Design and Analysis of Drum Brakes: DVSRBM Subramanyam L.Sravani

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Volume 6, Issue 1 MAY 2017



Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, nalanda institute of engineering and technology, satenapalli,
Guntur, Andhra Pradesh 522438
2pg Scholar, Departmentof Mechanical Engineering,nalanda institute of engineering and technology, satenapalli,
Guntur, Andhra Pradesh 522438

ABSTRACT rate of descent is controlled. The energy absorbed by

brakes is dissipated in the form of heat. This heat is
A brake is a mechanical device which inhibits
dissipated in the surrounding atmosphere to stop the
motion. A drum brake is a brake that uses friction
vehicle, so the brake system should have following
caused by a set of shoes or pads that press against a
rotating drum-shaped part called a brake drum.
 The brakes must be strong enough to stop
The brake drum is a critical component that
the vehicle with in a minimum distance in an
experiences high temperatures and develop thermal
stresses during application of brakes. In addition, the
 The driver must have proper control over
application of shoe pressure gives rise to mechanical
the vehicle during braking and vehicle must
loads. So the analysis takes into account both the
not skid.
thermal stresses and mechanical stresses together.
 The brakes must have well anti fade
Brakes in cars and trucks are safety parts. characteristics i.e. their effectiveness should
Requirements not only in performance but also in not decrease with is constant prolonged
comfort, serviceability and working lifetime are high application.
and rising. i.e. the brake pad with the friction  The brakes should have well anti wear
material, the counter body and caliper, can be properties.The important requirements of the
modeled. brake drum are following:
So in this project we design the model of drum brake  It should provide a surface having well anti
(drum, & pads) in solid works 2016 and structural wear qualities.
and thermal analysis are performed in ansys work  It should allow the optimum rate of heat
bench software transfer.
1. INTRODUCTION  Heat is generated during each brake
A brake is a device which is used to bring to rest or application and it must be dissipated to the
slow down a moving body. Safe operation of vehicle atmosphere immediately, because the next
demands dependable brakes is required to absorb the brake application would again produce more
kinetic energy of the moving parts or the potential heat. Any excess heating of brakes would
energy of the object being lowered by host when the cause the drum to expand resulting in loss of

Volume 6, Issue 1 MAY 2017

effective pedal travel and fading of brake depends on the various factors such as friction,
lining. surface roughness, speed, and others.
 It should have sufficient strength but
Ray W.Murphy et al [5] in their report concluded that
minimum weight.
the braking efficiency of trucks and can be improved
 It should be able to be accommodated within
by careful distribution of braking effort among the
the wheel space available.
axles of the vehicle. Mr Songwut
Allan Michael Lang [1] in his research concluded Mongkonlerdmanee [6] in his thesis concluded that to

that no simple relationship exists between the natural achieve maximum brake efficiency, vehicle geometry

frequencies of the brake components and the squeal and real friction coefficient should be considered to

frequency and during squeal both the drum and shoes design the brake proportion on each axle and the

hold complex modes, which can be best visualized as deceleration and braking distance on the front axle

the superposition of pairs of similar normal modes was better than those on the other axles because of

phase shifted both spatially and in time relative to the additional vertical load from the dynamic

each other. Mohd transfer.

Zald Bin Akop [2] in his project concluded that Muhammad najib bin abdulhamid[7] conducted the

safety aspect in automotive engineering has been experimental analysis on drum brake and FEA

considered as a number one priority in development analysis and concluded that improved material

of new vehicle and it is a must for all vehicles to have performs better.

proper brake system.

Ramesha.D.K et al [3] in his thesis concluded that the Kang and Cho [8] investigated thermal deformation

maximum temperature obtained for aluminum alloy and stress analysis of brakes by finite element

brake drum is less as compared to the cast iron brake method for ventilated disk and solid disk. By

drum for a truck. Also, concluded that thermal comparing the result of maximum temperature in the

deformation is less for aluminum alloy brake drum braking process, the ventilated disk showed a lower

than the cast iron brake drum. As his study states that temperature than the solid disk. The effect of

the weight of Aluminum is lesser than the Cast iron, temperature increase and decrease, depending on the

it is better to use the Aluminum material in the vent area generated in the flange part of the disk.

construction of brake drum. Analysis of design parameter effects on vibration

modes of a motorcycle drum brake and brake shoe
NurulhudaBinti Khalid [4] In his project concluded using the finite element method were also carried out
that the temperature changes on the brake drum . They reported that the drum brake had 42 mode
during the deceleration providing the heat shapes in the frequency range of 100 Hz to 12 kHz.
distribution and the distribution of temperature Most of the mode shapes occurred in pair (repeated

Volume 6, Issue 1 MAY 2017

root). The brake shoe wasfound to have 10 modes (vi) To develop structural optimization model of
shapes in the frequency range analyzed. connecting rod
3.0 problem statement:Drum Brake and Drum
Brake Pad are connected on the wheels of automobile 4.1 Introduction To Solidworks :
for the braking of the vehicle on road. The drum
Solidworks mechanical design automation software is
brake and brake pad under goes several rough
a feature-based, parametric solid modeling design
conditions on road different types of loads and
tool which advantage of the easy to learn windows TM
temperatures will be acting on the brakes. The
graphical user interface. We can create fully associate
brakes are surely essential for the effective stopping
3-D solid models with or without while utilizing
of the vehicle. Here in this project we are taking the
automatic or user defined relations to capture design
load condition as 1.5Mpa pressure on the face of the
drum Brake and also the Drum brake pad. We are
using three different materials i.e aluminium alloy, Parameters refer to constraints whose values
carbon steel and aluminium metal matrix composite. determine the shape or geometry of the model or
Doing the analysis on three different materials using assembly. Parameters can be either numeric
the load condition we will find which is the best parameters, such as line lengths or circle diameters,
appropriate material for use. Also when the brake is or geometric parameters, such as tangent, parallel,
applied due to the friction between the drum and the concentric, horizontal or vertical, etc. Numeric
brake pad certain heat is distributed and released. parameters can be associated with each other through
Here we consider the thermal conditions to be as the use of relations, which allow them to capture
90deg temperature and 22deg convection. Thus design intent
applying all the load and thermal conditions for three A Solid Works model consists of parts, assemblies,
different materials Drum Brake and BrakePad we and drawings.
conclude the best desirable materials.  Typically, we begin with a sketch, create a
3.1 objectives of project base feature, and then add more features to
The objectives of the project are as follows the model. (One can also begin with an
(i) To develop structural modeling of Drum Brake imported surface or solid geometry).
and BrakePad.  We are free to refine our design by adding,
(ii) To perform finite element analysis of Drum changing, or reordering features..
Brake and Brake Pad. 4.2 Design procedure of Drum Brakes
(iii) Suitable material study. For designing the Drum Brakes the following
(iv) Study of load and Thermal factors. procedure has to be follow

(v) Study of stress, strain deformation, temperature

and heat flux induced in the Drum Brake and Brake

Volume 6, Issue 1 MAY 2017

Making Circular Pattern

4.3 Design procedure of Drum Brake Pad

For designing the Drum Brakes the following

procedure has to be follow

Brake shoe lining

Dimensions of Drum Brake

Sketch and Extrude

Sketch & Revolve

.Brake Pad
Make Shell

Extrude Cut All Views of Brake Pad

Volume 6, Issue 1 MAY 2017


The steps needed to perform an analysis depend on
the study type. You complete a study by performing
the following steps:
 Create a study defining its analysis type and
 If needed, define parameters of your study.
A parameter can be a model dimension,
Figure5.1 structural analysis of Drum Brake
material property, force value, or any other
 Define material properties.
 Specify restraints and loads.
 The program automatically creates a mixed
mesh when different geometries (solid,
shell, structural members etc.) exist in the
 Define component contact and contact sets.
Figure5.2 structural analysis of Brake Pad
 Mesh the model to divide the model into
many small pieces called elements. Fatigue 5.2 Materials and their properties
and optimization studies use the meshes in
referenced studies.
 Run the study.
 View results.
5.1 Analysis on Drum Brakes by using ansys 14.5
work bench software
The analysis of Drum brake and Brake pad
models are carried out using ANSYS software
usingFiniteElement Method. Firstly the model files
Then are exported to ANSYS software as an IGES
5.3 Load & fixed support
files as shown in figure
• Fixed support

Volume 6, Issue 1 MAY 2017

It's done with a variety of tools & options available in

the software. The results are calculated bysolving the
relevant governing equations numerically at each of
the nodes of themesh. The governing equations are
almost always partial differential equations,
and Finite element method is used to find solutions to
such equations. The pattern and relative positioning
of the nodes also affect the solution, the
computational efficiency & time.

• Load
Load at 1.5MPA

Mesh Type: Tetrahedral

No. of nodes: 16190
No. of elements: 8821
6.1 Material: Aluminium Alloy
Maximum Stress

5.3 Meshing
Meshing is probably the most important part in any
of the computer simulations, because it can show
drastic changes in results you get. Meshing means
Total Deformation
you create a mesh of some grid-points called 'nodes’.

Volume 6, Issue 1 MAY 2017

6.3 Material: Aluminium Metal Matrix

Maximum Strain Maximum Stress

Total Deformation
6.2 Material: Carbon Steel
Maximum Stress

Maximum Strain
Total Deformation


Maximum Strain DRUM BRAKE PAD
7.1Material:Aluminium Alloy

Volume 6, Issue 1 MAY 2017

Total Deformation Maximum Strain

Maximum Strain 7.3Material:Aluminium Metal Matrix


7.2Material:Carbon Steel
Total Deformation

Total Deformation Maximum Strain


Volume 6, Issue 1 MAY 2017

8. THERMAL ANALYSIS RESULTS FOR 8.2 Material: Carbon Steel

DRUM BRAKE Temperature Distribution

Temperature 90 c

Heat Flux
Convection 22deg

8.3 Material: Aluminium Metal Matrix

8.1 Material: Aluminium Alloy
Temperature Distribution

Heat Flux

Heat Flux

Volume 6, Issue 1 MAY 2017

9.2 Material: Carbon Steel

9. THERMAL ANALYSIS RESULTS FOR Temperature Distribution
Temperature 90 c

Heat Flux

Convection 22 deg

9.3 Material: Aluminium Metal Matrix

Temperature Distribution

9.1 Material: Aluminium Alloy

Temperature Distribution

Heat Flux

Heat Flux

Volume 6, Issue 1 MAY 2017

Results for Drum Brake

For comparisons of the results obtained From the

static analysis result tables it is concluded that
42CrMo4 show least stress and least deformation &
strain value on same static load condition.

From the Modal analysis result tables it is concluded

that 42CrMo4 shows Less deformation results for
given frequency. Hence for both Structural and
Modal Analysis 42CrMo4 (Special Alloy Steel) it is
best suitable material for connecting rod.
Results for Brake Pad


 Modeling and analysis of drum brakes and

drum brake pads is done.

Volume 6, Issue 1 MAY 2017

 Modeling of drum brake and drum brake  Thus the modeling and analysis of drum
pads are done in solid works 2016 design brake is done with different materials at
software. different boundary conditions.
 Thus both files are saved as igs to import
into ansys workbench REFERENCES
 Structural and thermal analysis is carried on
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Metal matrix at 900c temperature and 220c
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deformations values are obtained and [7]. James Carvill. Mechanical Engineer’s Data
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 From result we can conclude that beside Publication. Pp129-131.1993.
general material, aluminum metal matrix
(ks1275) which is economically less cost [8]. Karim Nice. How Drum Brakes Works.
and less weight ratio gives nearly same Available at
stress and deformation value in static parts/brake/brake-types/drum-brake 1.htm. cited
analysis and giving good thermal March 2015
distribution value so it can also use as the
material for drum brake beside general [9]. Kicreyco Brake Drum Catalog. Kic Holding

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Volume 6, Issue 1 MAY 2017

[10]. Narang G.B.S. Automobile Engineering. First

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[11]. PrabalTalukdar Design of Heat Sink (1-3).
Thermal System simulation (2-0-2), Department of
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Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering,

College name:Nalanda institute of

engineeringand technology,Village:kantepudi
Mandal:sattenpalli, Dist:guntur
A.P, India,Pin:522438
Emailid:[email protected]

Department ofMechanical Engineering,

College name:Nalanda institute of

engineeringand technology, Village:kantepudi

Mandal:sattenpalli, Dist:guntur

A.P, India,Pin:522438
Email id: [email protected]


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