RE Assignment FPD
RE Assignment FPD
RE Assignment FPD
Catholic World View and Teacher Witness (See Teacher Note) Link with Key Understandings and Learning Points by highlighting
Prayer within the Catholic Faith is a central and key element. Prayer deepens a person's faith. Praying can help the believer come to a greater
understanding of God's purpose for their lives. It is imperative that as teachers we educate our students on the importance of prayer.
This unit seeks to educate students on the multiple ways people can pray. Prayer can be silent or said out loud. It can use set words, or a person's own
words. In prayer, Christians lift their minds and hearts to God. This unit lets students experience the power of prayer. Once they have learned to pray about
things, they will be able to feel the power of prayer. They will learn that prayer can be a sanctuary for them. They will develop a relationship with God, and
grow as individuals in Christ. This unit delves deep into scripture and how Jesus taught his followers how to pray. Once again strengthening the students
knowledge and understanding of prayer.
Extension – Students will be given differentiated questions to allow them to engage in higher order thinking skills. For example they will be asked to
provide evidence and justification to their answers.
Engagement – Groups will be strategically organised to ensure levels of abilities are levelled out. Highly skilled students will be placed in groups with
students who require further assistance. They will also be positioned near the teacher or EA so as to keep an eye on their progression throughout the
lessons activities.
Special Considerations – Students who require assistance with reading and writing will be assisted by the teacher or EA. If that does not work those
students will be pulled out of the group and will work one on one in a small group with the teacher or EA. Access to computers will be given to students
who have writing difficulties.
Week Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5
Prayer Love your neighbour Love one another Spontaneous prayer: Invite Ask a student to select a prayer from Students write down two Assessment
students to pray asking for God’s prayer book. Read aloud to class and things they are thankful
help & guidance when making reflect. for and share with the
moral decisions. Response: Lord class.
give us strength and guidance in
our decision-making.
1 A1: Class brainstorm / A1: Read Spaghetti in a A1: Students in pairs research A1: Students watch YouTube: A1: Watch Diagnostic
identify using Hot Dog Bun: Having and create Pic Collage on what Assessment:
People the choices the Courage to Be Who moral choice and conscience is. yHKFvxgQOFI on the ten m/watch?v=iOMKASxGEx Teacher collects
can make
made by people every You Are. Discuss the Identify the characteristics of commandments. Discuss how the w. Read the Beatitudes the My Choice My
decisions day and what helps us difference between each. Present to class. Ten Commandments help us to make [Matthew 5:1-12]. Future work
make an informed regular daily choices moral choices that are pleasing to Summarise/ discuss what sheet. Continuous
choice. and important choices. (Integrated with English God. each Beatitude means conversations
ACELY1717) and how it applies to and discussions
A2: In pairs students A2: Students TPS A2: Students in pairs create a poster, Christian moral life. with students
need to rank these who/how they can seek A2: As a whole class discuss which lists the 10 commandments, throughout all
choices from least to guidance when making findings / Pic Collage and create a and illustrate an image that A2: Students complete lessons. Will
most important (class a choice. Discuss how definition for each word. represents it (can draw/ or create a the beatitude Flip Square indicate students
discussion must justify choices impact others. collage using newspaper/magazine activity (see attached current
rankings) In pairs hand out cut outs). Students reword the resource). understanding of
scenarios (see attached commandment positively. decision making.
A3: Write a class resource) for students (Integrate Math
definition to add to to act out with one (Integrated with English ACELY1717) ACMMG140) Formative
the wall display on person being the Assessment:
how to make an guidance provider – A3: Discuss how the (Lesson 5)
informed swap roles. Beatitudes are the paths Students are
choice/decision. that God gives people as given one
(Integrated with drama an answer to their desire Beatitude to
A4: Exit ticket skills for happiness. focus on and
students complete ACADRM035) complete
worksheet – Ability to A4: Students are given a Resource Sheet
Make Good decisions single Beatitude to focus ‘The Beatitudes’.
A3: Exit ticket students on and complete Checklist marking
complete ‘My Choice Resource Sheet 2 ‘The guide.
My Future’ activity (see Beatitudes’.
attached resource).
Week Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Evaluation
Prayer Ask a student to Play reflective music The Lord’s Prayer Ask a student to select a prayer from Prayer Partners: Students and
select a prayer from and allow time for the prayer book. Read aloud to class and write prayers to their Assessment
prayer book. Read students to reflect. reflect. partners and share them
aloud to class and with each other.
A1: In small groups A1: Rotation activity. In A1: Recall The Lord’s Prayer. A1: Students use scripture discussed A1-3: Students Formative
2 students recall and list groups students rotate Watch in week 2 lesson 2 to plan a handwrite their final copy Assessment:
ways that the through and read the newspaper article explaining what of their newspaper article (Lesson 5)
Christian Beatitudes are Gospel passages that h?v=UmdN8zzyRtc Jesus taught about how to pray, and and decorate page (see Students create
evident in everyday show how Jesus taught Explain to the students that Jesus what people are praying for when attached resource). newspaper article
Beatitud life, and in everyday his followers how to taught The Lord’s Prayer to his they pray The Lord’s Prayer. Finally explaining how to
es people. Discuss as pray. disciples when they asked him why they think praying is important. (Integrated with English pray. Checklist
whole class 1. In the morning how to pray [Matthew 6:9-13 & (Will have 2/3 lessons to complete). (ACELY1714) marking guide
[Mark 1:35] Luke 11:2-4]. - See attached resources (see attached for
A2: In small groups 2. On the sabbath (These will be displayed during the (Formative assessment more
reword the eight [Luke 4:16-17] A2: In small groups students mass) piece) information)
Beatitudes in positive 3. Alone [Mark 6:45- create dance actions for each
language. Discuss as a 46] part of The Lord’s Prayer and A2: Continue on with newspaper - All reflection
class and add eight 4. With others in present to class. Show this video article draft (see attached resource). For fast finishers Students pieces and exit
definitions onto wall synagogues as example begin creating visual tickets collected
display. [Matthew 4:23] (Integrated with English representations of each (indicate students
h?v=ZqQMxMWXJ7E (ACELY1714) petition of the Lord’s ability to reflect
5. When facing
A3: In pairs find Prayer. Students can use and understand
examples of people (Best group will be chosen to drawings, symbols, their choices and
[Matthew 4:1-10]
who exemplify each teach the whole class and this magazine clippings or actions)
Beatitude and explain 6. The night before he will be presented during mass) take photos to represent
the way that they find died [Luke 22:41- each petition. These are Seesaw is used
happiness by 42]. (Integrated with Dance presented in poster throughout
following these ACADAM009) format, with the petition (images of
A2: Break students into
principles of Christian written on the poster as a students & exit
six groups and allocate
moral life (fictional A3: Teach the seven petitions of heading. tickets) and
one of the above
characters from books The Lord’s Prayer. Watch the referred to for
Gospel passages to
or movies, famous video that explains each petition. (Integrated with Visual reporting to
each group. Students
people or family Arts ACAVAM115) parents.
create a comic strip
members / friends). h?v=V6HjK8UGV3U&feature=you
titled ‘Jesus taught us in pairs students match
how to prayer’ (see
each petition of the Lord’s Prayer
attached resource
with its meaning (see attached
‘Comic Strip’).
resource ‘Chapter 50 Activity’)
A3: Exit ticket students
A4: Exit ticket students complete
complete ‘Is Prayer Like
‘How do we connect with Jesus?’
Talking With A Friend?’
(Reflect upon how to use prayer
to strengthen relationship with
Week Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Evaluation
Prayer The Lord’s Prayer Ask a student to select Prayer Partners: Students write Ask a student to select a prayer from Cumulative prayer: all and
a prayer from prayer prayers to their partners and prayer book. Read aloud to class and participate in reading a Assessment
book. Read aloud to share them with each other. reflect. prayer aloud.
class and reflect.
A1: Discuss the A1: Explain through A1: Identify the ways that Jesus A1: Instruct groups to talk about their A1: Discuss the journal All reflection
3 connections between prayer people can came to teach people about how weekly “schedule.” Using resource questions as a class and pieces and exit
Christia the Lord’s Prayer and develop a good to develop a close relationship sheet ‘How Do You Get The Most Out then students journal tickets collected
ns are the Beatitudes. relationship with God. with God. Of Your Day?’ have students write responses to the (indicate students
strengt Students TPS the Brainstorm ways that - Gospel of John their daily chores and activities on the following questions: ability to reflect
hened important Christian people develop good - John 5:14-15 schedule. (The point of the activity is and understand
by teachings present relationships with - John 16:23 to get a visual representation of the 1. In what ways can their choices and
prayer within the Lord’s others. extremely busy schedules we all have) people develop a actions)
to Prayer and the Students read through the (Extension students can be challenged closer relationship
choose Beatitudes. A2: In pairs students scripture readings and in groups with creating their own timetable) with God? Seesaw is used
good will compose a and discuss. 2. Why is it important throughout
A2: In groups brainstorm outlining (Integrated with Math ACMMG139) to pray and develop a (images of
students create a the ways that people A2: Students complete the ‘My close relationship students & exit
drama piece which develop a good God Moments’ resource sheet. A2: Then read Luke 10:38-42. Discuss with God? tickets) and
depicts / explains the relationship with God. spending time with God is a choice. 3. How does our referred to for
way that The Lord’s Discuss and share ideas A3: Students individually send a Just like we put all our other activities relationship with God reporting to
Prayer and the with class postcard to God - on the calendar, we need to set a affect our decisions? parents.
Beatitudes summarise time to meet with God. What are 4. What did Jesus teach
the important A3: Exit ticket. How will some ways or activities you can do to so that people could Formative
teachings for you grow as a spend time with God? relate to God in Assessment:
Christians. Christian? Write down prayer? (Lesson 5)
some simple goals yk8In-6KUGc Student journal
A3: Students present below you will work on A2: Invite in the local responses
their drama piece to in this next month! A3: Students then add into their Parish Priest to discuss collected and
the class. schedule where they will spend time the importance of prayer graded. Checklist
with God. with the students. marking guide.
(Integrated with
Drama ACADRM035) A4: Exit ticket – students complete
‘Welcoming God Moments’ and
reflect upon how they will welcome
Week Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Evaluation
Prayer Ask a student to Cumulative prayer: all Students journal down their Ask a student to select a prayer from Prayer Partners: Students and
select a prayer from participate in reading a thoughts and feelings, write a prayer book. Read aloud to class and write prayers to their Assessment
prayer book. Read prayer aloud. prayer to themselves. reflect. partners and share them
aloud to class and with each other.
A1: Brainstorm A1: Identify ways that A1: Teach the three major A1: Describe and explain the five A1: Recall the forms of All reflection
4 reasons why people fellow students pray, expressions of prayer. Watch: forms of prayer. prayer. pieces and exit
Christia might pray. Watch: and ways that they tickets collected
ns pray choose to communicate h?v=3lR9uaEXnQ8 A2: Provide students with Resource A2: Provide students with (indicate students
in .com/watch?v=QVHU with God. Students Sheet ‘Forms of Prayer’ and allocate a variety of prayers and in ability to reflect
many x_EJnUs (explore walk around the room A2: Provide students with each group with a form of prayer. small groups, and using and understand
ways various prayer books and have discussions Resource Sheet ‘Expressions of Students create a prayer that fits the Resource Sheet ‘Forms of their choices and
provide examples) with each other and Prayer’ and allocate each group form of prayer and present it to the Prayer’, students actions)
record findings. with an expression of prayer. class. Students must incorporate determine which form of
A2: Go through the Students create a prayer that fits movement / dance into their prayer. prayer each is by Formative
formula for writing a (Integrate with English their expression of prayer and highlighting evidence Assessment:
prayer. Provide ACELY1709) present it to the class. (Integrate with English ACELY1710) within the prayer to (Lesson 2)
students with justify their findings. Students create
multiple prayer books (Integrate with English A3: Students complete resource sheet Discuss as a class. Pic Collage of why
to explore. A2: Students create a ACELY1710) ‘What are you thankful for?’ and we pray. Checklist
Pic Collage of why we ‘How do we pray?’. A3: Perform a prayer marking guide.
Loved: The Lord's pray session for the students. Will indicate
Prayer Board book A3: Students reflect upon which Afterwards run through students current
Sally Lloyd-Jones (Integrated with English expression of prayer they are with the class what understanding of
ACELY1717) drawn too and justify why elements were involved importance of
I Prayed for You Board (personal reflection piece). (music, prayer, scripture prayer.
book by Jean Fischer reading, candles,
(Integrate with A4: As a whole class discuss the activities etc.) Group
English ACELY1711) prayers of faithful. In small students and provide
groups students will create a line them some time to begin
A3: Students will each for the Prayers of The planning their own prayer
create and write their Faithful to be read out during session. These will be
own prayer. mass. presented over the
following lessons. Each
A4: Provide students group will be given a
with a piece of blank specific topic to base
card. Students will their prayer session on.
write and decorate
their own prayer card.
Lesson 5 Evaluation
Week Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 and
A1: Provide students A1: Group presents A1: Group presents their prayer A1: Group presents their prayer A1: Group presents their Formative
5 time to plan their their prayer session session session prayer session Assessment:
prayer session. Clarify Students will be
Christia any problems. Provide A2: Discuss the ways A2: Recall Liturgy knowledge. A2: Explain that prayer strengthens A2: Students are assessed on their
ns pray access to computers Christian communities Students work in small groups to Christians to choose what is good and allocated one of the four creation and
togeth to find scripture pray together. view ‘What Takes Place During helps them to make good moral ways that Christians can running of their
er as a readings and music. the Mass’ from the Together at choices. pray to God, and create a prayer session.
commu A3: Introduce the topic One Altar website. The groups promotional flyer - Gather,
nity (Integrate with of liturgy are allocated one of the following Teach the four ways that Christians explaining their learning. listen, reflect
English ACELY1710) (Liturgy is the official weblinks to read and report back can pray to God: Details should include: and respond
public prayer of the on the symbols, rituals and procedure.
A2: As a class discuss church and is always an actions that take place during 1. Participating in retreats - Explanation of the
what happens in mass action with rituals and liturgy: 2. Spending time in monasteries way Christians pray
and what prayers we symbols). 3. Going on a pilgrimage in this setting
might hear at mass. - God Calls - We Gather ( 4. Daily life - Description of the Summative
Brainstorm an Watch: ) setting Assessment:
opening prayer for - God Speaks – We Listen A3: Students complete ‘Go Into Your - Examples of where Students will
mass. om/watch?v=8OtH8vW ( ) Heart Room and Where is Your the prayer takes complete an
12i4 - God Acts – We Give Thanks Special Place’ reflection piece. place online test
A3: Exit ticket ‘why is ( ) - How Christians created through
praying important and - God Sends – We Go benefit from this Socrative
how does it help daBIG8 ( ) type of prayer (https://socrative.
develop our Students will have several com/) which
relationship with (Integrated with HASS lessons to complete this. assesses their
God?’ xPY0Wo WAHASS52) knowledge based
(Integrated with English on this unit of
(ACELY1714) work.
A3: Select several prayers
as a class to be included
in the mass.
Prayers = Daily prayers are provided as a guide. Depending on the day/need teacher can change these options.
A1 = Activity One
A2 = Activity Two
A3 = Activity Three
Week Two Lesson 4 Assessment Task:
Students are tasked with creating a newspaper article that explains what Jesus taught us about how to pray (using scripture), and what people are praying for
when they pray The Lord’s Prayer. Finally, students will address why they think praying is important. This lesson is integrated with English (ACELY1714).
Students should consider how language features and grammar could be used to enhance cohesion and structure in their writing.
Finally they must consider their point of view when writing and creating their article.
This is a formative assessment task, which will be used to help inform future planning and teaching. The assessment will determine whether any knowledge
needs to be revised and or if further teaching of the content is required. This assessment will help the teacher to determine and clarify any misconceptions the
students may have before moving onto the topic of Christians are strengthened by prayer to choose good (week 3). Marks will be then recorded into the
PLANNED ASSESSMENT: Week 2 Newspaper Article
Jesus Taught His Followers Pray (content descriptor)
Marking Key: Name: Date:
Description Score
Defines using scripture how Jesus taught us to pray with good examples used 3
Provides limited information about how Jesus taught us to pray. Minimal examples used 2
Provides definition for prayer no examples used 1
Irrelevant definitions are provided 0
Described Examples of Lord’s Prayer
Describes at least three relevant examples of what people are praying for when they pray the Lord’s Prayer 3
Provides examples of what people are praying for when they pray the Lord’s Prayer 2
Provides limited examples of what people are praying for when they pray the Lord’s Prayer 1
Described Examples of importance of Prayer
Describes at least two relevant examples of why praying is important 3
Provides examples of why praying is important 2
Provides limited examples of why prayer is important 1
Communication of Ideas
Communicates information in a format that shows purpose and clarity of ideas 2
Communicates ideas with limited evidence of consideration for purpose or audience 1
Presentation Notes
Slide One:
- I would like to warmly welcome you and your child to the wonderful learning community within our year six classroom.
- Your child is important to you, and important to me. We need to work together to help them grow, learn and develop, both as an individual and as a member
My Belief:
- Every learner is created in the image and likeness of God and inspired by the Spirit, responds with passion and creativity to life.
- Every learner is a lifelong learner, with a desire to search for truth and do what is right; accountable for choices and responsible for actions
- Every learner brings to the learning experience their own richly diverse life journey to contribute to a community in communion, empowered by the Spirit
- Every learner seeks to find meaning and through Religious Education and Faith in Jesus Christ we can achieve this.
- The purpose of Religious Education is to provide an understanding of the Christian message as the Catholic Church hands it on.
- Explain the Gospel values and how they are reflected through our RE curriculum teachings
Slide Three
- Go through what the students will be learning and provide a brief description of each
- Include how we assess and report on student progress (diagnostic, formative and summative)
- Parent involvement in sacramental preparation is crucial in shaping the values and attitudes of each child (encouraged to assist the teacher in anyway they
- Knowledge is not the key factor for parents, but faith and a willingness to spend time-sharing with their child is an important element.
written note.
See attached Mass sheet:
- Prayers of Faithful created by the year six students during this unit of work.
- Lord’s Prayer actions, year six students stand out the front during the reading of the Lord’s Prayer and perform their actions.
- Opening prayer created by the year six students during this unit of work.
- Newspaper articles will be on display during the Mass and all welcomed up to come and view them after Mass.
Mitchell, P., & Tasmanian Catholic Education Office. (2016). Make Jesus Real: A book for life grades 5 and six. Australia, Victoria: Garrett