Sensors 15 12454 PDF
Sensors 15 12454 PDF
Sensors 15 12454 PDF
ISSN 1424-8220
Electronics Department, Polytechnics School, University of Alcala, Campus Universitario,
Ctra. Madrid-Barcelona, Km. 33,600, 28871. Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain;
E-Mails: [email protected] (F.E.); [email protected] (E.S.)
Delft Center of Systems and Control, Delft University of Technology, Mekelweg 2, 2628 CD Delft,
The Netherlands; E-Mail: [email protected]
Abstract: One of the main challenges in wireless cyber-physical systems is to reduce the
load of the communication channel while preserving the control performance. In this way,
communication resources are liberated for other applications sharing the channel bandwidth.
The main contribution of this work is the design of a remote control solution based on
an aperiodic and adaptive triggering mechanism considering the current network delay of
multiple robotics units. Working with the actual network delay instead of the maximum one
leads to abandoning this conservative assumption, since the triggering condition is fixed
depending on the current state of the network. This way, the controller manages the usage of
the wireless channel in order to reduce the channel delay and to improve the availability of
the communication resources. The communication standard under study is the widespread
IEEE 802.11g, whose channel delay is clearly uncertain. First, the adaptive self-triggered
control is validated through the TrueTime simulation tool configured for the mentioned WiFi
standard. Implementation results applying the aperiodic linear control laws on four P3-DX
robots are also included. Both of them demonstrate the advantage of this solution in terms
of network accessing and control performance with respect to periodic and non-adaptive
self-triggered alternatives.
Sensors 2015, 15 12455
tele-operated by means of a power-based passivity controller with periodic sampling in [24]. In [5],
a network is comprised of a swarm of wirelessly-connected mobile robots equipped with various sensors.
In the context of robotics cooperation and tele-operation, it is of foremost importance to minimize
the computational load of the on-board electronics system [15,25,26], as well as to reduce the
communications burden. In a previous work [27], a conservative design dealing with the maximum
delay was evaluated and implemented. That solution achieves a significant reduction in the network
traffic when only a robot is remotely controlled. However, because of the conservative flavor, the
higher the number of robotic units sharing the WiFi channel, the worse the performance due to the
increasing maximum delay. The challenge of optimizing the shared resources in a multi-robotic remote
control application justifies the objective of this paper. For that, in this work, the authors propose the
adaptation of the aperiodic triggering mechanism to the actual state of the channel load. As a proof
of concept, four Pioneer P3-DX robots are remotely controlled by the same computer through the
widespread IEEE 802.11g standard. This is a linear control approach that allows focusing the paper
on the management of the channel usage and the compensation of current delays through an adaptive
self-triggered proposal. The remote center (RC) runs a self-triggered velocity servo-controller for each
unit. The non-conservative approach relaxes the performance requirements of the controller when the
network is congested.
The adaptive triggered mechanism involves two important parameters: a local parameter, which is
the deviation of the robot state vector from its equilibrium point (|x(t) − xeq |) (fully described in [12]),
and a global parameter, which is the actual network communication delay (τ). In this way, the wireless
network traffic is greatly reduced, while the tracking performance is not significantly degraded.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents a review of self-triggered control
for linear time-invariant systems. Section 3 details the adaptive self-triggered condition to deal with
the variable network delays. Section 4 describes the experimental setup remotely controlling four
robots. Simulation and experimental results are shown in Section 5. Finally, Section 6 summarizes
the contribution of the paper and gives a hint about future developments.
2. Mathematical Background
This section reviews the notions of self-triggered control for linear time-invariant linear systems on
the continuous time domain. The specific problem statement is introduced, and the interest of applying
an adaptive triggering condition to solve it is discussed.
2.1. Preliminaries
Theorem 1. A linear system ẋ(t) = Ax(t), x(t) ∈ Rn , A ∈ Rn×n ; is globally exponentially stable
(GES), i.e., ∃ M, λ ∈ R+ , such that |x(t)| ≤ M e−λt |x(0)|, if and only if there exist positive definite
matrices P , Q ∈ Rn×n , such that:
AT P + P A ≤ −Q (1)
Then, the function V (t) = x(t)T P x(t) is said to be a Lyapunov function for the system.
The essential aspects of self-triggered control for linear time-invariant systems are reviewed in this
subsection. This helps the reader to better understand the current proposal; a more detailed description
about this aperiodic control strategy can be found in [16].
A linear time-invariant system is modeled by:
ẋ(t) = Ax(t) + Bu(t)
y(t) = Cx(t)
where A ∈ Rn×n , B ∈ Rn×r , C ∈ Rm×n are the characteristic matrices and x(t) ∈ Rn , u(t) ∈ Rr
and y(t) ∈ Rm are the state, input and output vectors, respectively. If the pair (A, B) is stabilizable, a
linear feedback controller u(t) = Kx(t) rendering the closed loop GES can be found; hence, according
to Theorem 1, there exists a Lyapunov function of the form:
V (t) = xT (t)P x(t) (3)
where P is a positive define matrix satisfying the Equation (1) for a positive definite matrix Q chosen by
the designer.
However, in digital implementations, the input u is available only at discrete times tk . That is, at
times tk , the controller is recomputed with fresh measurements, and the plant input is kept constant
(ZOH) until a new measurement is received, i.e.,
u(t) = Kx(tk ), t ∈ [tk , tk+1 ] (4)
The objective of the self-triggered control strategy is to minimize the number of updates preserving
the closed loop system stability. The sequence of update times tk is implicitly defined as the times at
which some triggering condition is violated.
To guarantee stability, a performance function S : R+ n +
0 ×R → R0 upper-bounding the evolution of V
is used. This way, the update times tk are determined by the time instants at which:
V (t, xt0 ) ≤ S(t, xt0 ), t ≥ t0 (5)
is violated.
Provided that Equation (5) holds and S is decaying over time, the closed loop system is stabilized,
with a decay rate of its Lyapunov function V no lower than the specified through S. The use of a function
S is suggested, given by:
S(t) := xs (t)T P xs (t) (6)
ẋs (t) = As xs (tk ), t ∈ [tk , tk+1 ] (7)
xs (tk ) = x(tk ) (8)
Sensors 2015, 15 12458
ATs P + P As = −R (9)
V (tk + tmin + p∆, xtk ) ≤ S(tk + tmin + p∆, xtk ), p ∈ [0, 1, . . . , N ] (10)
for N ∈ N some pre-specified horizon. Then, one can compute tk+1 = tk + tmin + p∆, such that: either
p = N or:
V (tk + tmin + (p + 1)∆, xtk ) > S(tk + tmin + (p + 1)∆, xtk ) (11)
Note that the discretization time ∆ presents a trade-off between the computational complexity of the
implementation and the performance; for detailed information see [16].
Considering the application of remote control of multiple robots, each one has to track piecewise
constant reference signals (yref ). This means that for non-zero references, the equilibrium of the
system is:
xeq = −(A + BK)−1 Byref (12)
This poses no problem, as the new equilibrium point is easily computed by the following change of
coordinates: x̃ = x − xeq .
In the first place, a strategy to choose a proper S function is presented. To ensure that the condition
0 < R < Q holds:
R = σQ, 0 < σ < 1 (13)
Thus, according to Equation (9), the decay rate of the Lyapunov function Sdepends on the
sigma value.
The choice of σ provides a trade-off between the number of updates and the stability requirements.
In a qualitative way, it can be said that for σ → 0, significant reduction of controller updates will be
achieved, as well as corresponding performance degradation. On the other hand, for σ → 1, one obtains
a better performance at the cost of an increase in the number of updates.
The main idea behind the adaptive triggering condition is to take advantage of the benefits of
the reduction of transmissions without losing performance. Consequently, the value of σ is selected
depending on the current network delay τ and the deviation of the state vector from its equilibrium point
(|x(t) − xeq |).
Sensors 2015, 15 12459
When τ is greater than the average delay, the system works with the lowest range of the triggering
condition (σ → 0) to reduce the transmissions and thus attenuate the channel congestion. On the other
hand, when τ is smaller than the average delay, the adaptive controller changes to the highest range
(σ → 1) to achieve a fast response of the feedback control system. Moreover, the value of σ is also
adjusted according to the tracking error [12]. During the transient response of the system, σ is set to a
value larger than its value at steady state. Therefore, the system obtains a fast response when it is far
from its equilibrium point and a reduction in the controller updates when it is close to it. The threshold
values delimiting the mentioned ranges of τ and |x(t) − xeq | are selected by the designer depending on
the specific performance requirements and the available resources.
In remotely-controlled systems, data transfer from the sensors to the controller (remote center) and
then to the actuator (plant) is generally characterized by time-varying delays [4].
In order to define threshold values delimiting the network delay ranges, the authors model these
network delays by a gamma probability distribution [29], because a gamma distribution model for time
delays in the network fits relatively well with real indoor environments. The following parameters are
used to model the network delay:
(1) The current delay τ is measured in each bidirectional communication between the robot and the
remote center.
(2) The minimum delay τM IN is the lowest value of the network delay.
(3) The maximum delay τM AX is the highest value of the network delay. It is the worst scenario to
guarantee the system stability.
The proposed strategy is an extension of the one described in [27] dealing with variable delays.
Basically, to compensate the channel delay, it is required to transmit a measurement at the time:
tsk = tk − τ̂ (14)
being τ̂ the time that guarantees the signal reception before tk . Thus, the remote controller receives the
measurements early enough to compute the control signal u(tk ), assuring that the plant is going to receive
the new control input before tk . Consequently, this approach has a slight predictive flavor and requires
the remote controller to estimate the value of the state vector at the time tk based on the measurement
sent by the plant at tsk :
Aτ̂ = eAτ̂ (15)
Bτ̂ = eA(τ̂−λ) Bdλ (16)
Owing to the fact that the actual network delay is not measured until the robot receives the control
information, the possible delays are classified into zones and compensated for the worst case scenario of
each zone, thus guaranteeing stability. Therefore, the network delay range is divided into L zones with a
single σ value associated with each one. The definition of the different zones is supported by the gamma
cumulative distribution function. The election of L presents a trade-off between the computational
complexity of the control law implementation and the flexibility to take advantage of the actual channel
status. Nonetheless, the number of L zones increases L times the amount of data sent over the network.
In the case of packet-based networks, it is not a problem if the size of one packet is not exceed [3]. If
the network is non-packet-based, the designer should be aware of the drawback regarding the increase
of the data amount. An example where L = 3 is shown in Figure 1.
Gamma cumulative distribution function of the delay
0.9 F(τ;k;θ)
0.5 Zone 3
0.3 Zone 2
Zone 1
0 0.05 τ1 0.1 0.15
seconds τ2 τMAX
Figure 1. Gamma cumulative distribution function of the channel delay. Case study: L = 3.
The current network delay τ cannot be estimated before the remotely-controlled system sends and
receives the information. This forces the remote center to calculate a control signal for each different
range. All of them are sent to the plant, but once it receives the control information, it measures the
actual delay and decides which control action must be applied.
The adaptive control strategy determines L update times as:
where the times h(σi ) are evaluated by the instants at which the condition:
is violated.
As was explained, the parameter σi is dependent on τ and |x(t) − xeq |, and σi ∈ [0, 1] guarantees:
To prevent the delay effect, the plant sends its measurement vector at the time tsk taking into account
the L possible values of tk (as shown in Figure 2):
where τi for i ∈ [1, 2, .., L] are the greater delay values of the L zones.
Figure 3 depicts a detailed sketch of the communication protocol between a controlled system (robotic
unit) and the remote controller. The protocol consists of four steps:
Step 1: At time tsk the robotic unit sends its measurements x(tsk ) and the last update time tk−1 to the
remote controller.
Step 2: The remote controller receives the x(tsk ) vector and predicts all possible values of x̂(ti,k )
according to Equation (17). For all possible x̂(ti,k ) values, the control signals u(ti,k ) are computed,
and the self-triggered scheduler calculates the next sampling times ti,k+1 for each one of the
L possible zones. Finally, the controller sends through the wireless channel the following
information: ti,k , u(ti,k ) and ti,sk+1 .
Step 3: The robotic unit receives the information with the current delay τ . The correct zone (from L)
is identified by observing the actual network delay, and only the proper control action u(tk ) and
time tsk+1 are considered. Then, the system waits until the corresponding time tk .
Step 4: The robot applies the proper control signal u(tk ) at the precise time tk .
Remark 1. It is noteworthy that synchronization is not necessary between the remote controller and
each robot to measure the total network delay, because this delay is measured from the time a robot
sends its measurements (Step 1) until it receives itself the control information (Step 3).
There exists a clear relation between the channel delay (τ) and the σ values. The delay constrains
the performance due to the tmin value, which is obtained through the performance function and must
be greater than the delay in order to guarantee stability. In turn, according to Theorem 5.1 [16] and
considering Equation (5) of this paper, it can be observed that the tmin depends on σ. The greater the σ,
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the lower the tmin . To ease the understanding of the relation between τ and σ, the limit σ values should
be taken into account:
Remark 3. If σ = 1, the system would be forced to update the control signal continuously. It is the
equivalent to the continuous control approach; this σ value is impossible to implement in a digital
platform due to the time between updates being null.
Figure 4 depicts the key aspects to select the σ value according to the current network delay. The first
step checked by the designer is to find the maximum allowable delay (τstable ); all of the delays have to
be smaller than this one, assuring stability. Next, the number of delay zones are fixed, and with them,
the corresponding partial limit delay τi is known. Then, the maximum σ value concerning each zone is
calculated. Finally, the designer chooses a σ value taking into account that it must be equal to or lower
than the maximum one previously calculated. For example: σi ∈]0, σiM AX ] where tmin (σiM AX ) = τi .
4. Experimental Setup
To demonstrate the proposal’s benefits in a telerobotic context, the described strategy is applied on
four P3-DX mobile robots linked to the remote center by the same WiFi channel (IEEE 802.11g).
The delay is not included as part of the plant model. That is, the P3-DX robot is locally modeled,
without wireless channel effects. Each robotic unit incorporates the lowest control level associated with
the active wheels and a digital observer to recover the full state of the robot from odometric information
providing filtered linear and angular velocities. The plant model is obtained with standard system
identification techniques [30] and validated through experimental trials. Linear and angular velocity
references (components of input vector u(t)) are sent to the robot, and the open-loop robotic response
(linear and angular velocities as output vector y(t)) is registered. From experimental data, the following
continuous state-space model of the P3-DX robotic unit is obtained.
Sensors 2015, 15 12463
" # " #
−4.094 −0.015 −4.159 −0.002
x˙r (t) = Axr (t) + Bu(t) = xr (t) + u(t) (22)
−0.008 −5.042 −0.001 −5.057
" #
1 0
y(t) = Cxr (t) = xr (t) (23)
0 1
• xr (t) ∈ R2 is the plant state vector (current linear and angular velocities of the robot);
• u(t) ∈ R2 is the input state vector (velocity command sent to the robot);
• y(t) ∈ R2 is the filtered measurement vector obtained from the observer (matching the
state vector).
A servo system is designed to properly track the gradual variation of linear and angular references for
each robot. The LQRdesign technique [31] is applied to each robot. The robot dynamics (xr ) extended
with the integrator dynamics (xn ) allows one to determine KI and KR gain matrices according to:
• xn (t) ∈ R2 is the integrator state vector related to the linear and angular velocities of the robot;
" # " #
−0.2605 0.0004 1 0.0007
KR = , KI = (26)
0.0005 −0.2234 −0.0007 1
The remote center, a PC sharing the wireless network with the robotic units, deals with three
main tasks:
The self-triggered scheduler is responsible for deciding when the state vector estimation has to be
updated and when the control action has to be applied to each robotic unit. The higher the interval
Sensors 2015, 15 12464
inter-executions, the lower the load of the wireless channel. Figure 5 shows the global structure of the
implemented adaptive self-triggered control.
Figure 5. Global structure of the adaptive self-triggered strategy implemented for multiple
robots that are remotely controlled.
First, the maximum time-delay that can be compensated by the adaptive self-triggered controller is
calculated. In this way, the designer has a bound on the maximum admissible delay. This maximum
admissible delay is 175.7 ms, which is equal to the tmin obtained with σ = 0.
Different experiments are carried out to identify the gamma distribution parameters, exchanging
information between the remote center and the robots. The total delay is measured from the time a
robot sends its measurements to when it receives the control action. This time includes both channel
delays and the remote center computation time. The maximum delay registered is 150 ms, which it is
lower than the maximum admissible delay.
The next step is the selection of the gamma probability parameters that models the network delay τ, as
can be seen in Section 3.1. The values of τ are classified into three zones (L = 3) bounded by the values
of its gamma cumulative distribution function Γ(τ), as can be noticed in Figure 1: τM IN = 0.005 s,
τ1 = 0.061 s, τ2 = 0.095 s and τM AX = 0.15 s. Then, the three ranges of network delays are
discriminated by:
Zone 1: from Γ(τM IN ) = 0 to Γ(τ1 ) = 0.4.
Zone 2: from Γ(τ1 ) = 0.4 to Γ(τ2 ) = 0.8.
Zone 3: from Γ(τ2 ) = 0.8 to Γ(τM AX ) = 1.
The designed strategy considers six different σ values combining qualitative values of network delay
(three cases) and the deviation of the state vector from the equilibrium point (two different cases). The
limits of the network delay ranges have been selected in the previous subsection. For the state vector drift,
only low and high cases with limit value |x(t) − xeq | = 0.1 are provided. Due to the direct effect of the
network delay on the shared resource (the wireless channel), it is prioritized over the deviation of the state
vector from the equilibrium condition. Table 1 includes the sigma values related to the self-triggering
adaptive strategy.
Sensors 2015, 15 12465
CurrentDelay τ
5. Results
This section presents simulation and experimental tests using a study case of four P3-DX robotic units
remotely controlled by a unique personal computer and linked through the same WiFi network (as shown
in Figure 6). To evaluate the performance of the control system, the integral of the squared error (ISE)
index is applied to the output tracking:
ISE = |y(k∆) − yref (k∆)|2 ∆ (27)
Figure 6. Experimental test using four P3-DX robotic units remotely controlled by a
personal computer.
As the first approach, the TrueTime software tool is used to evaluate the aperiodic remote control
of multiple robots considering variable channel delays [32]. TrueTime makes it possible to simulate
models of communication networks and their influence on networked control loops. Different scheduling
policies may be used, although in this case, the available standard in the robotics laboratory is IEEE
802.11g. The basic parameters of the experimental network are set in the TrueTime Wireless Network
Block, such as: the network type, 802.11g WLAN; data rate, 4 Mbps; frame size, 808 bits; transmission
power, 28 dBm; receiver signal threshold, −98 dBm.
For comparison purposes, three different implementations of the controller are considered:
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(1) A periodic implementation with constant sampling period equal to the discretization step
4 = 10 ms: in this case, only the remote control of one robotic unit was simulated to be used
as a reference of performance.
(3) A self-triggered implementation with two fixed triggering conditions: one close to zero (σ = 0.05)
and another close to one (σ = 0.9).
(3) An adaptive self-triggered implementation applying the triggering condition described in
Section 4.3.
Figure 7 shows the linear velocity that is the first component of the output vector y(t) from one
of the four tested P3-DX robots. The top-left picture corresponds to a fixed sampling time of 10 ms,
which shows good tracking performance. The top-right figure displays a high-performance self-triggered
implementation (σ = 0.9). The bottom-left illustration depicts a low-performance self-triggered
implementation (σ = 0.05). The bottom-right picture describes the adaptive self-triggered solution. It
can be appreciated that the higher the value of σ, the better the servo control performance. Nevertheless,
the adaptive self-triggering solution presents a balanced solution with a lower number of channel access
and an acceptable control performance. The same behavior is observed for the tracking of the angular
velocity that is the second component of the output vector y(t), which for the sake of space, is omitted
from the paper.
Linear velocity (m/s); Periodic (10ms); Robot1 Linear velocity (m/s); STC σ = 0.9; Robot1
0.6 0.6
Input Input
0.5 0.5
Output Output
0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
0 0
−0.1 −0.1
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80
Time(s) Time(s)
Linear velocity (m/s); STC σ = 0.05; Robot1 Linear velocity (m/s); Adaptive STC; Robot1
0.8 0.6
0.6 0.5
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.3
0 0.2
−0.2 0.1
−0.4 0
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80
Time(s) Time(s)
Figure 7. Linear velocity registered (red line) when a reference (blue line) is applied to
one of the robots. Results from different implementations: periodic sampling (Upper Left
Corner), fixed high value of the sigma parameter (Upper Right Corner), fixed low value
of the sigma parameter (Lower Left Corner) and adaptive solution proposed by the authors
(Lower Right Corner).
Sensors 2015, 15 12467
Table 2 shows that the minimum transmission time for a channel with a high delay level is used to
calculate the maximum transmission rate (λmax = Tmin −1 ) of each implementation. It can be appreciated
that the adaptive solution offers a transmission rate similar to the low-performance self-triggered
A statistical study has been carried out to better characterize the validation procedure. The study
consists of 350 simulations of each implementation. A fixed combination of linear and angular
velocities values has been chosen as a reference while randomly switching the application time of each
value. Table 3 summarizes the average and the standard deviation of performance and updates of the
four robotic units, except for the case of periodic sampling that is only applied to one robot to be used
as a reference for the rest of implementations. Comparing the previously-mentioned experiments, the
results confirm the benefits of the authors’ proposal. The improved aperiodic solution based on adaptive
self-triggering provides an average number of updates clearly lower than the periodic case and nearly
half of the self-triggered designed for high performance (σ = 0.9). However, the average ISE values are
similar to those obtained with robots implementing the mentioned self-triggered approach and slightly
worse than the periodic case.
Table 3. Key parameters of four P3-DX robotic units for comparison of the average (AVG)
and standard deviation (STD) values of 350 simulation results concerning the different
control strategies.
Experiments with four real P3-DX robots working on an IEEE 802.11g standard wireless network
have also been carried out. The combination of linear and angular velocities of the previous sub-section
is used. The experimental results were obtained only with the adaptive STC on the four P3-DX robots,
due to the poor performance of the low sigma value (σ = 0.05) and the large transmission rate required
for the high value (σ = 0.9), as well as the periodic sampling.
The WiFi network consists of an access point (AP) implemented by a router Buffalo WHR-HP-54 in
the remote center. Moreover, each robot is provided by an Ethernet converter Buffalo WLI-TX4-G54HP
working over the IEEE 802.11g. The transmission rate is set to auto-ranging from 1 to 54 Mbps. The
router automatically uses the fastest possible data rate. The best possible connection speed is negotiated
between the router and a wireless client. The CTS (clear to send)/RTS (request to send) protection mode
is set up. When multiple devices are connected to an access point, they can occasionally be transmitting
data to the access point at the same time, because no device can determine whether the other client is
transmitting or not. When this happens, the AP discards both pieces of colliding data. The CTS/RTS
protection mode avoids this issue by delegating which device gets to transmit at a given time. The
beacon interval is set to 50 ms. A beacon packet is a packet broadcast by the router to synchronize the
wireless network.
The main constraints of the channel are: packet dropouts due to packet collisions; other tasks running
on the robot, introducing additional delays; other 802.11g networks generating interferences in the
experimental area; etc.
A packet is considered lost when the delay is higher than the maximum delay (τM AX =150 ms) or
when the packet fails to reach its target. When a packet is lost, the robot sends a new one. With the
adaptive self-triggered implementation; in the worst case scenario, the registered packet dropout is lower
than 1%. This value does not threaten the stability of the system under study. Nonetheless, this problem
will be addressed in detail in future works.
The linear and angular velocities from one of the P3-DX units with the adaptive aperiodic
implementation are shown in Figure 8. It can be appreciated that the adaptive self-triggering solution
presents an acceptable control performance quantified by the ISE value related to each robot control. The
tracking error and the number of transmissions through the network are quantified in the “adaptive STC”
of Table 4. Figure 9 shows the current network delays and the inter-execution times τ obtained from
the experiment with four robotic units. The picture on the left confirms the erratic behavior of delays
in a WiFi channel. The picture on the right shows the inter-execution times and the network delays for
Robot 1. As can be appreciated, the higher the network delay, the higher the inter-transmission times
and vice versa. This way, the proposed controller actively and dynamically contributes to optimizing the
channel availability for control or other shared applications among several nodes.
Comparing the results obtained in the simulation (Figure 7, bottom-right) versus the experimental
ones (Figure 8, left), it can be realized that those obtained with the P3-DX are slightly deteriorated in the
performance of the control system due to the fact that the real wireless channel presents actual constraints
not implemented in TrueTime. Consequently, the real wireless channel presents delays larger than the
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simulated ones, leading to conservative σ values in order to relieve the channel load (Table 1). This
explains why the average number of updates is lower in the experimental scenario.
Linear velocity (m/s); Adaptive STC; Robot1 Angular velocity (rad/s); Adaptive STC; Robot1
0.6 0.6
Input Output
0.5 0.5
0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
0 0
−0.1 −0.1
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80
Time(s) Time(s)
Figure 8. Linear and angular velocity registered (red line) when a reference (blue line) is
applied to one of the four robots (simultaneously controlled by the remote center) with the
adaptive solution proposed by the authors.
Network delays τ (s)
Robot1 Robot2 Robot3 Robot4
Robot 1
Inter−transmission times
2.5 Network delays τ
0.1 2
0.05 1
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 20 40 60 80
Time(s) Time(s)
Figure 9. Actual network delays τ registered from the experimental test with four
remotely-controlled robots (Left) and a detailed representation of the network delays τ and
inter-execution times of Robot 1 (Right).
Table 4 also highlights the benefits of the authors’ proposal with respect to the conservative
approach [27], where only the maximum channel delay is considered to tackle with a self-triggered
control solution. The performance requirements of the conservative approaches are highly restrictive,
mainly when the maximum delay is large. This is because the tmin obtained through the σ value has to
be greater than the maximum channel delay (τM AX ) to guarantee the stability. To replicate the controller
designed in [27], we took into account that the τM AX with four robotics units was 150 ms; this is why
we worked with σ = 0.1 (tmin = 154.5 ms) when |x(t) − xeq | > 0.1 and σ = 0.05 (tmin = 164.2 ms)
when |x(t) − xeq | ≤ 0.1.
Sensors 2015, 15 12470
Table 4. Key parameter comparison of the experimental results obtained by the new proposal
and by that described in [27]. ISE, integral of the squared error.
The mean values of communication updates and performance index obtained from Table 4 are
compared with the periodic case (simulated results, sampling time equal to 10 ms); see Table 5.
Considering the same velocities references, with respect to the update number of the periodic case,
the mean value of the new proposal is 97.5% lower; meanwhile, it is reduced 98.4% in the case of the
conservative proposal [27]. Taking the ISE value of the periodic case as a reference, the tracking error of
the new control solution is 24% higher; however, it is increased 806% with the conservative one.
Table 5. Comparison of experimental results obtained applying the new proposal and that
described by [27] with the simulated results obtained from periodic implementation.
6. Conclusions
Self-triggered control with compensation of channel delays based on its upper limit has solved
different problems in the context of wireless CPS. This paper proves and illustrates that a
non-conservative aperiodic alternative improves NCS applications when the channel delay is highly
variable in cases, such as a WiFi networks. The key to this alternative is the double adaptation of
the triggering mechanism considering the measured delay in each control iteration and how far from
the steady state the system is. The main idea is to relax the triggering mechanism when the channel
occupancy level increases and the state of the system under control is close to the equilibrium condition.
In this way, the described strategy actively and dynamically contributes to optimizing the channel
availability for control or other shared applications among several network nodes.
The benefits of this adaptive self-triggered solution have been tested in a multi-robot application
using a unique remote controller, sharing a WiFi network. Firstly, the algorithm has been validated
by simulation using the TrueTime tool and then by implementation on four P3-DX robotic units. The
experimental results are slightly worse than the simulated ones due to the fact that the real wireless
channel presents actual constraints not implemented in TrueTime. However, they enable the authors
to demonstrate the advantages of their solution with real communication constrains. Additionally, the
Sensors 2015, 15 12471
described solution allows the designer to estimate the maximum number of robotic units remotely
controlled using the wireless network supported by the IEEE 802.11g standard. Obviously, a better
adaptation of the triggering mechanism to the current channel delay requires splitting the gamma
cumulative distribution function into more than three parts. In non-packet-based networks, the higher the
number of L zones, the higher the size of information sent by the remote center to the robots. Summing
up, the designer should be aware of this drawback regarding the increase of the data amount when the
number of L zones is selected.
Currently, the authors are working on the application of this control strategy to non-linear systems,
such as the trajectory tracking of robots’ formation. Future work will involve the analysis of other
channel communication problems, i.e., packet dropout and the minimum stabilizing bit rate, on the
stability of NCS.
Supplementary Materials
This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the
ALCORProject (DPI2013-47347-C2-1-R).
Author Contributions
All of the authors made significant contributions to this paper. Carlos Santos designed and tested
the aperiodic controller and wrote the paper. Felipe Espinosa and Enrique Santiso provided valuable
suggestions to the development of the designed controller and to the experimental test. Manuel Mazo Jr.
supervised the research work.
Conflicts of Interest
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