A Guide To Jurisdictional REDD+ - Sylvera
A Guide To Jurisdictional REDD+ - Sylvera
A Guide To Jurisdictional REDD+ - Sylvera
jurisdictional REDD+
Table of Contents
placing ever higher scrutiny on credit quality and the integrity of corporate
climate claims. Forest conservation is seen as a ‘no regrets’ choice for
This transition is not simply the introduction of a new type of carbon credit, companies to invest in climate impacts beyond their own value chains. The
but represents an inflection point in the market for 4 reasons first mover advantage could be particularly large as demand is likely to
& Jurisdictional crediting presents the opportunity for massive scale outstrip supply for some time while JREDD+ scales.
A user’s guide
You’re welcome to read this cover to cover, but we’ve also designed
this to be used as reference material, so each section is stand-alone.
What is REDD+?
REDD+, or Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest The term ‘RED’ (reducing emissions from deforestation) first came to
Degradation, refers to activities that reduce greenhouse gas prominence in UNFCCC talks in 2007. Since then another ‘D’ (reducing
emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, alongside emissions from forest degradation) and a ‘+’ (to represent the wider
wider activities including sustainable management of forests, activities described above, as well as the co-benefits of forest protection)
The sale of REDD+ credits raises valuable funds to support the protection REDD+ is now a key component of UNFCCC discussions. REDD+ was
of forests and the many co-benefits that come with this to both people excluded from the Clean Development Mechanism, the main market-based
and biodiversity. However, REDD+ has not yet achieved its full potential as mechanism under the Kyoto Agreement. However, the Paris Agreement,
a large-scale funding mechanism to pay tropical forest countries and successor to the Kyoto Protocol, explicitly recognizes the importance of
communities for avoided forest emissions. In part, this is due to the REDD+ in Article 5, and REDD+ will also be included in market-based
challenges that traditional, project-based approaches to REDD+ have mechanisms under Article 6 (see page 27)..
faced and the reputational damage this has caused. It is hoped that the
new approaches to REDD+ discussed in this report will address these Although REDD+ was originally a UNFCCC term, it has also been adopted by
challenges. the voluntary carbon markets (VCMs). This report explores REDD+ in the
A history of REDD+
First voluntary REDD- Introduction of REDD A'+' is added at COP13 Launch of the
Warsaw Framework for LEAF Coalition First jurisdictional
style project, in Bolivia into the UNFCCC to reflect wider UN-REDD program and REDD-plus agreed at Mobilizes $1 Billion for REDD+ credits and
agenda (COP11) activities and co- the World Bank's FCPF COP 19 Tropical Forest results units issued
benefits to finance and build Conservation
capacity for REDD+
climate crisis, forest loss poses serious threats to biodiversity and affects issued credits on VCMs
the livelihoods of an estimated 1.6 billion people who depend on forest
398 M
Central America
6 Projects
8,253,263 Issued Credits
Asia-Pacific (APAC)
9 Projects
19 Projects
South America
44 Projects
(March 2022)
Why are there poor quality credits in the market? Largely it’s because As this final category of challenges is more fundamental to the nature of
developing REDD+ projects is an incredibly complex task.
rights to the land, and the extent to which project revenues are shared
among the various stakeholders is often contested. Clearer frameworks and
safeguards to guide this have been developed as REDD+ has become more
established, but implementing these effectively takes time, money, and
Secondly, it has historically been very hard to monitor remote forests and
the carbon stored in them. This means credit buyers have not been able to
reliably verify that the emissions reductions they have paid for have really
happened. New technologies deployed by companies such as Sylvera,
including satellite data, machine learning, and lidar scanning, have improved
our ability to monitor forests and the carbon stored in them. But these
technologies are expensive and require significant expertise, meaning they Sylvera's field team
using LiDAR to scan
are not always accessible. carbon stored in forests
Project-based REDD+
Until this year, all REDD+ credits on the VCMs have been issued by individual Making reasonable estimates of these factors is an incredibly complex
projects. This is when REDD+ activities are focused on a defined area of process. As REDD+ projects have become more established, effective
Individual projects have been a successful approach to get REDD+ credits to For example, the challenges of MRV (point 2) are being successfully
market. However, there are fundamental issues with a project-based addressed through the effective deployment of emerging technologies,
approach to REDD+ that make it a challenge to completely prevent poor including high resolution, multi-model satellite imagery, machine learning,
quality credits.
many credits can be issued. 1 credit represents 1 tonne of CO2e emissions The development of buffer pools, where a percentage of credits from each
avoided, so the project developers need to work out how many tonnes of project are kept aside in case of forest loss or degradation, has also been a
emissions have been avoided as a direct result of their project. A simple partially effective solution to concerns around permanence (point 3).
concept perhaps, but actually finding this number is very, very far from
simple. Amongst other things, we need to know, But there has still been no systemic solution to avoid inaccurate baselines,
or leakage of deforestation from the project area to other areas of the forest.
+ What would have happened without the project? The challenge: this is a hypothetical scenario, so it
These are two of the issues that proponents of jurisdictional REDD+ hope it
must be a best guess based on historical trends, what is happening nearby in similar reference
areas, and the natural and human threats to the forest. We call this counterfactual the baseline. can address.
Unreliable baselines are one of the most common contributors to poorly rated REDD+ projects that
Sylvera analyses+
+ Exactly how many trees are still standing, and how much carbon they store. Monitoring, reporting,
and verification (MRV) of forest carbon has historically been extremely challenging, and relied on
sample-based approaches, where random areas of the forest are selected and the trees there are
meticulously counted and measured, and basic equations based on the diameter of tree trunks+
If you’re interested in digging deeper into the
+ How long will these trees remain standing and storing carbon? This is referred to as the permanence intricacies of project-level REDD+, check out our Download
of a carbon credit. It is a critical component of credit quality, as paying to protect a forest this year REDD+ White Paper.
will have minimal positive impacts for the climate if it burns down in a wildfire next year.
Jurisdictional REDD+
Jurisdictional REDD+ is not a new idea. However, until recently, The big advantages of jurisdictional approaches to REDD+ are:
jurisdictional approaches to REDD+ have not been used to issue carbon
credits to the VCMs. Instead, it has been used as a basis for results-based Reduced risk of inflated baselines and over-crediting
finance agreements, either between countries or with multilateral By considering deforestation across the whole jurisdiction, using methodologies that must be
organizations such as the World Bank (e.g. through their Forest Carbon aligned with international reporting standards, the risk of baseline deforestation being
Partnership Facility).
misrepresented is lower. This helps ensure that all credits issued genuinely represent a tonne of
CO2 prevented from reaching the atmosphere.
The fundamental difference to project-level REDD+ is that all the forest in
a national (i.e. whole country) or subnational (e.g. state or province) Leakage monitoring
jurisdiction must be considered when setting a baseline and monitoring
Leakage is when deforestation simply moves from inside the project area to another area that is
deforestation. With the advent of remote sensing in recent years, this can not being monitored, with no overall reduction in deforestation. Monitoring deforestation across a
realistically be done to a high level of accuracy. whole jurisdiction means that displaced deforestation will still be detected and accounted for.
Economies of scale
Investing in accurate MRV is expensive and can be a barrier to developing REDD+ programmes.
National or subnational coordination allows more efficient use of resources, and can also improve
access to upfront sources of financing.
Because the programmes are state - or nation-wide, and overseen by the government,
jurisdictional approaches directly incentivize using tools of politics, policy and regulation to tackle
forest emissions, going above and beyond what is feasible for project-based REDD+.
Nested REDD+
Nested REDD+ projects are aligned with jurisdictional baselines and
deforestation monitoring. Essentially, this is an intermediate step between
the two approaches previously discussed, and may offer a practical solution
to the criticisms of project-level REDD+ while smoothing the transition to
jurisdictional approaches.
Nesting is still in its infancy and does not have a widely accepted definition
or approach when implemented. How a country structures REDD+ nesting
approaches is linked to its carbon ownership rights. While many countries Project-level
are willing to transfer the right to generate mitigation outcomes/carbon REDD+ REDD+ REDD+
credits to private entities, this is not always the case.
A big driver of this move is the international policy context. Unlike the Kyoto
Protocol, the Paris Agreement expects all participating countries to track
their national greenhouse gas emissions and commit to targets. Countries
set mitigation and adaptation national goals (called Nationally Determined
Contributions or NDCs) and establish plans to achieve them. This is new for
developing countries, which happen to host most of the world’s tropical
Under this new scenario, developing countries have become much more
interested in using all available options to meet their NDCs. This includes
emissions reductions from existing and future individual REDD+ carbon
projects, and so some host countries are designing ways to integrate them
into a broader jurisdictional program.
Scale Defined area of forest Defined area of forest Entire jurisdiction (national or
Framework Independent standards (e.g. Verra) or Independent standards (e.g. Verra To date mostly national or international
national methodologies JNR) frameworks (e.g. World Bank's FCPE);
Pros ë Often easier to implement smaller ë Better monitoring of leakagè ë Economies of scale e.g. MRV cost>
scalè ë More reliable baseline> ë Leakage automatically considereÝ
ë Established track recorÝ ë Easier transition than implementing ë More reliable baseline>
ë Local context and needs jurisdictional approaches ë Land rights can be more clearly
considered addressed
deforestation. These low deforestation rates are great for the climate and
Number of trees
Number of trees
biodiversity, and should be maintained. But it also makes it much harder for
discussed on page 11, calculating the number of credits that can be issued
activities. If deforestation was low to start with, then it’s very hard to
The usual situation for REDD+. Without the In HFLD jurisdictions, the baseline
REDD+ activities the deforestation rate is high, deforestation is low. This means that there is
and the REDD+ activities reduce deforestation little additional benefit of any REDD+ activities,
rates. This justifies the issuance of credits. and so very few if any REDD+ credits can be
HFLD jurisdictions argue that it is unfair that as a result of their past efforts There is an ongoing debate around the nature of claims that buyers of HFLD
and success in preventing deforestation (thereby missing out on the credits can make. For example, HFLD credits’ different approach to
economic opportunities of deforestation) they now cannot access climate additionality means that many argue they cannot be held as equal to other
finance through REDD+ credits. A lack of historical deforestation doesn’t credits in the market and should not be used for offsetting. However, the
necessarily mean that forests in HFLD jurisdictions face no threats today. inclusion of ART TREES HFLD credits in CORSIA, seen as shorthand for
And as long as these forests are still intact they are storing and sequestering recognizing credit quality by many VCM players, suggests a measure of
carbon that would otherwise be released into the atmosphere and worsen legitimacy in the market. The issue of claims and credit quality is a hot one in
climate change.
the VCMs, and HFLD is just one area where it is too soon to tell what the
eventual consensus will be.
Pros Cons
An overview
In the VCMs, standards set and enforce the requirements for carbon projects Project Project REDD+
to issue credits. There are several international standards operating in VCMs, Type
the best known of which are Verra and Gold Standard, and many more Nested REDD+
standards operate at a national level.
These standards fulfill a number of roles: setting the general rules,
procedures and specific methodologies to issue credits, regulation, and HFLD
CORSIA eligible
Only some
ART TREES, or the Architecture for REDD+ To date, 15 jurisdictions have listed programs with
Transactions - The REDD+ Environmental ART TREES, but the only issuances as of January
Excellence Standard, is a standard specifically for 2023 have been 33.47 million HFLD credits from
jurisdictional REDD+. ART TREES rose to Guyana. Issuances are expected to increase
prominence as it is the standard used by the rapidly, as jurisdictional projects with a combined
LEAF Coalition, a group of national governments total of 665 million credits are currently listed
and large companies who together have pledged among approved LEAF Coalition host
to spend over $1 billion on tropical forest jurisdictions.
As a new standard that is not yet fully operational,
ART TREES is yet to be fully endorsed by ICROA
and is currently only conditionally endorsed until
it has sufficient registered projects and issued
credits. All ART TREES credits are eligible for
CORSIA. This has received pushback from some
market players who argue that ART TREES HFLD
credits should not be eligible (see page 18). The
adoption of ART TREES by the LEAF Coalition is a
strong endorsement by all members of the
Coalition including the governments of the US,
UK, South Korea, and Norway.
The Forest Carbon Partnership Facility was To date, only 2.62 million FCPF credits have been
established by the World Bank alongside a global issued. It is not yet clear if these credits will be
partnership of governments, the private sector, CORSIA eligible, as currently they are partially
civil society and indigenous groups as a climate approved subject to some changes. The FCPF is
financing mechanism, mainly for results-based also not ICROA endorsed.
REDD.plus is a platform for countries to sell REDD.plus builds directly on the UNFCCC’s
REDD+ Results Units (RRUs). RRUs are issued by REDD+ framework, as set out in the table below.
a sovereign government and results are assessed Host countries follow the UNFCCC REDD+
following the UNFCCC REDD+ guidance. Thus, guidance to account for REDD+ activities results,
REDD.plus is not a carbon standard (like the VCS which is completely independent of REDD.plus. It
or ART TREES); it is a platform through which is only at step 6 that REDD.plus comes in by
countries can register REDD+ results and make creating and serializing the RRUs on a registry,
them available to voluntary buyers.
RRUs, like carbon credits, nominally equate to 1 tonne of CO2e reduced or Carbon standards REDD.plus
removed. However, the UNFCCC REDD+ framework was designed to guide
countries in measuring REDD+ results and accessing results-based Unit Carbon credit REDD+ Results Units (RRU)
payments, not to issue carbon credits, and therefore the framework misses
some of the essentials to qualify as a carbon standard. Thus, RRUs should Methodology Methodologies that apply to all participants There is no fixed methodology, instead, the
not be treated as carbon credits, nor be used for offsetting purposes. and ensure baselines and results are UNFCCC system through which RRUs are
assessed under a certain level of rigor
created gives countries the flexibility to
build their own ways of measuring results.
Validation / Carbon standards establish validation and The technical assessments done by the
verification verification processes carried out by UNFCCC check the methods that countries
approved third parties. This process have used to calculate their REDD+ results.
Additionality To date the presence of additionality has No measures in place to ensure that any
(i.e. the requirement been a fundamental requirement for carbon purchases of RRUs represent additional
that emissions
reductions or credits.
emissions reductions.
removals associated
with a credit would However, it should be noted that this RRUs may ultimately meet a new
not have happened
without that credit concept is being reassessed in the context jurisdictional standard for additionality
being produced and of the new jurisdictional crediting (sometimes referred to as ‘performance-
bought) approaches, such as through ART TREES based additionality), if or when this is
and Verra JNR, which are soon expected to adopted by at least a significant part of the
reach the market
REDD.plus Continued
To date, the only issuances through REDD.plus have been 9 million RRUs The market reaction to Gabon’s RRU issuance was initially one of surprise at
from Papua New Guinea. However, REDD.plus is expected to begin some the huge scale, then confusion as people got to grips with what REDD.plus
very large issuances in the near future. In the summer of 2022 Gabon actually is. Now it seems to be hardening into a view that RRUs are not
announced that it would issue 90 million RRUs, which would equal around carbon credits. This view was affirmed in mid-October when the Head of
20% of all credits ever issued in the voluntary carbon markets (VCMs). After Markets for Xpansiv, the world’s largest VCM platform, which had planned to
receiving approval of its baseline and REDD results for the years 2010-2018, sell RRUs, confirmed that they would not be doing so, “for technical
Gabon’s RRUs are expected to be available on the platform shortly. reasons, as well as a lack of product-market fit and customer demand".
Honduras, Belize and Ghana have also expressed intentions to issue RRUs.
However, it is worth noting that one large bank has endorsed the issuance.
At a technical level, some key bodies have also been wary of RRUs.
REDD.plus is not ICROA endorsed and CORSIA declined to accept RRUs in
both 2020 and 2021, noting both times that “key elements of an emissions
unit program… were not in place”.
Article 6
Article 6 is the section of the Paris Agreement that covers carbon trading Article 6.2
and international cooperation to meet climate goals. For a refresher on what
this includes, check out our ebook here.
Article 6.4
Article 6.4 establishes a new centralized market mechanism to replace
the CDM, with specified methodologies. Some of these methodologies
will roll over from the CDM, others will have to be written. REDD+ has not
been excluded, but as it wasn’t in the CDM it will need a methodology to
be written. This means it may take some time before we see in exactly
what form REDD+ is included, for example, whether project-level, nested
and jurisdictional REDD+ are all included.
One outcome of COP27 was the introduction of a new term: ‘mitigation As regulators and industry bodies such as the VCM Integrity Initiative (VCMI
contribution’. In the specific context of Article 6, a ‘mitigation contribution publish guidance on the climate claims that can be made by organizations
6.4 emissions reduction (ER)’ is a credit generated by the 6.4 mechanism and sanctions for greenwashing become more widespread, terms like
that does not have a corresponding adjustment (CA) applied. A CA means ‘mitigation contribution’ are likely to become more popular. They more
that when a credit is sold, the carbon it represents is no longer included in accurately describe what is being achieved through buying carbon credits,
the selling country’s carbon accounting and is only reflected in the buying and are less likely to be seen as misleading.
market and ensure ongoing demand for high quality credits, ensuring a
future for REDD+. Secondly, providing a role for credits without CAs will allow
Mitigation contribution 6.4 ERs has been a controversial topic, as there are large-scale issuances from jurisdictional REDD+ programs without
concerns that credits without CAs have lower environmental integrity due to compromising the host country ambition. Thirdly, this will feed into the
the risks of double counting. The newly adopted term, mitigation ongoing debate surrounding REDD.plus REDD+ Results Units. They are not
contribution, aims to reflect the fact that these credits cannot be used by credits and cannot be used for offsetting, but perhaps a new term like
the buyer for offsetting, but reflect a meaningful contribution to reducing mitigation contribution will be applied to reflect how they can be used and
emissions in the selling country.
It is early days for ‘mitigation contributions’ and too soon to see if it is a term
that will be adopted by the wider market beyond Article 6. For example, VCM
credits without CAs might also start to be referred to as mitigation
contribution credits.
core offerings:
Future predictions
What will the future look like for REDD+? Although we can’t guarantee the Ultimately, regardless of the approach to REDD+ that is chosen, credits still
specifics, it is clear that the direction of travel both from the demand and need to be high quality. No one approach is a total guarantee of good quality.
supply side is a move away from project-level REDD+ and towards Although nested and jurisdictional approaches might help address some
jurisdictional and nested REDD+.
A carbon project is additional if the emissions reductions or removals would not have occurred without revenue
from the sale of carbon credits.
ART TREES One standard that issues JREDD+ credits, see page 21.
Baseline The level of deforestation expected if the REDD+ project had never happened.
Corresponding adjustment
The accounting mechanism built into Article 6 to avoid double counting. The amount of emissions traded is
subtracted from the buyer’s NDC and added to the seller’s NDC.
Clean Development Mechanism CDM The largest market-based mechanism under the Kyoto Protocol, the precursor to the Paris Agreement.
Forest Carbon Partnership Facility FCPF A World Bank program supporting jurisdictional REDD+ preparedness and results-based payments. See page 22.
High Forest, Low Deforestation regions HFLD High Forest, Low Deforestation regions. See page 16.
Monitoring, reporting, and verification MRV The multi-step process of calculating and checking the emissions reductions achieved by a REDD+ project.
Permanence OMGE How long the carbon dioxide emissions avoided by the REDD+ project will be kept out of the atmosphere.
Reference area
An area of forest nearby but outside a REDD+ project, with similar deforestation threats, that can be used to help
model the baseline.
The Paris Agreement The latest UNFCCC treaty, agreed in 2015 at COP21 to replace the Kyoto protocol, and implemented from 2020.
Warsaw Framework The complete methodological and financing guidance for the implementation of REDD+ activities agreed by the UNFCCC.
6.4 Emissions reduction 6.4 ER Carbon credit generated by the Article 6.4 mechanism.
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Sylvera’s mission is to be a source of truth for carbon markets.