Field 3ce Final MS Ch01
Field 3ce Final MS Ch01
Field 3ce Final MS Ch01
This first section contains two introductory chapters. Environmental economics builds on the
foundations of microeconomic analysis, but introduces a number of key features that make it an
important field of study in its own right. The first chapter provides an overview of environmental
economics and illustrates key concepts by looking at both the global level – greenhouse gas
emissions and climate change, and the local level – vehicle emissions. The second chapter explores
a basic environment-economy framework and asks how can we sustain both, then defines a
number of environmental terms used throughout the book, and provides a picture of the state of
Canada's environment.
Chapter 1
What Is Environmental Economics?
Environmental economics is the study of environmental problems with the perspective and analytical ideas of
economics. Economics is the study of how and why people—whether they are consumers, firms, non-profit
organizations, or government agencies—make decisions about the use of valuable resources. Economics is about
making choices. It is divided into microeconomics, the study of the behaviour of individuals or small groups, and
macroeconomics, the study of the economic performance of economies as a whole. Environmental economics
draws from both sides, but primarily from microeconomics. The study of environmental economics, like all
economics courses, is concerned with the fundamental issue of allocating scarce resources among competing uses.
The concepts of scarcity, opportunity costs, trade-offs, marginal benefits, marginal costs, efficiency and equity
are key ingredients to understanding environmental problems and what can be done about them.
Environmental economics makes use of many familiar concepts in economics. What is different about
environmental economics compared to other economic subjects is the focus on how economic activities affect our
natural environment—the atmosphere, water, land, and an enormous variety of living species. Economic decisions
made by people, firms, and governments can have many deleterious effects on the natural environment. For
example, the dumping of waste products into the natural environment creates pollution that harms humans and
other living things, production, and degrades ecosystems – the planet’s air, water, and land. It leads to wasteful use
of resources and threatens the sustainability of both our environment and economy. We ask:
Why don’t people take into account the effects of their economic activity on the natural environment?
What inhibits economic systems from using its resources wisely and efficiently to protect the sustainability
of our planet and people’s livelihoods over time?
Environmental economics examines these questions by focusing on ways society can reduce its degradation of the
natural environment. Equally as important, environmental economics investigates and assesses different methods
of reaching an efficient and equitable use of all resources (including environmental ones) from the viewpoint of
society, not just individual decision makers as is the typical focus in economic analysis.
To accomplish these tasks, a simple but powerful analytical model is developed that builds on, but modifies
and extends standard economic principles, in particular, the marginal valuations that involve trade-offs between
marginal costs and marginal benefits. While economic efficiency remains the central criterion for evaluating
outcomes and policies, environmental economists also examine other criteria for choosing among alternative
policies that attempt to improve the environment—for example, equity or fairness. If economic efficiency cannot be
obtained, and environmental targets are established using other criteria, an economic approach can still greatly
ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY: Economic efficiency is all about using resources wisely. An outcome is said to be
economically efficient if all resources are put to their highest value use, or equivalently, the economy reaches a
desired outcome using the fewest resources. Chapter 4 provides develops efficiency concepts fully, but for now,
consider this illustration.
Value of
Natural environment use for ‘A’
(air, water, land) used = $100
as an input to produce Value of
a good or service A, B, use for B =
or C (but not all). $50
Value of
use for C =
Should we pick A, B, or C? An economically efficient choice would be to pick ‘A’. Good or service A maximizes
the value of the end use for which resources are being put. In using economic efficiency as an objective, economists
are making a value judgment as well as empirical observation. The value judgment (known as a ‘normative’
approach – see Chapter 5) is that something has value if someone wants it. That ‘something’ can be a computer or
the ability to always take a walk in a forest – it need not be a good that is produced and sold in the marketplace.
Both the computer and the walk in the forest use inputs from the natural environment – minerals for the computer
components, the ecosystem supporting the forest environment for the walk. Environmental economics
emphatically asserts that if individuals value the forest for taking walks more than the computer, than it is the
highest value use, even if there is no explicit market for walks in the forest. The empirical observation behind
efficiency is hundreds of years of observing people make decisions that indicate they are looking for maximum
value such as profit maximization by the owners of firms, or utility maximization by individuals. Environmental
economists may have a broader definition of what constitutes utility – walks in the forest count, not just buying
goods, but the notion of maximizing or making the best use of what resources are available is still fundamental to
how outcomes are assessed.
EQUITY. Equity is about how the economic ‘pie’ is divided up. Who gets how much income or wealth? Dictionary
definitions of equity talk about ideals of being “just, impartial, and fair”, but who decides what is fair or just? We
are in normative/subjective territory again. Think about the following: suppose our government decided that every
adult should earn exactly the same income; it will take the total earnings of everyone in the economy and divide
them by the total number of workers. Is this equitable? In one sense it is. Everyone is treated equally regardless of
circumstances. But what if a person’s circumstances differ and as a society we want to take that into account. We
may want to divide up the country’s total income according to age, number of children people have, whether they
are able to work or not due to factors beyond their control such as illness or accidents. The dilemma is that there
Horizontal equity treats similarly situated people the same way. For example, an environmental program that
has the same impact on an urban dweller with $20,000 of income as on a rural dweller with the same income
is horizontally equitable.
Vertical equity refers to how a policy impinges on people who are in different circumstances, in particular on
people who have different income levels.
Intergenerational equity looks at whether future generations have the same opportunities as current ones.
How does society trade off using its resources today when their loss may affect the ability of future generations
to enjoy the same quality of life?
Subsequent chapters return to equity as one of the vital criteria in assessing how well the economy is doing.
people pollute because it is the cheapest way they have of solving a certain very
practical problem: how to dispose of the waste products remaining after
production and consumption of a good.
People make these decisions on production, consumption, and disposal within a certain set of economic and
social institutions; 1 these institutions structure the incentives that lead people to make decisions in one direction
and not in another. An incentive is something that attracts or repels people and leads them to modify their
behaviour in some way. An “economic incentive” is something in the economic world that leads people to channel
their efforts at production and consumption in certain directions. Economic incentives are often viewed as
lack of ownership rights to environmental resources means that there are few
incentives to take the environmental consequences of our actions into account.
Auto emissions. When an SUV releases carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide into the
atmosphere, you cannot jump out in front of the vehicle and shout “Stop! You are polluting
Driving one’s car or truck thus affects all sorts of other people (whether they too drive a motor vehicle or not)
and our environment. This is an external effect. When you drive to school or work or to the beach, you get the
direct benefit of transportation services. Others—bystanders—receive the negative impacts of your driving: air
pollution, congestion, and associated impacts. The bystanders don’t control your driving. And the price you pay for
driving your car, your direct costs in the form of gasoline, maintenance, and monthly car payments, do not reflect
the negative impacts you impose on others—hence the words externality or external effects to describe this
situation. An externality occurs when the actions of one or more individuals affects the wellbeing of other
individuals without any compensation taking place. While externalities can be positive as well as negative (think
enjoying viewing your neighbour’s flower garden), pollutants such as air contaminants are negative externalities.
We will examine in detail in Section 4 what sorts of initiatives, both individual and with the help of government,
can be used to address externalities. For now, let’s think a bit more about motor vehicle externalities and what can
be done about them. To do so, we look at the concept of incentives.
What are some possible incentives to alter people’s behaviour? In greater Vancouver, all older model cars,
SUVs, and light trucks must pass an AirCare test once every two years. This test checks to see that motor vehicle
exhaust is not emitting more pollutants than consistent with government standards. The policy goal is to create an
incentive for vehicle owners to regularly service and maintain their vehicles and thereby reduce emissions per
How would we influence the number of kilometres travelled? The economic answer is to increase the cost of
driving per kilometre. This provides an incentive for people every time they drive their vehicle to minimize the
number of trips, thereby reducing their direct costs. An example of a direct incentive to increase costs of driving is
to tax people on the number of kilometres travelled. This could be done using a tax that is payable annually as
The CAFC guidelines are voluntary, not compulsory. Vehicle manufacturers meet the standards because the
United States has the same type of policy and it is compulsory in that country. The North American automobile
industry is completely integrated—cars and light trucks produced in Canada are exported to the United States and
vice versa. Canadian cars that do not meet the U.S. fuel efficiency standards cannot be sold there. There is a clear
profit incentive for Canadian manufacturers to comply with the voluntary standard. Note that CAFC standards
require the auto manufacturer to meet the standard on average across all its cars or trucks produced each year. If
automakers produce a lot of low-polluting cars, they will more readily meet the target than if they produce high-
polluting vehicles such as SUVs. The regulations thus provide an incentive for manufacturers to alter the mix of
vehicles produced to reduce the emissions that will ultimately come when drivers purchase and use the vehicles.
Canadian governments also regulate the sulphur content of gasoline. The regulations specify that oil refiners must
produce gasoline containing on average no more than 30 mg/kg of sulphur (and never to exceed 80 mg/kg) as of
January 2005. New Footnote #1 Sulphur in gasoline, when combusted, produces sulphur dioxide, a contributor to smog
and acid precipitation. The incentive effect here is this: abide by the regulation or you will be fined by the
New Footnote #1: See Chapter 6 for a detailed discussion of the sulphur in gasoline regulations.
1 shows the rising time trend of world CO emissions since 1965. The key question is what effect these emissions
have on the earth’s climate now and into the future. The science of climate change is complex, with many
uncertainties due to the difficulty of measurement as well as interpretation of the data and attempts to determine
cause and effect.7 It is estimated that the average surface temperature of earth has risen approximately 0.6C over
the 20th century (with a confidence interval of ± 0.2C).8 Climate change models forecast a rise in the earth’s
temperature over the 21st century by anywhere from 1.5 to 6C. Some models also predict an increase in climate
variability and extreme weather events in the future due to the increase in emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) –
carbon dioxide (CO ) and other gases in the atmosphere. However, human and natural factors can affect models’
results. Natural processes such as volcanic activity send bursts of gases and particulate matter into the atmosphere,
causing changes in rainfall patterns and temporary cooling. Pollution, in the form of accumulated SO in the lower
atmosphere, reflects sunlight and works against the greenhouse phenomenon. Carbon dioxide is also absorbed by
carbon sinks in the form of trees, wetlands, and oceans. Just exactly how much the sinks can absorb and under what
conditions is an important area of study.
See the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Climate Change 2007:
Synthesis Report, for recent data on climate change and a discussion of the state of climate-change science and
policy. Unless otherwise noted, all the numerical estimates presented in this paragraph are from this document.
The report is available at
Many hundreds of books and articles have been written on the science and economics of global climate change.
This section will just scratch the surface and hopefully stimulate more reading. New information is continually
released that may help to resolve the uncertainties in climate-change predictions. See Chapter 20 for more detail on
Canadian policy and the references at the end of the text.
Figure 1-1: World Greenhouse Gas Emissions [NOTE TO COPY EDITOR: WILL NEED TO
The time trend of CO2 emissions for the past 100 years is positively sloped and has gotten steeper, with emissions
increasing by five-fold since 1950.
Note: CO2 emissions are from fossil fuel combustion plus cement processing and gas flaring.
Source: Data from World Resources Institute, World Resources, Climate Analysis Indicators Tool,, accessed September 27, 2010.
Climate change, global warming or the greenhouse effect are the common names used to describe the potentially
major changes in the world’s climate. The principle of a greenhouse is that the enclosing glass allows the passage
of incoming sunlight but traps a portion of the reflected infrared radiation, which warms the interior of the
greenhouse above the outside temperature. Greenhouse gases in the earth’s atmosphere play a similar role; they
serve to raise the temperature of the earth’s surface and make it habitable. With no greenhouse gases at all, the
surface of the earth would be about 30C cooler than it is today, making human life impossible. The main
greenhouse gases (GHGs), their approximate proportionate contribution to global warming, and their major
sources are shown in Figure 1-2..
Anthropogenic sources are those created by human activity. The graph measures sources in gigatonnes (Gt) of
the greenhouse gases in a common unit that takes into account their impact in the atmosphere (CO 2e for CO2
equivalent). CO2 is carbon dioxide, CH4 is methane, NO2 is nitrogen dioxide, and F-gases are fluorinated gases.
Source: Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Climate Change 2007:
Synthesis Report, Figure 2.1, page 36.
If global climate changes result in global warming, the earth may become very different from its current state.
The rate of heating is estimated to be at least 0.2C per decade based on current levels of GHGs in the atmosphere. 9
This may not sound like a very rapid change, but historical studies have shown that in past episodes of warming
and cooling, during which agricultural societies of the time suffered major dislocations, climate change occurred at
a rate of only about 0.05C per decade. The forecast rate of change for the 21st century is six times faster than the
rates faced by humans in the past. If countries do nothing to offset the increase in greenhouse gas emissions,
adaptation to climate change by future generations may be very costly, especially for some parts of the world.
Adaptation refers to actions taken to offset or reduce the adverse impacts of climate change. For cooler countries in
higher latitudes, with relatively little critical shoreline, adaptation costs may be fairly “modest.” Countries in the
opposite situation will have very high costs of adapting to higher temperatures and rising sea levels. Rising sea
levels may inundate entire nations, such as some islands in the Caribbean and South Pacific, and require relocation
of large populations that now live in low-lying coastal regions (e.g., those living along river deltas in Southeast
Asia and the Nile). The Arctic polar ice caps are melting at a very high rate, threatening that fragile ecosystem and
its inhabitants. Countries differ also in terms of agricultural adaptability—the ability to shift crops, varieties,
cultivation methods, and so on—to maintain production in the face of climate changes and are likely to have very
different perceptions about how they will be affected by global warming.
Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Climate Change 2007: Synthesis
The focus in the equation above is on energy because as Figure 1-2 illustrates, combustion of fossil fuels
contributes the majority of GHGs to the atmosphere. One can read in for “energy” any other primary source of
GHGs. The first term in the word equation is population. Other things remaining equal, larger populations will use
more energy and therefore emit larger amounts of GHGs. The second term is GDP per capita, a measure of the
domestic output of goods and services per capita. Increases in GDP are normally associated with economic growth.
Neither of these first two factors can be considered likely candidates for reducing GHG emissions in the short run.
Deliberate population control measures are a complex policy area that many countries do not want to pursue.
Countries will be reluctant to reduce their rates of economic growth. In the long run, however, the interaction of
these two factors will be important, as history seems to show that increases in income per capita are associated with
lower population growth rates over time. This means that significant near-term GHG reductions will have to come
from the last two terms in the expression. The third is what can be called energy efficiency , the amount of energy
used per dollar (or per franc or rupee or peso) of output. The key here is to move toward technologies of
production, distribution, and consumption that require relatively smaller quantities of energy. The last term is
GHGs produced per unit of energy used. Since different energy forms have markedly different GHG outputs per
unit, reductions in GHG can be achieved by switching to less GHG-intensive fuells.
Table 1-1 lists the major types of changes that could be made in different economic sectors to reduce GHG
emissions. There is no single source that society could call on to get drastic reductions in CO 2 production. Instead,
significant changes could be made in hundreds of different places—transportation, industry, households, and
agriculture. These changes are both technical (as, for example, the switch to more energy-efficient equipment and
low-CO2 fuels) and behavioural (for example, changing driving habits and adopting less energy-intensive
All economies use natural and environmental resources to sustain life. Rising world population puts increasing
pressure on our natural endowments all the time. Many fear that our current path of production and population
growth is not sustainable. What can be done? One possible approach is to argue that each generation in a
sustainable economy has the obligation to replace what it uses with investment in social capital. This is a very
broad definition of “capital.” It includes everything the economy can invest in—physical capital to produce goods
and services, education, infrastructure, renewable and non-renewable natural resources, and, of course, the
environment itself as a stock of capital. When we use up some of our existing capital, the only way the economy
can be sustainable over time is to reinvest to keep the social capital stock at least constant. Pollution control and
treatment is a means of keeping the environmental capital stock constant. So is recycling to some degree. Whether
sustainability is achievable depends on the actions of people, industries, and governments. Some questions to
contemplate: Will private markets keep the stock of social capital constant? Is government intervention necessary?
If so, in what form?
Sustainability also depends on the degree of substitutability among natural capital (the environment and
natural resources), produced capital, and labour. Technology and technological change is another vital element in
the search for sustainable paths. Technology will influence the degree of substitution among factor inputs and affect
the amount of inputs needed to produce a unit of output. Some technologies may promote sustainability, others not.
Economists play important roles in helping to find answers to all these questions, by building models that explicitly
incorporate the role of the natural environment and by examining these issues empirically. To recap,
a sustainable economy is one in which investment in social capital allows the economy to grow
so that people are at least as well off in the future as they are in the present, while sustaining
the health of ecological systems.
The PPF illustrates possible trade-offs between goods produced in a high-carbon economy and environmental
quality. As society consumes more carbon-intensive goods, it gives up environmental quality. Below e, no goods
can be produced because environmental quality is too low to sustain production. Community indifference curves
(CICs) indicate a country’s choice of the mix of carbon-intensive goods and environmental quality. Country A
chooses more goods/less environmental quality than country B.
The PPF in panel (a) presents a pessimistic scenario, in which the PPF shifts inward due to environmental
degradation. This means that the country can no longer consume at both c2 and e2; one must decline. Panel (b) is
more optimistic. The PPF may shift out due to technological developments. Now consumption of goods and
environmental quality can both rise over time.
Cost effectiveness, 22
Ecological economics, 10
Economic efficiency, 2
Equity, 3
Externality/external effects, 5
Incentive, 4
Income elastic good, 14
Marginal benefits, 2
Marginal costs, 2
Normal goods, 18
Opportunity costs, 2
Private costs, 6
Production possibility frontier (PPF), 11
Property rights, 5
Scarcity, 2
Social capital, 10
Socially efficient level of pollution, 8
Sustainability, 11
Trade-offs, 2
1. “Annual testing of all motor vehicles on the road is not a cost-effective policy.” Do you agree with this
statement? Explain why or why not.
2. Why would a tax on gasoline provide a larger incentive to reduce air emissions from motor vehicles than an
annual tax on owning a vehicle?
3. The Canadian CAFC standards apply to new vehicles as they come off the assembly line. Provide two reasons
why this might have a perverse effect on total emissions from motor vehicles. Explain your arguments.
4. Does Canada need a voluntary CAFC standard when the United States has a mandatory one? Discuss.
5. What factors influence the trade-offs illustrated in the production possibility frontier? How can environmental
policy affect these trade-offs?