Radar Main Assignment 2018-19
Radar Main Assignment 2018-19
Radar Main Assignment 2018-19
1. Briefly explain the basic principle of radar. (3) May 2015, (7) November 2014,
(7) September 2013, (3) October 2012, winter 2017---------page no.3,4,5
2. Explain the radar set with appropriate block diagram (5) May 2015, (7) November
2014, (7) September 2013, (5) October 2012------------------page no.-4,5
3. Write and explain the three radar range equations. Or Range estimation using
basic RADAR equation may be lagging by 50% , How we can improve the
accuracy of estimation of RADAR range? Justify your answer by considering
various factors affecting the radar Range in brief. Or Maximum range of the
radar is inversely proportional to the square-root of wavelength, Justify. Or Derive a
RADAR equation for detection of rain. (7) May 2013, (4) May 2015,Nov-14, (07)
May 2014, (4) October 2012, (7) May 2012, ,, (7) September 2013, (4) October
2012,DEC-15(7), winter 17, winter 16,winter 15----------------------------------------
page no. 27,28,29
4. Define receiver noise. Explain radar range equation in terms of receiver noise
figure, bandwidth and other related parameters. For radar receiver having NF of
4dB with IF bandwidth of 3MHz, find minimum detectable power. (7) May 2015,
(7) May 2012, (3.5) September 2013---------------------------Page no.35,36
5. What is a multiple-time-around echoes and how it is related to radar’s PRF?
Considering three targets at different distances, explain a method of distinguishing
MTA echoes from unambiguous echoes, using A scope. (7) May 2015, (7) October
2012, Winter 16---------------------------Page no.32,33
6. Explain the principle of threshold detection in the radar receiver to overcome
the probability of false alarm. (3.5) November 2014, (2) May 2014------------------------
---Page no.34,35
7. Describe briefly the behavior of the radar cross section in the microwave region of
a raindrop and a large aircraft with respect to its dependence on a) frequency
and b) viewing aspect. (7) November 2014, What is radar cross section?
Differentiate between rayleigh, mie and optical regions. (7) October 2012----------------
-----------Page no. material
8. Write a short note on Sea clutter. ---------------------------Page no.273
9. Discuss the relation between effective aperture and aperture efficiency of radar
antenna. (7) May 2015---------------------------Page no.212
10. Define the following: (i) Maximum Unambiguous range (ii) Pulse repetition
frequency (iii) Minimum detectable signal (iv) Average transmitter Power (7) May
2014, (a) Radar cross section (b) Multiple time around echoes (c ) Land clutter
(3) May 2012---------------------------Page no.32,8,34,8,321,33,271
11. Briefly explain Complex Target, Ambiguous Range, & False Alarm. (7) September
2013---------------------------Page no. material, 32, 35
12. . How RCS is modeled? What scenarios are address by Swerling Case-I to Case-IV?
(7) May 2013,Dec-15(7) ---------------------------Page no.326,327,328
i. What should be the pulse repetition frequency of a radar in order
to achieve a maximum unambiguous range of 60 nmi? (2 Marks) (ii)
How long does it take for the radar signal to travel out and back
when the target is at the maximum unambiguous range? (2 Marks)
(iii) If the radar has a peak power of 800kW, what is its average
power?( pulse width = 1.5μs)? What is the duty cycle (3 Marks) (7)
November 2014
b. An L band radar operating at 1.5GHz uses a peak pulse power of 2 mw and
must have a range of 100KM for objects whose radar cross section is
1Sqm .If the minimum receivable power of the receiver is 2x10-3,what is
the smallest diameter the antenna reflector could have been, assuming it to be
full paraboloid with k=0.65? What is the duty cycle of radar with PW of 3μsec
and a PRT is 6ms. (5) May 2014
c. Determine the minimum receivable signal in a radar receiver with an IF
band width of 1.5MHz and a noise figure of 9dB. (2) May 2014
d. If the radar is operated at 10GHz with an antenna of diameter of 2m.
Maximum unambiguous range of 1000 km with a target of cross sectional area
of 20 m2.Calculate i) peak pulse power ii) PRF iii) duty cycle.
Minimum detectable power is 36*10-15.Bandwidth of radar receiver is
3MHz. (7) September 2013
e. For radar receiver having noise figure of 6dB and temperature is 17º with IF
bandwidth of 3MHz, Calculate minimum detectable power. k = 1.38*10-23. (7)
September 2013
f. What is the peak power of radar whose average power is 200 W, Pulse width
is 1 m Sec, and pulse repetition frequency is 1000Hz? What is the Range
(nmi)of this ground based air surveillance radar if it has to detect a target of
2m2,When it operate on the S-band frequency of 2.9Ghz, With rectangular
shaped antenna having 5m wide and 2.7m height antenna aperture efficiency
is 0.6 and minimum detectable signal Smin is equal to 10-12? (7) May 2013
g. For radar receiver having NF of 4dB with IF bandwidth of 3MHz, find
minimum detectable power. (7) October 2012, Winter 16
h. In a pulse radar, Transmitter power = 500 KW Radar Range = 200 miles
Wavelength = 10.7 cm Effective area =15 sq m. Directivity of antenna = 0.5
Radar cross section =1sq m. Find the value of minimum weak signal that can
be detected by radar unambiguously. (4) May 2012
i. What is the peak power of a radar pulse if the pulse width is 1μsec, the PRF
is 1500Hz and the average power is 500Watts? What is the duty cycle?
Calculate the unambiguous range in nautical miles. (3) May 2012
j. A radar mounted on automobile is used to find distance to a vehicle travelling
in front of it .Radar operates at 9370 MHz (x band) with pulse width of 9 ns
the maxi. range is 400 ft. in front of it .Radar operates at 9370 MHz (x band)
with pulse width of 9 ns the maxi. range is 400 ft Find, (i) PRF (ii) range
resolution (in meters).Dec-15
k. RADAR operating at 10 GHz with peak power of 500KW , the power gain of
antenna of 5000 and minimum power of receiver is 10-14 Calculate the
maximum range of RADAR if effective area of antenna is 10 m2 and RADAR
cross section is 4 m2. Winter 16
13. What is the reason for very high scanning speed of Phased array antenna compared
to parabolic reflector antenna? How the steering mechanism works in linear phase
array ? Configure Digital Phase shifter with four bit diode switch line length
with λ/16 Quantization which gives 135ο phase shift. (7) May 2013----------------------
-----Page no.219,220,233,234,235
a) A loop aerial to use at 500 KHz is of height 0.5meter, width 0.5 meter and 25
turns, when directed to receive a maximum signal the emf induced in the loop is 150
microvolt. What is the field strength of the signal picked up? (7) May 2014
b) If antenna beam width were 7 degree, what would be cross range
resolution(meters) at a range of 400 ft ?(iv) find gain of 1ft by 1ft antenna
with antenna efficiency of 0.7 ? (v) find average power required to detect 10
square meter RCS car at a range of 400 ft ,if Smin = 0.4 pico watt.
14. Explain the principle and operation of FM-CW radar in brief. (5) May 2015,
(7) November 2014, (7) September 2013, (5) October 2012, Or How FMCW
radar overcomes the shortcomings of Doppler CW radar? Draw the block diagram of
FMCW radar and derive the expression for the radial velocity and the range of the
moving target when the transmitted signal is modulated by the triangular waveform. .
(7) May 2012 Discuss the merits of the frequency band or around 100 kHz for
navigational aids with reference to (a) investment in antennas. (b) propagation
characteristics, (c) ground wave and sky-wave signals, and (d) signal/noise ratio. (7)
November 2014---------------------------Page no.54 to 57
15. Explain Doppler effect in CW radar and give its importance. Obtain the relation
for doppler frequency shift in terms of radial velocity of moving vehicle with
respect to radar. Discuss the advantages of CW radar. (8) May 2014 Or Justify
the following statement : The wide use of CW doppler radar is to measure the
speed of automobile traffic by highway police. (2) May 2014, . (7) May 2012, winter
17,winter 16 Discuss the merits of the frequency band or around 100 kHz for
navigational aids with reference to (a) investment in antennas. (b) propagation
characteristics, (c) ground wave and sky-wave signals, and (d) signal/noise ratio. (7)
November 2014---------------------------Page no.52 to 54
16. How multiple frequency CW radar can be used to measure the range of a moving
target? (3.5) May 2012 Discuss the merits of the frequency band or around 100 kHz
for navigational aids with reference to (a) investment in antennas. (b) propagation
characteristics, (c) ground wave and sky-wave signals, and (d) signal/noise ratio. (7)
November 2014---------------------------Page no.57,58
17. What is MTI radar? Explain its operation with the help of necessary equations and
block diagram. What is the need for Coho and Stalo? How moving objects are
recognized on an A Scope? (7) May 2014, May 2015, . (7) May 2015, (7) October
2012, (7) May 2012, winter 17, Winter 16 Discuss the merits of the frequency band
or around 100 kHz for navigational aids with reference to (a) investment in
antennas. (b) propagation characteristics, (c) ground wave and sky-wave signals, and
(d) signal/noise ratio. (7) November 2014---------------------------Page no.63 to 65
18. Write note on (i) Digital MTI Signal Processor (ii). (7) May 2014,DEC-15--------------
--------page no. 76
19. Explain the Pulse Doppler radar with neat block diagram. List THE advantages of it
over CW radar. (7) September 2013 or Why FMCW is dominated by pulsed
Doppler RADAR as time progress since WW-II? (7) May 2013, . (3.5) May 2012
or What is Doppler Effect? List advantages of pulse Doppler radar over CW radar.
(4) May 2015 , (7) September 2013, (4) October 2012, winter 17----------------------
page no77,78
20. What do you mean by Doppler velocity? Prove that it depends on target’s radial
velocity, derive the relation between Doppler velocity and Blind velocity and show
that Doppler filters can’t see the target if it is moving with blind velocity. (7) May
2013, winter 17----------------------page no. 50,51,52,73
21. 7. What is the use of delay line cancellor? Obtain the frequency response of a single
delay line cancellor. (4) May 2012,Dec-15, winter 17, Winter 16----------------------
page no.67,71,72,73
22. 8. What is meant by blind speed with reference to the MTI radar? Obtain an
expression for the blind speed in terms of PRF. How is staggered PRF used to
extend the first blind speed? An MTI radar is operating at 6 GHz with a pulse
period of 0.5 msec. Find its unambiguous range and fifth blind speed. (7) May 2012,
Winter 16 ----------------------page no.73,74
a) Define blind speed and calculate two lowest blind speed for MTI radar operating
at 15GHz with PRF of 1KHz. (5) May 2015, Winter 16
b) Explain any two limitation of MTI Radar. MTI radar is operating at 10 GHz with PRF
of 1000Hz. Calculate two lowest blind speeds. (7) September 2013
c) The MTI RADAR is used by a traffic control police to measure the speed of vehicles.
If the Doppler frequency shift measured from the moving vehicle is 1.5 KHz.
calculate the speed of vehicle, if RADAR is operating at 1 GHz with PRF of 1000Hz.
Winter 16
23. Distinguish scanning and tracking. Explain any one method of tracking in detail. (7)
May 2015, (7) October 2012 or How do tracking and scanning radar differ?
Explain Monopulse tracking radar. (7) November 2014, September 2013,DEC-15----
------------------page no. 88,89, 91 to 95
24. What is the chief advantage of automatic detection and tracking? What are its
limitations. (7) November 2014 ----------------------page no.89
25. For air surveillance radar Explain how Tracking is done (TWS)? (7) November
2014, (7) May 2013----------------------page no. 90
26. How we can use RADAR for imaging? Explain working of SAR. (7) May 2013,
winter 17----------------------page no.97 to 100
Chapter 7 Navigation
27. What are the main types of navigation aids? (3) May 2015, (3) October 2012, winter
17, winter 16 ----------------------page no.404 to 407
28. List the four methods of navigation. Describe any one in detail. (7) November 2014-----------
-----------page no.404 to 407
29. Discuss the merits of the frequency band or around 100 kHz for navigational aids
with reference to (a) investment in antennas. (b) propagation characteristics, (c)
ground wave and sky-wave signals, and (d) signal/noise ratio. (7) November 2014-----
----------------------Page no.442 to 445
30. Explain automatic direction finder through a block diagram (5) May 2015, (5)
October 2012 or Explain automatic direction finder through a block diagram. Why
loop antennas are used in direction finding? Derive an expression for induced output
voltage of loop antenna having N turns. OR
31. Why is a balanced modulator stage used in the radio-compass receiver? Justify
“The operation of the receiver is equivalent of that of one using coherent
demodulation.” (7) November 2014 or Draw the block diagram of a radio compass
receiver and explain the function of each element with necessary equations and
waveforms (7) October 2012 , (7) May 2012,dec-15, winter 17, Winter 16-------------
---------page no.431,432
32. What is a sense finder in direction finding? Illustrate the radiation pattern of the
antenna for different ratios of vertical antenna output to the maximum loop
antenna. (3.5) November 2014, (3) May 2014----------------------page no.423,424
33. Describe the working of Aural Null Detector. (3.5) May 2014----------------------page no.423
to 426
34. Enlist various errors in direction finding. Explain polarization errors. (7)
September 2013----------------------page no.418 to 423
35. (i) Loop input circuits minimize the antenna effect in loop direction finder. Justify.
(ii) Compare Adcock and loop antenna for direction finding. How the former
eliminates the polarization errors? Sketch different forms of Adcock antenna. (7) May
2012 ---------------------------Page no. 426 to 429
36. Why loop antennas are used in direction finding? Derive an expression for
induced output voltage of loop antenna having N turns. (7) May 2015 or How
Loop antenna can be used for direction finding? What is the problem of direction
ambiguity? Give the solutions for this problem. (7) November 2014, September
2013, (7) May 2013, (3.5) May 2014, winter 17, Winter 16---------------------------
Page no.412,413,414
37. How vertical antenna can be used for sense finding? Explain it with different
antenna patterns and antenna effect.Dec-15---------------------------Page no.414,415,416
38. Explain four Course Radio Range. How is the course bending achieved in the
system? (3.5) May 2014 ---------------------------Page no.442 to 444
39. What do you mean by VOR? Explain its receiving equipment , range and accuracy.
What is V.O.R? Explain its principle with necessary waveforms and operation of
the VOR ground equipment. (7) May 2012, . (7) May 2013, (7) September 2013,
(3.5) May 2014, . (7) November 2014,dec-15, winter 17 ---------------------------Page
no.445 to 448
40. Justify the following statement : In Loran system error may be introduced by the
sky wave propagation. (2) May 2014 ---------------------------Page no.462-474
41. Why Loran system is called a hyperbolic system of navigation. Explain the principle
of working of LORAN A. (7) May 2014, (7) May 2013 or Explain the principle of
working of LORAN A. Discuss the sequence of transmission and reception of
pulses. How absolute delay τ is measured? (7) May 2012, October 2012-----------------
----------Page no. 462 to 466
42. Explain the basic principle of operation of the Decca navigation system highlighting
the frequencies of master and the slave stations, and lane identification sequences.
(7) May 2014, (7) May 2015, (7) September 2013, (7) October 2012, (7)
May 2012,dec-15,winter 17, Winter 16 ---------------------------Page no.474 to 484
43. Write short note on Instrument landing system. (7) May 2015 or Explain the
localizer and glideslope systems of ILS. (7) May 2014, (7) September 2013, . (7)
October 2012, (7) May 2012, winter 17, Winter 16 ---------------------------Page
no.527 to 531
44. What is DME? Explain the operation of DME inside the aircraft. Or Describe
the working of AIR borne DME interrogator. (3.5) May 2014 or What is DME?
Explain the operation of DME inside the aircraft. (7) October 2012, 7) May 2012,
(7) May 2015, winter 17, Winter 16---------------------------Page no.492 to 494
45. Enumerate the advantages of the Microwave Landing System over the ILS. Explain
the technique by which the same frequency is used for guidance in the vertical
plane, horizontal plane, back azimuth and flare. (7) November 2014, (7) May 2013----
-----------------------Page no.537 to 541
46. With a neat sketch describe the TACAN beacon equipment. Explain how the
desired antenna pattern is obtained and timing of the reference pulse groups is
ensured. (7) November 2014, (4) May 2015, (4) October 2012,dec-15, winter 17,
Winter 16---------------------------Page no.503 to 512
47. Explain Airborne radars. (3.5) May 2014, winter 17
48. Doppler beam configuration ----------------------page no. 519,520
49. Explain the GPS principle of operation and Position location determination
algorithm. List the use of GPS system. (5) May 2015, (7) November 2014, . (5)
October 2012, (7) May 2013,dec-15, winter 17, Winter 16---------------------------
Page no.547 to 560
50. Explain the components of Doppler navigation system. (7) September 2013, (7)
May 2013---------------------------Page no.518 to 527
51. Explain NAVSAT GPS Receiver. winter 17---------------------------Page no547.