The loyalist forces in the capital city of Primus Argon must rescue 3 Imperial Senators from burning buildings while fighting off traitor forces. The game uses variable length with the primary objective being for the loyalists to rescue the Senators, who are worth victory points if captured. All terrain is on fire or in ruins, obscuring lines of sight and providing dangerous or improved cover depending on the terrain type. It will be a challenging mission for the loyalists to navigate the burning city and escape with the Senators.
The loyalist forces in the capital city of Primus Argon must rescue 3 Imperial Senators from burning buildings while fighting off traitor forces. The game uses variable length with the primary objective being for the loyalists to rescue the Senators, who are worth victory points if captured. All terrain is on fire or in ruins, obscuring lines of sight and providing dangerous or improved cover depending on the terrain type. It will be a challenging mission for the loyalists to navigate the burning city and escape with the Senators.
The loyalist forces in the capital city of Primus Argon must rescue 3 Imperial Senators from burning buildings while fighting off traitor forces. The game uses variable length with the primary objective being for the loyalists to rescue the Senators, who are worth victory points if captured. All terrain is on fire or in ruins, obscuring lines of sight and providing dangerous or improved cover depending on the terrain type. It will be a challenging mission for the loyalists to navigate the burning city and escape with the Senators.
The loyalist forces in the capital city of Primus Argon must rescue 3 Imperial Senators from burning buildings while fighting off traitor forces. The game uses variable length with the primary objective being for the loyalists to rescue the Senators, who are worth victory points if captured. All terrain is on fire or in ruins, obscuring lines of sight and providing dangerous or improved cover depending on the terrain type. It will be a challenging mission for the loyalists to navigate the burning city and escape with the Senators.
once a thriving colony city now lay in Slay the warlord, line breaker, first ruin, amongst the carnage the traitor blood. legions stalk the smoke filled streets Mission special rules slaughtering the remaining inhabitants, but what do they search for, but all is Night fight, reserves, relic and Aflame not lost the loyalist forces are race to the Aflame aid of this once glorious city.
Game length All pieces or terrain are either on fire or
a smoking ruin, before either side The mission uses Variable game length. deploys, but after the loyalist has written Primary objective down which buildings contain the ‘objectives’, roll a D6 for each piece of Once all terrain has been placed but terrain and refer to the following list: before sides are picked, the player considered the loyalist must write down 1-3 burning: the terrain is dangerous which 3 pieces of terrain contain ‘the terrain objectives’. After deployment, scouts 4-6 Smoking: add +1 to the cover save and infiltrates etc, the loyalist player for any unit in this terrain places 3 imperial senators( guard sized models) in these 3 buildings, the senators In addition, both burning and smoking have sent out a destress signal , the buildings obscure all lines of sight when problem is the traitors now know where trying to fire through them, so all shoots they are also, each senator is treated as a taken through, in or out of buildings relic and can be captured/escorted in the must be taken as snap shots. same way as the relic is carried(refer to Dawn of war deployment relic rules), also if they do choose so the traitors can kill the senator at any time once in base to base, if this is done the traitor receives 1 VPs and the senator is removed from play, at the end of the game each senator captured is worth 3 VPs . Overkill (optional fluff): traitor world eaters may never capture prisoners instead the senator is removed on base contact and 2VPs are given