Plugin Science 16
Plugin Science 16
Plugin Science 16
article info a b s t r a c t
Article history: Most retrial models assume that customers and servers are homogeneous. However,
Received 9 March 2008 multiclass (or heterogeneous) retrial systems arise in various practical areas such as
Received in revised form 31 October 2008 telecommunications and cellular mobile networks. Multiclass models are far more difficult
Accepted 12 November 2008
for mathematical analysis than single class ones. So, explicit results are available only in
few special cases. Actually, so far multiclass retrial systems have been analyzed only by
means of queueing theory and almost all studies consider models with several customers
Finite source multiclass retrial systems
Heterogeneous customers
classes and a service station consisting in one single server or multiple homogeneous
Heterogeneous servers (identic) servers and an infinite population size. In this paper, we propose an approach for
Colored generalized stochastic Petri nets modelling and analyzing finite-source retrial systems with several customers classes and
Modelling servers classes using the Colored Generalized Stochastic Petri Nets (CGSPNs). This high-
Performance measures level mathematical model is appropriate for describing and analyzing the performance
of systems exhibiting concurrency and synchronization, possibly with heterogeneous
components. Using a high-level formalism makes the description of the system easier,
while preserving the possibility of obtaining exact performance results. We show how
the main steady-state performance indices can be derived and we analyze the behaviour
of heterogeneous retrial systems under two service disciplines. The numerical results are
graphically displayed to illustrate the effect of system parameters and service discipline on
the mean response time.
2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Retrial systems (or systems with returning customers) arise naturally in many telecommunication and computer
networks. Over the last two decades, there has been a renewed interest on this topic, which is mainly explained by the
advances in telecommunication technology leading to the use of new facilities as repeat last number, ring back when
free, etc.
Retrial systems are characterized by the feature that arriving customers who find all servers busy join a retrial group
called the orbit, to try again for their requests in random order and at random intervals. For a comprehensive review of the
main results and literature on this topic, the interested reader is referred to the surveys papers by Kulkarni and Liang [1],
Artalejo and Falin [2], the monograph by Falin and Templeton [3] and the bibliographical information given by Artalejo [4,5].
Most retrial systems assume that the input process is homogeneous from the point of view of customer characteristics
such as the arrival time, the service time and the inter-retrial time distributions. In practice, however, these characteristics
may differ widely for different customer types. This leads us to multiclass retrial systems, which arise in various practical
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (N. Gharbi).
0895-7177/$ see front matter 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
N. Gharbi et al. / Mathematical and Computer Modelling 49 (2009) 14361448 1437
areas as telecommunication networks, telephone switching systems and digital cellular mobile networks. However,
multiclass models are far more difficult for mathematical analysis than single class models. So, explicit results are available
only in few special cases. For a complete survey on retrial models with two types of customers (K = 2), see [69].
Multiclass retrial queueing systems with K 2 were investigated by some researchers as Falin [10], Grishechkin [11]
and Langaris [12]. However, in all these papers, only the single server models with infinite population were considered.
On the other hand, finite-source retrial systems with heterogeneous sources were studied in [1315] for single server case
and in [16] for multiple homogeneous (identic) servers case. In fact, the investigated models in all these articles correspond to
multiclass retrial queues where each customers class (or source) is limited to one customer and the service station consists
of one server or multiple homogeneous servers.
Retrial models with several heterogeneous servers are still an interesting topic, even in homogeneous customers case.
In fact, we have found in the literature only the few papers of Efrosinin [17] and Sztrik [18,19] in which retrial queues with
homogeneous customers and heterogeneous servers were considered. To the best knowledge of the authors, there is no
paper on retrial systems with several classes of customers and classes of servers. Hence, the aim of this paper is the analysis
of finite-source multiclass retrial systems. Indeed, in many practical situations, it is important to take into account the fact
that the rate of generation of new primary calls decreases as the number of customers in the system increases. This can be
done with the help of finite-source models or quasi-random models, where each individual source generates its own flow of
primary demands. Retrial models with finite-source [20,31] are recent interest in modelling magnetic disk memory systems,
hybrid fiber-coax [21], cellular mobile networks [22,9] and local-area networks with non-persistant CSMA/CD protocols [23].
Multiclass retrial systems are usually analyzed by queueing theory. Petri net formalisms are never seen in this area.
However, the colored generalized stochastic Petri nets (CGSPNs) [24,25] have shown to be a very effective mathematical
model, appropriate for describing and analyzing performance of parallel systems with heterogeneous components and that
exhibit concurrency and synchronization. Moreover, this model allows to obtain performance indices either with analytic
means or by numerical algorithms.
The objective of this paper is to present a method for modelling and evaluating performances of finite-source multiclass
retrial systems using the colored generalized stochastic Petri nets model. The customers (servers resp.) are grouped in
classes, that is the customers (servers resp.) of a given class have the same parameters. Hence, we show how the behavior
of these rather complicated retrial systems can be intuitively described with CGSPNs model, and how several exact
performance indices can be derived for the two service policies: Random Server and Fastest Free Server disciplines.
The proposed approach allows to obtain several benefits. In particular, it offers the possibility of using optimal methods,
results and tools developed within the CGSPNs framework. On the other hand, the advantage of the use of CGSPNs is the fact
that it is a high-level stochastic model which allows the explicit representation of conditional choices and synchronization
and also to reduce the complexity of models with respect to other stochastic formalisms.
The modelling and the analysis of retrial systems using the Petri nets formalism was introduced initially by Gharbi
in [26], for the single server retrial systems with homogeneous customers. The approach was next applied for retrial systems
with multiple non-reliable servers [27]. In both investigations, the formalism used was the generalized stochastic Petri
nets (GSPNs) [28]. The purpose of this paper is to generalize the model and the analysis of [27,18,19,16]. The novelty of
the investigation is the combination of several customers classes, servers classes and the different service policies with
essentially the use of colored generalized stochastic Petri nets.
The paper is organized as follows: in Section 2, we describe the mathematical model of finite-source multiclass retrial
systems considered. In Section 3, the basics of CGSPNs are reviewed. Section 4 presents the CGSPN models describing
multiclass retrial systems under the different service policies. Performance indices are derived in Section 5. Next, several
numerical calculations are carried out using the efficient software tool GreatSPN. The results are graphically displayed with
some comments and discussions. Finally, we give a conclusion.
2. Mathematical model
We consider retrial systems with a finite source (population) of potential customers divided in n classes (n 1). Each
class i (1 i n) contains ki homogeneous customers, from the point of view of arrival time, service time and inter-retrial
time distributions. All or some of these characteristics may change for different classes. Each customer is either free, under
service or in orbit at any time. The primary requests of free customers of class i arrive to the system according to the so
called quasi-random input stream with rate i . Hence, a free customer of class i, can generate at time t, a primary request
for service in any interval (t , t + dt ) with probability i (ki xi )dt + o(dt ) as dt 0, where ki is the population size of class
i and xi is the number of class i customers in the system.
The service station consists of m classes of servers (m 1). Each class j (1 j m) contains sj identical servers. There
are two possible states for a server: idle or busy. If there is an idle server at the moment a customer request arrives, then the
service starts immediately. The customer becomes under service and the server becomes busy. Each customer request
must be served by one and only one server.
In this paper, we consider two different service policies, namely Random Server discipline and Fastest Free Server discipline.
In the case of Random Server discipline, the server to which a request is assigned is chosen randomly among all idle servers,
whatever their class, whereas in the Fastest Free Server case, the availability of servers is always examined according to a
decreasing order of service speeds. The service times of class i customers are independent and exponentially distributed
1438 N. Gharbi et al. / Mathematical and Computer Modelling 49 (2009) 14361448
with rate i,j if a server of class j is servicing a customer of class i. After service completion, the customer becomes free, so
it can generate new primary calls, and the server becomes idle again. Otherwise, if all the servers are busy at the arrival of a
call, the customer (of the ith class) joins the orbit and starts generation of a flow of repeated calls exponentially distributed
with rate i , until he finds one free server. We assume that all customers are persistent in the sense that they keep making
retrials until they receive their requested service.
As usual, we assume that the arrival, service and inter-retrial times are mutually independent of each other.
Generalized Stochastic Petri nets (GSPNs) [28] are a graphical and mathematical model suitable for describing
and analyzing systems that are characterized as being concurrent, asynchronous, distributed, non-deterministic and/or
stochastic. Provided that the transitions of the model have an exponentially distributed firing delay, the reachability graph of
a model is isomorphic to a Markov chain. If immediate transitions are added, the model becomes semi-Markovian, however
an embedded Markov chain can be extracted and a steady-state distribution can be computed if the system is ergodic.
However, two classical problems arise when applying the GSPNs formalism to complex systems. The first one is the
complexity of the model itself, when the number of entities it is made of increases. To cope with this difficulty, higher-level
nets have been introduced.
Among the various models, we focus on Colored Petri Nets (CPNs) [29]. In this model, colors are added to the objects
representing the system components, thus making it possible to fold the representation without losing information on
which component executes an action. The identification of the active entity is done by means of color functions that label
the arcs of the model. Color functions can be complex, yet there are several advantages in allowing only a restricted set of
simple functions in the model. On the one hand, the complexity of the function should not hide the complexity of the system:
the main features of the system, such as fork/join, must remain visible. An easy way to reach this goal is to use only simple
symmetrical functions, i.e., functions that apply identically to all the elements of a class of colors. This approach has been
used in [24] and we will show that it is suitable for modelling and analyzing multiclass retrial systems with several types
of servers. On the other hand, adding constraints on the functions makes it possible to develop analysis techniques that still
take advantage of the structure of the model, which would be lost with complex functions. Last but not least, experience
shows that most systems can be represented in a rather intuitive way by using only a very small set of functions.
The second and very usual problem when dealing with complex systems is the size of the generated states spaces. This
can make the complete analysis of the system impossible. Fortunately, as we already mentioned, CGSPNs offer a possibility
of coping with this problem by taking advantage of the symmetries of the system, if any. In particular, if the timing of the
system also verify some symmetry property, a lumped Markov chain can be automatically derived from the model [25].
For the definition of CGSPNs model, we start by giving some basic concepts.
Definition 1. A multiset a over non-empty set A is a mapping a [A N]. Intuitively, P a multiset is a set that can contain
several occurrences of the same element. It can be represented by a formal sum: a = xA a(x).x.
a(x) is the number of occurrences of x in a. We denote by 0 the empty multiset, i.e., x A, 0(x) = 0. Bag (A) is the set of
multisets over A.
A CGSPN is a bipartite graph whose nodes are places (drawn as circles) and transitions. Transitions can be either timed
(represented by rectangles) or immediate (represented by thin bars).
Timed transitions describe the execution of time consuming activities. In this paper, we consider Markovian models,
where the firing delays of timed transitions are exponentially distributed;
Immediate transitions model the activities whose duration is negligible with respect to the time scale of the problem,
such as synchronization or choice. They have priority over timed transitions and fire in zero time, once they are enabled.
Places can contain tokens. Places, together with the distribution of tokens among them, play the role of describing
the system state, while transitions represent events that cause state changes. In CGSPNs, a token can incorporate some
information, indeed a token can be regarded as an instance of a data structure with a certain number of fields, whose
semantics depends on the place the token belongs to. The definition of the data type associated with each place is called
place color domain. The data type fields are selected from a set of basic types called basic color classes. The specification
of the basic color classes is part of the net definition.
For instance, a place can represent the assignment of a client to a server. The basic color classes involved are the
set of clients C and the set of servers S. The place color domain will be C S and a token in the place will be a tuple
hci , sj i, ci C , sj S, meaning that client ci has been assigned to server sj . The color domain of a place p is denoted C (p).
Color classes can be finite or infinite. In this paper, we consider only color classes with finite cardinality which can be
defined by enumeration of the elements.
A state of the system is represented by a distribution of colored tokens among places, which is called a marking. The
initial distribution is denoted M0 . For a marking M, M (p) is a multiset over C (p), that is, M (p)(c ) represents the number of
tokens of color c C (p) that place p contains when the marking is M.
Transitions in CGSPNs can be considered as procedures with formal parameters. The formal parameter types define the
transition color domain; their declaration is part of the net description and the type associated with each parameter must
N. Gharbi et al. / Mathematical and Computer Modelling 49 (2009) 14361448 1439
be a basic color class. Hence, like for places, the color domain of a transition is a Cartesian product of basic color classes. The
color domain of transition t is denoted C (t ).
A transition whose formal parameters have been instantiated to actual values is called transition instance. We use
notation [t , c ] for an instance of transition t, where c C (t ) represents the assignment of actual values to the transition
In CGSPNs, a priority structure is defined over transitions as was originally defined for GSPNs. Timed transitions have
priority 0, whereas immediate transitions have positive priorities. Different immediate transition instances may have
different priorities, however the default value is 1 for every instance.
Arcs are labelled by color functions that map a color instance of a transition onto a multiset of colored tokens. Color
functions are used to decide whether a transition is enabled in a marking, meaning that the action it represents can take
place in the current state of the system. If so, color functions also determine the effect of the transition firing on the marking.
We summarize these features in the following definition:
For any transition instance [t , c ], (t )(c , M ) defines the mean firing delay for instance [t , c ] in marking M, if t is a timed
transition, and the weight of instance [t , c ] in marking M, if t is immediate.
If the system is ergodic, a steady-state solution of the Markov chain can be computed, from which the steady-state
probabilities of the original process can be retrieved.
Based on the steady-state solution, several performance indices can be computed. In a colored stochastic Petri net, such
indices are the distribution of colored tokens in places, the mean throughput of transition instances or the response time
of a subnet. It should be clear that relevant performance indices always relate to the number of tokens of a given color. For
instance, we are interested in computing the response time of a customer of a given class.
In this section, we present a method for modelling and analyzing finite-source multiclass retrial systems with several
types of customers and servers, using colored generalized stochastic Petri nets (CGSPNs). We show that the two service
disciplines we mentioned in the introduction can be represented by almost similar models.
C = {c1 , c2 , . . . , cn }
R = {r1 , r2 , . . . , rm }.
The color domain of each place is directly derived from the type of elements that the place can contain:
Let us denote by ki the number of customers of class i. They will be represented by ki tokens of color ci , all of which are
initially present in place Cus Free. Similarly, the sj servers of class rj are represented by tokens that are initially in place
Ser Idle.
We thus have the following initial marking:
M0 (Cus Free) = k1 .c1 + k2 .c2 + + kn .cn
M0 (Ser Idle) = s1 .r1 + s2 .r2 + + sm .rm
M0 (Choice) = M0 (Orbit ) = M0 (Cus Ser v) = 0
Pn Pm
We will use: K = i=1 ki to denote the overall population size, and SV = i=1 si for the total number of servers.
The color domain of transitions determines which variables should be instantiated when performing the action
represented by the transition. For instance, transition Arriv al only requires to identify the class of the requesting customer,
hence C (Arriv al) = C . But, when firing transition Begin Ser v , we need to select a class of customers and a class of servers,
hence C (Begin Ser v) = C R.
The color functions labeling the arcs specify the action of the transition on the marking of the neighboring places. The
color functions that we use in this model are defined as follows:
X (resp. Y ) is a projection function on the first (resp. second) component of a color instance. Hence, if C (t ) = C , then
c C (t ), X (c ) = c. Whereas, if C (t ) = C1 C2 then (c1 , c2 ) C (t ), X (c1 , c2 ) = c1 and Y (c1 , c2 ) = c2 .
Straightforwardly, hX , Y i(c1 , c2 ) = (c1 , c2 ).
S is a constant synchronization function that gathers all elements belonging to the color domain of place Ser Idle:
c C (Go Orbit ), S (c ) = r1 + + rm .
As function S labels an inhibitor arc, the enabling of transition Go Orbit for color c in marking M, requires that ri
R, M (Ser Idle)(ri ) < S (c )(ri ). As ri R, S (c )(ri ) = 1, then the transition is enabled only if place Ser Idle is empty.
Rates of transitions can be parameterized on the color of the entity crossing the transition. This mechanism allows
different arrival or retrial rates depending on customer type. Also, service times depends on customer and server types.
The firing of transition Arriv al indicates the arrival of a primary call. Its service semantics is infinite server semantics,
because all free customers are able to generate primary requests. The firing rate i of this transition depends on the
customer color that generates the call. At the arrival of the request, if place Ser Idle contains at least one idle server of
any type, immediate transition Begin Ser v fires. Hence, the customer starts to be served and the server moves into busy
state. However, if the arriving customer of color ci finds no idle server of any type, immediate transition Go Orbit fires and
the customer joins place Orbit. Once there, he starts generating a flow of repeated calls exponentially distributed with rate
i . The firing of transition Retrial represents the arrival of a repeated call from the orbit. As the customers in the orbit can
independently generate repeated calls for service, transition Retrial should have infinite server semantics.
When timed transition Service fires, the customer under service returns to the free state (place Cus Free) and the server
becomes idle and ready to serve another customer (place Ser Idle). The service semantics of transition Service is also infinite
server semantics, because several servers can work simultaneously. Moreover, the rate i,j of this transition depends on
customer color and also on the color of the used server.
The model depicted in Fig. 1 corresponds to Random Server discipline, in which a request is randomly assigned to any free
server. In the Fastest Free Server, case, the idleness of servers is always examined according to a decreasing order of speeds.
Hence, to model the Fastest Free Server discipline, we assume that in server class R = {r1 , r2 , . . . , rm }, servers of color rj
are faster that those of color rq , j < q. Then the representation of Fastest Free Server discipline is done by modifying the
priority function for transition Begin Ser v as follows:
hci , rj i C (Begin Ser v), j, q, j < q,
Pri(Begin Ser v)(hci , rj i) > Pri(Begin Ser v)(hci , rq i).
Now, a customer will be assigned a free server of color r1 if any. Otherwise, the customer checks for a server of color r2 , and
so on. However, if j, 1 j m, all the servers of color rj are busy, the customer joins place Orbit.
5. Stochastic analysis
In this section, we show how the CGSPN models that we propose can be used to easily obtain the main steady-state
performance indices of multiclass retrial systems.
The reachability graphs of these models are finite and strongly connected. Hence, the underlying Markov processes are
ergodic and the steady-state distribution exists and is unique.
The solution of a process at steady-state is the probability distribution vector = (1 , 2 , . . . , n ), where i denotes
the steady-state probability that the process is in state Mi . can be computed by applying the embedded Markov chain
resolution algorithm [24].
1442 N. Gharbi et al. / Mathematical and Computer Modelling 49 (2009) 14361448
Having the stationary probability distribution , several performance measures of multiclass retrial systems with several
types of servers can be derived as follows:
The mean number of free customers of type i (n(Fi) ):
This corresponds to the mean number of tokens of color ci in place Cus Free.
nF = Mj (Cus Free)(ci ).j (1)
j:Mj RS
where Mj (Cus Free)(ci ) is the number of tokens of color ci in place Cus Free when the marking is Mj and the sum is over
all the tangible markings of the reachability set (RS).
Hence, the mean number of free customers nF is given by:
nF = nF (2)
i =1
where Mj (Orbit )(ci ) is the number of tokens of color ci in place Orbit when the marking is Mj .
Hence, the mean number of customers in the orbit nO is given by:
nO = nO (4)
where Mj (Ser Idle)(rk ) is the number of tokens of color rk in place Ser Idle when the marking is Mj .
Hence, the mean number of idle servers nI is given by:
nI = nI (10)
N. Gharbi et al. / Mathematical and Computer Modelling 49 (2009) 14361448 1443
= sk n(I k) (11)
Mj (Cus Ser v)(hci , rk i) is the number of tuples in place Cus Ser v where a customer of class ci is assigned to a server of
class rk when the marking is Mj . sk is the total number of servers of type k.
Hence, the mean number of busy servers nB is given by:
nB = nB = SV nI (12)
U (i,k) =
Mj (Cus Ser v)(hci , rk i).j . (13)
j:Mj RS
where the sum is over markings that enable transition instance [Arriv al, ci ].
Hence, the mean generation rate of primary calls is given by:
= i . (15)
i =1
where the sum is over markings that enable transition instance [Retrial, ci ].
Hence, the mean generation rate of repeated calls is given by:
= i (17)
where the sum is over markings that enable transition instance [Ser v ice, hci , rk i].
The mean service rate of customers of type i(i ):
This represents the throughput of transition Service with respect to customers of color ci , whatever the type of the
i = i ,k (19)
A(rk) =
j (21)
j:Mj (Ser Idle)(rk )=r
Hence, the probability that at least one server of color rk is used is given by:
Table 1
Parameters of systems with several classes of customers.
Servers number Sizes of sources
Source 1: 10 0.1
Fig. 2 4 x axis Source 2: 8 2 1
Source 3: 12 10
Source 1: 10 1
Fig. 3 4 0.5 Source 2: 8 5 x axis
Source 3: 12 10
In this section, we study the influence of system parameters, retrial phenomenon and service disciplines on the mean
performance measures of multiclass systems. To this end, we used the GreatSPN tool [30] version 2.0.2, both for the
description and the analysis of our colored GSPN models.
First, we present some examples to illustrate graphically the effect of the system main parameters on the mean response
time of retrial systems with several classes of customers and homogeneous servers. For an easier representation of graphs,
we consider 3 classes of customers. The parameters of the studied systems are given in Table 1.
In Fig. 2, the mean response time of customers of the three classes with different retrial rates, is displayed as a function
of primary calls generation rate.
From these curves, it can be seen that the mean response time increases with primary requests arrival intensity, but it
decreases as retrial intensity increases. Hence, the best performance is obtained by customers of the third class, which have
the highest retrial rate. On the other hand, we note that the mean response time increases rapidly with arrival rate, when
the retrial intensity is low. However, for high retrial rates, the mean response time increases slowly. For example, the mean
response time of customers of the first class ( = 0.1) is sixteen times more important when the arrival rate varies from 0.1
to 0.5, but for the third class of customers ( = 10), the evolution is around 50%.
Fig. 3 shows the influence of service and retrial rates on the mean response time. As can be expected, we see that
increasing the service rate improves the performance of the system. Hence, customers of the third class (3 = 10) have
the best (lowest) response times. Furthermore, it can be observed that the mean response time decreases rapidly as the
retrial rate increases when retrial intensity is low. But, when more and more repeated requests arrive, the decreasing is not
We now consider systems with homogeneous customers and several classes of heterogeneous servers. We mainly
concentrate on the effect of system parameters and service discipline on the mean response time. In our example, we
consider that the first class consists in one server with rate 1 = 2, the second class consists in two servers with rate
2 = 5 and the third class consists in the three fastest servers with rate 3 = 8.
1446 N. Gharbi et al. / Mathematical and Computer Modelling 49 (2009) 14361448
Table 2
Parameters of systems with several classes of servers.
K Class 1 Class 2 Class 3
Table 3
Verifications in the homogeneous case.
Homogeneous case [3] Multiclass system
Random Server Fastest Free Server
Table 4
Mean response time of systems with heterogeneous customers and servers.
Class 1: 1 = 0.1 Class 2: 2 = 1 Class 3: 3 = 10
Random Fastest Random Fastest Random Fastest
(2 = 2). The customers are partitioned into three classes with different retrial rates as follows: (k1 = 10, 1 = 0.1; k2 =
8, 2 = 1; k3 = 12, 3 = 10).
Table 4 illustrates the behavior of the mean response time as a function of the generation rate of primary calls for the
different classes of customers.
The results confirm our expectations with respect to service disciplines. Indeed, the Fastest Free Server discipline gives
the best performance, whatever the class of customers and for all values of primary arrival and retrial rates. It is also worth
noticing that the best response times correspond to the third class of customers, whose intensity of repeated calls is relatively
high. This coincide with the results obtained above in the previous examples.
On the other hand, it can be seen that the mean response times of the three classes of customers converge when the
generation rate of primary calls is low. However, when more and more primary requests arrive, the difference is more
significant. Hence, customers with low arrival rate and high retrial rate have the best mean response times, particularly
under the Fastest Free server discipline.
1448 N. Gharbi et al. / Mathematical and Computer Modelling 49 (2009) 14361448
7. Conclusion
In this paper, we proposed an approach for modelling and evaluating the performance of finite-source retrial systems
with several classes of customers and classes of servers, by means of the colored generalized stochastic Petri nets model.
We showed that this model makes the description of such systems easy and we conducted a complete performance
analysis, thus proving that colored Petri nets are suitable for analyzing complex systems like heterogeneous retrial systems
under Random Server discipline and Fastest Free Server discipline.
We now plan to extend this work to the investigation of unreliable multiclass retrial systems, in which servers are subject
to random breakdowns.
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