Surveying Manual
Surveying Manual
Surveying Manual
Surveying Manual
This manual provides basic concepts about surveying and is intended for use in the training course
Surveying Methods for Local Highway Agencies. The manual and course are intended for town, village,
city, and county personnel who have field responsibilities related to highway construction and maintenance.
It is not intended for engineers, technicians, or surveyors with a background in surveying.
This manual is patterned after the similar publication developed by the Cornell Local Roads Program with
contributions by Maine and several other LTAP Centers. We also want to acknowledge Paul Cooney, P.E.,
L.S. for his valuable assistance in teaching workshops for the Transportation Information Center (T.I.C.).
Surveying manual
Surveying is the science of determining the relative positions of objects or points on the
earth’s surface. These points may be any physical thing: a highway, culvert, ditch, storm
drain inlet, or property corner. Distances and directions determine the horizontal
positions of these points. The vertical positions are determined by differences in
elevations measured from a reference location known as a benchmark.
This manual presents basic principles and practices of surveying for highway
construction and maintenance work. It discusses techniques for measuring horizontal
distances and vertical elevations, construction staking and slopes, and gives a number of
examples and exercises.
Accuracy is very important in survey work. Some points must be located to the nearest
0.01 foot. Others may be located to the nearest whole foot horizontally and nearest 0.1
foot vertically. Accuracy is also sometimes described in terms of a ratio such as 1/100
(one in one hundred). This means the measurements should be accurate to within one foot
in 100 feet, or 10 feet over a distance of 1,000 feet, for example.
Before choosing personnel and selecting survey equipment, it is important to determine
the accuracy required for the job. Cut and fill slopes and ditches, for example, don’t
require the same accuracy as drain inlets and finished pavement grades.
No survey measurement is ever exact. Surveys are subject to error, so always check your
work. It is better to take the time to do it right than having to find the time and money to
correct mistakes.
■ Measuring horizontal distances
Horizontal distances may be determined by many methods. The survey tape is the most
common, but other methods and devices are also used in highway work.
- Pacing Count the number of steps and multiply by the known length of each step.
This is used to provide distance estimates when no measuring device is available or
precision is not required. Experienced personnel may achieve a precision of 1/50.
- Measuring wheel On this commercial device, distance is measured by each
rotation of a wheel and reported on a dial. It is commonly used to record distances
such as curb length or paving quantities and can also be helpful for determining
distances along a curve. Precision is usually 1/500
- Odometer Vehicle odometers are helpful in determining long distances such as for
sign layout or checking vision at intersections. Precision of 1/20 is reasonable.
- Estimates Skilled people can often estimate distances with good results. This may
be sufficient for some purposes.
- Electronic Modern surveying uses a variety of electronic equipment to measure
distances. This quickly provides very precise measurements but requires experienced
personnel and relatively expensive equipment.
• Pacing
Pacing consists of counting the number of steps or paces in a required distance.
Distances obtained by pacing are sufficiently accurate for many purposes in surveying.
Pacing is also used to validate survey work and eliminate any taping blunders.
Measuring your pace length requires a measured 100-foot distance. You then walk this
distance and count the number of steps. It is best to repeat the process four times and
average the results.
It is possible to adjust your pace to an even three feet, but this should usually be
avoided. It is very difficult to maintain an unnatural pace length over a long distance.
Accurate pacing is done by using your natural pace, even if it is an uneven length such
as 2.6 feet. It is difficult to maintain an even pace when going up hill or down hill.
Using your natural pace will make this easier.
Another error can occur if you are not consistent in starting with either the heel or toe
of your shoe. If you place your toe at the start point, then also measure the end point
with your toe. Starting with the heel and ending with the toe is a common mistake.
Some surveyors prefer to count strides. A stride is two steps or paces. This reduces the
counting but often requires using part of a stride to determine the total distance.
Pacing is a valuable skill for surveyors. It requires some practice and concentration.
Experienced pacers can measure distances within 1/50 to 1/100 in open and level
• Tapes
Tapes come in many different materials and styles.
- Cloth Cloth tapes are common in construction surveys. They are 5/8 inch wide and
made of high-grade linen or plastic.
- Metallic Metallic tapes are often either 50 feet or 100 feet in length and come on
enclosed reel cases. Be careful when using metal tapes around electrical sources.
- Builders tapes Builders tapes are often narrower and lighter than surveyor’s tapes.
They are also often shorter and come in enclosed cases. They may be in feet and
inches rather than hundredths of feet.
- Surveyors/engineers tape These tapes are made of steel and are _ inch to 3/4 inch
wide in 100, 200, and even 500 feet lengths. The 100-foot tape is common. They
may be wound on an open or closed reel. Typically they are graduated at every foot
and marked from 0 to 100. Some subtracting tapes have only the last foot at each end
divided into tenths and hundredths. Others, called adding tapes, have an extra
graduated foot beyond the zero mark.
The early surveyor’s chain used the English length of 66 feet. There were 100 links,
each 0.66 feet in length. While 66 feet seems unusual, it was used to keep the early
chains from being too long and heavy. Sixty-six feet is proportional to our English
mile and acre. There are 80 chain lengths to a mile, 40 chains to a half-mile, etc. One
acre is measured as 10 chains long (660 feet) by one chain wide (66 feet), giving
43,560 square feet.
Acre = 10 square chains
10 chains = 660'
Other multiples of the chain are still in use today. A furlong, used in horse racing, is 10
chains, or 660 feet. A rod is 1/4 of a chain or 16.5 feet. Rods are commonly used in
early highway right-of way descriptions. The Wisconsin Statutes still describe right-of-
way as 3 or 4 rods.
• Taping methods
It takes some skill to measure distances with a tape and produce accurate, consistent
results. The following suggestions help avoid errors and sloppy work:
Reading the tape. The first, often overlooked, step involves a review of the tape. Tapes
may have several types of scales and gradations. First determine if the tape uses metric
or English units. Then review the gradations. The most common surveying tape will
have gradations in feet and hundredths of a foot. Often the even footmarks are in red
with tenths marked in black numbers. The 0.05 gradation lines are usually longer than
the hundredths (0.01) but shorter than the 0.10 marks.
The end of the tape is another important item to inspect. You must locate the zero
point. Some common cloth tapes have a hinged clip to aid in measuring distances by
yourself. Often the zero point is at the end of the hinge. The point is to inspect and be
sure you know where the zero point is on the tape you are using.
When measuring a long distance of several tape lengths you must take care in lining up
the measurements. An error is introduced if you do not measure in a straight line. A
straight line is maintained by having the rear tape person direct the forward tape person
so that he or she is in line with the finish point (called “lining in”). A range pole or
some other device is used to mark the forward point. A considerable error can result if
you are not careful to line in the measurements over a long distance.
The tape must also be pulled tight when measuring a distance. Sagging will cause an
error. Wind is also a problem that causes additional error. A tension in the range of 10
to 20 pounds is necessary. To maintain a steady pull, it is helpful to have leather thongs
on the tape ends. Wrap one hand around the thong, keep the forearms against the body,
and face at right angles to the line. Good communication between head and rear tape
persons will avoid jerking the tape and will save time.
Measuring over rough ground or areas of brush requires the tape to be held horizontal
rather than laid on the ground. The tape is usually held near waist height and plumb-
bobs are necessary to mark the end points. The tape is marked by placing the plumb-
bob string over the proper tape graduation and securing it with one thumb. Survey pins
or stakes may be used to mark points. A mark on the stake top or a tack may be used to
mark the points being measured.
Errors from improper lining, sag, wind, or uneven ground result in measurements that
are too long; the recorded length is more than the actual distance. On the other hand,
these errors cause the length between points being set in the field, to be short. For
example, if the tape sag causes an error of 1 foot in a distance of 100 ft, then stakes
being set 100 feet apart would only actually be 99 feet apart. If several of these factors
are present the error accumulates and can be substantial. Accurate taping requires skill
and attention to detail.
• Horizontal distances
Surveying and highway construction practice use horizontal distances rather than slope
distances. This is necessary because the horizontal distance between two points does
not change even if the ground is disturbed. If the surveyor used slope distances, then
the distance between objects and places would change every time the grade changed.
Horizontal distance = H B
distance = V e =S
t anc
Figure 3 shows the relationship between horizontal and slope distance. The slope
distance is always greater than the horizontal distance. Obviously, the greater the
slope, the greater the difference between horizontal and slope distance. If great
precision is not required and the slopes are not steep, then you may use the slope
distance. Naturally it is easier to lay the tape on the ground than to use plumb-bobs to
measure distances. Table 1 shows the effect of using slope distances for various slopes.
Converting Slope to Horizontal distances
Horizontal Distance if Slope is:
Slope 10 ft 25ft 50ft 100ft 500ft
1:10 9.95 24.87 49.75 99.50 497.49
1:6 9.86 24.66 49.32 98.64 493.20
1:4 9.70 24.25 48.51 97.0 485.07
1:3 9.49 23.72 47.43 94.87 474.34
1:2 8.94 22.36 44.72 89.44 447.21
1:1 7.07 17.68 35.36 70.71 353.55
Taping on sloping ground often requires use of the “breaking tape” procedure. Where a
100-foot length cannot be held horizontal without plumbing above chest height, you
must measure shorter distances. Figure 4 illustrates this procedure.
30 ft mark
0 ft mark
on tape
on tape
75 ft mark
on tape
Plumb Line
100 ft mark
on tape
Direction of Taping
is usually downhill
30 ft 45 ft 25 ft
100 ft horizontal
In the example, the tape’s zero point is held at point A. The steep slope limits the first
distance to about 30 feet. Measuring beyond this length required the tape to be held
above the chest of the forward tape person. A point is set at 30 feet and the rear tape
person moves to the 30-foot mark, with the tape on the ground. The forward tape
person moves ahead until the tape is again about waist or chest high when held
horizontal. In this example, the 45-foot mark is placed and the process is repeated for
the final segment. The individual measurements must be totaled for the final
If the total distance is likely to be less than 100 feet, then it is easier to let the tape do
the adding. Placing the 30-foot mark on the tape at the ground 30-foot point does this.
Then the next point would read on the tape as 75 feet. This eliminates the need to total
the individual distances.
Taping downhill is preferable to uphill, because the rear point is held steady on the
ground, while the other end is plumbed. In taping uphill the forward point is set while
the other end (being plumbed) may be wavering somewhat.
• Stationing
Stationing is used to establish a reference in highway and building construction. This
base line or reference can then be used to locate features along and adjacent to the base
0+50 3+75
Figure 5: Stationing
Figure 5 shows a typical centerline stationing. It may start at zero or, often, at 10 or
100 to avoid negative stations during future surveys. The stationing or distance
increases along the line. By convention, highway stations increase from west to east
and south to north.
Stations are 100 feet apart. Points in between are measured from the last station and
indicated as plus (+) distances. For example, a point 32.5 feet ahead for station 10 is
called 10+32.5
The stationing (baseline) can also be used to locate features adjacent to the baseline.
For example a culvert inlet may be described as being at station 26+78, 30 feet Rt.
(right). This means the inlet is 30 feet right of station 26+78. The offset is measured at
a right angle to the centerline (or baseline). One must face in the direction of increasing
stations when determining right or left.
• Right triangles
Angles of 90 degrees, called right angles, are used commonly in surveying. Right
triangles, which have one 90-degree angle, have some unique characteristics that are
helpful to know and understand.
5 a 3
c2 = a2 + b2
25 = 9 + 16
Figure 6 illustrates some of these properties. If we know the length of any two sides of
a right triangle, then we can calculate the length of the remaining side. This is known
as the Pythagorean theorem. To use this property, you must determine the square root
of a number, which is very easy with a hand calculator.
It is also helpful to know the features of a special type of right triangle. If the sides are
multiples of the 3:4:5 triangle, then the calculations are made easy.
You can use the properties of right triangles to set right angles from a baseline. For
example to locate a feature from the centerline, you can establish a 15ft:20ft:25ft
triangle as shown in Figure 7.
Another, more approximate method, is sometimes used in the field. You can stand on
the centerline and point each hand in opposite directions down the centerline, then
close your eyes and swing your hands together in front of you. Your hands will then be
pointing approximately at right angles from the centerline.
■ Vertical measurements
Vertical distances are measured from a point of
known elevation called a benchmark. On local
surveys the benchmark is usually set at an arbitrary
elevation such as 100.0. On surveys for large
projects the benchmark will likely be a federal, state
or county benchmark. The US Coast Survey and
Geodetic Survey have established a system of
permanent benchmarks throughout the United
States. These are made of concrete or steel with a
brass disk on the top. The location and elevation are
stamped on the disk.
Elevations on federal or state benchmarks will be
related to average sea level. The marked elevation is
the vertical distance from average sea level to the
top of the benchmark. For example elevations in
Madison, Wisconsin, are about 850.0 feet.
In setting local project benchmarks it is highly
recommended that you make the arbitrary elevation
large enough so that there is no need to use negative
numbers in any part of the project. Negative
elevations can be used, but they only complicate the
math. An arbitrary benchmark elevation of 100.0 is
common and works well as long as no part of the
project is more than 100 feet below the benchmark.
Figure 8
• Equipment
Level rods are used to measure vertical distances. They are available in English or
metric units. The English unit rods may divide feet into either hundredths or inches.
Highway projects may use either English or metric level rods have several features to
make reading easier. The footmarks are in large red numbers and may be repeated in
several places as a small red number. This helps because the level sight is often small
and shows only several tenths of the rod at a time.
Level rods in hundredths use alternating white and black bars for each one-hundredth
(0.01). Every five one-hundredths (0.05) has a bar with a chisel point end. Therefore,
every even tenth point and intermittent five-one-hundredth point also has a chisel
It is essential that the level rod be held in a “true” vertical position, since it is
measuring a vertical distance. If the rod is leaning, then the reading is not actually the
true vertical distance. Leaning the rod forward, backward, or to the side will cause an
error. Keeping the rod “plumb” is the rod person’s job because the person reading the
measurements cannot readily tell if the rod is leaning.
The hand level is a simple and inexpensive device. It is sufficient for many
construction projects where great accuracy or long distances are not involved.
Bubble tube
Field of view
The hand level is normally not magnified. It provides a line of sight with a bubble level
attached. The observer sees the target and level bubble at the same time. The rod
reading is made using the crosshair when the bubble is centered. Bracing the hand
level on a staff or lath will make it much easier to steady and read.
• Leveling procedure
The hand level and rod are used to establish and verify elevations. If you only want to
determine the difference between two points, then you can make two direct readings as
shown in Figure 10. The difference in rod readings (one subtracted from the other) is
the difference in elevation between the points.
;;;;;;;; Level Rod
Horizontal Line of Sight
7.21 2.63
Level Rod
Diff. in Elev. Level
Figure 10
If more than two points are involved, then a leveling procedure is used. The procedure
involves starting at the benchmark, establishing the height of the instrument, and then
taking rod readings on points where new elevations are to be established. Figure 11
illustrates the procedure.
Backsight (plus sight)
B M ELEVATION = 100.00'
Height of instrument
The back sight, an elevation reading to a known benchmark, allows you to calculate
the height of the instrument. The term height of instrument means the height of the
observer’s eye when using a hand level.
Foresight (minus sight)
Height of instrument (HI) = 105.00
;;; ;;
yyy yy
12'' culvert
Invert! 94.0'
When the level rod is next placed on a new point as shown in Figure 12, we can then
calculate the elevation of this point. The elevation is calculated by subtracting the
foresight rod reading from the height of instrument. A foresight is the elevation reading
of a point of unknown elevation.
The rod could be moved to other points as shown in Figure 13, and similar calculations
would determine the elevations of these points.
HI = 105.00
• Leveling example
Most construction projects require covering an area too big to be done from a single
instrument setup. The example below shows how to carry the elevations to other
The example in figure 14 starts with a known project benchmark of 100.0 (a spike in a
tree). We want to determine the elevation of two other points TP1 and TR2. Surveyors
use the term “turning point” (TP) for new points they use when carrying elevations to
new locations.
HI =
HI = B.S = 9.7
F.S = 4.8
B.S = 6.1
F.S = 5.5
T.P. 2
T.P. 1
B.M. = 100.0
Figure 14
The surveyor sets up between the benchmark (BM) and TR1. A back sight (6.1) is taken to
the BM. This lets you calculate the height of instrument (HI) as 106.1. The surveyor then
turns and takes a foresight reading on TR1 of 5.5. This permits calculating the elevation of
TP1 as 100.6.
The surveyor then moves forward to a location between TP1 and TP2. A backsight reading
on TP1 is 9.7. This allows a calculation of the new HI of 110.6 (100.6 + 9.7= 110.3).
The surveyor then turns and takes a foresight reading on TP2 of 4.8. This allows the
calculation of the elevation of TP2 as 105.5 (110.3 – 4.8 = 105.5)
This procedure can be repeated to establish the elevation of other points. It is good practice
to complete the level circuit by returning to a known benchmark. This could be another
known project benchmark or back to the original benchmark. The surveyor will calculate
the elevation of the benchmark just as though it is a new point. Then compare the calculated
elevation with the known elevation. Hopefully they will be the same or within the accuracy
range for the project. This checking technique will assure that there are no blunders or gross
mistakes. If the check elevation varies more than acceptable tolerance for the project, the
surveyor should redo the survey work until it checks correctly.
• Survey notes
It is essential that the surveyor take clear field notes. This reduces mistakes and allows
others to use the notes for future surveys. The format shown below is standard
surveying technique.
Field Notes
B.S. F.S.
Point H.I. Elev.
+ -
BM 6.1 100.0
T.P. 1 9.7 5.5 100.6
T.P. 2 4.8 105.5
Figure 15
Field notes are arranged in five columns. Column 1 is for a description of the feature
being surveyed. For example the benchmark (BM), turning point (TP), culvert invert,
ditch bottom, etc.
Column 2 is for the back sight (BS). This is always a reading on a point of known
elevation. The column heading has a plus (+) sign. This indicates the surveyor should
add this reading to the benchmark elevation in order to calculate the height of
instrument (HI).
Column 3 is the height of instrument (HI). It is calculated from the BS reading.
Column 4 is the foresight (FS) reading. This is a rod reading taken on a point of
unknown elevation. The column heading has a minus (–) sign. This indicates the
reading is to be subtracted from the HI to calculate the elevation of the point.
Column 5 is the elevation of the point. It is calculated from the HI minus the FS.
Figure 10 shows a common placement of figures in the field notes. The HI is often
placed a line below the BS. This makes it easier to find the HI. One can also visualize
that the HI is located between the BS and the next FS point.
An alternate is shown in Figure 15. This option has the back sight (BS) placed in the
line below (next to the HI). Some find this easier because it indicates the BS is taken to
calculate the HI and avoids two readings shown for one point.
Alternate Field Notes
B.S. F.S.
Point H.I. Elev.
+ -
Point B.S. H.I. F.S. Elev.
BM 100.0
6.1 106.1
T.P. 1 5.5 100.6
9.7 110.3
T.P. 2 4.8 105.5
Figure 16
B.M. = 100.0
T.P. 1= 100.6
Figure 17
T.P. 2= 105.5
The leveling procedure will establish elevation at points of interest on project. The
existing elevations can then be compared to finished grade elevations on a grading
project. The required cut on fill is the calculated for each point of interest.
In the example in Figure 17 the existing elevations are noted. The field notes below
can be used to calculate the required cut on fill as shown.
B.S. F.S.
Point H.I. Elev. Finished Cut (fill)
+ -
BM 6.1 100.0
T.P. 1 9.7 5.5 100.6 101.0 F 0.4
T.P. 2 4.8 105.5 104.0 C 1.5
Figure 18
• One Person Leveling
There is often a need for one person to accomplish field surveying tasks. Examples
include placing grade stakes, equipment operators resetting stakes during construction,
etc. This requires special techniques, but many tasks can be accomplished alone once
the surveyor understands the basics.
One person cannot both hold a level rod on a distant point and take the elevation
reading. Therefore the normal technique involves marking a known elevation with a
line on a lath. In Figure 19 for example, a line is marked 3 feet above the known point
of elevation. We now know this line is 3 feet above the known elevation.
Then the surveyor moves to a new location and rests the hand level along side the level
rod and shoots back at the marked lath. The hand level is adjusted until it is level with
the marked line on the lath. The height of the hand level on the level rod is then noted.
For example the hand level is at the 5-foot mark on the level rod, when it matches the
line on the lath. For the example in figure 12 we now can calculate that the bottom of
the level rod is 2 feet below the elevation of the point at the lath.
Level Rod
Hand Level
Rod Reading
Figure 19
Figure 20 illustrates another example. To determine the difference in elevation
between points A and B, the lone surveyor marks the lath 2.0 feet above point A. The
reading on the level rod is 4.6 feet when the hand level line of sight is on the marked
lath. The difference is calculated as 2.6 feet. Therefore the elevation at point B is
(89.0-2.6) 87.3 feet.
; Figure 20
3.0' 2.3' 2.5'
ditch CL
Figure 21
• Adjustment of hand level
Levels may go out of alignment. Use the following procedure to check and adjust if
necessary. Two people are required for this procedure.
Start with a pole or post, called pole 1 in Figure 22. Mark a point A and take a level
reading with the level held on point A. Mark the level reading at point B on pole 2.
Then move the level to pole 2. Hold the level on point B and shoot back at pole 1. If
the level is in alignment, then the reading will be on point A and no adjustment is
needed. If however the sight is not through point A, then mark the point as C. Adjust
the level so that the sight from point 2 goes through a point half way between points A
and C. This new point D is level with point B.
D. B.
20' to 30'
Pole 1 Pole 2
Figure 22
• Common leveling mistakes
Common mistakes made while leveling are summarized below along with steps to
avoid mistakes.
- Reading the wrong footmark Always read up from the footmark below. If the
footmark below is not visible, have the rod person raise the rod slowly.
- Rod section skipped Pull all out sections of the extendable rod fully before starting.
- Rod not vertical Stand directly behind the rod. Hold the rod with two hands, lightly
grip and balance the rod with both hands.
- Rod held on wrong point Communicate clearly to rod person exactly where to
place rod.
- Other tips·
· Try to set up so as to read at least one foot above surfaces that are warm to avoid
heat waves.
· Set up to keep sights as short as possible.
· Set up to keep back sights and foresights nearly equal in length.
· Use solid benchmarks that can be easily found by others. Examples include: top nut
on a fire hydrant, sewer inlet, top of curb with a chisel mark, spike in tree or pole,
■ Construction staking
Stakes and lath are used to mark location and elevations (grades) in the field. They are a
very important communication tool between the designer, the surveyor and the
contractor. Practices in marking stakes will vary between agencies. Therefore, the
surveyor must determine what practice is preferred and understood by others involved in
the project. The information below is common on many projects.
• Stake markings
There are four basic parts to marking grade stakes:
2 + 34
7 + 50.7
C -3'
F -2'
CL road
CB #
INV. Culvert
- Station The stake is located along the reference or centerline. Stationing is
commonly used.
- Offset distance The stake is located either right or left of the centerline. It is
common to offset construction stakes because the construction will likely have to
disturb the ground. Therefore, the stake is located several feet away in order to avoid
being disturbed during construction. One must be facing up-station (in the direction
of increasing stationing) to properly determine right or left.
10 feet right (RT)
25 feet left (LT)
- Grade elevation Set the amount of cut or fill between the stake and the finished
elevation. Some agencies prefer to mark a line on the stake and indicate the amount
of cut (or fill) from the marked line. This has the advantage of giving the option to
use even feet for the cut (or fill). Other agencies prefer to indicate the cut (or fill)
from the ground elevation at the stake. This may be somewhat simpler to determine
for the surveyor, but usually involves a cut (or fill) in uneven numbers (“cut 2.7
feet,” for example). A third option is to use the top of the stake rather than the
ground. For example stakes for grading the subgrade or finished base may be placed
with the top of stake at desired finished grade. These are often called red tops, for
subgrade elevations or blue tops for base elevations because the stake tops are
colored for increased visibility.
Another option is to mark the finished grade on the stake. This only works if the
finished grade elevation falls within the height of the stake.
C 3.0 Indicates a cut of 3.0 feet from mark or ground
; y
F 2.5 Indicates a fill of 2.5 feet from mark or ground
V Indicates finished grade at mark or ground.
Line on Ground Top of
Stake at Stake Stake
Figure 24
• Calculating cut and fill
Determining the amount of cut (or fill) to mark on the stake is often confusing to
beginning surveyors. Figure 25 may help in visualizing the process.
C = distance from stake
cut line to culvert invert A = distance above ground
to stake cut line
yyyyyyyy B = distance bellow ground
to culvert invert
Normally the surveyor knows the finished elevation of the object (culvert, sewer, ditch,
etc.). If you determine the elevation of the existing ground, then the problem is to
calculate the cut or fill. If the stake indicates cut from the ground, then the difference in
elevations (ground elevation minus the finished elevation) is the cut. If the stake is to
be marked with a cut or fill line, then an additional calculation is required.
First, determine the cut or fill from the ground. Next, measure up the stake from the
ground an amount to make the cut or fill an even distance. For example, if the cut from
the ground is 2.4 feet, then measure up 0.6 feet from the ground. This is the point
where you could mark cut 3.0 feet. Sometimes you may want to mark all stakes with
the same cut amount. In the previous example let assume you want to mark all stakes
with a cut of 4.0 feet. Then the cut line would be marked 1.6 feet above the ground.
■ Slopes and grades
Designers are very concerned with establishing proper slopes and grades for their
projects. Surveyors must be familiar with the various methods used to describe and
calculate slopes and grades. There are several methods commonly used to determine
slopes and set grades.
• Percent
Road centerline profile, culvert, sewer, and ditch grades are normally described in
terms of percent. Figure 26 illustrates how the calculations are made.
The road steepness is measured by percent slope. This is calculated, as shown, by
dividing the “rise” by the “run.” This amount is in decimal form. Convert it to a
percent by multiplying the decimal by 100.
% slope = × 100
Figure 26
• Ratios
Roadway side-slopes and back-slopes are usually describes in terms of a ratio such as 2
to 1, for example. The ratio is understood to mean a proportional horizontal distance
and the associated change in vertical distance. For example 2 to 1 would refer to a
slope with a vertical drop of 1 foot for every horizontal distance of 2 feet. Often the
ratio is written as 2:1. Figure 27 shows example slopes of 1:1, 2:1, and 3:1.
5' 1
1 1
2 1
Older highway plans may use the inches per foot method to describe crown. Plans for
buildings may also use this method. It is similar to the ratio method except the vertical
dimension is expressed in inches and the horizontal dimension is one foot.
Edge of pavement
Figure 28
4 per Foot crown ≅ 2%
The crown may be described as 1/4 inch per foot, for example. This means the crown
is elevated 1/4 inch for every foot of pavement width. Thus, a 12-foot lane would have
a total crown of 1/4 inch times 12 feet, or 3 inches. A 4 foot shoulder with a cross
slope of 1/2 inch per foot would have 1/2 inch times 4 feet, or 2 inches, of crown.
■ Field exercises, examples and solutions
• Field exercises
AM Exercise - Pacing
a) Determine your individual pace length. Use the marked 100-foot course. Walk the
course at least 4 times.
• Count the number of paces it takes to walk the 400-foot course. _______
• Calculate the average length of your pace by dividing the average number of
paces into 400 feet. 400 / ________ = ________
• Record the average pace length of each team member.
TIP: Use your natural pace, do not try to force an even pace length.
b) An additional course will be marked in the field. It may be several straight sections
or a triangle. Pace the total length of all marked sections or of all three sides of the
triangle. Calculate the total length by multiplying your individual pace length time
the total number of paces. Record the total length for each team member ________
c) Calculate the volume of concrete (in cubic yards) it would take to build a 4-inch-
thick sidewalk, five feet wide for the length you paced in b) above.
example, 2:1.
e) Set a new stake that will create a slope from point A. Assume the new lower
elevation the same as stake C.
yyyyyyy B.
Figure 29
PM Exercise 3 - Ditch slope
Stake the new ditch grade at 25-foot intervals. Start at the station 1+00 and head
toward station 2+00. The new ditch will begin at the existing ground level at station
1+00. The new ditch grade is 1% sloping down toward station 2+00. Set at least the
first three new ditch grade stakes. If time allows, set 10’ offset stakes.
PM Exercise 5 - Culvert
A new, 3-foot diameter culvert is to be installed at the marked location. The inlet and
discharge elevations are to match the exiting ground elevations. The culvert is 30 feet
in length.
a) Calculate the slope of the new culvert in %
b) Determine the amount of cover over the culvert at the center of the road.
c) Stake the culvert inlet location and grade with two, 10-foot offset stakes.
Grading example
T.P. 2= 109.0
T.P. 1= 108.0
Elevation 104.5
Elevation 100.0
Figure 30
A new culvert is to be installed between T.P.2 and T.P.1. The inlet elevation of the
new culvert at T.P.2. is 108.2. The outlet elevation at T.P.1 is to be 106.2. How
much cut or fill is required at each end in order to install the culvert.
Grading answer.
B.S. F.S.
Point H.I. Elev. Finished Cut(fill)
+ -
B.M.A 8.5 100.0
T.P. 1 10.0 0.5 108.0 106.2 C 1.8
T.P. 2 3.0 9.0 109.0 108.2 C 0.8
B.M.B 7.5 104.5
Additional leveling examples
Complete the field notes for the following level exercise.
T.P. 2
8.5 T.P. 1
Elevation 104.5
Elevation 100.0
Figure 32
B.S. F.S.
Point H.I. Elev.
+ -
Answer to leveling example.
T.P. 2
8.5 T.P. 1
Elevation 104.5
Elevation 100.0
Figure 32
B.S. F.S.
Point H.I. Elev.
+ -
B.M. A 8.5 100.0
T.P. 1 10.0 0.5 108.0
T.P. 2 3.0 9.0 109.0
B.M. B 7.5 104.5
Additional right triangle examples
c a 21'
Figure 33
Alternate Solution
Use 3:4:5 triangle properties
Side a is a multiple (7) times 3 and side b is also the same multiple (7) times 4.
This creates a 3:4:5 triangle where side c is 5 times 7 or 35’
35 5 3 21
Figure 34
c a
Figure 35
Additional stake marking examples
Ground Elev.
Invert Elev.
Ground Elev.
- 99.3
Invert Elev.
Figure 37
Ground Elev.
Invert Elev.
Ground Elev.
7.4' 8.0
Invert Elev.
Figure 39
- 99.3
Nearest even cut = 8.0
Marked 0.6’ above ground
Ground Elev.
yyyyyyyy Figure 40: Mark Stake
Ground Elev.
F- 2.1'
yyyyyyyy Figure 41
- 78.4
Additional slope examples
Figure 42
A road grade drops 3.0 feet in 75-foot distance. What is the % grade?
Rise 3.0
= × 100 = 0.04 × 100 = 4%
Run 75.0
Figure 43
A culvert is laid at a 1% grade. Calculate the difference in elevation between the ends of
a 60’ culvert.
S= × 100
H × S 60.0 × 1.0
V= = = 0.6'
100 100
Figure 44
A storm sewer drops 1.5 feet in elevation over a distance of 500 feet. What is the %
S= × 100
S= × 100 = 0.003 × 100
Slope = 0.3%
Edge Shoulder
2 Ditch
Calculate depth of ditch below the shoulder if 2:1 slope is 10’ wide.
Slope drops 1.0-foot elevation for every 2 feet in horizontal distance. Dividing 10 feet
by 2 gives a 5-foot drop in elevation.
3 Ditch
Figure 46
A ditch is to be 4.0’ below the shoulder. A 3 to 1 side slope is being constructed. How
wide is the side slope?
The side slope is 3 feet in width for every 1-foot drop.
H = 3 × 4 = 12'
6' 12'
1/ per foot
1/ 4"
2" per foot
Figure 47
Calculate the distance from the centerline to the edge of the ditch.
The difference in elevation between the centerline (748.5) and ditch bottom (746.0) is
2.5 Feet. The pavement crown is “4” per foot on 3” crown in 12 feet. The shoulder
crown is 1/2” per foot or 3” crown in 6 feet. Total crown to edge of shoulder is 6” or
0.5 feet.
This leaves a 2.0’ difference in elevation between the shoulder and ditch (2.5-0.5=2.0)
A side slope of 3 to 1 will have a width of 6.0 feet (3x2)
Distance from centerline to ditch is 12’ lane plus 6’ shoulder plus 6’ side slope = 24
12' 6'
1 1
4 2
Figure 48
The right-of-way width is 33’ from the centerline. Determine if the cross-section with a
ditch 2’ below the shoulder will fit within the right-of-way.
A 2’ deep ditch will require a side slope of (4x 2) 8’ in width. The top of the back
slope is 3’ above the ditch bottom (it is one foot higher elevation than the shoulder.)
The back slope width is (2x3) 6’.
12' lane
6' shoulder
8' side slope
2' ditch
6' back slope
34' will not fit 33’ right - of - way