Comparison of The Heating Values of Various Types of Fuel From Non-Wood Raw Materials

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American Journal of Environmental Engineering 2012, 2(4): 91-96

DOI: 10.5923/j.ajee.20120204.04

Comparison of the Heating Values of Various Types of

Fuel from Non-Wood Raw Materials
Zoilo González1, Manuel Javier Feria2, Fátima Vargas 1 , Alejandro Rodríguez1,*

Chemical Engineering Department, University of Córdoba, Spain
Chemical Engineering Department, University of Huelva, Spain

Abstract The co mbustion of waste fractions fro m the use of pruning of olive and orange trimmings used in the production
of pulp for paper have been studied and the results were co mpared with those of other non-wood materials (Hesperaloe
funifera, empty fru it bunches from o il palm, and banana trees), also used in the paper industry.
Heating values were co mpared with experimental values estimated with elemental analysis, contents of the main co mpo-
nents (cellulose, lignin, ext ractives with ethanol-benzene) and p ro ximate analysis (volat ile, ash and fixed carbon). The best
estimate of values were obtained with the equation that correlates the heating values and the amount of carbon fixed and
volatile, wh ich reproduces the experimental values with less than 4% errors
The values of flame temperature (between 1100 and 2400 °C depending on the excess air used and heat loss), dew point
temperature (between 44 and 54 ºC) and the air/fuel ratio (between 4.5 and 9.5 kg air / kg fuel) were calculated.
Finally, the kJ prices obtained by combustion of the materials considered in this art icle were co mpared with those fro m
fossil fuels and proved to be more expensive than the materials studied here (less than 3.4 €/MkJ) .
Keywords Fuel, Heat ing Values, Lignocellu losic Residues, Pulping

ogies, or the fibers fro m recycled or non-wood plants; the use

1. Introduction of agricultural and agro-industrial residues and non-wood
plants could contribute to the preservation and maintenance
Fro m little mo re than one century ago, the use of wood for of the environment, being able to reduce the large amount of
the production of cellulose pulp for papermaking has in- wood used as feedstock in the production of paper pulp[1].
creased progressively, reaching levels of consumption of On the other hand, since paper consumption is parallel to a
wood similar to the oil[1]. Th is has led to a wood supply county´s standard of living, which is rising throughout the
problem, which worsens over time. Fo r this reason, many of world, it is expected that this increase, in a greater or lesser
the investigations carried out in recent years have focused on degree, will continue in the future.
finding new raw materials to avoid uncontrolled deforesta- The non-wood raw materials, compared to wood raw
tion with serious ecological problems that occur in ecosys- materials, have the particularity that contain fractions with
tems. In this way the study of various materials has appeared litt le use for the production of pulp, such as those formed by
such as agricultural, agro-industry and forest residues and leaves, bark, pith and young stems, which have relat ively
alternative plants to those achieved in agri-food crops. litt le cellulose content. However, these fractions, which can
Since the 1970´s, the pulp production of non-wood plant be called waste, should be processed along with the main
(non-conventional raw materials) has increased fro m ap- fractions, rich in cellulose, to improve the economy of the
proximately 7% to almost 12% of the total pulp produced, pulping process. This is what is called biomass biorefinery,
growing at 2-3 times greater than wood pulps[2-5]. which uses all the co mponents of the raw materials[6, 7].
The use of agricultural and agro-industry residues and The virtually unexp loited potential of this residual bio-
alternative plants to food crops seems to be a good alterna- mass invites the development of p rocedures for its use as an
tive to wood raw material, which can lead to excellent papers energy source. The potential energy of lignocellulosic ma-
with special propert ies and can serve as the sole source of terials can be explo ited by applying physical-chemical or
raw materials in so me geographical areas. biochemical procedures for conversion of their chemical
Moreover, it is kno wn that consumers are increasingly energy into other simpler and more readily accessible types
interested in having papers obtained by using clean technol- of energy[8, 9]. The simplest physical-chemical procedure
for exp loitation of lignocellu losic materials is combustion.
* Corresponding author:
[email protected] (Alejandro Rodríguez)
The biomass of forest and agricultural residues (felling,
Published online at straw, canes, stalks, etc.) has been widely used as fuel that in
Copyright © 2012 Scientific & Academic Publishing. All Rights Reserved turn is employed for the production of water vapor or elec-
92 Zoilo González et al.: Comparison of the Heating Values of Various Types
of Fuel from Non-Wood Raw M aterials

trical energy at small factories. Nowadays these waste ma- cellu lose, lignin, ethanol-benzene ext ractable, ash, volatile
terials are interesting as energy sources, using them in and fixed carbon are presented in Tables 1 and 2.
combustion processes[10-14].
Table 1. Elemental Analysis of Various Lignocellulosic Materials
Co mbustion is the oldest alternative to the energy ex-
ploitation of bio mass. Its efficiency, like that of other ther- Material Carbon, % Hydrogen, % Nitrogen, % Sulfur, %
mal and physic-chemical methods, is marked ly conditioned Orange Tree
45.46 6.15 0.41 0.01
by the moisture content of the biomass, which can amount to
Residual Fraction
15-20% even in dry materials, The moisture content of from Orange T ree 42.21 5.92 1.29 0.02
biomass used for energy production should never exceed Pruning
60%; otherwise, its heating value would be lower than that Olive Tree
required to evaporate the moisture. The thermal y ield of 50.11 6.66 0.19 0.07
combustion is typically 20-22% fo r a 25% excess of air and Residual Fraction
biomass with a mo isture content of 50%. Exceptional yields from Olive Tree 44.18 6.25 0.51 0.03
of up to 30% have also occasionally been reported[15, 16]. Pruning
In this paper the heating values and cost of the heat unit Hesperaloe
41.29 5.87 0.96 0.02
obtained by combustion of various lignocellu losic residues Funifera
EFB 45.52 6.04 0.44 0.04
with those of fossil fuels have been compared. Have also
Banana Tree 39.67 5.65 1.44 0.05
been proposed equations for the prediction of heating values
of such residues from their co mposition. Finally, with the The carbon content is relatively close to each other and is
help of elemental analysis, the flame temperatures of the very similar to those found in the literature[15, 16] fo r other
lignocellulosic residues have been calculated as well as the lignocellulosic materials; wheat straw, sunflower stalks, vine
dew point temperature of the combustion gases and air/fuel shoots, cotton stalks and corn stalk stems. The lowest value
ratio required. for the case of banana trees and the highest for the olive
pruning, whose wood proportion is higher, should be noted.
In relation to the hydrogen content can be indicated the
2. Experimental same that in the case of the carbon content, also being the
lowest value for the case of the banana and the highest in
2.1. Analytical Methods
olive pruning
Chemical analysis were carried out according to the fo l- The nitrogen content is low and differs more fro m one
lowing procedures: moisture (Tappi T11m-59), cellu lose material to another, as observed in the residual fractions
(Tappi T9m 54), lignin (Tappi T13m-59), ethanol-benzene which have h igher values such as in the banana tree and
extractives (Tappi T6m-59), ash (Tappi T15m-58), vo latile Hesperaloe funifera, wh ich are less woody.
(UNE-32019); fixed carbon (difference between 100 and the The sulphur percentages are very low, so the fuel gases of
sum of ashes plus volatiles). Elemental analysis was made these lignocellu losic materials were poor in SO2 , co mpared
using the Dumas method with a Eurovector “EA 3000” in to gases from the co mbustion of fossil fuels.
the Spectroscopy Unit at the NIR / MIR Central Service for
Table 2. Contents of Cellulose (Ce), Lignin (L), Extractable (E), Ash (A),
Research Support of the University of Cordoba. Volatile (V) and Fixed Carbon (Cf) of Various Lignocellulosic Materials

2.2. Heating Value Material Ce, % L, % E, % A, % V, % Cf, %

Orange Tree
The gross calorific values (constant volume) were deter- 73.20 19.95 3.57 3.37 78.79 17.84
mined according to “CEN/TS 14918:2005 (E) So lid biofu- Residual
els-Method for the determination of the calorific value” and Fraction
63.39 14.78 6.49 14.84 78.30 6.86
from Orange
UNE 164001 EX standards by using a Parr 6200 Isoperibol
Tree Pruning
Calorimeter Olive Tree
69.23 19.51 9.00 1.18 79.91 18.91
2.3. Materials Residual
The following lignocellulosic materials have been inves- Fraction
66.11 17.53 12.49 3.59 81.42 14.99
from Olive
tigated: residual fractions (mainly leaves and young stems) Tree Pruning
of orange and olive pruning (which have been called residual Hesperaloe
78.11 9.88 5.18 5.90 80.78 13.32
orange and residual olive), and three non-wood materials for Funifera
the pulp industries: EFB (empty fru it bunches), Hesperaloe EFB 75.60 17.17 3.87 3.45 74.81 21.74
funifera and banana stalks Banana Tree 55.48 22.25 7.59 15.35 70.14 14.51

The cellulose content varies from 55% to the banana tree

to 78% for H. funifera, and the lignin content varies from
3. Results and Discussion 10%H. funifera to 22% for the banana tree. Similar results
The results of the elemental analysis and the contents of were found for other lignocellu losic materials: wheat straw,
American Journal of Environmental Engineering 2012, 2(4): 91-96 93

sunflower stalks, vine shoots and cotton stalks[16]. produced with small errors, except for materials with a high
The extracts values are very high for olive tree p runings ash content, having the equation (7) the same defects as
and their residual fraction co mpared to other tested materials, equations (4) and (5).
which are in the order of other lignocellulosic materials such Jiménez et al[15] also proposed a similar equation for the
as wheat straw, sunflower stalks, vine shoots and cotton case of agricultural residues, food industry waste and forest
stalks[16]. residues from eucalyptus and holm:
The ashes values are abundant in the residual fraction of HV = 313.30 T – 10814.08 (8)
orange pruning and banana tree, and plenty for other mate- The above equation reproduced properly the heating val-
rials tested, with respect to the pruning of olive trees, which ues of the materials considered, apart fro m the banana tree
are in the order o f hardwoods and softwoods[15, 16]. which has a 12% error.
Vo latile chemicals are high (78-80%), except fo r the EFB Using the elemental analysis of materials considered
and banana tree, wh ich are relat ively lo w co mpared with (Table 1) and following the estimat ion techniques described
other lignocellulosic materials: wheat straw, sunflower stalks, in the literature[19, 20] determines the values of flame
vine shoots and cotton stalks[16]. temperature, dew point and air/fuel ratio, presented in Fig-
Finally, the fixed carbon is very high for EFB and very ures 1 to 9.
low for residual fraction fro m orange pruning, being inter- The high values of flame temperature demonstrate the
med iate for other materials and those found in the literature possibility of using these materials in the production of
(16). steam.
Table 3 presents the experiment results of the heating The dew po int of all materials tested is low for co mbustion
values of lignocellulosic materials tested. gases, thus avoiding condensation in chimneys and flue
In the literature[17, 18] found equations that predict the pipes, preventing corrosion that could cause the condensa-
heating value, HV (kJ / kg): tion; anyway, in the event of such condensation, the phe-
HV = 393.81 C + 230.22 (1) nomenon would not be very serious given the small sulphur
HV = 436.66 C – 305.51 (2) content of the material considered. This is an addit ional
HV = 173.89 Ce + 266.29 L + 321.87 E (3) advantage that makes these fuels clean.
HV = 173.89 Ce + 266.29 (100-Ce’) (4)
HV = (1 – A/(Ce + L + E)) (173.89 Ce + 266.29 L + 321.87 E) (5)
where C is the total carbon content (%), Ce, L, E and A the
contents of cellulose, lignin, extract ives and ash (all in%),
and Ce’ the cellulose content on an extractable-free basis
By apply ing of the experimental data showed in Tab les 1
and 2 in the equations (1) to (5), the heating values presented
in Table 3 were obtained, which also shows the values of the
errors in the estimates for the experimental heating values.
As it can be seen, equation (3) is the best at reproducing
the heating values of the test materials (errors less than 8% in
the worst case for the residual olive pruning). Equation (1)
reproduces the heating values with errors less than 7%, with Figure 1. Flame Temperature for the Orange Tree Pruning
the exception of the banana tree that reproduces an error
close to 11%. Equation (2) reproduces the heating values
with errors less than 7%, with the exception of olive pruning
which reproduces with an error of almost 13%. Equations (4)
and (5) reproduce good heating values of lignocellulosic
materials, except those containing high values of ashes:
residual orange tree and banana tree.
By correlating the experimental data (heating values
against the sum of volat iles (V) and fixed carbon (Cf) con-
tents) it is possible to obtain:
HV = 123. 61 T + 6746.05 (6)
where T is the sum of the volat iles and fixed carbon contents.
This equation reproduces the heating values of all materials
tested with errors less than 4%.
In the literature there is a similar equation for agricu ltural
residues (16):
HV = 339.82 T – 14814.93 (7) Figure 2. Flame Temperature for the Residual Fraction from Orange Tree
The heating values of the materials tested here, are re- Pruning
94 Zoilo González et al.: Comparison of the Heating Values of Various Types
of Fuel from Non-Wood Raw M aterials

Figure 3. Flame Temperature for the OliveTree Pruning Figure 7. Flame Temperature for the Banana T ree

Figure 4. Flame Temperature for the Residual Fraction from Olive Tree

Figure 8. Dew Point Temperature of Flue Gas as a Function of Excess Air

Used for Different Lignocellulosic Materials

Figure 5. Flame Temperature for the Hesperaloe Funifera

Figure 9. Air/Fuel Ratio as a Function of Excess Air Used in the Com-

bustion of Different Lignocellulosic Materials

Table 4 co mpares the heating values, unit cost of the fuel

and cost of the heat units obtained by combustion of the
different types of fuel.
The cost of the various ligmocellu losic residues consid-
ered here are d ifferent. Thus, residual fractions fro m orange
tree pruning and olive tree pruning, and empty fru it bunches
fro m o il palm are the cheapest, since they only have to
Figure 6. Flame Temperature for the Empty Fruit Bunches of Oil-Palm consider the costs of upgrading the energy plant (they are
American Journal of Environmental Engineering 2012, 2(4): 91-96 95

paper industry waste (residual fractions fro m pruning)) or air/kg fuel, depending on the excess air used.
agrofood (EFB), and other costs not required for other lig- After comparing prices, the MkJ obtained by combustion
nocellulosic residues, such as data collection in the fields and of the materials considered here compared with those from
their transport to the combustion plant. fossil fuels, the cost of the materials studied here were much
cheaper (less than 3.4 €/M kJ) .
Table 4. Comparison of the heating values and the cost of the energy
obtained from various types of fuel

Cost of Fuel
Cost of Heat
MkJ/t €/t €/MkJ
The authors are grateful to Ecopapel, S.L. (Écija, Sevilla,
Orange Tree Pruning 18626 60 3.22
Spain) for their support, and to Spain’s DGICyT and Junta of
Residual Fraction
16870 30 1.79 Andalucía for funding this research within the framework of
from Orange Tree Pruning
Olive Tree Pruning 19110 60 3.14 the Projects CTQ2010-19844-C02-01 and TEP-6261.
Residual Fraction
18699 30 1.60
from Olive Tree Pruning
Hesperaloe Funifera 17757 60 3.38
EFB 19045 30 1.58
Banana Tree 17751 60 3.38 REFERENCES
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