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Vol 7, Issue 3, 2014 ISSN - 0974-2441

Original Article


1Departments of Pharmacology, J.N.M.C.H., A.M.U, Aligarh, U.P.,India– 202002. 2Departments of Pharmacology, J.N.M.C.H., A.M.U, Aligarh,
U.P.,India– 202002. 3Departments of Medicine, J.N.M.C.H, A.M.U, Aligarh, U.P., India – 202002. 4Departments of Pharmacology, J.N.M.C.H.,
A.M.U, Aligarh, U.P.,India– 202002. Email: [email protected]
Received: 31 March 2014, Revised and Accepted: 5 May 2014
Objective: To evaluate efficacy and safety of α-Keto analogues of essential amino acids (KAA) in stage 3 and 4 patients of Chronic Kidney Disease.
Material and Methods: The study was conducted in stage 3 and 4 patients of Chronic Kidney Disease of a tertiary care centre of north India. It was
a prospective comparative study. Patients were randomly divided into two interventional groups. Group I (Control) received conservative
management and placebo while Group II (KAA) was managed on conservative management along with KAA (600 mg, thrice daily) for 12 weeks.
Haemogram and renal function tests were done and adverse effects were recorded at 0, 4, 8 and 12 weeks of treatment.
Results: There was progressive improvement in clinical features in both the groups after 12 weeks of treatment but KAA group showed more
marked improvement as compared to control group. Both groups showed gradual improvement in the biochemical parameters as compared to their
pre-treated values which was more marked in KAA supplemented group. There was reduction in blood glucose, blood urea, serum creatinine and 24
hour total urine protein (TUP). There was increase in haemoglobin, 24 hour total urine volume (TUV) and glomerular filtration rate (GFR). There
was no statistical difference in two groups with respect to side effects (p>0.05).
Conclusion: α-Keto analogues of essential amino acids (KAA) supplementation along with conservative management is efficacious and safe in
preventing the progression of disease in stage 3 and 4 patients of Chronic Kidney Disease.
Keywords: Chronic Kidney Disease, Keto amino acids, conservative management, End stage renal disease.

INTRODUCTION The approval for the study was taken from Institutional Ethics
Committee. The study is registered under Clinical Trial Registry of
According to the National Kidney Foundation's Kidney Disease India with registration number CTRI/2012/09/002947 (Registered
Outcomes Quality Initiative (K/DOQI) guidelines,[1]Chronic Kidney on: 03/09/2012). Written and informed consent was taken from all
Disease is defined as: kidney damage or glomerular filtration rate patients before enrolling in the study. The diagnosis of CKD was
(GFR) <60 ml/min/1.73 m2for 3 months or more, irrespective of made on the basis of detailed clinical history, physical examination
cause. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a public health problem and investigations (renal function tests).
worldwide. [2]The prevalence of CKD in SEEK-India cohort was
approximately 17.2% with ~6% have CKD stage 3 or worse.[3]The Inclusion criteria
financial burden of renal replacement therapy (RRT) is increased
with increasing prevalence of CKD, CKD related CVD and end stage Patients having CKD (Stage 3-4), age 20-60 years and of either sex
renal disease (ESRD).It is estimated that around 1,00,000 new were included in the study.
patients of ESRD require RRT annually in India.[4]Low protein diet Exclusion criteria
(0.6 g/kg BW/day) as well as very low protein diet (0.3 g/kg
BW/day) decreases the accumulation of nitrogen waste products Patients on dialysis, pregnant, terminally ill, immuno-compromised
while maintaining an adequate nutritional status. So, secondary or severe renal pathology such as malignancy were excluded from
problems such as metabolic acidosis, bone disease and insulin the study.
resistance, as well as proteinuria and deterioration of renal function
Sample size (n)
are reduced.[5,6]
n = (z2/e2)pq where z = level of confidence interval at 95%, so
α-Keto analogues of essential amino acids / Keto amino acids (KAA)
z=1.96; e= acceptable error; p=prevalence (prevalence assumed as
are nitrogen free analogues of essential amino acids. The use of KAA
17.2% according to SEEK-India cohort study) [3]; q=1-p. Hence,
in association with a low or very low protein diet allows a reduced
sample size (n) = [(1.96*1.96)/(0.09*0.09)]* [0.172*0.828]=67.54.
intake of nitrogen while avoiding the deleterious consequences of
So, sample size of 68 is minimum required for each group. Taking
inadequate dietary protein intake and
into consideration a 15% dropout rate, 80 patients were recruited in
malnourishment.[5,7,14,16,18,19,20]The aim of our study was to evaluate
each group.
the efficacy and safety of α-Keto analogues of essential amino acids
(KAA) supplementation in patients of Chronic Kidney Disease. Study design
MATERIAL AND METHODS Out of 180 assessed patients, 160 patients were enrolled in the
study. Fifteen patients (9 of Group I and 6 of Group II) failed to
report on subsequent visits and were excluded from the study.
The present study was conducted from June 2012 to September Enrolled patients were randomized into two groups at a ratio of
2013 in patients of Chronic Kidney Disease attending Renal Clinic or 1:1using table generated by random allocation software. The
admitted in IPD of a tertiary care centre of north India. It was a randomization table had 20 subjects in each block to minimize the
randomized, prospective, double blinded and parallel group study. disparity between the two groups with respect to number of
Khan et al.
Asian J Pharm Clin Res, Vol 7, Issue 3, 2014, 21-24

patients at any time of study. After final diagnosis, applying inclusion nephropathy (18.30% and 20.27%), chronic glomerulonephritis
and exclusion criteria, patients were included in the study. Group I (11.26% and 10.81%), tubulointerstitial nephritis (8.45% and
(Control) patients received conservative management of CKD along 5.40%), Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (4.22% and
with placebo while Group II (KAA) patients received conservative 5.40%) and unknown cause (12.67% and 14.86%).
management of CKD along with KAA tablet (600 mg) thrice daily
(Figure 1). Both groups received treatment for 12 weeks. In In the present study the clinical features found in the patients at
conservative management treatment given was renal diet and admission were: anorexia, nausea, vomiting, weakness, weight loss,
telmisartan (40 mg OD). KAA contains α-keto analogues of DL- headache, pruritus, swelling over body, oliguria, anaemia,
isoleucine, leucine, phenylalanine, valine, DL-methionine, L-lysine hypertension and dyspnoea. The clinical features were almost
acetate, L-threonine, L-tryptophan, L-histidine, L-tyrosine as their similar at 0 week in both the groups. There was gradual
calcium salts. improvement in clinical features in both the groups after 12 weeks
of treatment but it was more marked in KAA group.
All the enrolled patients were regularly followed with haemogram,
renal function tests and lipid profile tests at 0, 4, 8 and 12 weeks of There was progressive improvement in various biochemical
treatment. parameters in both the groups; KAA group showed maximum
improvement. As compared to control group, KAA group showed
significant increase in haemoglobin percent (p<0.05), decrease in
fasting and post-prandial blood glucose (p<0.001), decrease in blood
urea (p<0.001) and decrease in serum creatinine (p<0.05)at 12
weeks. There was decrease in serum potassiumin both the groups,
which was significant (p<0.001) in KAA group as compared to
control. There was significant increase in serum calcium (p<0.001),
decrease in TUP (p<0.01), increase in TUV (p<0.001) and increase in
GFR (p<0.001) after 12 weeks of treatment in KAA group as
compared to control group (Table 1).
The adverse drug reactions occurrence was not significantly
different between control and KAA groups. According to Modified
Hartwig & Siegel Scale, the adverse drug reactions were mild (no
hospitalization, no change of therapy and no additional treatment) in
severity in both the groups. No adverse event was of acute onset
(within 60 minutes).On Naranjo’s Scale, the ADRs were possible
(Score = 1-4) in 12 cases and probable (Score = 5-8) in 11 cases with
control group while possible (Score = 1-4) in 15 cases and probable
(Score = 5-8) in 7 cases with KAA group (Table 2).
Conservative management is very important to prevent CKD and to
prevent progression of CKD to ESRD. It delays the progressive
deterioration of renal function. It provides only symptomatic relief.
So, newer treatment modalities are being searched which can halt
nephron damage, delay the development of ESRD and cost effective.
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is an emerging chronic disease
Fig.1: It showsrecruitment, allocation and follow-up of
globally due to rapidly increasing incidence of diabetes and
hypertension worldwide.[10,11] CKD leads to premature morbidity
Safety Assessments and mortality and hampers quality of life. In India, CKD is a major
problem for both health sector and economy. The ideal treatment for
All adverse events experienced by a patient or observed by the CKD-ESRD is Renal Replacement Therapy (RRT) which includes
investigator were recorded on standard ADR reporting forms of renal transplantation and maintenance dialysis. More than 100,000
CDSCO at each visit. Adverse drug reaction’s causality assessment new patients enter RRT annually in India.[12]Because of meagre
was done using Naranjo Scale[8] and severity assessment by Modified resources, only 10% of Indian ESRD patients receive any RRT. The
Hartwig & Siegel Scale.[9] A physical examination, including vital
monthly cost of hemodialysis is $300, whereas CAPD costs $600. The
signs, was performed at the start of study and at each visit.
cost of transplant is $8900 in the first year, which declines later to
Additional routine laboratory safety test like liver function tests
$3000 annually. Among the RRT options, renal transplant is the pre-
(LFT), ECG and Chest X ray were performed wherever required. All
ferred choice as it is cost effective and offers better quality of life but
the ADRs were reported to the ADR monitoring centre of the college.
still only a fraction of Indians can afford it.[12]
Statistical analysis
Richards P et al suggested that α-keto-analogues of the essential
The values were expressed as mean ± SD. Statistical significance amino acids might be useful in the treatment of uremia.[13] According
between pre and post treatment values in each group was calculated to Teplan V, KAA get transaminated by taking nitrogen from non-
using Student’s Paired T-test. Statistical significance between groups essential amino acids, thereby decreasing the formation of urea by
was calculated using Unpaired T-test. P < 0.05 was considered re-using the amino group.[14] Ketoacids reduce protein degradation
significant. Statistical analysis was done using SPSS-20 software. and urinary protein excretion. Ell S et al showed that keto-acid
supplements produced reduction of plasma urea, urea synthesis and
RESULT urea excretion and an improvement in nitrogen balance in patients
71 (41 M, 30 F) patients mean aged 45 years (range 22-58 years) of chronic renal failure.[15]KAA had good glycemic control, improved
were of Group I and 74 (44 M, 30 F) patients mean aged 45 years insulin sensitivity and reduced hyperinsulinemia.[16] Chen N et al
(range 21-59 years) were of Group II. The distribution of patients showed significant reduction in TNF-α, CRP and adiponectin on keto
was almost similar in both the groups. None of the patient in either acid supplementation in type 2 diabetic nephropathy.[17]These might
group required dialysis and there was no mortality in either group. be the probable mechanisms for beneficial effects of KAA in our
As per GFR (mL/min per 1.73 m2), patients belonged to stage 3 (19 study.
and 22 in Group I and II respectively) and stage 4 (52 in each Group)
KAA showed beneficial effects in CKD stage 4, 5 at dose of 60 mg/kg
CKD in both the groups. The causes of CKD in group I and II were:
diabetic nephropathy (45.07% and 43.24%), hypertensive BW/day.[18]So, KAA dose used in our study was 600 mg TDS daily.

Khan et al.
Asian J Pharm Clin Res, Vol 7, Issue 3, 2014, 21-24

Walser M et al showed that KAA supplementation at a dose of 6-14 essential amino acid along with conservative management produces
g/day for 15-60 days in 10 patients of severe uremia produced no improvement in clinical features as well as biochemical parameters
toxicity.[19] Mitch WE et al found no side effect or toxicity of KAA and safe in patients of Chronic Kidney Disease.
supplementation in patients of CKD.[20] So, the ADRs might be the
manifestations of underlying renal pathology or due to other co- CONCLUSION
administered drugs. α-Keto analogue of essential amino acid supplementation improved
The findings in our study are in accordance with those reported in the therapeutic effect of conservative management in stage 3 and 4
previous studies. So, supplementation of α-Keto analogue of patients of Chronic Kidney Disease.

Table 1: It shows haemogram and renal function tests in Control and KAA groups before and after 12 weeks of treatment.
S. No. Parameter Group 0 week 12 weeks % change after
Mean ± SD Mean ± SD 12 weeks
1. Hb% (g/dL) I 7.91±1.93 8.91±1.48c (+) 12.64%
II 7.84±1.10 9.39±0.87c1 (+) 19.77%
2. FBG (mg/dL) I 130.05±42.90 113.78±14.31c (-) 12.51%
II 131.28±44.31 104.00±8.46c3 (-) 20.78%
3. PPBG (mg/dL) I 184.95±61.17 157.56±23.20c (-) 14.80%
II 181.28±55.22 143.40±12.83c3 (-) 20.89%
4. B.Urea (mg/dL) I 107.16±35.85 79.78±24.79b (-) 25.55%
II 106.73±27.72 66.07±19.29c3 (-) 38.09%
5. S.Cr. (mg/dL) I 4.44±1.64 3.33±1.37c (-) 25.00%
II 4.68±1.86 2.83±1.10c1 (-) 39.52%
6. K+ (mEq/L) I 4.87±0.49 4.63±0.41a (-) 4.92%
II 4.80±0.46 4.22±0.44c3 (-) 12.08%
7. Ca2+ (mg/dL) I 8.65±1.05 8.89±1.00a (+) 2.77%
II 8.70±1.11 9.54±0.91 c3 (+) 9.65%
8. TUP (g/day) I 3.03±1.29 2.43±0.97b (-) 19.80%
II 3.34±0.88 2.06±0.61c2 (-) 38.34%
9. TUV (mL/day) I 1454.36 ±221.53 1736.76±176.04c (+) 19.41%
II 1457.46 ±179.48 1943.23±204.1c3 (+) 33.32%
10. GFR (mL/min) I 19.0±1.17 23.3±1.63b (+) 22.6%
II 19.7±1.86 29.4±3.68c3 (+) 49.2%
Values are mean ± SD; p<0.05 was considered significant; ap<0.05, bp<0.01, cp<0.001 compared to0 week value of respective group; 1p<0.05,
2p<0.01, 3p<0.001 compared tocontrol group. I=Control; II=KAA; Hb%= Haemoglobin percent; FBG= Fasting Blood Glucose; PPBG= Post-prandial

Blood Glucose; B. Urea= Blood Urea; S.Cr.=Serum creatinine; K+= Serum potassium; Ca2+= Serum calcium; TUP=24 Hour Total Urine Protein; TUV=24
Hour Total Urine Volume; GFR = Glomerular Filtration Rate; (-) decrease; (+) increase.
Table 2: It shows comparison of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) between Control and Keto amino acid group.
S.No. ADR Recorded Control KAA Significance
(n=71) (n=74) (2-tailed)
1. Nausea 5 3 0.494
2. Vomiting 4 2 0.442
3. Diarrhea 5 2 0.275
4. Constipation 0 2 0.497
5. Anorexia 4 3 0.719
6. Excessive thirst 0 3 0.245
7. Abdominal pain 1 2 1.000
8. Muscle and joint pain 0 1 1.000
9. Headache 3 1 0.366
10. Rashes 0 1 1.000
11. Altered taste 0 1 1.000
12. Weakness 1 0 0.497
13. Frequent urination 0 1 1.000
p<0.05 was considered significant. Fisher’s Exact Test was applied.

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