail; they are marked
with an the inborn gift to sense danger, to
anticipate an enemy’s actions, and
to overcome any foe they might face as if it
was meant to be so. An Archmilitant worth the name can extricate himself and his
companions from even the most seemingly hopeless of situations by a combination
of cold professionalism, masterful skill at arms, and sheer bloody-mindedness and
luck. Out beyond the fringes of Imperial space, men and women gifted with such
abilities are priceless, and very few Rogue Traders would set foot upon an alien
world without a heavily armed Arch-militant or two by their side if possible.
Part adventurer, part warrior, part
emissary of the Machine Cult of Mars,
Explorators are Tech-priests,
bionically augmented adepts of the
Adeptus Mechanicus. Their function
is to travel into the depths of the
unknown and unearth the ashes of the
past in order to acquire knowledge
and secrets for the glory of the
Omnissiah. Something of a breed
apart in the Cult Mechanicus, they are
seen as a necessary evil by some of
their fellows and vital agents of the
Machine God by others. Explorators
undertake their Quest for Knowledge
across the stars, seeking out
undiscovered data and unrecorded
phenomena, forgotten
archeotech hoards, and unknown life
forms. All Mechanicus research
stations, exploration ships, and
outposts any distance from a Forge World are likely to
be manned by Explorators. It is also the sacred
function of these intrepid (or foolhardy) individuals
to delve in the unexplored reaches of the galaxy,
either as part of great Mechanicus-backed fleets or by
attaching themselves to the
Rogue Trader houses to carry them into the beyond in
search of both the future and, most importantly, the past.
When an Explorator accompanies a Rogue Trader, the
arrangement may have come about by some ancient debt the Rogue Trader’s line
owed the Cult Mechanicus, hard bargaining, or even pure chance. Whatever the
case, the Explorator will be a valued member of the Rogue Trader’s party, bringing
with him a wealth of esoteric knowledge
and arcane technical know-how quite beyond any other member of the crew, and
often, not a little firepower of his own.