McREL Research-And-Evaluation FINAL Web

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Research & Program Evaluation

Innovators in education research for more than 50 years

Uncover and leverage your data to make strategic, evidence-based decisions that
support school and system improvement, staff development, and student growth.


Helping educators flourish by turning research into solutions that transform

teaching, learning, and leading.
Leverage your data for better decision making
McREL’s deepest roots are in education research. Since our founding in 1966 as a Regional Educational Laboratory under the
U.S. Office of Education and now as a non-profit, non-partisan education research and consulting organization, we’ve been
turning knowledge gleaned from research into practical, effective guidance for teachers and education leaders across the U.S.
and around the world.
Making informed decisions at any level of an education system requires big-picture understanding of context and nuanced
understanding of individual learning—and data are the key to both.
Every school and education system has unique strengths, challenges, climates, and stakeholders that require contextually
responsive evaluations. By collaboratively analyzing your data in your context, McREL can help you uncover possible origins
of your challenges as well as your hidden bright spots. With this foundational knowledge, we’ll help you develop, evaluate, and
reach your goals to support high-quality teaching, leading, and learning.

Your Investigative Journey...

• Developing clear theories of action

• Proposal and grant writing and review

• School improvement
• Needs assessments

R • Literature reviews
• Securing funding sources
TU • Iterative improvement cycles (improvement
• Application design
N science; design-based research)
• Interventions IT
• School climate improvement IE • External third-party audits, evaluations,

• Teacher preparation program review S and reviews

• Curriculum planning, review, and alignment

• Classroom evaluation and assessment A PP
• Teaching and instruction improvement
• Case studies
• 1-1 device initiatives
• Descriptive studies
• Meta-analysis and research synthesis
• Experimental and quasi-experimental designs
• Process and implementation studies
Helping your data better tell your story
Are you stumbling over too much data? Accumulating a wealth of data might feel like
progress, but if you don’t know what to do with these data or how to interpret them, your
McREL helped
improvement efforts can stall. Starting with a clear theory of action and/or logic model,
our team identify
we can help your data better tell your story and inform decisions and next steps.
the most critical
Together, we’ll sort through the complexity to determine appropriate, measurable goals behaviors for
and identify data-collection frameworks and strategies, analyses, and reporting that
teaching inquiry.
scaffold capacity-building, development, implementation, and continuous improvement
– Western Kentucky
of your strategic plans and programs and measure progress—on a short-term, long-term, University
or ongoing basis.

Our collaborative approach

Our research and evaluation team centers its efforts on your needs and questions. Our
McREL made collaborative approach ensures support at every stage—from co-authoring proposals and
our processes evaluation plans, to securing funding, collecting data, and reporting outcomes. We’ll give you
organized and contextually relevant recommendations and practitioner-friendly reports that you can use to
efficient with great develop, modify, and sustain your efforts. We can also refine methods and processes at any point
data analysis and along your investigative journey to maintain integrity and viability and ensure accurate and
assistance to our useful reporting.

stakeholders. Using methodologies and methods that consider your context, budget, and schedule, we’ll
– Wyoming Department employ and customize a wide range of investigative tools to carefully examine your driving
of Education questions—large or small—and how they inform your initiatives, products, and policies.

• Instrument development and validation

• Comprehensive, practitioner-friendly reports
• Data collection: paper-based and/or
electronic surveys; assessments; • Analyses aligned to questions and data:
conversations (interviews or focus groups); traditional and cutting-edge quantitative
observations; extant document reviews and/or qualitative analyses
• Actionable recommendations and valid

• Success stories

• Secure, private data handling OU • Expertise in federal reporting requirements

• Geographic Information Systems
(GIS) and Mapping
A world of preK-20 clients and partners
While much of our work is with educators in the U.S. and the Pacific region, we also work with
schools and government agencies in Australia, Canada, the Caribbean, and other places around
the world. We use this extensive experience to help all our clients, sharing the best practices,
strategies, and insights we see with other clients who have similar strengths and challenges.

McREL’s research and evaluation clients:

U.S. Department of Education Local Education Service Agencies

Colleges and Universities Foundations

State Agencies Other Federal Agencies

Other Businesses

Our partnerships and outcomes

We’re inspired by educators and leaders who want to flourish by using the best combination of
research, evaluation, and best practices. Recent projects include:

. Victoria Department of Education and Training: School climate survey

Developed, administered, and analyzed a system-wide school climate survey across the state
of Victoria, Australia, finding that perception of school climate can predict literacy achievement.

. VocabularySpellingCity® (VSC): Efficacy study of instructional program

Conducted an efficacy study of the VSC program, finding that it had a significant impact on
students’ vocabulary retention and reading comprehension, especially for English language

. Old Dominion University and Western Kentucky University: Teacher Quality Partnership (TQP)
grant evaluations
Evaluated TQP program implementation and outcomes, which helped refine curriculum,
participant supports, mentor selection process, and future PD needs for teacher residency
programs that lead to better teacher retention.

Want to know more? Call or e-mail us today!

[email protected]

4601 DTC Boulevard, Suite 500 • Denver, Colorado • 80237

U.S.: 800.858.6830 International: +1.303.337.0990

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