11 AM Mass Holy Week 2018: Cantor Gathering Song Gloria Resp. Psalm Sequence Gos. Accl

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11 AM Mass Holy Week 2018

DATE 3/25 3/29 4/1

Palm Sunday Holy Thursday 7 PM Easter Sunday 11 AM
Rehearse at 6:30 PM
CANTOR Catherine Ed Phillip
GATHERING Hosanna to the Son of David Entrance: Gather Us In Jesus Christ is Risen Today
SONG (Process from Parish Center) MI ? CP 150 TM ? CP 236
Procession of Oils: Ed
Gloria N/A Mass of Resurrection (Ring Bells!) Mass of Resurrection

Sequence N/A Easter Sequence (immediately before Gospel)

GOS. ACCL. R&A R&A Ye Sons and Daughters CP 548
(Repeat after Gospel)

Sprinkling Rite N/A Sprinkling Rite

PREP. What Wondrous Love Washing of Feet: Ubi Caritas (sheet) Crown Him with Many Crowns
OF GIFTS MI ? CP 334 W 496
Offertory: O Sacred Head
W 434
HOLY, HOLY Chant Community Mass

MEM. ACC. Chant Community Mass

GREAT AMEN Chant Community Mass
L. O. G. Chant Community Mass
Anthem Antiphon Ave Verum Corpus Hark, I Hear the Harps Eternal
(Mozart) (Sheet)
Meditational Oh Lord, Hear my Prayer Oh Lord, Hear my Prayer All Shall be Well
(Taize) (Taize) (Sheet)
Recessional Send Out Your Spirit Procession: Victime Paschali Laudes Alleluia, Alleluia
MI ? CP 392 TM ? CP 27

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