ARS Research Related To Functional Foods

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Functional Foods Research

United States
Department of

in ARS

What Are Functional Foods? ARS Research Related to

Functional Foods
Functional foods are designed to have physio-
logical benefits and/or reduce the risk of chronic With a national scope, field-to-table focus, history of
disease beyond basic nutritional functions, and accomplishment, and partnering opportunities—as
may be similar in appearance to conventional food well as national laboratories and capabilities in func-
and consumed as part of a regular diet.
tional genomics and breeding, agronomics, food sci-
ence, and human nutrition—ARS is a powerful force
Phytochemicals are naturally occurring bioac-
tive components of plants. Some phytochemicals in functional foods research. Pertinent research is con-
are thought to promote human health but have no ducted under the following ARS National Programs:
known requirement and thus can be an important
component of functional foods. Quality and Utilization of
Agricultural Products

Agricultural Research Service Four Regional Research Centers with state-of-the-art

chemistry and microbiology labs and research pilot
The Agricultural Research Service (ARS) is the plants, and other locations in this program, focus on
U.S. Department of Agriculture’s principal in-house characterizing, separating, and purifying phyto-
research agency. ARS employs nearly 8,000 people, chemicals in agricultural commodities and byproducts
including more than 2,000 research scientists, at over and developing new technologies to create health-
100 locations in the United States. Learn more about promoting foods. Learn more about this program at
ARS at

Current projects include…

ARS Mission
• Developing lactic probiotics.
• Developing prebiotics from crop polysaccharides.
ARS conducts research to develop and transfer solu-
• Developing new and improved technologies that
tions to agricultural problems of high national priority
yield health-promoting foods from cereals, fruits
and provides information access and dissemination to
and vegetables, oilseeds, legumes, and dairy
ensure high-quality, safe food and other agricultural
products; to assess the nutritional needs of Ameri-
• Developing methods to reduce food allergens.
cans; to sustain a competitive agricultural economy;
• Characterizing and evaluating beneficial
to enhance the natural resource base and the environ-
phytochemicals in blueberries, watermelon,
ment; and to provide economic opportunities for rural
soybeans, crop residues, and food-processing
citizens, communities, and society as a whole.

Cholesterol-reducing compounds have been found in citrus.

Human Nutrition
ARS’s network of six Human Nutrition Research
Centers, and several other locations, contribute signifi-
cantly to the identification of phytochemicals and other
health-promoting properties of foods. As scientists
elucidate the various roles of these chemicals in human
health, results will pave the way for the development of
new food crops and products with enhanced nutritional
properties. Learn more about this program at

This program has numerous projects that generate

information relevant to functional foods and health. Sunbutter is a sunflower-based alternative to peanut butter
that can be consumed by persons with peanut allergies.
Current projects include…
• Plant polyphenol effects on glucose and insulin Projects at more than 50 locations generate new plant
metabolism. varieties and information relevant to functional foods
• Blueberry influence on aging and cognition. and health.
• Absorption and metabolism of plant pigments Current projects include…
by humans.
• Increasing carotenoid and vitamin A levels in
• Modulation of immune function by phyto-
corn and tomato.
chemicals and nutrients.
• Developing new vegetable varieties (carrots
• Influence of various dietary factors on bone
and garlic) with increased carotenoid levels
and bioavailability.
• Prevention of heart disease and cancer in
• Determining the bioavailability of the anti-
animal and cell models.
oxidant compound avenanthramide, found in
oat grain, and investigating whether avenanth-
ramide can exert bioprotection against age-
and exercise-related oxidative stress.
• Developing high-folate potatoes.
• Identifying and improving broccoli varieties
for anti-cancer properties and carotenoids.
Carrots have been modified to contain more calcium. • Determining natural antioxidants and antioxi-
dant capacity of dark-colored bran rice.
Plant Genetic Resources, Genomics
and Genetic Improvement and Plant
Biological and Molecular Processes
These two programs are improving the nutritional
quality and health-promoting properties of food crops.
This includes providing genetic, genomic, and bio-
informatic tools, information, and genetic resources
for developing new food crops, as well as identify-
ing specific genes that mediate functional traits, and
identifying and characterizing functional compounds
in crop plants and new sources of valuable bioactive
compounds. Learn more about these programs at
ARS-developed potatoes with orange, red or purple flesh. and These potatoes are not just more colorful: they are more nutritious because they are high in antioxidants.
ARS Accomplishments Partnering With ARS
Related to Functional Foods
Partnerships have become an increasingly important
ARS research has yielded new and improved technolo- resource for ARS research, providing meaningful
gies leading to new food products with added value opportunities to combine expertise and leverage
and benefits for consumers and producers alike. The resources in a way that can significantly advance
four Regional Research Centers, mandated by an act of research results. ARS partners with other Federal
Congress in 1938 to develop new uses for agricultural agencies, universities, industries, small businesses,
commodities and byproducts, developed many of these and non-profit organizations in the United States and
new technologies. The American Chemical Society abroad. In the past decade alone, ARS has entered into
has formally recognized all four Centers as National thousands of new partnership agreements.
Historic Chemical Landmarks for their roles in devel-
oping technologies leading to the commercialization of ARS conducts basic and applied research and trans-
high-impact products. fers those research results, leaving commercialization
and marketing of new products to its many partners.
Pertinent ARS technologies adopted and commercial- Many ARS research advancements are realized largely
ized by cooperative research partners include… through these mutually beneficial partnerships with
industry and other organizations. ARS is continually
• Lactose-reduced dairy products (Lactaid). looking for new opportunities to work with outside
• Low-fat mozzarella cheese used in the National organizations on a variety of research issues.
School Lunch Program.
• Whey-based texturized foods. Guidance for these partnerships is provided by ARS’s
• Quality and shelf-life extension of fresh-cut Office of Technology Transfer, which oversees the
fruits and vegetables. process by which research results are adopted and put
• 100-percent-fruit bars. into practice to advance a field of science, to solve a
• Fruit and vegetable wraps for various foods. problem or as a commercial product, including…
• Vitamin D-enhanced mushrooms.
• Sunbutter, a sunflower-based alternative to • Intellectual Property Management (IPM),
peanut butter for persons with peanut allergies. which includes the patenting and licensing of
• Low-oil-uptake, rice-based batters. innovative ARS technologies;
• A series of grain-based technologies (Oatrim, • Cooperative Research and Development
Nutrim, Z-trim, and Calorie Trim) yielding Agreements (CRADAs), which provide access
food ingredients that can replace fats in food to ARS research capacity through joint efforts
and/or deliver dietary fiber. to solve an agricultural need or problem that
• A low-glycemic sweetener (sucromalt). involves a non-Federal partner;
• Material Transfer Agreements (MTAs), which
are used to exchange research materials to
explore possible cooperative research; and
• Confidentiality Agreements (CAs), which
protect information/material from public

Learn more about partnering with ARS at

For more information on functional foods

research in ARS, contact Frank Flora, Senior
National Program Leader, at 301-504-6245 or
[email protected]
New 100-percent-fruit bars developed by ARS are
nutritious snacks.
July 2010
Specialized ARS Facilities Conducting Functional Foods
Research Available for Partnering Opportunities
ARS Regional Research Centers With Food Technology and Engineering Expertise
• ARS Western Regional Research Center, Albany, CA.
Relevant research focuses on identifying and characterizing beneficial phytochemicals and developing
novel technologies for healthful food products from fruits and vegetables, legumes, and cereals.
• ARS Eastern Regional Research Center, Wyndmoor, PA.
Relevant research focuses on developing technologies for healthful dairy-based foods and characterizing
health-promoting components from food-processing wastes and fuel ethanol co-products.
• ARS Southern Regional Research Center, New Orleans, LA.
Relevant research focuses on developing technologies for enhancing the quality and nutritional value of rice,
peanuts, and other food products, including a major effort on mitigating peanut and other food allergens.
• ARS National Center for Agricultural Utilization Research, Peoria, IL.
Relevant research focuses on characterizing health-promoting components in cereals and oilseeds and
non-traditional or non-food crops and their processing co-products, and developing new processing
technologies that provide a human-health benefit beyond basic nutrition.

ARS Human Nutrition Research Centers

• ARS Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center, Beltsville, MD.
Current research investigates the role of phytochemicals in cinnamon in alleviating glucose intolerance
and the role of phytochemicals in preventing cancer.
• ARS Jean Mayer Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging, Boston, MA.
Current research focuses on identifying the role of nutrition in aging-associated diseases, the role of
nutrients in gene expression, and the role of genetic inheritance in defining nutrient requirements and the
variability of dietary responses.
• ARS Western Human Nutrition Center, Davis, CA.
Current research focuses on the role of micronutrients and fatty acids on immune function, with
the Center having increasingly encompassed into its research metabolomics, an emerging field that
investigates how diet affects health differently based on the genotype of the person.
• ARS Arkansas Children’s Nutrition Center, Little Rock, AR.
Researchers are currently studying the health consequences of phytochemicals in children.
• ARS Children’s Nutrition Research Center, Houston, TX.
Current research focuses on the biochemistry, physiology, and transport of phytonutrients.
• ARS Grand Forks Human Nutrition Research Center, Grand Forks, ND.
Researchers are currently studying the various roles of food components in human health.

A calcium- and vitamin C-based coating to prevent

browning increases fresh-sliced apples’ shelf-life.

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