A Hybrid Method For Performance Analysis of Queueing Networks
A Hybrid Method For Performance Analysis of Queueing Networks
A Hybrid Method For Performance Analysis of Queueing Networks
Original article
Open queueing networks are useful for the performance analysis of numerous real systems. Since exact results exist only for a
limited class of networks, decomposition methods have been extensively used for approximate analysis of general networks. This
procedure is based on several approximation steps. Successive approximations made in this approach can lead to a considerable
error in the output. In particular, there are no general accurate formulas for computing the mean waiting time and the inter-departure
variance in general multiple-server queues. This causes the results from decomposition methods when applied to G/G/m queueing
networks to be very approximative and to significantly deviate from actual performance values. We suggest substituting some
approximate formulae by low-cost simulation estimates in order to obtain more accurate results when benefiting from the speed of
an analytical method. Numerical experiments are presented to show that the proposed approach provides improved performance.
© 2013 IMACS. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: G/G/m queueing networks; Two-moments decomposition; Simulation; Hybrid method; Performance measurement
1. Introduction
Queueing networks are an extremely useful class of models that have seen use in a host of application areas.
In particular, they have been successfully used to model the performance of a variety of complex systems such as
computer systems, communication networks, production lines and manufacturing systems. Queueing models allow the
consideration of the randomness of different components. Unfortunately, exact results exist only for a limited class of
networks (product form). Decomposition methods among other approximation methods, have been extensively used
to obtain approximate results. This approach has been developed by Kuehn [23], Whitt [34] among others, and is
based on two-moments approximations, that is, all stochastic processes are characterized by their mean and squared
coefficient of variation (SCV) (see, e.g., [26]). Whitt [34] proposed the extension of this method to multiple server nodes
by suggesting approximate formulas for computing the mean waiting time and the inter-departure second moment.
However, a drawback of this method is that it performs well in some situations, but not others (see, e.g. [35]). Whitt
[37] proposed an enhancement to the parametric-decomposition method. Instead of using a variability parameter for
each arrival process, he suggested using a variability function; i.e., the variability parameter should be regarded as a
function of the traffic intensity of a queue to which the arrival process might flow.
The classical decomposition method assumes that all arrival processes to a station are renewal processes, ignoring
therefore the possible correlation among different arrival streams. Also, it is assumed that the superposition of renewal
processes is a renewal process which is generally not correct. Albin [2] remarks that if at least one component process
is not Poisson, then the superposition process is not renewal and the intervals between arrival points are identically
distributed, but are not independent. Ignoring this interdependence (i.e. correlation) between inter-arrival intervals might
cause errors in the approximation. Kim et al. [18] proposed the innovations method as an improvement to Whitt’s method
by replacing relations among squared coefficients of variability with approximate regression relationships among in the
underlying point processes. These relationships allow adding information on correlations between different streams.
Kim [16] combined the innovations method with Whitt’s variability functions to deal with the heavy traffic bottleneck
Van Nyen et al. [33] pointed out that the classical decomposition method for networks with multiple customer
classes and aggregation as proposed by Albin [1,2] and Whitt [34] performs poorly in manufacturing context. They
used simulation to show that the method generates serious approximation errors in some cases. Note that since the
Albin–Whitt procedure has been proposed, several improvements followed (e.g., multi-class decomposition methods
proposed by different authors (e.g., Bitran and Tirupati [6], Whitt [36], Caldentey [9])) and many papers proposed
methods to capture correlations in the arrival process reported as the principal source of errors by Van Nyen et al. (see,
e.g., Heindl and Telek [14], Heindl et al. [15], Kim [17,16], Kim et al. [18], Balcioglu et al. [7]).
Ignoring the correlation among arrival streams is not the only source of errors in the decomposition method. This
procedure includes a number of approximation formulae that are more or less precise depending on the input values,
and generates errors at each step. Previous papers focused on improving the merging step (e.g., [18,7]) and improving
the estimation of inter-departure SCV (e.g., in multiple customer classes case [6,36,9]). Haverkort [13] proposes to
approximate G/G/1 nodes by PH/PH/1 ones through approximating arrival and service distributions by phase-type
distributions based on their first two moments and then deriving exact measures for each node using matrix-geometric
techniques. This suggestion leads to improved performance but is only limited to single-server nodes. In addition, the
quality of the approximation may also depend on higher moments. The inter-departure SCV computation by means
of Marshall’s formula in the classical decomposition method, involves the computation of the waiting time. For the
G/G/1 queueing system only approximate formulae for the waiting time are available and even less are available for
the multiple-server system G/G/m. These formulae seem to perform more or less accurately depending on the system’s
Simulation is perhaps the most popular approach to the performance measure of complex systems. For instance,
Cruz et al. [11] discuss the use of simulation for performance evaluation of mobile communication networks and
Cruz et al. [12] describe a simulation model for state-dependent finite queueing network analysis. It is identified that
simulation models allow a higher level of realism and system’s details but they can be cumbersome to optimize (much
time to build the model and run different scenarios), and their accuracy is largely dependent on the quality of the
calibration data. In particular, simulation of large systems can be expensive both in terms of CPU time and use of
available resources (e.g., memory, processors).
In this paper, we propose a hybrid simulation-decomposition method for the analysis of G/G/m queueing networks.
We aim, to show that the improvement of the classical decomposition method is possible and to propose a more
precise tool. A low cost simulation algorithm based on a set of recursive equations proposed by Krivulin [22], is
used to compute the inter-departure SCV instead of the approximative formula used in the classical decomposi-
tion method. Furthermore, the same set of recursive equations allows us to simulate the waiting time for G/G/m
nodes. This allows us to obtain more accurate results when considering real service distributions and multiple-server
The proposed approach attempts to combine the speed of the analytical decomposition procedure with the precision of
simulation. Shanthikumar and Sergent [30] pointed out that the estimators obtained from the hybrid simulation/analytic
models have lower variance than the variance of the estimators of the traditional simulation models. As opposed to
a pure simulation method, our method is faster and less expensive in terms of computer resources since no memory
allocation is required for entities (queues, servers, etc.). Numerical experiments demonstrate that improvements are
made in specific situations and that performance measures such as the waiting time at the bottleneck stations and overall
cycle time obtained by means of the hybrid method, are more accurate.
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Consider an open network of G/G/m stations where customers arrive to station i according to a renewal process with
rate λ0i and SCV ca0i . They are served on a first-come-first-served basis with mean service durations Si (μi = 1/Si ) and
SCV csi . After completing their
service, customers are either routed to station j with probability pij or they leave the
network with probability 1 − j pij .
The classical decomposition method is based on the following three steps:
Firstly, all arrival streams are merged in one arrival stream. This is done by assuming that all arrival processes are
renewal processes. The overall arrival rate to station i is computed by solving the traffic rate equation:
λi = λ0i + λj pji ,
The asymptotic method [29] and the stationary-interval method [23] may be used to determine cai , i.e., the merged
interarrival time SCV (cai = V(ai )/E(ai )2 , λi = 1/E(ai )). Moreover, the asymptotic method is asymptotically correct as
ρi → 1 (heavy traffic intensity) and the stationary-interval method is asymptotically correct when the arrival process
tends to a Poisson process [5].
Let caji be the inter-arrival time SCV at station i from station j. Based on the asymptotic method, cai is a convex
combination of caji given by:
λ0i λji n
cai = ca0i + caji . (1)
λi λi
Albin [1,2] suggested an approximation to cai based on a convex combination between the previous value and the one
obtained by the stationary interval method. [35] substituted the stationary interval method by a Poisson process and
cai = wi caji + 1 − wi (2)
wi =
1 + 4(1 − ρi )2 (vi − 1)
vi = n 2
j=0 ji /λi )
The squared coefficient of variation cdi of the inter-departure time from a single-server station i is computed by
Marshall’s formula [25]:
E(Wi )
cd i = cai + 2ρi2 csi − 2ρi (1 − ρi ) . (3)
Using the Kraemer Langenbach–Belz (KLB) [21] approximation for the expected waiting time E(Wi ) at G/G/1 nodes,
ρi (cai + csi )
E(Wi ) = g,
2μi (1 − ρi )
B. Rabta / Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 89 (2013) 38–49 41
⎪ −2(1 − ρi )(1 − cai )2
⎨ exp if cai < 1,
3ρi (cai + csi )
⎪ −(1 − ρi )(cai − 1)
⎩ exp if cai ≥ 1.
cai + 4csi
Whitt [34] ignores the parameter g and proposes:
For multiple-server nodes G/G/m, Whitt [34] proposes the following approximation:
cd i = 1 + (1 − ρi2 )(cai − 1) + √i (max{csi , 0.2} − 1).
The departure stream is then split up according to the routing matrix. Under markovian routing:
cd ij = pij cd i + 1 − pij ,
where cdij is the SCV of the departure process from station i to station j.
Finally, since the departure steam from a station is the arrival stream to the next station, we have:
caij = cd ij .
The previous set of equations allows us to determine individual parameters to each station (i.e., overall arrival rate
and SCV). Performance measures are obtained by known formulae for single G/G/1 queues. For instance, the mean
waiting time is obtained by the KLB formula and the mean jobs in the queue is given by Little’s formula. The overall
cycle time (i.e., the total time spent by a job in the network) is given by:
CT = Vi (E(Wi ) + Si ),
Vi =
j λ0j
(1) All arrival streams are assumed to be renewal and they are approximated by only considering their first two
(2) Combination of renewal processes is assumed to be a renewal process.
(3) Merging formula is approximative.
(4) Service distributions are approximated by considering only their first two moments.
(5) Inter-departures SCV is computed using Marshall’s formula (exact only for single-server nodes) but uses an
approximative formula for the mean waiting time.
(6) Performance measures of the system (mean waiting time, etc.) are computed using approximate formulae.
Our proposed approach aims to eliminate some of those approximation steps to improve the output of the decomposition
method. In particular, we suggest the use of a low-cost simulation algorithm to estimate inter-departures SCV and mean
waiting time for each node (elimination of steps (5) and (6)). Furthermore, the simulation algorithm allows the use of
the real service distribution instead of the two-moments approximation (elimination of step (4)).
42 B. Rabta / Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 89 (2013) 38–49
Table 1
Mean waiting time in G/G/1 queue.
Arrival rate Arrival SCV Service rate Service SCV WKLB WSim E
The KLB formula for approximating the mean waiting time in G/G/1 queueing systems is a reasonable approximation
in a high utilization context but it dramatically fails in some situations. This may be shown by means of experiments
(Table 1). Consider a single G/G/1 queue under high arrival variability condition. Let WKLB be the waiting time
computed by the KLB formula, WSim be the simulated waiting time and E be the relative error, i.e.:
E = × 100%.
Table 1 shows the results for different values of the inter-arrival SCV under high and low utilization. It is observed that
the result is less precise or even poor in cases of low traffic intensity and high arrival variability.
High variability is known to be a real condition in several systems (e.g., the world wide web, [10]).
Note that, other formulae for the waiting time exist (see, e.g. [8, §6.3.4]). However, it seems that the KLB formula
is the most used one and that it outperforms the other expressions in most cases.
The decomposition method might lead to considerable errors when stations have different utilization levels and
variability values. Since, the departure stream from a station is the arrival stream to another one, errors in estimating
the waiting time for station i might also influence the result of other stations, creating a somewhat bullwhip effect.
For G/G/m queues, no formula that allows to approximate the waiting time with good accuracy in general situa-
tions is available. Some authors suggested approximations on the basis of numerical examinations, statistical tests or
interpolation. Sakasegawa [28] proposed the following approximation:
ca + cs ρ 2(m+1)−1
E(WG/G/m ) = .
2 mμ(1 − ρ)
Similarly, Whitt [34] suggested a modified version of KLB formula:
ca + cs
E(WG/G/m ) = E(WM/M/m ).
Kimura [19] proposed two distribution-dependent approximations for the mean waiting time in a GI/G/m queue based
on weighted combinations of the exact mean waiting times for the GI/M/m and M/D/m queues. In addition, Kimura’s
method has been successfully applied to the estimation of blocking probabilities and throughput in networks of finite
queues (see e.g., [31]).
4. Hybrid method
Our proposed approach suggests the use of a low-cost simulation algorithm to estimate inter-departures SCV and
mean waiting time for each node. Furthermore, the simulation algorithm allows the use of the real service distribution
instead of the two-moments approximation. We build our algorithm based on a set of recursive equations.
Let wn be the waiting time of the nth customer, an+1 the inter-arrival time between the nth and the (n + 1)th customer
and sn the service time of the nth customer. A low cost simulation procedure can be derived from recursive formulas
B. Rabta / Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 89 (2013) 38–49 43
of queueing systems. For multiple-server queues we may derive a simulation procedure based on the set of recursive
equations proposed by Krivulin [22].
Let An be the nth customer arrival epoch to the queue and Cn be the moment when it starts the service. Given the
sequence (an )n of interarrival times, it follows that: An = An−1 + an . If at An , one or more of the m servers is free then
the nth customer starts its service immediately, i.e., Cn = An . If not, the customer will wait until the (n − m)th departure
occurs at date Dn−m , i.e., Cn = Dn−m . Whence,
The vector D of departure dates corresponds to the sequence of completion dates (Ck + sk ) arranged in ascending order.
The waiting time for the nth customer will be
wn = Cn − A n .
The following algorithm allows us to simulate G/G/m systems. The output is a series of observations of the inter-
departure times (resp. the waiting times) from which we can compute an estimator for the variance of the inter-departure
time (resp. the mean waiting time).
A1 = a1 ;
For i=2,. . .,m, Ai = Ai−1 + ai ;
For i=1,. . .,m do
Ci = Ai ;
wi = 0;
Generate service time si ;
insert di = (Ci + si ) in the sorted vector D;
End for
n = m;
Increment n;
Generate inter-arrival time an ;
An = An−1 + an ;
Cn = max (An , Dn−m );
wn = Cn − An ;
Generate service time sn ;
insert dn = (Cn + sn ) in the sorted vector D;
Until n > N + m;
The simulation’s output is a sample Yi = Di − Di−1 , i = 1, . . ., N (with D0 = 0) of inter-departure times. We may use
the non-overlapping batch means (NBM) method (see, e.g., [3,24]) to compute an unbiased estimator V i of the variance
of inter-departure times at station i. The estimator of the mean waiting time W along with a confidence interval are also
computed from the simulation output. The first l observations might be deleted in order to reduce the initial condition’s
bias. The required estimates are computed progressively along the simulation run. It is then sufficient to only keep the
m last components of the vector D in memory. At each step, the new element replaces the smallest component.
The simulation algorithm allows the use of different kinds of distributions for service durations. In the decomposition
method, the arrival process to one station is the combination of several processes representing the arrivals from outside
and from other stations as well. The distribution of the merged process is unknown and considering that only the
two first moments are available, it is not possible to compute it. Therefore, we fit unknown arrival distributions using
hyper-exponential and hypo-exponential distributions by matching their first two moments.
Now, the classical decomposition method is modified by replacing the inter-departure SCV formula (3) by the
estimated values V i . Thus, overall inter-arrival SCV for each station is computed using the following steps.
Merging arrival processes (as above).
Estimating inter-departure times SCV from simulation
cd i = λ2i V i .
Table 2
Mean waiting time at the bottleneck node in the 9-nodes network.
Variability Sim QNA HM
The previous set of equations is solved iteratively until the changes in cai become small. That is, starting from initial
(0) (n)
values (cai )i , we compute successively (cai )i until
(n+1) (n)
max|cai − cai | < ε,
5. Numerical examples
We will test our hybrid method (HM) on several examples and compare the results to simulation (SIM) and to the
classical decomposition method. In these examples, queueing network analyzer (QNA) refers to the implementation
of the decomposition algorithm for G/G/m networks as described in Whitt’s papers [34,35] (see above).
The simulation estimates of the expected waiting times at each queue were obtained from 64 independent replications
of 500,000 time units long, discarding the first 10,000 in each case to allow the system to approach steady state. (Longer
simulation have subsequently been executed that also support the results here.) The estimated mean steady-state waiting
times in all cases are displayed together with estimates of 95% confidence intervals.
Decomposition algorithms are very fast given that they are base on analytical formulae. QNA-like software (see, e.g.,
[27]) are adequate for tactical decision making and initial (rough-cut) systems’ analysis. With the examples below ran
on a modern computer (Intel Core 2 Duo CPU at 2.33 GHz with 2 Gb of RAM), QNA finishes only in few milliseconds
while the hybrid algorithm takes around half a second and pure simulation several minutes. (Notice that simulation
time depends on the length and the number of replications and that it may be necessary to run longer simulation in
order to reach stationary regime in big networks.) On a larger scale, the difference could be more emphasized and the
trade-off between speed and accuracy may be a key-element in choosing the right tool for practical use.
Firstly, we borrow an example from [32]. This is a rather simple network with 9 queues in tandem and a bottleneck
at the last queue. Queues 1–8 have utilization equal to 0.6 whereas the utilization of queue 9 is equal to 0.9. All
service times are exponential. In their paper the authors used this example to illustrate “the heavy-traffic bottleneck
phenomenon” and to point out the limitations of the classical decomposition method in this context. Indeed, as we can
observe in Table 2 (simulation and QNA results are copied from [32]), QNA fails dramatically in estimating the mean
waiting time at the bottleneck station. The hybrid method performs well and is able to estimate the mean waiting time
within the confidence interval.
Whitt later proposed in [36] the variability method to overcome the limitations of the classical decomposition
procedure. This method performs quite well on the example above and it compares positively to our hybrid method.
Now, we will consider the effect of splitting on the performance on both the classical method and the hybrid method
compared to simulation. Consider the divergent feedforward network given in Fig. 1(a). The external arrival rate to
station 1 is λ01 = 0.8. Table 3 shows the estimated mean waiting time under different combinations of arrival and service
variability levels (6 scenarios).
B. Rabta / Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 89 (2013) 38–49 45
Table 3
Mean waiting time at the bottleneck station for the convergent feedforward network.
Scenario ca01 cs1 , . . ., cs8 QNA HM SIM CI-hw
The classical decomposition (QNA) performs well in many of the considered scenarios but it fails in others. In
particular, in the case of highly variable arrivals combined to low or moderate variability in service. On the other hand,
the hybrid method performs well in most situations and gives estimates for mean waiting time at the bottleneck which
are validated by simulation. The splitting operation does not seem to have a significant impact on the performance of
the proposed hybrid method.
In this example (Fig. 1(b)), we test the effect of the merging on the performance of the hybrid method. The external
arrival rate to stations 1–5 is set to 0.16. The utilization of each station is 0.6 except the last station which is the
bottleneck (ρ8 = 0.96). Table 4 shows the mean waiting time at the bottleneck station under different arrival and service
variability levels.
Table 4
Mean waiting time at the bottleneck station for the convergent feedforward network.
Scenario ca01 , . . ., ca05 cs1 , . . ., cs8 QNA HM SIM CI-hw
Table 5
Input parameters for the 9 nodes network with single-server nodes.
Node Arrival rate Mean service time Service SCV ρi
Again, we observe that QNA fails in high arrival variability situations and that our hybrid method gives the best
estimates. As before we conclude that the combination of arrival processes does not affect significantly the performance
of our method.
In the following examples, we test the hybrid method with a general topology network.
Table 6
Comparison of the mean waiting time in the 9 single-server nodes queueing network.
Node External interarrival SCV QNA HM SIM CI-hw
We observe that for moderate arrival variability, the performance of our approach is comparable to that of the
classical decomposition method. Both provide satisfactory estimates of the performance measures compared to (pure)
simulation. Experiments show that improvements to the classical decomposition method are possible using our approach
in many situations, particularly, under high arrival variability conditions. In the example above, node 9 is highly utilized
and is the bottleneck. The hybrid procedure gives better approximation of the mean waiting time at this node as well
as the overall cycle time.
1 0.52 3 3 4 0.520
2 0.195 4 4 4 0.195
3 0.585 3 2.8 8 0.546
4 4 10 2 0.816
5 3 2.5 1.5 0.082
6 2 2 1.5 0.722
7 3 2 2 0.465
8 3 2 2.5 0.438
9 2 4.4 2 0.965
48 B. Rabta / Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 89 (2013) 38–49
Table 8
Comparison of the mean waiting time in the 9 multiple-server nodes queueing network.
Node External interarrival SCV QNA HM SIM CI-hw
Again, it appears that the hybrid method performs better in estimating performance measures at congestion
6. Conclusion
The parametric decomposition method is a good tool for estimating the performance measures of non-product
form open queueing networks. Although this approach has several attractive features, it is based on several fairly
loose approximations and its output can significantly deviate from actual performance values. The approach suggested
in this paper, attempts to improve the inter-departure SCV computation by replacing the analytical approximative
relations by simulation estimates. This idea is motivated by the observation that existing (approximate) formulae
for G/G/m systems can fail in numerous situations. In addition, simulation of the individual stations allows us to
consider real service distributions and multiple-server nodes rather than two-moments approximation. Numerical
results show that our method compares positively to the classical decomposition method under moderate variability
conditions and that improvements are made in other situations (in particular, under high arrival variability condi-
tions). In addition, this procedure is faster than pure simulation of queueing networks and requires less computer
The author thanks Gerald Reiner, Reinhold Schodl and anonymous referees for helpful comments and suggestions
on earlier drafts of this paper.
B. Rabta / Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 89 (2013) 38–49 49
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