Self-Interacting Electromagnetic Fields and A Classical Discussion On The Stability of The Electric Charge

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Self-Interacting Electromagnetic Fields and a Classical Discussion on the

Stability of the Electric Charge

Article  in  International Journal of Theoretical Physics · November 2008

DOI: 10.1007/s10773-009-9962-8 · Source: arXiv


5 48

4 authors, including:

Sergio Vellozo Leonardo Paulo Guimaraes De Assis

Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas San Francisco State University


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Self-Interacting Electromagnetic Fields
and a Classical Discussion on the
arXiv:0811.3152v1 [hep-th] 19 Nov 2008

Stability of the Electric Charge

S.O. Vellozo1,3 ∗, José A. Helayël-Neto1,2 †,A.W. Smith1 ‡

and L. P. G. De Assis4,2,1 §
Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fı́sicas – CBPF,
Rua Dr. Xavier Sigaud 150, 22290-180, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil
Grupo de Fı́sica Teórica José Leite Lopes,
P.O. Box 91933, 25685-970, Petrópolis, RJ, Brasil
Centro Tecnologico do Exército – CTEx
Av. das Americas 28705, 230020-470, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil
Departamento de Fı́sica, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro
BR 465-07, 23851-180, Seropédica, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

November 19, 2008

The present work proposes a discussion on the self-energy of charged
particles in the framework of nonlinear electrodynamics. We seek magnet-
ically stable solutions generated by purely electric charges whose electric
and magnetic fields are computed as solutions to the Born-Infeld equa-
tions. The approach yields rich internal structures that can be described in
terms of the physical fields with explicit analytic solutions. This suggests
that the anomalous field probably originates from a magnetic excitation
in the vacuum due to the presence of the very intense electric field. In
addition, the magnetic contribution has been found to exert a negative
pressure on the charge. This, in turn, balances the electric repulsion, in
such a way that the self-interaction of the field appears as a simple and
natural classical mechanism that is able to account for the stability of the
electron charge.

∗ E-mail: [email protected]
† E-mail: [email protected]
‡ E-mail: [email protected]
§ E-mail: [email protected]

By adopting a nonlinear approach to electrodynamics, in a previus work we
have found that an electric charge at rest generates a regular magnetostatic field
[1]. The present work investigates how nonlinearity can be used to reveal the
presence of an intrinsic angular momentum and to explain the mechanism that
holds the electric charge together, ensuring its stability. That finding is very
interesting since a classical nonlinear electrodynamics approach to describe the
field interaction has naturally led to the electronic spin. In addition a second
major result is presented. The calculations have shown that the field interacts
with itself creating a negative pressure in the charge that is strong enough to
prevent it from bursting. Such finding could be a solution to the historical
problem of electron stability. We also point aou that the non-linearity may be
the key to the understanding of a number of microscopic effects [2].
It still remains to be found if Maxwell’s field equations are to be consid-
ered approximations of a more general nonlinear electrodynamical theory. The
most physically unpleasant aspect of Coulomb’s law is its singularity, that may
lead to unbounded field strengths inside charges and thus to an infinite self-
energy. Since extremely high electrostatic field strengths are to be found in the
vicinity of elementary charges, such regions cannot be accurately described by
linear electrodynamics and thus are likely to be associated to departures from
Coulomb‘s law predictions.
This paper is outlined as follows. In the First Section, we briefly describe the
Born-Infeld (B-I) Electrodynamics[3][4][5] magnetostatic field solution and we
set a correlation with experimental data for the electron. In addition, it includes
the calculation of the classical angular momentum due to the intrinsic field and
compares it with the value predicted for the quantum spin of the electron. The
Second Section describes the calculation of the field pressure produced by the
anomalous magnetostatic field. Finally, the Third Section summarizes the main
conclusions and our Final Considerations.


This section briefly describes the solution to the Born-Infeld equations for a
standstill electron as well as the calculation of its intrinsic angular momentum.
According to the standard linear electrodynamics, the presence of a standstill
electric charged particle creates an electric field only regardless of its strength.
However, according to nonlinear electrodynamics, anomalous effects may also
occur due to self-interactions of the fields. The accurate description of high field
intensities in the vicinity of an electric charge requires the use of a nonlinear ap-
proach. Born-Infeld Electrodynamics has been found to be adequate to describe
the fields of a charged particle under such extreme condition.
Considering a static point-like electric charge at the origin, the solution to

→ − →
the first Maxwell equation ∇ · D = eδ(− →x ), with e as the elementary charge,


→ e
is the electric induction D = 4πr 2r
b, that is singular like the solution from a
linear theory. If the magnetostatic sector is allowed to become excited by in-
tense electrostatic fields, the Born-Infeld constitutive relation ensues. Under the
assumption that the induced magnetostatic field is always less than the maxi-
mum field strength b, the Born-Infeld relationship simplifies, although leaving
a residual influence of the electric sector:

→ →
− − →− →
E ·B − −



→ B − b2 E →

| B |≪b B D − →
H= r → −→ q = 1 + B, (1)

−2 →
−2 − →− 2 →
E b 2
E −B
1 − b2 E ·B
− b2 1 − b2

→ H
B = q →
. (2)
1 + Db2

→ − → −
→ − → −

Also, the Maxwell equations ∇ · B = 0 and ∇ × H = 0 will complete the
set of equations needed to describe the fields. Considering the radial and polar
components to be dependent on the radius and the polar angle, the solution for

the magnetic field polar component of H can be written as [1]:

f (x)
H θ (r, θ) = A sin(θ). (3)
The dimensionless function, f , called ”form function”, describes the transi-
tion from the linear to the nonlinear regime and its asymptotic limit is constant:

x2 n√ 1/4 p  o
f (x) = xP1/4 1 + x4 − κx −→ 1. (4)
The function P1/4 (z) is the associated Legendre function of first kind and
κ(≈ 0.82217) is the constant that ensures H θ to vanish when r approaches
infinity. Far away from the electric charge, r ≫ ro , H θ becomes a genuine
magnetic dipole moment field given by:

r→∞ A
H θ −→ sin(θ) (5)
Dimensionally, the constant A has units of a magnetic dipole so that equation
(5) describes the macroscopic view of an intrinsic magnetic dipole moment for
the charge considered. Thus, in order to obtain a more realistic solution, the
constant A can be assumed to correspond to the intrinsic electron magnetic
dipole moment, that is very close to the value of Bohr’s Magneton, µBohr =
9.27 × 10−24 JT −1 , in the MKS System. Such assumption is needed so that we
can bring input to our proposal.
Using the constitutive relation (2), with B j ≪ b, the magnetic induction can
be set equal to [1]:

H θ (r, θ) µBohr x2 f (x)
B θ (r, θ) = q →
= √ sin(θ). (6)
r3 1 + x4
1 + Db2
Once the field structure has been determined, the angular momentum asso-
ciated with the stationary electric charge can be calculated. It is produced by
the interaction between the electric and the magnetic fields, which generates an
intrinsic angular momentum given by:
Z −

→ → − → →
L = − →
x × D × B d3 − x. (7)

It must be highlighted that both fields inside integral (7) are generated by

the point-like electric charge. Thus the magnetostatic induction, B , is to be
regarded as a product of the nonlinearity only. The simple assumption that the
intense electric field caused by the electric charge at rest can excite the mag-
netostatic sector and yield an intrinsic field angular momentum is completely
ruled out in any linear approach.
Back to equation (7), only the axial component will be present due to sym-

metry considerations and allowing L to be projected on the axial dipole axis,
the integral becomes:
 
Z  e  →2 !−1/2

µo 1 + D µ Bohr
Lz = (r) f (x) sin(θ)
4πr2 b2 r3

× sin(θ)r2 sin(θ)dθdϕdr. (8)

This integral can be evaluated and written in compact form for Born-Infeld
parameters and natural constants. Defining
f (x)dx
γ= √ = 1.18,
1 + x4
and the B-I radius, recalculated by Born and Schrödinger [7] as:

ro ≃ 2.618 × 10−14 m,
then the axial component can be written as:
2 γ
Lz = (eµo µBohr ) ≃ 0.556 × 10−34 Js. (9)
3 ro
This value for the spin of the electron, obtained on purely classical grounds,
departs about 5% only in comparison with the prediction from Quantum Me-
chanics, ℏ/2. It is driven by the nonlinearity. Inside the first parenthesis are
the B-I parameters while enclosed in the second one are natural constants. No
mechanical rotation or other kind of translation has been considered in order to

generate L , so that the angular momentum appears naturally, as a remarkable

consequence of the self-interaction of the fields. The importance of this result
lies not only in its numerical value, but in how the charge produces its intrinsic
angular momentum, interpreted here as the spin of the charged particle.
The net result of this section is that the interaction between the electric
sector and the magnetic sector generates a spin.


This section tackles the delicate issue concerning the stability of the electric
charge. We present here the details of our claim: the field self-interaction is
responsible for the electric charge stability.
The dynamical properties of the electromagnetic field are described by the
energy-momentum tensor, T µν . Among its components, T rr is of particular
interest because it expresses the radial force per unit area. In terms of Born-
Infeld Lagrangian, LBI , T ij [6] is written as:
n −
→ − →o
T ij = −E i Dj − H i B j + δ ij LBI + H · B . (10)
Only the T rr -component is of interest, since the others will not contribute
to the radial pressure:

T rr = −E r Dr + LBI + H θ B θ . (11)
Integrating its projection over axial dipole axis, it becomes, in MKS System:
(dSbr ) T rr (b
r · zb) = ǫo b2 πro2 P (x), (12)
surf ace


1 x2
P (x) = − √ + 1− √ x2 + (13)
1 + x4 1 + x4
1 4πµBohr f 2 (x)
+ √ .
2 ecro x 1 + x4

The constants, ǫo and c, in (12), are the vacuum electric permittivity and
speed of light, respectively. The term ǫo b2 is the characteristic field pressure
and its module is about 1025 N/m2 . This is a very high pressure. Considering
the hemisphere area, 2πro2 , where the integration will be performed, the inten-
sity of that particular force is in the order of 10−2 N . In addition, the function
P (x) expresses the competition between the outward electrical repulsion and
the inward magnetostatic pressures acting on the spherical surphace. The last
term, inside P (x), is due to the self interaction of the magnetostatic field. In
its absence, the pressure becomes purely repulsive, regardless the sign of the
electrical charge. In contrast, its presence promotes a drastic change. All cal-
culations were carefully performed in MKS units system. The balance between

forces is depicted in F igure 1 for a hemisphere. It clearly shows the change in
sign of the net pressure as well as the drastic changes in its magnitude.



0 2 4 6 8 10
Distance from charge r/ro



Electric radial force

Net force X 3400

Figure 1

Closing this section the following list summarizes the major nonlinear
electrodynamics effects and their causes.

Effect Cause
Anomalous Magnetostatic Fields ⇒ Extremely High Electrostatic Field
Intrinsic Angular Momentum (Spin) ⇒ Electric and Magnetic Field Interaction
Charge Stability ⇒ Magnetostatic field Self-Interaction

The results presented illustrate how accurately non-linearity can represent
physical phenomena. However, in spite of the apparent self-consistency of this
work, it must be stressed that it would be premature to claim that it actually
presents a legitimate description of Nature. The fact that the intrinsic angu-
lar momentum of the electron, its spin, could be predicted with a deviation of
about 5% only, suggests that predictions for the net pressure are consistent. In
other words, the stability of the electronic charge may be described in terms
of the self-interaction of the magnetostatic fields. In the present paper, it has
been proven that a nonlinear self-interaction mechanism can explain the sta-
bility of the charge distribution. Even if it yields some considerable difference
with respect to mesurable value, we believe that, qualitatively, it is relevant to
understand (classically) how self-interaction and stability are related. This is a
lesson we can implement in the framework of Yang-Mills theories.
A further step may be taken at this point. Expression (13) can be rewritten

as a function of electronic spin L and thus be differently interpreted. Setting
µBohr 3Lz
ro = 2γeµ o
from (9), and inserting it in (13), yields a connection between
the pressure and the spin. Difining u(x) and v(x) as:
1 x2
u(x) = − √ + 1− √ x2 ,
1 + x4 1 + x4
6π f 2 (x)
v(x) = 2
√ ,
e cµo x 1 + x4

leads to

P (x) = u(x) + v(x)L2z . (14)

It can be easily seen that the termv(x)L2zguarantees the stability of the elec-
tric charge. It must then be concluded that the presence of spin is necessary to
ensure the integrity of the elementary charged particle and that a spinless (truly)
elementary charged particle is not expected to exist. This result is in perfect
agreement with the fact that no spinless charged (trully elementary) particle has
been discovered so far. However, the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model
(MSSM) predicts the existence of two charged spinless Higgs bosons, in dis-
agreement with the approach proposed here. On the other hand, such particles
have not been detected yet and still remain as a theoretical possibility. There is
also the possibility that, once they are found (at LHC, for instance), they turn
out to be composite structures and not genuinely elementary particles.

S.O.V. wish to thanks to CBPF for Academic support and CTEx by the finan-
cial help. L.P.G.A is grateful to FAPERJ-Rio de Janeiro for his post-doctoral
fellowship. J.A.H.-N. expresses his gratitude to CNPq for financial help.

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