This document provides the music schedule for church services from January to February 2019. It lists the songs that will be sung for gatherings, psalms, gospel acclamations, preparations of gifts, eucharistic prayers, lamb of God, communion, thanksgivings, and postludes for each Sunday as well as the dates of Baptism of the Lord and includes abbreviations for the sources of some songs.
This document provides the music schedule for church services from January to February 2019. It lists the songs that will be sung for gatherings, psalms, gospel acclamations, preparations of gifts, eucharistic prayers, lamb of God, communion, thanksgivings, and postludes for each Sunday as well as the dates of Baptism of the Lord and includes abbreviations for the sources of some songs.
This document provides the music schedule for church services from January to February 2019. It lists the songs that will be sung for gatherings, psalms, gospel acclamations, preparations of gifts, eucharistic prayers, lamb of God, communion, thanksgivings, and postludes for each Sunday as well as the dates of Baptism of the Lord and includes abbreviations for the sources of some songs.
This document provides the music schedule for church services from January to February 2019. It lists the songs that will be sung for gatherings, psalms, gospel acclamations, preparations of gifts, eucharistic prayers, lamb of God, communion, thanksgivings, and postludes for each Sunday as well as the dates of Baptism of the Lord and includes abbreviations for the sources of some songs.
Gathering: Songs of Thankfulness and Praise, vss. 1, 2, 4 459 Psalm: Ps. 104 - Lord, Send Out Your Spirit 76 Gospel Accl: from Daybreak Mass (with sign language) ML Prep of Gifts: choral/instrumental Eucharistic Prayer: from Daybreak Mass ML Lamb of God: from Daybreak Mass ML Communion: We Shall Draw Water ML if needed: Shall We Gather at the River ML Thanksgiving: Baptized in Water 903 Postlude: choral/instrumental
Jan 19-20 2nd Sunday
Gathering: Sing a New Church 743 Psalm: Ps 96 - Proclaim to all the nations, vss 1, 2, 3 67, Ref I Gospel Accl: from Daybreak Mass (with sign language) ML Prep of Gifts: choral/instrumental Eucharistic Prayer: from Daybreak Mass ML Lamb of God: from Daybreak Mass ML Communion: Psalm 34 (Becker) - Taste O Taste and See ML if needed: Eat This Bread (refrain only) 941 Thanksgiving: Songs of Thankfulness and Praise, vss. 1, 2, 4 459 Postlude: choral/instrumental
Jan 26-27 3rd Sunday
Gathering: From the Nets of Our Labors Psalm: Ps 19 - Lord You Have the Words ML Gospel Accl: from Daybreak Mass (with sign language) ML Prep of Gifts: choral/instrumental Eucharistic Prayer: from Daybreak Mass ML Lamb of God: from Daybreak Mass ML Communion: We Are Many Parts 834 if needed: Eat This Bread (refrain only) 941 Thanksgiving: Send Down the Fire, vss 1 & 2 557 Postlude: choral/instrumental Feb 2-3 4th Sunday Gathering: From the Nets of Our Labors ML Psalm: Ps 71 - I Will Sing in old Gather Gospel Accl: from Daybreak Mass (with sign language) ML Prep of Gifts: choral/instrumental Eucharistic Prayer: from Daybreak Mass ML Lamb of God: from Daybreak Mass ML Communion: Here I Am, Lord 777 if needed: Take, O Take Me As I Am 795 Thanksgiving: They'll Know We Are Christians 835 Postlude: choral/instrumental
Feb 9-10 5th Sunday
Gathering: Holy Holy Holy, vss 1, 2, 4 567 Psalm: Ps 138 - In the Presence of the Angels 91 Gospel Accl: from Daybreak Mass (with sign language) ML Prep of Gifts: choral/instrumental Eucharistic Prayer: from Daybreak Mass ML Lamb of God: from Daybreak Mass ML Communion: From the Nets of Our Labors ML as needed: Take, O Take Me As I Am 795 Thanksgiving: I Danced in the Morning, vss 1, 2, 5 796 Postlude: choral/instrumental
Feb 16-17 6th Sunday
Gathering: O God, Our Help in Ages Past, vss 1, 2, 3, 6 388 Psalm: Ps 1 - Blessed Are They Who Hope in the Lord see Roger Gospel Accl: from Daybreak Mass (with sign language) ML Prep of Gifts: choral/instrumental Eucharistic Prayer: from Daybreak Mass ML Lamb of God: from Daybreak Mass ML Communion: Blest Are They 735 as needed: Simple Gifts ML Thanksgiving: The Kingdom of God 740 Postlude: choral/instrumental Feb 23-24 7th Sunday Gathering: We Are Called 807 Psalm: Ps 103 - The Lord Is Kind and Merciful 72 Gospel Accl: from Daybreak Mass (with sign language) ML Prep of Gifts: choral/instrumental Eucharistic Prayer: from Daybreak Mass ML Lamb of God: from Daybreak Mass ML Communion: Many and Great 911 as needed: Ubi caritas 500 Thanksgiving: Make Me a Channel of Your Peace 828 Postlude: choral/instrumental