Scheme For The Establishment of Backyard Poultry Units For The Year 2018-19
Scheme For The Establishment of Backyard Poultry Units For The Year 2018-19
Scheme For The Establishment of Backyard Poultry Units For The Year 2018-19
year 2018-19
The State has a vast potential of self employment generation in the
animal husbandry sector. The provision of this scheme has been made in State budget
with an objective to improve the socio-economic status of the small farmers and
landless agricultural labourers as well as other economically weaker section of the
society. The detail of the scheme is as under:-
Description of the Scheme and its objects
To obtain maximum profit from backyard poultry farming there is an
urgent need to improve the backyard poultry farming by introducing sturdy poultry
birds, which can survive when raised with low inputs. Therefore, the department from
its own hatchery will provide 8-10 days old, 50 birds to each beneficiary family free
of cost at their door step. Further, provision has also been made for the supply of two
water drinkers and two feeders to the beneficiary family free of cost. In addition,
provision has also been made for transportation of chicks at the door steps of the
beneficiaries. Two water drinkers and two feeders would be purchased by Deputy
Director of concerned district and the same would be supplied to the beneficiaries.
Roll out of the Scheme in terms of Commencement of Activities
The department would assist the beneficiaries in establishing Backyard
poultry units for which a list of such beneficiaries from amongst the small farmers,
landless agricultural labourers and other economically weaker sections of the society
will be supplied by the concerned Deputy Directors to the Assistant Director Govt.
Hatchery, Hisar who will arrange to supply chicks to them. The applicant would apply
to Veterinary Surgeon, I/C Government Veterinary Hospital in the format as annexed
as Annexure I. The Government Poultry hatchery at Hisar will be further strengthened
to produce quality chicks of low cost input technology suitable for backyard poultry
farming in the State. Accordingly, a provision of Rs. 30.00 lac has been made in the
scheme to strengthen Government Poultry Hatchery, Hisar for the purchase of
Hatcher, Setter and other related items etc. Chicks would be reared at Government
Hatchery, Hisar and thereafter will be supplied at the doorstep of the beneficiary in the
State along with two water drinkers and two feeders. The list of beneficiaries will be
supplied by the concerned Deputy Directors to the Assistant Director Govt. Hatchery,
Physical Targets
Under the scheme low input technology birds of Chabro breed will be
supplied to the beneficiary families. There is a target to setup 1000 backyard poultry
units in the State and each family will be provided 8-10 days old 50 chicks free of
Timeline of implementation of programme and target date of completion
This Scheme will be implemented during the year 2018-19.
District-wise Physical Targets
Scheme for the establishment of Backyard Poultry units
1 Ambala 50
2 Bhiwani 25
3 Charkhi Dadri 20
4 Faridabad 65
5 Fatehabad 50
6 Gurugram 75
7 Hisar 50
8 Jhajjar 25
9 Jind 50
10 Kaithal 50
11 Karnal 50
12 Kurukshetra 50
13 Mahendergarh 25
14 Mewat 75
15 Palwal 70
16 Panchkula 25
17 Panipat 25
18 Rewari 25
19 Rohtak 50
20 Sirsa 50
21 Sonepat 45
22 Yamuna Nagar 50
Total 1000
Annexure I
Animal Husbandry and Dairying Department, Haryana
Application form for Scheme for the establishment of Backyard Poultry units
Area Govt. Vety. Hospital ..................................
Village/City .................................................
District ........................................................
1. Name of Applicant
2. Age
3. Name of Father/Husband
4. Address of Applicant
Declaration by applicant
I, .................................................S/o / W/o ....................................resident of ..............................
declare that the details provided by me are true and I shall be responsible for any wrong
information given by me.
Date.................................... Signature of Applicant