RSP 1 2
RSP 1 2
RSP 1 2
MARCH 2019
We are also sincerely grateful that we have a classmate like Mark Dave Bandola,
Daisy Aguinaldo and Cherry Mae Legaspi of ABM12-E also. Thank you for guiding us
and correcting our mistakes to improve this research proposal.
We also appreciate the care and courage of the section ABM12-E. Thanks to each
of this students helped us to be motivated and inspired.
This research proposal would not have been done and successful without the
support of our research teacher in Research Project. We would like to thank Ms. Catherine
Sause teacher of Senior High School at San Sebastian College – Recoletos de Cavite for
giving us opportunity to make this research paper.
Lastly, we thank our protection and source of our power. Thank you Almighty God
for giving us blessings, intelligence and helping us in our struggles in everyday lives.
The aim of this study is to determine the feedback of senior high school students of
San Sebastian College Recoletos de-Cavite (SSCR d-C) to the marketing strategy of
Jollibee Foods Corporation in Cavite City. The respondents are the senior high school
students that are chosen randomly. The respondents will be limited in SHS students of
SSC-RdC. This research can help the customer, employee, manager and owners of the fast
food chains to have an improvements. The demographic profile of the respondents will be
determine in terms of sex, age and strand. In this study the researcher will discuss the
factors affecting the satisfaction of the respondents in the quality and price of the food, and
approachable and efficient performance of the crew . Moreover, the focus of this study is
level of satisfaction of SHS on the marketing strategy of Jollibee Foods Corporation and
the factors affecting the respondent's satisfaction. The researcher gathered the data through
a likert scale to know how the factors affect the satisfaction of the respondents. The
research study will target to find 298 respondents, out of 1,173 population of Senior High
School Students. The researcher’s aim to get data from each strand to collect random data
for this study.
Fast food chains are one of the most successful business in the industry. Wherein
the customers are very particular when it comes to the service being offered to them.
Service and transaction provided by the service provider within a period of time is
considered as overall satisfaction (Bitner & Hubbert, 1994, p.96). Customer is always
right and have the power to give feedbacks to any fast food chains. Social media is one of
the distribution channels that encourages and discourages other potential customers to
buy or not.
People tend to doubt about other fast food chains and will just stick to their usual
choice. In Cavite city, fast food chains have different strategies on how are they going to
attract customers. But for the Senior high school of San Sebastian College - Recoletos de
Cavite service would be the greatest impact. According to Gilbert R (2004). There are two
dimension of customer satisfaction. One is the customer satisfaction with the personal
setting and customer satisfaction with the service setting. Communication with the
customers is very important. This creates bonds between customers and service providers.
Happy employee creates a happy customers a marketing saying that is truly a fact.
This study would be using both qualitativr and quantitative research approach, a
research approach that aims to know how the marketing strategy of Jollibee Foods
Corporation in Cavite City affects their business.. Using likert scale table in a
questionnaire, the researcher will interview (no. of repondents) Senior high School student
of SSC-RdC. The main purpose of the research is to know what does the SHS students
considers when choosing Jollibee when they eatt. Eventually, this research will allow
Jollibee Foods Corporation to adjust and to maintain what they have for them to meet the
satisfaction of their customers
Central Question:
How would the customer describe the marketing strategy of Jollibee Foods
1. What is the demographic profile of Senior High Students of San Sebastian College
Recoletos de Cavite interns of:
a. Sex
b. Age
c. Strand
2. What is the level of satisfaction of the respondents on the marketing strategy of Jollibee
Foods Corporation?
3. What are the factors that affects the satisfaction of the respondents to the marketing
strategies offered by the Jollibee Foods Corporation?
2. To determine the marketing strategy used by the Jollibee Foods Corporation in
Cavite City.
3. To determine the feedback of the customers towards the marketing strategy of
Jollibee Foods Corporation.
The study will discuss information about the satisfaction of customer on the
Marketing Strategy offered by the Jollibee Foods Corporation in Cavite City. The
beneficiaries are the following;
Customers of Jollibee Foods Corporation in Cavite City will have the knowledge
on choosing the product that offers great service and foods.
Employees of Jollibee will have information on how to interact with the customers.
It will also give the employee the motivation to strive better in their respective jobs.
Manager of Jollibee Foods Corporation in Cavite City will have an idea on what
to adjust and when to adjust. It will help them to decide on how are they going to improve
the performance and quality of the food and employee’s services to maintain their good
performance if they have good service.
Owners of Jollibee Foods Corporation in Cavite City will be given an idea if they
will take an action about the business. This will allow the owner to know if the business is
profitable enough. This will also help to adjust and to improve the business to satisfy the
customer’s needs and wants.
Other Researchers will also gain some ideas and knowledge from the study that
will allow them to enhance and to pursue their current paper. The main purpose of this
research is to obtain feedbacks from the customers specifically in identifying the marketing
strategy existed in the Jollibee Foods Corporation. Interpreted data can also be a good
information for the other researchers to make a comparative analysis.
1. There is no significant relationship between the marketing strategy of Jollibee Foods
Corporation to the feedback of the customers.
2. The marketing strategy of Jollibee Foods corporation does not affect the level of
satisfaction of the customers.
According to Lambert, T. (2003) all the restaurant are care about satisfaction of
their customer. They watch and study the customer reactions. Manager and Owner use this
to the customers. “As an independent operator, I’m responsible for all aspects of food,
service, and the dining environment, as well as the quality and integrity of each”.
(Hodgson, R. 2008. p.3).
Most of the restaurant and fast food corporation apply the meal management
specially it’s 5m’s which are the man hour, materials, methods, money and manpower.
This 5m’s are commonly used in planning, purchasing and preparing and serving. It is
usually applied for the sanitary and safe condition of the company. (Claudio, L., Leocadio,
L. & Escudero, E. 2008). As a part of the food industry it will take a long process to start
the 5m’s, it will take time to plan and manage each aspect.
A restaurant without workers is like empty box. The most important thing needed
in the restaurant are the workers. Hatten (2008) stated that “All staff, members of the
restaurant, will be required to attend training, which will be held the week prior to opening
or vacant of the worker.”(p.530). This can help the workers to be more efficient and
professional to their job. It will attract more and nurture the satisfaction of the customers.
In developing satisfaction to the customer they care the service they provided to customers.
Satisfaction of the customer is based on what they feel and his evaluation of services
provided by restaurant (Roos, Johnson, & Gustafsson, 2005).
Moreover, friendly workers and kindness at the fast food chain, it leaves a positive
and good impression to the customers which lead to customer satisfaction (Rosengren &
Soderlund, 2008).
Guasch, J., De Garcia, E. & Esgra, G. (2008) a satisfied customer is a number one
public relation that can spread the good rumors and what their experience about the food
and services. Customer has different perception in satisfying their needs in terms of food
and services. There are many reason that can affect the satisfaction of customer to the fast
food chain. One of the factors in food processing establishment and food services, is the
cleanliness and the personal hygiene of fast food chain workers (Alvarez, H. & Cabuhal,
G. M., 2010). Taste can be another reason to the satisfaction of customer. Price is also a
big influence in gaining loyalty of customer.
Satisfaction of customer makes them loyal to one fast food chain. Previous
researchers have out found that satisfaction of customers can help to long last the
relationships of company and the customers (Topi, Eshghi, & Haughton, 2007). This
satisfaction may influence the buying behavior of customer to buy the wants specially their
favorite food.
Conceptual Framework
The independent variables of the study are the demographic profile, marketing
strategy, and factors such as price, quality and reliability while, the dependent variable of
the study is the customer satisfaction. The factors: price, quality and reliability, marketing
strategy, and the demographic profile of the respondents: age, sex and strand is influencing
the satisfaction of the students on the marketing strategies offered by the Jollibee foods
corporation. According to Khurana (2014) conduct a research on four (4) primary insurers.
In this study, the researchers examined the variations in perceived service great among
distinctive age, groups, schooling and gender. the results advise that adult males and
females are overall, identical in their perceptions of claims provider quality. however, there
are distinct variations in perceptions between the different age, gender, groups and
educational level.
Theorical Framework
Marketing mix was developed by Neil Borden who first started using the phrase in
1949. The marketing also known as the 4P’s is a foundation model. The marketing mix has
been defined as the set of marketing tools that the firm uses to pursue its marketing
objectives in the target. Thus the marketing mix refers to gour broad levels of marketing
decision, namely ; product, price, promotion, and place. Product refers to the item actually
being sold. Price refers to the value that is put for a product it defends on costs of
production, segment tageted, ability of the market to pay, supply-demand and a host of
other direct and indirect factors. Promotion refers to all activities undertaken to make the
product or service known to the user and trade. And last is the place it refers to the point
of sale. Marketing mix is used by Jollibee foods corporation which are the price that is
relatively affordable, product in the case of Jollibee, it went from being an ice cream
parlour to serving hamburgers made with a homestyle recipe, place the location of outlets
is of key importance to the marketing strategy of Jollibee and last is the promotion for the
advantage of intimate knowledge if consumer tastes the promotion for the advantage of
intimate knowledge of consumer tastes and consumer preference through local pride. This
strategy met with great success.
SWOT Analysis
their strengths the advantages to others, weaknesses the competitors, opportunities the
spots and location, and threats the problems (Manktelow 2018)
Definition of Terms
The following terms and concepts were used and defined within the concept of the study:
companies competitive advantage. In
this study, marketing strategy is
defined as the technique used by the
Jollibee Foods Corporation to attract
Price Refers to the quantity of payment or
compensation given by one party to
another in return for one unit of goods
or services. Prices will be low and
production will be reduced this will
cause prices to rise until there is a
balance of demand and supply. In this
study, price pertains to the amount of
the product of Jollibee Foods
Corporation and is the first viewed of
consumers once buy a product if
worth it, satisfied, affordable or not.
Quality of Food Refers to the quality characteristics of
food that is acceptable to consumers.
This includes external factors as
appearance, texture, and flavour;
factors such as federal grade
standards and internal. In this study,
quality of food pertain to the foods of
Jollibee Foods Corporation and is the
most important to consumers like the
taste and the presentation of foods not
just satisfied in foods they see if the
foods is clean for their safety.
Satisfaction Refers to the pleasure of one wish,
expectations, needs or pleasure. In
this study, satisfaction refers to the
happiness or fulfilment by Senior
high school students after receiving
the service they are expecting to have
like quality food, price, approaches of
crew, sanitation and efficiency of fast
food chain.
Service Refers to the action of helping or
doing work for someone, a system
supplying a public need such as
transport communication, or utilities
such as electricity and water. In this
study, service is defined as the action
of fast food chains crew in terms of
serving the meals of the customers,
maintaining the cleanliness of the
surrounding and attitude towards
their customers.
This study will focus only on the level of satisfaction of Senior High School
students of San Sebastian College Recoletos de Cavite on the marketing strategy of Jollibee
Foods Corporation in Cavite City. The respondents will be limited to Grade 12 students of
Senior High School.
This study will only focus on the factors that affects the satisfaction of the
respondents and to the marketing strategies offered by the Jollibee Foods Corporation.
Research Design
This study uses both quantitative and qualitative research approach as a method of
data collection. Since the data will be measured once, the type of quantitative research
design that will be used in this research study because it will allow the respondents to
answer to specific questionnaire that will give feedback about the Marketing Strategy of
Jollibee Foods Corporation. This study will also employ phenomenology as its qualitative
research design to know the experience of the respondents toward the Marketing Strategy
of Jollibee Foods Corporation.
The researchers choose the Grade 12 Senior High School Students from San
Sebastian College Recoletos de-Cavite as the respondents of the study. The total number
of populations is one thousand seven hundred seventy-three (1,173) after determining the
population, the researchers compute the sample size using slovin’s formula and get the
exact sample size which is two hundred ninety-eight (298). Using the sample size,
researchers divide sample size into four representing each strand which are ABM, TVL,
The instruments that will be used in this study is an open-ended questionnaire. This
type questionnaire contains a Likert-scale and an open-ended question that will identify the
feedback of Senior High School Students to the marketing strategy of Jollibee Foods
(Extremely Satisfied), 3 (Satisfied), 2 (Dissatisfied), and 1 (Extremely Dissatisfied). On
the other hand, the open-ended question is how would you describe the marketing strategy
of Jollibee Foods Corporation.
Statistical Treatment
The data collected by the researcher were subjected to the statistical treatment for
the interpretation of the answer and to test the null hypothesis.
Percentage Distribution - % = 𝑵 × 𝟏𝟎𝟎
f (2) = “Dissatisfied”
f (4) = “Satisfied”
Slovin’s Formula - 𝒏 = 𝟏+𝑵𝒆𝟐
N = Population Size
N = Sample Size
e = margin of error
The table shows that 141 or 47.52 % of the respondent were male while 157 or
52.68% of them were female.
Table 2 shows that the demographic profile according to age of the respondents
varied only to 17 and 18 years old. Wherein 143 or 47.99% of the respondents were 17
years old while 155 or 52.01% of the respondents were 18 years old.
Table 3 shows that the demographic profile of the respondents varied only
according to strand to ABM, STEM, HUMMS, and TVL wherein 113 or 37.92% of the
respondents were from ABM, 99 or 33.22% were STEM, 52 or 17.45% were HUMMS and
34 or 11.41% were from TVL.
The table above shows the weighted mean of the respondents in terms of Quality
of Food of Jollibee Foods Corporation. The overall computation shows that the total
weighted mean is 3.49 which is under the description of “Extremely Satisfied”.
Figure 5 Price
The table above shows the weighted mean of the respondents in terms of the price
of Jollibee Foods Corporation product the overall computation shows that the total
weighted mean is 3.22 which is under the description of “satisfied”.
The table above shows the weighted mean of the respondents in terms of
Approachability of Crew in Jollibee Foods Corporation the overall computation shows
that the total weighted mean is 3.00 which is under the description of “Satisfaction”.
Figure 7 Satisfaction
The table above shows the weighted mean perception of the respondents in terms
of the satisfaction of the customers in the service of Jollibee Foods Corporation. The
overall computation shows that the total weighted mean is 3.28 which is under the
description of “Extremely satisfied”.
Figure 8 Efficiency
The table shows the weighted mean of the respondents in terms of the efficiency
of the crew in the Jollibee Foods Corporation. The overall computation shows that the
total weighted mean is 3.00 which under the description of “Satisfied”.
Figure 2. How would the customers describe the Marketing Strategy of Jollibee Foods
The pie chart above shows the feedback of the respondents to the question “How
would you describe the marketing strategy of Jollibee Foods Corporation?”. Based on the
data gathered by the researcher 235 (78.86%) of the respondents gives positive feedback
such as ‘good’, ‘great, etc. assuming that the customers are satisfied with the marketing
strategy offered by the Jollibee Foods Corporation. On the other hand 63 (21.19%) of the
respondents give negative feedback assuming Jollibee Foods Corporation did not meet
the expectation of their other customers.
The data gathering procedures are: Knowing the number of the population, solving
the sample size, determining the strands where the distribution of the survey forms
happens, creating and printing the questionnaires, conducting the survey, collecting all the
answered questionnaires, tallying the response of the participants and interpreting the
results. It is essential to the researcher to know the number of the population to solve for
the sample size. Determining the strands will be the focus of the respondents in order to
answer the problems of the study. Survey form will represent an instrument for the question
to be answered. Data gathering performs after survey forms are collected, to know and tally
all the answers from the sample. Lastly, the researchers will interpret the data gathered to
answer the problems of the said study.
Summary of Findings
This part of the study shows the interpretation and analysis made by the
researchers. The objective of this study is to know the feedback of the customers of the
marketing strategy of Jollibee food Corporation.
1.) What is demographic profile of senior high students of San Sebastian College
Recoletos de Cavite in terms of;
1.1 Sex
1.2 Age
1.3 Strand
3.) Price
4.) Approachability of the crew
5.) Satisfaction
6.) Efficiency
7.) How would you describe the marketing strategy of Jollibee foods corporation?
Based on the data gathered and interpreted, the researchers conclude that the
marketing strategy of Jollibee foods corporation in Cavite City such as quality and price of
the food, approachability and efficiency of the crew affects the satisfaction of the customers
when it comes to the service receives by their customers. The demographic profile such as
age, strand and sex affect the satisfaction of the customers, because of having different
point of view and opinion towards the marketing strategy of Jollibee food Corporation.
And lastly, the theoretical framework such as marketing mix, SWOT analysis ad market
segmentation affect the marketing strategy that Jollibee will be using to effectively satisfy
its customers.
The researchers suggest that the Jollibee foods Corporation should maintain their
performance when it comes to marketing strategy they are using. Since the feedback of the
respondents is ranging between extremely satisfied and satisfied this means that most of
the customers are satisfied with the service of the Jollibee foods Corporation. Yet some of
them are pointing out other issues like the price which somewhat high for their budget and
the approachability of the crew. The Jollibee food Corporation should give focus on this
area of their business to improve and to build strong relationship and satisfaction to their
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11.Borden, N (1949) “Marketing Mix Theory” retrieved from
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GOOD DAY! We, the researchers from ABM 12-E, are going to conduct a research study entitled;
“The Marketing Strategy of Jollibee Foods Corporation in Cavite City”. Thank you for your
Name (Optional):
Direction: Kindly put a check if the said criteria (quality of food, approachability, cleanliness,
satisfaction and efficiency) are match to your experience in the Jollibee Foods branch at Cavite
Category 4 3 2 1
Quality of food
Approachability of
4- Extremely Satisfied
3- Satisfied
2- Dissatisfied
1- Extremely Dissatisfied
1. How would you describe the marketing strategy of Jollibee Foods Corporation?