Throughput-Aware Resource Allocation For Qos Classes in Lte Networks

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Procedia Computer Science 59 (2015) 115 – 122

International Conference on Computer Science and Computational Intelligence

(ICCSCI 2015)

Throughput-aware Resource Allocation for QoS Classes in

LTE Networks
Nasim Ferdosiana,∗, Mohamed Othmana , Borhanuddin Mohd Alib , Kweh Yeah
a Department of Communication Technology and Network, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor D.E 43400, Malaysia
b Department of Computer and Communication Systems, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor D.E 43400, Malaysia

In LTE systems, multicast services must be delivered efficiently in response to the need for strong QoS support.
However, each class of quality services has its own requirements to be satisfied. These quality constraints limit
the scheduling flexibility, and the LTE downlink resource allocating algorithms need to assimilate these con-
straints while trying to maximize system performance in terms of fairness and throughput. This paper addresses
this fundamental problem of LTE downlink scheduling by adopting the time-domain Knapsack algorithm over the
traffic overload patterns. We fine tune the Knapsack algorithm, to overcome this problem and improve system
performance objectives. We demonstrate that more efficient performance can be achieved in terms of fairness
index and system throughput, which is evaluated using simulation results.
c 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
© 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of organizing committee of the International Conference on Computer Science
and Computational
Peer-review Intelligence
under responsibility of organizing(ICCSCI
committee of2015).
the International Conference on Computer Science and Computational Intelligence (ICCSCI 2015)

Keywords: Long Term Evolution, downlink scheduling, Quality of Service, Knapsack algorithm, fairness

1. Introduction

The Long Term Evolution (LTE) cellular communication system has emerged as a fast-growing
prevalent technology, delivering a diversity of mobile broadband services, in the communication mar-
ket. The LTE specifications have been standardized to utilize Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple
Access (OFDMA) as the transmission scheme, commissioned to carry out the downlink communi-
cation 1 . The OFDMA transmission scheme in comparing with the old one (Code Division Multiple
Access) provides a key advantage of flexibility for resource allocation decision makers in exploiting
frequency diversity 2 .
An LTE scheduler is expected to allocate radio resources efficiently to support a high variety of
services and maximize system throughput. However, it is a crucial problem to accomplish all targets

∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +603 8947 1707; Fax: +603 8946 6576
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (Nasim Ferdosian)., [email protected] (Mohamed Othman).

1877-0509 © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of organizing committee of the International Conference on Computer Science and Computational
Intelligence (ICCSCI 2015)
116 Nasim Ferdosian et al. / Procedia Computer Science 59 (2015) 115 – 122

at the same time. Each factor can be supplied at the cost of reducing another one 3 . For example,
in response to the strong QoS support, many QoS-aware solutions were introduced which have been
revealed to be unsuitable for dealing with throughput and fairness requirements 4 .
A flexible QoS-oriented scheduler, divided into Time Domain (TD) and Frequency Domain (FD),
was introduced in 5 for real-time video traffic. The proposed algorithm considers arrival rate and head
of line packet delay as influential QoS factors for multiuser resource distribution. The authors in 6
described a self-optimization method to the LTE network scheduler in response to the active changes
of network conditions and traffic over time and proposed an optimized-service aware (OSA) scheduler.
To simplify the complexity of the resource allocation procedure, it has been partitioned into three sep-
arate stages: QoS classes identified classification, time domain and frequency domain scheduling. At
the first step each bearer is classified into individual QoS class based on its CQI factors. Then the TD
scheduler prioritizes the classified bearers according to their QoS data rate requirements and cate-
gorizes them into separate prioritized candidate bearers: GBR and Non-GBR. GBR bearers typically
carry real-time applications which are sensitive to delay and need to be served with a guaranteed
bitrate 7 . OSA algorithm sorts each GBR bearer according to the Head of Line (HOL) packet delay in
the buffer of the related bearer.
The ranking function of traditional scheduling algorithms which are only based on the queue’s
priority, ignoring other metrics, would impose a lack of sufficient intellect over the resource allocation
process 8 . In response to this challenging problem, the authors in 9 introduced Knapsack scheduling
algorithm with emphasis on overload states. This class-based resource allocation algorithm supports
QoS constraints by ordering the bearers using a ranking function calculated based on the multiple
metrics, including GBR/Non-GBR class priority, bearer queue status, packet loss and delay. However,
since the main volume of the LTE network traffic is real-time services, growing in an explosive manner,
especially video and VoIP 10 , the fairness issue among these services forms a major challenge as well
as QoS support in current networks.
In this work, we propose an opportunistic approach to treat all three desired LTE targets aggre-
gately as a single scheduling problem. Our proposed strategy can be viewed as a theoretical comple-
mentary of the work 9 . We formulate the optimization problem of resource apportion and make the
ranking function to implement these optimal policies efficiently. The performance of the scheme is
evaluated by comparing with Knapsack and Priority only algorithm as reference scheduling schemes.
The inter-class and intra-class fairness assessment is done in terms of throughput 11 for VoIP traffic,
and the impact of throughput-aware ranking function is evaluated with the help of simulation results.

2. System Model

In the present paper, OFDMA based 3GPP-LTE Downlink system with an E-UTRAN NodeB (eNB)
(the base station in LTe networks) is considered. Each OFDMA frame of the LTE radio channel is
constructed in the time and frequency domains. It contains ten 1ms sub-frames in time domain and
a sub-channel of 12 consecutive same size sub-carriers in frequency domain. A single sub-carrier
covers 15 kHz and the sub-channel subsequently 180 kHz of the spectrum. The basic resource unit
for mapping the radio resources to active users is named Resource Block (RB). Each RB spans over
a 0.5 ms time extent and one sub-channel 12,13 . The resource scheduling process is performed every
Transfer Time Interval (TTI) which lasts one ms. We assume 5MHz bandwidth, consisting of 25 RBs
in time-frequency domain and 330 active users in a single cell scenario. Here, the set of all users is
defined by U (U = {1, 2, ..., u}) and the set of all RBs by RB (RB = {1, 2, ..., rb}). U is a collection of the users
with different kind and number of bearers (single VoIP, single data, multiple data and VoIP-data) over
the mixed-interval-time of normal and overload status. In each overload time interval, 50 users with
single data session are added to the existed traffic and they are eliminated at the start of normal
Similarly to the algorithms reviewed in 14 it is supposed that the resource scheduling procedure is
decoupled between time domain scheduler and the frequency domain scheduler separately, in the way
Nasim Ferdosian et al. / Procedia Computer Science 59 (2015) 115 – 122 117

that time domain scheduler selects an optimal set of bearers to be served and the required number of
RBs for each bearer. Then in the next phase, frequency domain scheduler defines the most suitable
RBs to be assigned to each bearer from the selected set of the prioritized bearers 15 . This separation can
make it easier to optimize each step of scheduling independently and result in significant reduction
of computational complexity 16 . The focus of this paper is the phase in which the time domain packet
scheduling is involved.
The well-known Maximum Throughput (MT) scheme 17 is a well devised algorithm to maximize

total cell throughput by maximizing the objective function di (t), where di (t) is the achievable data
rate of user i at time slot t. It selects the user that can achieve the biggest amount of throughput
over a given RB in the current TTI. The MT approach relies on the instantaneous channel conditions
of each user to measure the expected data rate of each user and accordingly maximize system overall
throughput. However, this approach is insufficient to support multimedia applications with strict loss
and delay requirements. Therefore, several resource allocation algorithms that satisfy requirements
of these new applications have been developed 18,19,20 .
Here, the scheduling architecture works on a service bearer level where, a bearer is considered
to convey a service data flow. The bearers have their own service characteristics, depend on the ap-
plication coming from, and are grouped into two divergent Guaranteed Bit Rate (GBR) and Non-
Guaranteed Bit Rate (Non-GBR) groups. The 3GPP has standardized the corresponding service char-
acteristics of the bearers into 9 Quality Channel Indicators (QCI) to ensure that the bearers belong to
the same class of services, receive the same minimum level of service quality 21 . The standardized QCI
classes along with their corresponding performance characteristics has been shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Standardized QoS characteristics in QCI classes 21

Packet delay Packet error
QCI Bearer type Priority Example services
budget (ms) loss rate
1 2 100 10 Conversational Voice
2 4 150 10 Conversational Video (Live Streaming)
3 3 50 10 Real Time Gaming
4 5 300 10 Non-Conversational Video (Buffered Streaming)
5 1 100 10 IMS Signalling
Video (buffered streaming) TCP-based (e.g., www, e-mail, chat, ftp, p2p file
6 6 300 10
Non-GBR sharing, progressive video, etc.)
7 7 100 10 Voice, Video (Live Streaming) Interactive Gaming
8 8 300 10 Video (buffered streaming) TCP-based (e.g., www, e-mail, chat, ftp, p2p file
9 9 300 10 sharing, progressive video, etc.)

Every QCI has a particular packet forwarding treatment according to their predefined specifics;
therefore, all bearers assigned to an especial QCI must follow a common rate and scheduling policy
while fulfilling the QoS class-based constraints. To this end, the Knapsack scheduling algorithm has
been proposed as an opportunistic scheduling. It contains two main phases of resource allocation.
In the first phase, the GBR bearers are assigned resources to allocate and ensure their guaranteed
bitrate. In the next phase, the not used up resources are distributed among Non-GBR bearers and
the queued packets of the GBR bearers to get resources further up the already provided guaranteed
bitrate. The second step list of candidate bearers is sorted according to their rank value. Then, a
subset of the highest ranked bearers is selected. It is expected to select the optimal set of the bear-
ers. This selected subset is considered as an optimal solution to the knapsack problem of resource
scheduling, expecting to maximize the sum of the values of the scheduled bearers without exceeding
the total capacity of the system resources. The knapsack algorithm supports QoS class-based applica-
tion constraints. However, the optimal scheduling policies need to be optimal under the fairness and
maximum performance throughput requirements as well.
118 Nasim Ferdosian et al. / Procedia Computer Science 59 (2015) 115 – 122

3. Problem Formulation

To comply these three targets, we will describe an alternative QoS class-based scheduling problem
that would insure that all bearers get at least a certain fraction of the total system performance. This
problem is formulated as a multi-objective optimization problem which can be stated by the following
Objective functions:
max ri,rb , (1)
i=1 rb∈RBi

∀i ∈ N : lim inf ri (t) ≥ φi r̄, (2)


∀i ∈ N : min(li ) and min(di ), (3)
subject to:
∀i, j ∈ N, i  j : RBi ∩ RB j = ∅, (4)
∀i ∈ N, k ∈ K : dik < Dk , (5)
∀i ∈ N, k ∈ K : lik < Lk , (6)
where i (i ∈ N = {1, 2, ..., n}) denotes the index of the bearer which is assigned to the QCI class k (k =
{1, 2, ..., 9}) transmitting data over the RBi resource blocks. RBi is the set of resource blocks dedicated
to the bearer i and is presented by the set RBi ⊂ RB = {1, 2, ..., rb}. Let ri,rb be the achieved throughput
by bearer i over the rbth resource block, φi is the minimum fraction of the total average throughput,

required by bearer i with φi ≥ 0 and ni=1 φi ≤ 1, ri (t) denotes the average throughput of bearer i up to
time t and r̄ is the average total throughput, Dk and Lk are maximal packet delay target and maximal
packet loss rate target from the corresponding QCI class k respectively, dik and lik are the measured
packet delay and loss for bearer i from QCI class k respectively. Here, φi indicates the fairness target
in terms of throughput.
In this context, the optimization objectives, including maximizing system throughput, fairness,
minimizing delay and packet loss rate as respectively expressed by Equations (1),(2) and (3) should
be achieved. The sets of all the assigned resource blocks are disjoint as indicated in Equation (4),
implying that no resource block can be granted to more than one bearer. Delay and packet loss rate
must be less than the standardized packet delay budget and packet error loss rate thresholds of the
corresponding QCI class (Equations 5 and 6).

4. Proposed Scheme

In this context, a utility function is devised to mathematically compute the bearer rank value based
on the influential parameters of the desired performance targets, allowing the resource decision mak-
ers to put the emphasis on the specific factors of the network performance. The main idea of the
proposed ranking function was inspired by the normalized ranking function in 9 which is a combina-
tion of four individual ranking functions of QoS metrics (delay, loss, queue depth and priority). Each
ranking function outputs a weighted rank value, bounded in [0, pi ], and is calculated as follows:

r f (xi , pi ) = pi . tanh(xi ), (7)

where pi is the adjustable weight for each QoS metric assigned by the operator and xi is the normalized
value of QoS metric i calculated as follows:
measured value o f metric i
xi = . (8)
QoS constraint o f metric i
Nasim Ferdosian et al. / Procedia Computer Science 59 (2015) 115 – 122 119

Fig. 1. Block diagram of the proposed scheduling scheme

In the normalized ranking function the QCI label, indicating the QoS constraints, dedicated to bearers,
is the main factor that determines the transmission priority of a particular bearer. However, provid-
ing fairness and high throughput performance is a challenging issue in case of scheduling strategy
unaware of the experienced data rate. We overcome this conflicting issue by considering a measure of
throughput normalized by the quantity of past data rate experienced by each user; making this, it is
possible to average the resources evenly between the users and consequently providing fairness along
with higher overall throughput. Consequently, the overall rank for a given bearer will be calculated
as follows:

r f (xi , pi ), ∀i ∈ {delay, loss, queuedepth, priority, throughput}, (9)
where specifically, in case of throughput parameter, the Time Domain Proportional Fair metric will be
used as the normalized throughput value. This metric is expressed as:
EstimatedT hroughput
xthroughput = . (10)
PastAverageT hroughput
The supportable throughput is estimated by the link adaptation, utilizing CQI value. The past aver-
age throughput which is the data rate history of each user. In practice, the distribution of throughput
is unknown, and hence we need to keep the throughput experienced by the involved users to control
its distribution. Every TTI the experienced throughput will be updated when the bearers are resource
allocated. Block diagram of the proposed scheduling policy is depicted in 1.

5. Results and Discussion

In previous section, a throughput-aware resource allocation strategy was proposed, resulting in a

fair service coverage offering for different quality classes of traffic. To perform our resource allocation
model we applied the same scenario as defined in 9 . The reference scenario is a single-cell multicast
system where resource allocation is performed at each TTI in time domain, each one lasting 1 ms.
The fair resource division performance of the proposed scheduling solution is evaluated in two aspects
of intra-class fairness and inter-class fairness under the predetermined normal and overload traffic
The average obtained throughput by individual QCI classes are used as inter-class fairness measure
by different scheduling strategies. Table 2 shows the average throughput of different QCI classes for
the proposed scheme in compare with priority only scheduler and knapsack algorithm along with the
improved percentage. Distinct QoS demands of the bearers coming from different QCI classes results
in disparate amount of the received throughput for these classes. The comparison of the average
120 Nasim Ferdosian et al. / Procedia Computer Science 59 (2015) 115 – 122

Table 2. Average Throughput (Mbps) per QCI class


Throughput-aware 4.93 3.09 4.88 2.94 1.32 1.49 1.50 1.31

Knapsack 5.42 2.51 5.49 2 .36 1.54 1.44 1.52 1.19

Improved percentage(%) -9.04 23.11 -11.11 24.58 -14.28 3.47 -1.31 10.08

Priority 5.44 2.41 5.02 2.73 1.83 1.51 1.96 0.65

Improved percentage(%) -9.37 28.21 -2.79 7.69 -27.87 -1.32 -23.47 101.54

Fig. 2. GBR inter-class fairness versus schedulers

throughput for GBR and Non-GBR groups of bearer is depicted separately in Figs. 2 and 3. As can
be seen in these figures the proposed scheme tried to make the level of satisfaction among individual
users in terms of average throughput almost near to each other.
As much as, the effect of past experienced throughput awareness is more prominent for prioritizing
the bearers with the same QoS characteristics, the measure of fairness for the VoIP traffic is important
in assessing how fair the system scheduling solution performs in aspect of intra-class fairness. The
intra-class fairness is evaluated by determining the average of the per user throughput in long term
of simulation time. These simulation results are shown in Fig 4. As can be seen from this figure, the
references strategies improve the performance of high priority bearers by sacrificing the transmission
performance of the other bearers results in several fluctuations in graph. Notice that the downfalls of
the graph implies the starvation of VoIP bearers by using the reference resource allocation schemes.
Hence, the smaller and less number of throughput fluctuations indicate the higher level of fairness
among the VoIP bearers by applying the throughput-aware knapsack algorithm.

6. Conclusion

This study paper has focused on downlink resource scheduling with QoS and fairness constraints for
different quality classes in LTE networks. We describes the resource allocation as a multi-objective op-
timization problem, covering three main performance targets of LTE scheduling. The desired solution
Nasim Ferdosian et al. / Procedia Computer Science 59 (2015) 115 – 122 121

Fig. 3. Non-GBR inter-class fairness versus schedulers

Fig. 4. Intra-class fairness (VoIP bearers)

which is selecting and scheduling the best candidate bearers was provided by using a throughput-
aware knapsack algorithm to maximize the desired performance targets. with respect to average
throughput measurements we can conclude that by modifying the Knapsack algorithm to use a throughput-
aware ranking function the system performance in terms of total throughput can be enhanced in sev-
eral classes of QCI to the close levels. On the other hand, as much as the VoIP traffic is the major
volume of the existed wireless communication traffic, we assessed the proposed scheduling solution by
comparing the level of the long-term obtained throughput by the VoIP bearers. The simulation results
showed that the level of fairness was improved as the particular effect of added normalized through-
put metric. The future work can focus in using other optimal solutions to provide a fair resource
distribution in uplink system.
122 Nasim Ferdosian et al. / Procedia Computer Science 59 (2015) 115 – 122


The authors are thankful to Dr. Michael Brehm and Prof. Dr. Ravi Prakash for their valuable contribu-
tion from the University of Texas at Dallas. Also, this work has been supported by the Malaysian Min-
istry of Education under the Fundamental Research Grant Scheme FRGS/2/2014 /ICT03/UPM/02/3.


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