Mobile CMPT Assgmnt 1
Mobile CMPT Assgmnt 1
Mobile CMPT Assgmnt 1
Problem Understanding:
Problem identification:
Employee tracking system based on Android operating system was developed. All the
activities of the Employee will be monitored using this system. Scheduling information and
time off requests are often considered part of personnel tracking; as this information will enable
managers know when employees are expected to actually be in the office or other work
areas. This system is really very helpful for the managers to monitor their employees through
mobile phones.It was implemented using JAVA programming language, and the result was
stored in SQLite database. An object-Oriented Analysis and design (OOAD) approach was
adopted which consist of a well-planned iterative steps. Data was collected using document
analysis and field Methods and the application of relevant analytical methods like bar-charts
were used to interpret the facts collected. The developed system was able to increased
productivity, reduction of cost, instant access to employee attendance record.
Problem Specfication:
Problem Definition:
Tracking system is not a new concept. GPS is a populartechnology for tracking system.
Different types of GPS devices are used to track different types of object’s location.GPS
devices receive signal from satellite. GSM is another technology that is also used for
tracking system. GSM Devices receive signal from connected base station. Mobile phone
technology has been developed over a very short period of time. Mobile phone includes GPS
sensor, so it can receive signal from base station and Satellite. Now GPS tracker is used for track
location but it needs to buy extra GPS devices and have to pay periodically for this
services. Device location does not display in GSM technology, it display base station
location. If someone wants to find location of the device in GSM technology, it needs to pay to
the service provider.
Admin login: Admin is provided with a login from where he monitors and administers
all the employees’ information and records.
Goal Assignment: Admin may assign goals to employees and view/edit their payroll.
Goal Completion: Admin may mark the goal as completed.
Salary crediting: The employee who achieved the goal automatically gets his salary
credited with the goal completion bonus.
Employee View: Employee may view their own goals in their employee login.
Smartphone monitoring System : In this paper, application can update the data to Server
database. Only all call details of employee are updated on the server. Others details like SMS
history, Browsing history, data usage are not get stored on the server. But in proposed system all
details are get updated on server without interfacing of any person.Location tracking of the
employee is implemented using
Global Positioning System : GPS is designed of or bitals. GPS finds the user location by
calculating differences in the signals. It is calculated by time required to reach signal from
satellite to receiver. After that GPS signals are decoded to find location [6]. In this system user
have to provide some input to the system and after that it gives location. But in proposed system
there is no requirement of user input. The user’s location can be obtained by using Global
positioning System.
Problem Description:
Problem Statement:
The proposed project is a system that keeps a track of employees’ Goals along with their salary
and assigns goal completion bonus too. The system first allows admin to insert and update
employee payroll that includes employee salary, name address and other data into the system.
The system then manages this data effectively and also allows admin to assign goals or targets to
employees. As soon as the employee achieves his/her goal the admin can see the goals assigned
to an employee and mark that particular goal as completed. The system then looks for the stars or
importance assigned to that particular goal. After this the system credits some bonus amount in
that employee salary who completed that goal. The admin may later assign other goals to
employees and system itself tracks those goals. Each employee is assigned a login where they
may view their goals.
The system which are currently developed are using WiFi and 2G technology which face the
problem of speed due to which the manager is not able to correctly determined the exact location
of the employee who are not in the company premises. Also the behavior of the employee is not
calculated in the current system being designed. The basic idea about the system is as shown in
the figure given below. It describes the working of the proposed system. In this the employees
are monitored by the manger using central server.
Literature Survey:
References Sources:
[8] Shoewu, O, Makanjuola, N.T and Amisu, A.A, (2015)Design and Implementation of An
Employee Monitoring System In Lasu Epe Campus, Lagos State University, Journal of
Advancement in Engineering and Technology, Volume 4, Issue 1, ISSN: 2348-2931
[9] S.P. Avinaash Ram And J. Albert Mayan (2015), Mobile Attendance Management
And Employee Registration Arpn Journal Of Engineering And Applied Sciences, Vol. 10, No.
8, Issn 1819-6608, page 3727- 3730
[10] Nitin P. Jagtap, Kanchan A. Patil, Shaziya Sayyed Shakil and Nitin S. Ingle (2015),
Mobile Activity Monitoring System Using Android Spy, International Journal of
Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, Vol. 4, Issue 2, page 158-
Sonal et al (2016), worked on Employee Tracking and Monitoring System Using Android.
In their study the provided different security profile on same smartphone. They used dynamic
database utility which retrieves data orinformation from centralized database. They
provided separate mode to employee when he enters company premises. Through smart
phones all information about the employee phone like their SMS history, Incoming calls,
Outgoing calls, Employee Locations, Data usage, Web browser history, and Unauthorized
Call History details are tracked. The necessary condition is that Employees should
have the Android phone whereas Manager Activities are also monitored. [1]
Aparna, (2013), worked on Smartphone Monitoring System, The System is a software that
allows supervisors to monitor their employee's office cell phone. All incoming call details,
outgoing call details, text details, emails and multimedia messages can be seen and
interrupted by the managers, who can also monitor where their employees are, access a history
of where they have been and set up alerts if their employees are going outside of the
approved geographical zones, are receiving texts from unapproved numbers or calls from
banned persons. The system helps managers to monitor their employees through mobile phones.
It enables organizations can avoid the unnecessary involvement by the employees bymonitoring
their mobile phone usage and also by tracking their current location.[3]
Shermin et al (2015), worked on a Smart, Location Based Time and Attendance Tracking
System Using Android Application. They proposed a smart location based time and
attendance tracking system which is implemented on android mobile application on
smartphone reducing the need of additional biometric scanner device. The location of an
organization has a specific location, which can be determine
by the GPS. Each employee’s location can be determined by the GPS using smartphone. [4]
Nirmal, et al, (2016), worked on Employee Surveillance System Using Android Smart
Phone, Their system integrates Employee monitoring and GPS location Tracking System
using Android phone. All the activities of the Employee will be monitored using this system.
The system works on 3G communication between the terminal ends. All the activities
of an employee on his cell phone and computer, like data usage, all incoming and
outgoing calls, web browsing and secured document modification and illegal transfer of
company’s informative details like blue print, stocks, projects
etc. will be set under surveillance. Not only this, the global geographic position of the
employee will be traced using GPS. Therefore the organization will be set to surveillance that
will restrict the unwanted usage of its resources by the employees during working hours. The
system was beneficial for the progress of the organization and will allow the Manager to
check the dedication of his employees towards work.[5]
Kalyani et al (2015), work on employee monitoring system using android smart phone. In their
study paper, they discuss about the design and Implementing admin application, employee
application and Centralized server for monitored provides dynamic database utility which
retrieves data or application in smart phone contains all information about the employee phone
uses like their all Employee SMS history, Employee call Logs, Employee Locations, Data
uses, Web browser history, and unauthorized data uses details. All communication between
the Employee phone and the admin is done through 3G network technology. This application is
user-friendly. The system improves accuracy in managing employees of the company by
saving time, reducing manager efforts; avoid the unnecessary use of company phones which
are provided to the Employee for their office use only. [7]
company employee’s using android technology. The system information from centralized
database. The android
Shoewu, et al (2015) worked on Design and Implementation of An Employee Monitoring
System In Lasu Epe Campus, Lagos State University, The employee monitoring system is
an android application used to monitor the call logs, sent and receive messages and the GPS
location of an employee. The application is implemented using Java script, the application
interface was designed with Xml and Php for the automatic mailing system. The
organisations success depends on them. This paper deals with the design and development of
an employee monitoring system using Android which will be
accessed from the company’s email account.[8] Avinaash et al (2015), worked on Mobile
Management and Employee Registration. Staff attendance management and employee
registration is a mobile application which can be used by the staffs to login their
attendance through mobile phone and track other staffs location through mobile phone.
Manual registration in biometric systems and entering in the attendance catalogues in
different physical locations is the current system used in all the colleges. The staff will get
updates regarding their attendance regularly from the admin as they login and log out
so that they can keep a track on their attendance by using this application.[9]