Training Program
Training Program
Training Program
I LEVEL 1.................................................................................................................................................................................. 2
PURPOSE............................................................................................................................................................................. 2
The illegal character of black magic, clairvoyance, marriage with the jinn, pacts and sacrifices to the jinn.
Pre-Islamic (roqya before Islam) and traditional healers: it is allowed if there is no chirk in the method but these
rukhyas are not recommended.
The Qur'an as healing
Ways to apply the Qur'an
Roqya to keep the faith
Fighting against sorcerers and their friends
Tests and steps. Nothing increases faith more than roqya. More you advance; more Allah will test you with
increasingly big tests which will not spare any part of your life and your family, on the contrary. If you go back,
you fall into a spiral of problems and your spirituality will be blocked until you agree to do it. With his
benefaction, ALLAH help you to resolve your problems - because most part of Raqi lived many problems before
starting to heal others - and give you the capacity to help others so you have to use this capacity the best you
can to help the others and you have to rely on Allah for everything happen.
Invocations aim to strong the spirituality of the patient and accelerate the healing and also protect him against
reactions or revenges.
The Jinns come almost exclusively with witchcraft - or possibly with pacts which made by the ancestors or
protections which the person has intentionally searches with the jinn, but these two cases are similar to
witchcraft. So if there is jinn’s manifestations of jinn, search which witchcraft sent them.
For evil eye, the effect is too thin in order that the person come to treat it. Sometimes the evil eye is so strong
and it causes the same effects than sorcery, at that time we treat it like sorcery. Anyway, the treatment of the
evil eye is included in all treatments.
There are four symptoms:
- Blocages in life, - Unusual mental states,
- Unusual health problems, - Nightmares
Blocages in life are the main objective of witchcraft and this is what determines the presence of witchcraft; the
other symptoms are side effects which determine how witchcraft was made and which treatment we have to
Health problems determine cupping, Sana leaves and oil or pomade.
Cupping: We put cups every place on the body where the patient has pain or medical problem.
Sana leaves :
- When the person feels a lot of stomach pain, give 12 days of Sana leaves.
- If he feels a little of stomach pain and there are many symptoms of witchcraft, give 8 days.
- If he feels a little of stomach pain and there is a little of witchcraft symptoms, give 4 or 6 days
- If he feels no stomach pain and there is many witchcraft symptoms, give two days to test.
Anyway, if the person comes back, if she had pain during the last two days, give him again.
When stomach pains persist or do not seem to fit with the effects of eaten witchcraft, do cupping on stomach.
For infertility, do cupping on ovaries even if there is no pain. For impotence, do cupping on pubis and kidneys.
When organs are malfunctioning, even without pain, do cupping.
For young children, hemophiliacs, very sensitive skin, or patients who do not want, let the cupping. Anyway,
when it is not possible to apply a part of the treatment, do the rest.
When the pains are enough strong, or dysfunction of the organ is delivered, give the oil or pomade and rub and
reading 11 or 21 times the Fatiha in function of the intensity of the problem.
To amplify the effects of the treatment for difficult cases, say to the person to take shower on morning and
evening or possibly to rewash on the morning the concerned part of the body, and rub again with oil or pomade.
In case of jinn, problems at home, or multiple problems, tell to the patients to spray the house twice.
In case of problems in business or work, tell to the patient to spray the store, the workshop, the shop, the office
or vehicles, twice for more precautions.
Search always to remove all problems the patient has the first time, because even like that most part of time
you will cannot. When you doubt, treat. Each time the patient come back, ask yourself if it was not possible to
remove all of the problems since the first time. This is why the treatments are heavier, for example, at the
beginning it was 7 days of shower, then 9 days and now 12 days and sometimes shower in the morning and in
the evening.
For symbols, firstly you have to master the dream’s interpretation of sorcery. Then, link blocages in life and mental states
with the good symbols. Now, if the list with the symbols is not enough to explain the blocages and the problems of the
person search which another witchcraft there is. For this, ask yourself the question: « If I would like to cause this problem,
which sort of sorcery will I use? » according to the principle wherein I am the criminal, then ask Allah to guide you and
take what it comes. Witchcraft is a world of intentions and symbols, and your intention, your prayer and your effort will
allow you to beat it incha Allah.
Finally, during reading, ask Allah to show you.
You can use this summary for doing diagnostic: below appendix number 2.
You’ll find also the 45 verses which cancel each symbol of sorcery : appendix 3
The aim of the level 1 is to access to complementary methods: jinn catching and psychotherapy, to practice the spiritual
way, to acquire the knowledge of the environment: medicine, scientists and others raquis.
Everybody has to understand the program and how to apply it.
Eaten sorcery consists in drops put in food and drink, then get reconsttuted like glue and stocks on the stomach or the
intestne. This can be anywhere from the esophagus untl the anus. The body detects a foreign body and tries to eliminate
it. This causes heartburns which can become ulcere, eventually with bloatng, constpatons diarrheas.
2 Psoriasis
Pimples, eczema or scars appear on the body most of the tme on the legs, sometmes with itching, purulence, bleedings,
then grow or move. There is no efcient treatment or valid explanaton. This disease is only due to a physical contact with
sorcery, most of the tme the person walked on it. When on the head it can cause loss of hair. In the mouth, it can create
3 Open wounds
This is a phenomenon challenging all medical knowledge: wounds spontaneously appearing, sometmes afer a small choc
or an animal bite. These wounds get deeper and spread sometmes untl the bone and last years, resistng all therapies. A
disease only due to sorcery and jinns.
4 Keloid
Afer a small graze, the person develops a big scar which does not go. With years, his body becomes full of scar. It is said
that it is peculiar to African people, it is rare, with various forms, all that we see is that cells reproduce while healing.
Many diseases unknown in the Western world and several patents we received and who had sorcery was healed. For
sickle cell disease, we know that we had patent whose symptoms disappeared but we did not retake the blood test to
check the changes.
6 Erectle dysfuncton
Medically, this can be explained by diabetes, strong antdepressant, medicin for serious diseases like cancer, or otherwise
by psychological factors: but there must be a serious decepton, frustraton, anger, disgut or traumatsm for a man not to
be able to have intmate relaton with his wife or a woman. Especially if he loses his erecton when going to a woman, or
he can have relaton with one woman and not another, it becomes clear that the problem is not medical.
7 Sterility
We had many women who became pregnant afer our treatment; we have a high rate of success in this feld. Most of
them went through medicine: for some of them everything is normal; for other there were fbromas, blocked fallopian
tubes or tred ovaries; others did IVF. I did not see medical explanaton for a woman’s sterility whose cycle normally
works. Note that this sorcery ofen comes with painful menses, and sometmes pain in ovaries even outside the menses.
We also have case of man sterility, but is rarer because in the logic of sorcery the woman is the main target. But some
men with no or few or not mobile enough spermatozoid, this fact has no explanaton nor soluton. Sometmes there is an
embryo but it does not survive.
How can a healthy person suddenly become mad? Unless the person had a serious emotonal choc, this is totally
incomprehensible. The same for behavior disorders: fear, depression, anger and agressivity, loss of concentraton, are not
comprehensible, unless the person had traumatzing painful experiences. During a conference with a psychiatre it
appeared that his patents have exactly the same symptoms with ours: we treat the same persons except that they do
not have explanaton about the origin, functoning and evoluton of the disease, they don’t expect recovery but just
stabilizaton. By God’s grace we have many healed people, but madness treatment are ofen long: you must persevere
untl the patent gets his senses back.
10 Disabled children
High fever during pregnancy can « burn » the fetus brain and cause disability to the child, 21 Down’s syndrome makes
mentally and physical disabled children. Beside this aspect, new babies born with disability, or disability appearing just
afer birth or during the child frst years are difcult to be explained by medicine (except contaminaton with toxic
products). It happens the child is « spoiled » with sorcery done to the pregnant woman; it happens that during the
concepton the jinn’s sperm mix with man’s, it happens that children are sacrifced to jinns and lose their strength and
mental capacites. In these cases, our treatment makes some improvement – which are always precious for a disabled
child – but we only expect a complete recovery if the child was healthy before and got sick. For children born with their
disability, it is irreversible but we treat the mother in order for the next children to be healthy.
Sorcery and jinns can cause persistant pains all over the body. These pains can prevent the person from studying or
working with no obvious physiological cause. Sometmes it can be heaviness in a limb and a weakness, and sometmes,
partal, half paralysis of the body or the face. Headaches can be due to lack of drink: make sure the person drinks enough.
Pain in the botom of the back come from exhaustng physical actvity ; if it’s the case, advise the person to do abds and
gymnastc because its strengthen the back and improve resistance to eforts.
Sorcery essental purpose is to block people’s life: work, money, marriage, having children, studies, etc. and health
problems are collateral consequences, but it happens that the health is the target. Besides that, sorcery causes specifc
dreams allowing certainty in diagnostc:
Pursuit = blockage
Dog, soldiers = jinns
Bull, being aggressed = magicians
Snake = jinn, magician or sorcery made with knots
Water = sorcery in water
Going up, Going done, seeing yourself up, falling= sorcery put up
Death, graves, funerals= sorcery in a cemetery
Cars, vehicles, trip= sorcery with footsteps
Fire or braise= sorcery in fre source or with fre
Fish = sorcery in a hook untl eaten by a fsh
Children, babies (for women) = sorcery with underwear
Blood (for women) = sorcery with menses blood
Frequent or unusual sexual relaton=jinn sent to block marriage, marital life or giving birth.
Appendix number 5
Appendix 6
It is important to remind that the purpose of Level I (introduction, risk, hijama, sana and ointment, reading and
diagnosis) is to practice roqya. We want the person to be operational and to practice roqya after a week of
The goal of Level II (jinn catching, psychotherapy, relationship with medicine, dalils, spiritual path and other
methods) is to make the person a professional. This is when I consider that the person is well trained and able
to represent me.
Level III is for roqya center managers and its purpose is the management of the center and the development of
the roqya strategy.
For this, see appendix 7
Each center must define its stage and then decide the policy to be followed.
At the beginning, I gave my students freedom in many aspects of the roqya activities. It turned out that this
freedom has often been misused and resulted in unfortunate situations. So I had to intervene:
- In financial management,
- In the training program,
- To overcome uncontrolled behavior,
- For the spiritual evolution.
I named it "al-Bonyan marsous" - closer ties - inspired by the verse: "Allah loves those who battle for His cause
in close ranks as if they were a solid structure" (surah 61 verse 4). This means that in jihad, basic Islamic
brotherhood rules are not enough, you need a higher level of unity, support, understanding and a greater
cohesion. Without this unity of ranks, our struggle cannot be blessed.
Look appendix 8 for more informations.
We need to remind ourselves frequently that we are not here for money. We have to remove the attachment to
money from our hearts. We should not rejoice for receiving more or get sad for not receiving any money. Our
cause should be healing the sick and fighting against shirk. Allah's satisfaction is all that matters. In addition, it
is better not to try to know how much others received because our hearts can get sick and sad.
Before sharing, you must pay back all those who lended you the money used to pay for the equipment and the
other needs required for the work. The sharing is based on merit and individual participation. Everyone is given
a coefficient: 1 for the reader, 1.2 for the jinn catcher, 0.8 for the person doing hijama without reading, the
trainer gets a bonus of 0.2. Depending on the role and the participation of each person, these coefficients may
have slight variations. This coefficient is multiplied by the number of days the person was present.
One part is reserved for the organization: 50% in my presence, and 15% in my absence. The organization
mainly concerns working to bring people, so communication is essential. It should be done by a very qualified
and knowledgeable person and this person should get a good pay. The rest of the organization should concern
the area and the equipment used for the roqya.
We include the correction of past mistakes in the training program. The centers should progressively add
changes and new developments to the training. I would like the training to be given everywhere as if I am giving
it myself.
Then you should know that training does not entitle the person to work in the roqya center. So, depending on
the needs, we recruit the most efficient and interesting people. The goal is to increase the number of roqya
centers and to make them more accessible to the public, so we support all those who want to start a center
near their home.
Finally, do not hesitate to fire a person if his presence is detrimental to the group and to the activities. The first
type of person that should be dismissed is the one whose heart is not with us: he wants money, he is
complaining about the sharing method and criticizing, he does not agree with the method (ie criticizing jinn
catching), he does not get along with the other members of the group and refuses to find agreements. The
second cause is harmful actions: the person does not put the hijama cups on the right area (as he is told), does
not read the verses with the requested number of repetitions, and other actions that lead the patient to remain
sick, which might even cause the entire activity to collapse. The third cause is being unqualified: there are
people who are slow to understand, slow to act and are a burden for the group. They cannot stay.
In addition to mastering the "spiritual path" in the practice and in teaching, there is a need for collective Dua in
the roqya centers. There are two possible forms: reading surah Yaseen and doing Duaa in a group, or praying
at night and doing qunut in a group. The formule that I prefer is the taraweeh, but each center is free to organize
itself. For example if the brothers are not there at night, the formula Yaseen + Dua is more appropriate.
عُوذُب– ك -c -بّ أ-ن ي -حۡ ضُرُ ون– م نۡ ه-h-ز-ٲ –تnل – ٰH-kّdط ي– و-أ- عُوذُب– ك– - و-قُل ّcبّ أ-
ٲط ٱلّذ َ
ِين ٲط ۡٱلم ُۡس َتقِي َمصِ َر َ ّاك َن ۡس َتعِينُ ۡٱه ِد َنا ٱلص َّر َ ّاك َن ۡع ُب ُد َوإِي َ ين إِي َ ِيم َم ٰـلِكِ َي ۡو ِم ٱل ّد ِ ي -ٱلرّ ۡح َم ٰـ ِن ٱلرّ ح ِ h ل–nلۡ حۡh-دُ –لّ -c -بّnلۡ-ٰH-f
ت َعلَ ۡي ِهمۡ غۡk-ر–nلۡ-غۡ ضُ و ب–ع-لۡk-ه–مۡ و -لn-ل ضّالّ ي- أَ ۡن َع ۡم َ
مّhا cز-قۡ-ن ٰHهُمۡ يُ –- -
ق ون-نف ُ ة و–- لوٰ -
ق ُhkونn-ل -ّe ب و-يُ–بٱلۡغ– ۡk- ۡمُن ون–- bي ن -يُؤ– ل– ق يّn- للُّۡhت– ۬ ىّ ۛ هُدً kه
ف– ۛ– ل -كnلۡڪ–-تٰHبُ -ل cيۡب- ٓ ذ-ٲ– لمٓ ا
ْ يُ-fلّ ُhونn-لنّا سn-لسّ حۡر- ٰط ي -ك-ف-رُ وا -
ٰك نّnل – H-kّd ۖ و-م-ا ڪ-ف-ر سُل ٰH-hۡk-نُ و-ل–H- ۡك سُل ٰH-hۡk-ن- ْnل – ٰH-kّdط يُع-ل -ىٰ مُل – ْ م-ا ت-تۡلُ وا وn-تّب ُf-وا
ۖ لّإ–لٰH-ه-إ– لّ هُ وn-لرّ حۡ ٰH-hنُnلرّ ح–kمُ ۬ و-ٲ ح–دٌ
۬ و-إ–ل ٰH-هُكُمۡإ–لٰH-هٌ
bى يۡd -فُ -
ع Pم -نذ-اnلّ– ف ى nلۡ– ۡc-ض ف ىnلسّ ٰH-hو-ٲ –ت و-م-ا – Rلّهُۥ م-ا – ۬ و-ل-i -وۡمٌ
۬ Rل -ت-أۡ خُ ُbهُۥ –سن-ةٌ إلّ هُ وn-لۡ ح -ىّnلۡق ّk-ومُ إلٰH-ه–- nلُّ ل–-
Rو– -سع -كُرۡ –سّkهُnلسّ ٰH-hو-ٲ –ت ۡ–hهۦTإ– لّب–-hا ش-اء- عل– ۬ مّ نۡ – ۖ و -ل -يُ ح– kطُ ون-ب– -dىٍ
ۡء د يه–مۡ و-م-ا خ-لۡف -هُمۡ Rيۡf-ل-مُ م-اب -يۡ -أ-يۡ– عند -هُۥTإ–لّب–إ–ذ–
ۡ–iهۦ –
ظkمُ – -
f ل
ۡ n ى
ّ ل
f ل
ۡ n -
و ُ
ه -
و ا
h ُ
ه ظ
– ُ ف
ۡ ح ۥ ُ
ه ُ
د و H
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ي ل
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- c
ۡ -
ۡ n و-
ۖب–-kد n-gلۡ خۡk-رُ
إ ّiك- ۖ– bلّ م -ن ت-d -اءُ – fزّ م -ن ت-d -اءُ و-تُ– م ّhن ت-d -اءُ و-تُ– ۡت ىnلُۡلۡ ك -م -ن ت-d -اءُ و-ت -نز–عُnلُۡلۡ ك– - ۡك تُؤ– ل كn-لُۡل – –Hقُل–nللّ هُمّ مٰ-
د۬ ع--
ق– ۬- ۡء
ش ىٍ ل - ل ىٰ ُك ّ
dىnلّۡkلn-لنّ ہ-ا -cي -طۡلُبُهُۥ ح–-ث kثً
۬ ش يُغۡ – ۬ ثُمّ nسۡت -و -ىٰع-ل -ىnلۡ-fرۡ – ة أ-يّامٍ ف ى –ستّ– bى خ-ل-قn-لسّ ٰH-hو-ٲ –ت و n-لۡ ۡc-ض– - إنّ cبّكُمُ nلُّnلّ–
– -
ون َف ُغلِبُو ْا ُه َنال َِك نَ -ف َو َق َع ۡٱل َح ّق َو َب َط َل َما َكا ُنو ْا َي ۡع َملُ َ ۖف-إ–ذ-ا ه– ى -ت-لۡق-فُ م-ا ي-أۡف–كُ و ٓ أ-نۡ أ-لۡق–ع-e -ا -g و-أ-وۡ حۡk-ن-اإ–ل -ىٰ مُ و س -ىٰ
hي -c -بّ مُ و س -ىٰ و -هٰH-رُ ون- ل–بر -بّnلۡ-ٰH-f ا ء-ام-نّا– ْٓ
لو د ي ن-ق-اُ -
ين َوأ ُ ۡلق َِى ٱلسّ ح-رةُ س–a– ٰH- صٰـغ ِِر َ َوٱن َق َلبُو ْا َ
ٱل ح-قّ ٱلُ ۡد ي -ن َو ُيح ِّق ّ لحُع-h-لn-لُۡف –
ۡس– إنّ nلّ -ل -يُ –ۡe ۖ– إنّ nلّ -سُk-بۡ –طلُهُ ۥT ۖ– ْق-ال -مُ و س -ىٰ م-ا ج–ئۡتُمب––هnلسّ حۡرُ ف-لّh-ا أ-لۡق-وۡا
لُ –ۡaرمُ ون- لوۡ ڪ–-ر هۡn- ٰت–هۦ و-- ل–H-h ب -ك– –
لحُnلسّا –حر ح ۡk-ثُ - - ٓ - - -
ۖ و ل -يُفۡ– ْ كۡk-دُ س– ٰH-حرٍ
۬ إhّiا ص-ن ُf-وا ۖ– kن ك -ت-لۡق-فۡ ما ص-ن ُf-وا
ْ –h ف ى ي–- عۡل -ىٰ وأ-لۡق– ما – إ ّiك -أ i -ت n-لۡ- قُلۡن-ا ل -ت -خ-فۡ–
بر بّ هٰH-ر ون -و-مُ و س -ىٰ ُ - ا ء-امّ-نا– ٓ
لوقاُ ۬ا - ة سُ ّaدً -
ق ىn-لسّ ح-ر ُ
ْ ألۡ–فُ-أ-ت ىٰ -
شnلۡ ڪ-ر– يم– إ لّ هُ و -c -بّnلۡ-fرۡ – إلٰH-ه–-ۖ ل–- ل كُnلۡ ح-قّ إلۡk-ن-ا ل -تُرۡ ج ُf-ون-ف-تٰH-f-ل -ى nلُّnلۡ–- ۬ا و-أّi-كُمۡ– سبۡتُمۡ أ-hّi-ا خ-ل-قۡنٰH-كُمۡع-ب-ثً أ-ف -ح– -
لۡf-kبُدُ ون– و-م-ا خ-ل-قۡ تُnلۡ –aنّ وn-لۡ– iس-إ– لّ–
۬ ّcبّnلسّ ٰH-hو-ٲ –ت و n-لۡ– ۡc-ض و-م-ابۡk-ن -ہُ-hا و -c-بّ ل و-ٲ –حدٌ ل ٰHه-كُمۡ - إ-إنّ– ذكۡرًا – ل– ٰH-kت – ۡرا ف-ٱلتّ–ٰH
فًّا ف-ٱلزّٲ –جر-ٲ ت ز -جً۬
– ٓفّ– ٰHت ص۬- وn-ل ٰHّe
۬ مّاٍ –c
۬د ۬ا مّ ن كُلّ ش ۡk-ط ٰH-نٍ ظً اكب– و– -حفۡ ةnلۡك -و– - إّiا ز-يّنّاnلسّ-hاءn-لدّ-kۡiاب–ز– ينٍ- nلٰۡH-d -ر–– –f
khم– م نۡع-b-ا ب–nلۡ ح–- ْف-وۡc -fأۡ –س–هۦ – صُبّ وا
Rو–-تلۡ -كۡ nل-مۡ-ثُ ٰH - قرۡء-ان-ع--
ل هُمۡلّ-f للّنا –س - ل i-ضۡ–ربُ ہ-ا– ة nلّ– ۬ا مّ نۡ -خ –-kۡd عً ۬ا مّ-ت -eدّ ًfdلر-أيۡ-تهُۥ -خ– ٰH ّ۬ ل ىٰ ج-بٍ -
ل bاnلۡ ُ لوۡ -أ iز-لۡ-نا ه- ٰH- -
ي-ت-ف-كّر ون-
ۖ و-ل -ن ۡd ّiر– -g Hام-نّاب––هۦ ّ ۡfhن-اقُرۡء-اًiاع۬-a - قُلۡ أُ و ح ى-إ–ل -ىّ أّi-هُ nسۡت-h-ع-i -ف-رٌ
دف- ٓإ–ل -ىnلرشۡ– د ى بًا ي-ہۡ– ْإ–ّiا س–- ٓا
۬ مّ نn-لۡ –aنّف-ق-الُ و –
ل ى nلّ– ش -ط۬-طًا و-أّi-اظ-ن-نّا أ-ن - -
ع ا ن
- ہ
ُ k ف
– -
س ل
ُ و ق
ُ -
ي ن
- ا ك
- ۥ ُ
ه i
ّ أ
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و اً
۬ ل
و ل
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و ۬
ب ح H
ص b
- خ
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ّ n ا-
م ا ن
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ب -
c ّ
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ج ى
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f ت
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ه i
ّ أ
- -
و ا ً
د -
ح بر-بّن-ا أ- –
قًا وأ ّi-ہُمۡ - ُ
۬ م نn-لۡ –aنّف-ز-اد و هُمۡ cه۬- ّ -
لۡ iس– يfوذُ ون-ب–ر– جالٍ ُ - ۬ م ن–n- ّ -
با وأّi-هُ ۥ ك-ان –c -جالٌ - ً
۬b - - ُ
لۡ iس وnلۡ –aنّعل -ى nلّ– ك–- لّ ن ت-قُ ول–n-
۬ا وُ - - لسۡ-ناnلسّ-hاء- -
ش ہُ۬ ديدً ش– ۬ا - لئ -تۡ ح-ر سً ف و -ج-دۡ ٰHi-ه-ا مُ– ۬ا و--أّiا - ل ن ي-بۡ -fث n-لُّ -أ ح-دً ظ-ن نُتمۡ -أن ّ ا -ك-hا - ْ ظّن و
ً -
لدۡ ول-مۡ يُ ول-دۡ ول-مۡ ي-كُ نلّهُۥ ڪُفُ وا أ -ح-دٌ - -
قُلۡ هُ و nلُّ أ -ح-دٌ nلُّnل hّeدُل-مۡ ي–- -
ت فِى ۡٱل ُع َق ِد َومِن َشرّ َحاسِ ٍد إِ َذا َح َسدَ ب َومِن َشرّ ٱل ّن ّف ٰـ َث ٰـ ِ لقَ -ومِن َشرّ َغاسِ ٍق إِ َذا َو َق َ شرّ م-ا -خ- من - ق– ل– بر -بّnلۡ -
ف- ذ– عُ و ُ قلۡ -أ ُ
ّ -
م -ن ف ى صُدُ و–ncلنّا –س – bى يُ و -سۡ–و سُ – م ن ش-رnلۡ و -سۡ و-ا –سnلۡ خ-نّا –سnلّ– ٰهnلنّا –س – إل–H-ل –كnلنّا –س– بر بّnلنّا –س م–- عُوذُ– قُلۡ أ-
ة وn-لنّا س– nلۡ –aنّ–
Padlock: dreaming to be chased fights, blocked or imprisoned; blocked in life.
String with knots: dreaming snakes
River: dreaming a mass of water.
Tree: dreaming climbing, going down, falling, being high, or in an airplane.
Hole, bridge, or well: dreaming about a hole, bridge or well, falling in a deep place; deep problem, permanently
losing money.
Cemetery: dreaming dead people, graves or funerals. Apathy, depression, weakness and thinking about death.
Shoes, footsteps: dreaming about vehicles, journey, mounts, and foot illness.
Clothes: dreaming children or babies. Bad effect wrapping the person.
Photo: alteration of the personality, ugliness, darkness of the face, illness in the face.
Hair: worries, successive problems, headaches, mental problems.
Writings: dreaming about people, study problems.
Charcoal: sadness, dark aspect, bad perception.
Fire: dreaming of fire, embers or smoke; burnings in the body.
Star or trombone: being tied, promises not honored, extremely complex situation.
Canary (it’s a pot where they put mixtures for sorcery): blocked life.
Cut cola (2-inch nut they eat in Africa and use on occasions, they use it in sorcery like doll to burn or cut or
sting): broken chance.
Stung cola or doll: stung sensation, multiple pains in the body.
Dirty blood: blood illness, abnormal health problems.
Menses blood: dreaming blood, sexual and pregnancy problems.
Animal carcass: repulsing illnesses, miserable or repulsing look.
Dog: dreaming dogs, bad character.
Fish: dreaming fish.
Bones: bones’ illness, pain or weakness.
Excrements: dreaming excrements, shitting, dirty water or toilets.
Donkey: evident stupidity, unable to understand, stubbornness.
Pants: serious sexual problem, heavy erotic dreams.
Pubis hair: same thing.
Ants, termites: pins and needles in the body, hundreds of jinns in the body.
Pimento: burning like hot pimento, constant nervousness.
Other symptoms are treated without searching what symbols were used to provoke them:
Madness: loosing mental capacities on different degrees, dreaming crazy people.
Sacrifice: dreaming meat, soul captured (no personality), sorcery with sacrifices.
Statue: along with sacrifice sorcery; dreaming masks.
Revivification: dead personality, no conscience. Any part of the person dead, not responding any more.
Skin: skin illnesses.
Mental weakness: difficulty to think or decide loss of confidence.
PADLOCK Surat 21 verse 30
َض َكانَتَا َر ْتقا ً فَفَتَ ْقنَاهُ َما َو َج َع ْلنَا ِمنَ ا ْل َماء ُك ّل ش َْي ٍء َح ّي أَفَ َل يُ ْؤ ِمنُون
َ ت َو ْالَ ْر َ س َم
ِ اوا ّ أَ َولَ ْم يَ َر الّ ِذينَ َكفَ ُروا أَنّ ال
Do not the Unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined together (as one unit of creation), before
we clove them asunder? We made from water every living thing. Will they not believe?
STRING WITH 11 KNOTS Surat 20 verses 26 to 28
َ ّاحلُ ْل ُع ْق َدةً ّمن ل
سانِي يَ ْفقَ ُهوا قَ ْولِي ْ س ْر لِي أَ ْم ِري َو
ّ ََوي
Ease my task for me; And remove the impediment from my speech, So they may understand what I say.
RIVER Surat 26 verse 63
ٍ ق فَ َكانَ ُك ّل فِ ْر
ِ ق َكالطّ ْو ِد ا ْل َع ِظ
يم َ اض ِرب بّ َع
َ َصا َك ا ْلبَ ْحر فَانفَل ْ سى أَ ِن
َ َ فَأ َ ْو َح ْينَا إِلَى ُمو
Then We told Moses by inspiration: “Strike the sea with thy rod.” So it divided, and each separate part became
like the huge, firm mass of a mountain.
TREE Surat 6 verse 59 until a`lamouha
ِ سقُطُ ِمن َو َرقَ ٍة إِلّ يَ ْعلَ ُم َها َولَ َحبّ ٍة َفِي ظُلُ َما
ِ ت الَ ْر
َض َول ْ َب لَ يَ ْعلَ ُم َها إِلّ هُو َويَ ْعلَ ُم َما فِي ا ْلبَ ّر َوا ْلبَ ْح ِر َو َما ت
ِ َو ِعن َدهُ َمفَاتِ ُح ا ْل َغ ْي
ب ّمبِي ٍنٍ س إِلّ فِي ِكتَا ٍ ِب َولَ يَاب ٍ ط ْ َر
With Him are the keys of the unseen, the treasures that none knoweth but He. He knoweth whatever is on the
earth and in the sea. Not a leaf doth fall but with His knowledge.
HOLE, BRIDGE OR WELL Surat 22 v 31 from waman yochrik
ٍِ س ِح ٍ يح فِي َم َك ّ س َماء فَت َْخطَفُهُ الطّ ْي ُر أَ ْو تَ ْه ِوي بِ ِه
ّ ال فَ َكأَنّ َما َخ ّر ِمنَ ال ْ َُو َمن ي
يق َ ان ُ الر ّ ِش ِركْ ب
If anyone assigns partners to Allah, is as if he had fallen from heaven and been snatched up by birds, or the
wind had swooped (like a bird on its prey) and thrown him into a far-distant place.
CIMETERY Surat 6 verse 122 until bikharijin minha
ٍ س بِ َخا ِر
ً ج ّم ْن َها ِ ظلُ َما
َ ت لَ ْي ّ س َك َمن ّمثَلُهُ فِي ال ِ أَ َو َمن َكانَ َم ْيتا ً فَأَ ْحيَ ْينَاهُ َو َج َع ْلنَا لَهُ نُورا يَ ْم
ِ شي بِ ِه فِي النّا
Can he who was dead, to whom We gave life, and a light whereby he can walk amongst men, be like him who
is in the depths of darkness, from which he can never come out?
SHOES, FOOTSTEPS Surat 38 verse 42 twice
اب َ س ٌل بَا ِر ٌد َو
ٌ ش َر َ َض بِ ِر ْجلِ َك َه َذا ُم ْغت
ْ ار ُك
“Strike with thy foot: here is (water) wherein to wash, cool and refreshing, and (water) to drink.
CLOTHES Surat 7 verse 26 until khayr
َ اس التّ ْق َو
ى َذلِكَ َخ ْي ٌر َ يَا بَنِي آ َد َم قَ ْد أَن َز ْلنَا َعلَ ْي ُك ْم لِبَاسا ً يُ َوا ِري
ُ َس ْو َءاتِ ُك ْم َو ِريشا ً َولِب
O ye Children of Adam! We have bestowed upon you to cover your shame, as well as to be an adornment to
you. But the raiment of righteousness, - that is the best.
PICTURE Surat 7 verse 11 until fasajadou
َ َس ُجدُو ْا ل َد َم ف
س َجدُو ْا ْ ص ّو ْرنَا ُك ْم ثُ ّم قُ ْلنَا لِ ْل َملئِ َك ِة ا
َ َولَقَ ْد َخلَ ْقنَا ُك ْم ثُ ّم
It is We Who created you and gave you shape; then We bade the angels prostrate to Adam
HAIR Surat 19 verse 4 from inni wahana
َ ش ْيبا ً َولَ ْم أَ ُكن بِ ُدعَائِ َك َر ّب
ً شقِيّا ُ شتَ َع َل ال ّر ْأ
َ س ْ إِنّي َوهَنَ ا ْل َع ْظ ُم ِمنّي َوا
Infirm indeed are my bones, and the hair of my head doth glisten with grey: but never am I unblest, O my Lord,
in my prayer to Thee!
WRITINGS Surat 2 verse 102 from fayata Allahmouna to bi’idhni llah
ّ آرينَ بِ ِه ِمنْ أَ َح ٍد إِلّ بِإِ ْذ ِن
ِا ّ ضَ ِفَيَتَ َعلّ ُمونَ ِم ْن ُه َما َما يُفَ ّرقُونَ بِ ِه بَيْنَ ا ْل َم ْر ِء َوز َْو ِج ِه َو َما هُم ب
They learned from them the means to sow discord between man and wife. But they could not thus harm anyone
except by Allah's permission
CHARCOAL Surat 3 verse 106 until imanikom
س َودّتْ ُو ُجوهُ ُه ْم أَ ْكفَ ْرتُم بَ ْع َد إِي َمانِ ُك ْم
ْ س َو ّد ُو ُجوهٌ فَأ َ ّما الّ ِذينَ ا ّ َيَ ْو َم تَ ْبي
ْ َض ُو ُجوهٌ َوت
On the Day when some faces will be (lit up with) white, and some faces will be (in the gloom of ) black: To those
whose faces will be black, (will be said): “Did ye reject Faith after accepting it?”
OVERSIGHT Surat 12 verse 42 from fa’ansahou and Surat 18 verse 24 from wadhkor
َسنِين ِ ض َعْ ِس ْج ِن ب ّ ث فِي ال َ ِطانُ ِذ ْك َر َربّ ِه فَلَبَ ش ْيّ ساهُ ال َ فَأَن
ًب ِمنْ َه َذا َرشَداَ سى أَن يَ ْه ِديَ ِن َربّي ِلَ ْق َرَ سيتَ َوقُ ْل َع ِ ََو ْاذ ُكر ّربّ َك إِ َذا ن
But Satan made him forget to mention him to his lord: and (Joseph) lingered in prison a few (more) years.
And call thy Lord to mind when thou forgettest, and say, “I hope that my Lord will guide me ever closer (even)
than this to the right road.”
NOISES, VOICES OR BUZZING Surat 20 verse 108 from wakhacha`ati three times
ً س َم ُع إِ ّل َه ْمسا
ْ َص َواتُ لِل ّر ْح َم ِن فَ َل ت َ َو َخ
ْ َش َعت ْال
All sounds shall humble themselves in the Presence of (Allah) Most Gracious: nothing shalt thou hear but the
tramp of their feet (as they march).
1) Introduction :
Recite once the verse 196 from surah 7 (Al A'raf) which explains that we came to heal with the quran
and in this fight Allah is our ally and our support.
•(S2-V148) ..aynama takoonoo ya'ti bikumullahu jameeAAan innAllaha AAala kulli shay-in qadeer
Recite continuously the 5 verses for spells (sihr) destruction, deals and sacrifices until all the jinns are
Every time a jinn ask what we want we just reply : "we bring everyone (all the other jinns) and we'll
explain" until they confirm that all the jinns are here.
•(S8 - V11) ...wayunazzilu AAalaykum mina sama-i ma'an liyutahirakum bihi wayudh'hiba AAankum
rijza shaytani waliyarbita AAala quloobikum wayuthabita bihil-aqdam
•(S16 - V26) ....fa'atallahu bunyanahum minal qawaAAidi fakharra AAalayhimu alssaqfu min fawqihim
wa'atahumul AAadhabu min haythu la yashAAuroon
•(S9 V1) Baraatun mina Allahi warasoolihi ila allatheena AAahadtum mina almushrikeen
•(S6 V162) Qul inna salatee wanusukee wamahyaya wamamatee lillahi rabbil AAalameen
Once they are all here, we propose them if they want to become muslim, if they don't accept then we
tell them to look their deals, their sacrifices and we recite the 5 verses continuously (for sihr
destruction-mentionned above-) until there is nothing left.
If they still object (refuse) to accept islam, we tell them here is our proposal and we recite the following
verse (so that they see the blessings they will have for accepting islam).
•(S30 V47)...Wa Kana Haqqaan `Alayna Naşrul-Mu'uminin
Then we can ask information regarding the patient (how many jinns he has, how many time witchcraft
has been done on him) or something in particular for clarification (for example if no improvment during
the treatment).
This question allows us to make sure the jinns of the patient are present and also reassure the
patient., but we really want to minimize as much as possible the information we ask the jinns.
Then we say that we'll bring inshallah all the other jinns from the patient(s) houses, from their families,
from their work places, schools, the one with the magicians they know, and all the places magicians
go and look for jinns, ifrit, shayateens.
After that we follow step 2) as mentionned above.
When they are all here and all became muslim, we ask is there any jinns, ifrits, shayateens left with all
the magicians they know until they say there is no one left.
4) Destruction
We tell the jinns to look at all the spells, deals and sacrifices everywhere where the jinns were and we
recite the 5 verses mentionned in step 2) until the destruction of all the deals, sacrifices and spells is
5) To massacre magicians
We tell the jinns to look everyone who use and whos does witchcraft (sihr) and we recite these 5
verses until their death and then we recite again the 5 verses continuously until their bodies dissapear.
We tell the jinns to take the weapons and we recite until they got them :
We then recite this verse until the jinns understand, accept and go for their mission :
This technique is easy and very effective. There are lots of cases:
- Simple cases: we know where the problem is and the consequences of the problem, so the person repeats the problem
until it is finished. If we finish talking about an event, let's say to the patient " do you remember anything that hurt you in
your life?”. And he will remember something else, so we do the technique until it is finished. The sessions are during two
hours maximum because otherwise it will tire the brain. To do this you must be in good shape, having eaten well, slept well
for the brain to be empty. When an event is complex, takes part by part. For example: a person is affected by the illness of
his father, when he was in the hospital, when he was called, he was told he died etc... So whenever there is suffering,
every step we will remove the pain of the event.
- Until the images of painful events disappear. It will look until there are no more images coming up and the information
stops: when he will tell, he will remember something else and another thing until there is no more new information. At this
time there is nothing to remember, the event is finished and that’s all.
- When the person is too sick to tell. We say "tell" he answers, "it hurts too much to tell" then he must repeat “it hurts too
much, it hurts too much, it hurts too much ...".The fact to say that, it will release the pain until it he/she ready to tell. Or the
patient may say "I don’t want to talk about this" we say "look at everything that happened and repeat: I don’t want to talk
about it"; he will repeat this until he is ready to talk.
-When the person does not remember: in this case we'll take the link that connects us to the event. For example, a patient
is scared when the night comes, he does not know why and since when. So we'll say " close your eyes look at the night
and repeat, I'm afraid, I'm afraid, afraid, etc." until he finds the event where he got really scared and how we will succeed in
solving the problem insha Allah.
This is extremely amazing how we will find through psychotherapy events of early childhood. For example, a patient during
the psychotherapy session saw herself as a baby. She saw her strap maternity and her mother trying to smother to stifle
her with a pillow. This was recorded in her mind when she was a little baby. It took psychotherapy to bring out the memory.
There was also a patient who has been hypnotized, we did experiments on him, he could not remember. We do the
psychotherapy until he said "we arrive at a door and I do not remember" we said, "repeat: I do not remember" he repeated
until he starts to say "y o u won’t remember more, you'll remember more, you'll remember more, whatever happens,
whatever you say, you'll never remember what happened here etc. "And it was a hypnosis program that he had done that
he could not remember. When we crossed the sails hypnosis he recalled, the door opened and we saw what happened
It’s always a good thing to do the psychotherapy. Don’t worry if you see the person crying; just prepare a box of tissues.
Generally, we do the psychotherapy after the roqya and the explanation of the treatment. Sometimes you are going to give
psychotherapy after the first treatment because the person has too much problem of black magic and it will disrupt psychotherapy. In
this case, it cannot work on problems of black magic. For example, someone has a black magic made with the cemetery and it makes it
sad. By psychotherapy we will not find the cause of his sadness because it is not the events he has experienced, it is black magic. You
should also know that psychotherapy is not to solve the problems of the present: for example, if someone was fired from his job so he is
depressed, it will not work by psychotherapy because he has a real problem, he needs to find work, a solution to their situation.
So psychotherapy is to remove the effects of past suffering. We recall everything, we draw lessons, in any case we will no
longer suffer the trauma of these past sufferings. For all those working in the roqya should do the psychotherapy, it will
make you stronger to face all situations particularly in relation to black magic and djinns.