San Mateo Daily Journal 05-08-19 Edition
San Mateo Daily Journal 05-08-19 Edition
San Mateo Daily Journal 05-08-19 Edition
overhaul gets
another look
New plan spearheaded by senior adviser
and presidential son-in-law Jared Kushner
By Jill Colvin view the plan,
spearheaded by
WASHINGTON — Reviving a senior adviser
deeply contentious issue that has and presidential
stymied both Congress and the son-in-law
administration, the White House Jared Kushner.
launched a new bid Tuesday to It’s the result
overhaul a legal immigration sys- of an unusually
ZACHARY CLARK/DAILY JOURNAL tem that President Donald Trump Jared Kushner m e t h o d i c a l
Matt Franklin, MidPen Housing’s president and CEO, addresses the crowd Tuesday at 707 Bradford St. in Redwood has long railed against. approach for an
City to celebrate the groundbreaking of an affordable apartment building for seniors that will be constructed on Though similar efforts have administration known for hastily
the site. Below: Arroyo Green at 707 Bradford St. saw a groundbreaking Tuesday. It includes 117 very-low-income failed to garner anywhere near the written executive orders and
units for seniors and an 8,000-square-foot child care facility. support necessary, Trump hopeful- Trump’s declarations by tweet.
ly invited a dozen Republican sen-
New housing breaks ground ators to the White House to pre- See OVERHAUL, Page 19
upper 60s.
May 4 Super Lotto Plus 3 4 9 Fri day Ni g ht: Mostly clear. Lows in the mid 50s.
4 5 33 38 43 15 Saturday Partl y : cloudy in the morning then becoming
Daily three evening sunny. Highs in the 50s to upper 60s.
Mega number
Margaret Jayne Fisher Jones the 5 children in 1959-60, so Dr. Jones could continue his the Atria Residents Council and became an advocate for
studies on the cervical spine, first at McGill University in all of the employees in the facility. Over the next 4 years,
Margaret Jayne Fisher Jones, resident of San Mateo, Montreal and then at Children’s Hospital in Boston. Mrs. she spearheaded a fund-raising campaign that resulted in
died April 18, 2019, after a brief illness with her family at Jones was his vibrant and able companion on that great a generous annual holiday bonus for each employee at
her side. She was 96. adventure. Atria Hillsdale. She only gave up leadership of that effort
Born in May of 1922 Mrs. Jones was also illustrator of Dr. Jones’ textbook, in January 2019, because she felt it was time for someone
in York, Nebraska, Basic Diagnostic Radiology, published in 1969, an effort else to enjoy the opportunity.
Mrs. Jones moved as that consumed a full year of nights and weekends for the Mrs. Jones will be missed by her huge, dynamic family.
a young child with two. Grandma Jones is survived by many children, their
her entire extended When the last of their five children graduated from spouses, 11 grandchildren, their significant others, and 12
family to Long Beach, Mills High School in the mid-1970’s, Dr. and Mrs. Jones great grandchildren, with a thirteenth due later this year.
California, and grew left Millbrae and began a 5-year sojourn in San Antonio, Margaret Jones’ family includes children: Linda Rohan
up there joyfully, Texas, where Dr. Jones headed the Radiology Department (daughter), Margaret (daughter) and J. Alex Aycinena,
surrounded by friends at the UT Medical School there. Mrs. Jones was his lively Roger (son) and Ruth Ann Jones, Malcolm (son) and Nancy
and relatives. help-mate in the effort to recruit and embrace over 20 new Jones; and grandchildren and great grandchildren: Debbie
The third of the faculty members from around the world. and Spencer Stinson, James, Rebecca and Kyle Stinson,
four ‘Fisher Girls’, Their Methodist church involvement in San Antonio Victoria and Craig Nelson, Chas Horton, Christopher and
Mrs. Jones always was busy as well. Mrs. Jones continued her life-long love Christina Parker, Alexandra, Mae and Kai Parker, Jeffrey
remembered her childhood as a festive continuum of of singing in the church choir, and Dr. Jones continued to Parker and Oliver Wouk, Tiffany and James Sargent, Milo
swimming in the ocean and bay, and high diving in the teach adult Sunday school in the San Antonio congregation. and Coretta Jeanne Sargent, Ben Jones and Richelle Reid,
lagoon, of music and singing, horseback riding, oil Although the couple loved the warmth of the Texas people Meg and Shaun Lippow, Jonathan and Anna Margaret
painting, dancing, tennis, socializing with a world of and their life there, Mrs. Jones was very homesick for the Lippow, Diana Aycinena and Jonathan Mellen, J. Alex
friends and participating in lively family events. She was family back in California which was expanding by leaps and Alicia Aycinena, R. Greg Rohan and Timsy Vora, and
asked to try out for the 1936 Olympics as a high diver, but and bounds with the addition of grandchildren. Mark Rohan and Tiffany Wong.
her father said no. Dr. and Mrs. Jones moved to Fresno in 1979, where he Mrs. Jones’ family also includes Robert Rohan, Jan
Mrs. Jones graduated from Wilson High School in 1940, lead the UCSF Radiology Residency Rotation for 3 years, Shoemaker, and David and Carol Ann Parker, Brenda,
where she was president of the senior class, and then and the couple again became active in the local Methodist Gordon, Bryson, Delaney, Brooke and Cassidy Lewis,
earned an AA in English Literature from Long Beach City Church. In 1983, Dr. Jones joined the faculty at UC Irvine Sara, Dan, Charlie, Harrison and Cutler Hobin, Jenna,
College in 1942, where she also served as president of the Medical School and the couple settled in nearby Tustin. Ted, Kate and Teddy Swigert, and Rob, Kelly Ann, Bo
student body. Following graduation, Mrs. Jones worked for Dr. and Mrs. Jones became extremely involved in and James Lamb.
a year at McDonnell Douglas at the height of the war, and the Tustin Methodist Church. They also spearheaded a Mrs. Jones is also survived by a niece and seven
then went to U.C. Berkeley in 1943 to do her pre-nursing community-wide effort to help senior citizens work as nephews: Kathy and Ted Nixon, Dan Jones and Brownyn
courses. She lived in the Delta Gamma house. volunteers in the local public schools. In 1993, Dr. and Fryer, Gilbert Stroppini, Alan Stroppini and Kathy Cooper,
In 1944, Mrs. Jones went across the Bay to attend Mrs. Jones were commended as Tustin Citizens of the Paul and Diki Voigt, Eric Voigt, Jeff and Jaqui Brown,
nursing school at U.C. San Francisco. She met her future Year for that program. At the same time, the couple served and Greg Brown and Michelle Charbonneau, as well as
husband, Malcolm D. Jones, in January 1945 while he was on the Board of Directors of the Claremont School of countless friends from around the world who admired her
a medical student at UCSF. They were married 6 months Theology. zest for life and commitment to social justice.
later, in June 1945. Mrs. Jones left nursing school in early Never one to be without a big project, in 1990 Mrs. It is not to be forgotten that Mrs. Jones made a helluva
1946 when Dr. Jones was assigned an internship at the San Jones enrolled at U.C. Irvine, intent on finishing the meatloaf, complete with ketchup garnish, and wonderful
Diego Naval Hospital, just prior to the birth of their first college education that had been interrupted by ‘life’ way lemon meringue pies, that she raised a gibbon, was an
child in May 1946. back in 1946. accomplished painter and seamstress, loved everything
Dr. Jones shipped out to China as medical officer on In May 1994, at the age of 72, Mrs. Jones graduated copper or maple, and that her signature solo anthem every
a Navy ship in mid-1947, and was not at Mrs. Jones’ summa cum laude from U.C. Irvine, earning a B.S. in Christmas Eve was ‘Oh Holy Night’.
side when their second child was born in San Diego in Social Sciences and departmental honors. She always said Mrs. Jones was preceded in death in 1999 by her beloved
December. He returned to San Diego in mid-1948, met the faculty and her fellow students at the university were daughter, Sheryl Jones
their second born for the first time, and continued on at the incredibly welcoming and helpful to her in those years. Parker, and in 2001 by her
Naval Hospital. The couple welcomed their third child in In 1996, Dr. Jones retired from his many decades in life-long companion and
October 1949. academic medicine and the couple moved back to the San best friend, Dr. Malcolm
In 1950, the young family arrived back in San Francisco. Francisco Peninsula, settling in San Mateo and resuming D. Jones.
Dr. Jones began a residency in radiology at UCSF, and Mrs. active participation in their beloved New Vision United The Jones Family
Jones endured three years of living in the fog of The City Methodist Church in Millbrae. suggests donations can
with their three, and then four young children, the fourth Over the next 6 years, Dr. and Mrs. Jones became be made to New Vision
having been born in September 1952. involved in yet another worthy cause: The United United Methodist Church,
In 1953, the growing family moved to Millbrae, life Religions Initiative. Inspired by the interfaith idealism 450 Chadbourne Avenue,
continued in the sunnier climes of the Peninsula, and Dr. of the organization, the couple established a Cooperation Millbrae, CA, 94030, or
Jones began his decades’ long daily commute back up to Circle for the Peninsula that met monthly and included Boys Town of America,
UCSF where he was now on the faculty. Mrs. Jones was representatives of well over a dozen different religious 14100 Crawford St., Boys
an active member of the UCSF Faculty Wives Association traditions. After Dr. Jones passed away in 2001, Mrs. Town, NE 68010.
for the next 20 years. Also in 1953, the Jones family joined Jones vigorously continued to lead the group for another A Celebration of Life
the Millbrae Methodist Church, an association that lasted 10 years. will be held at the Millbrae
for 65 years. Dr. and Mrs. Jones fifth child was born in In 2015, Mrs. Jones reluctantly agreed to move to New Vision United
Burlingame in June 1956 and the family was complete. Atria Assisted Living in San Mateo, her health and frailty Methodist Church on
For the next 20 years, Mrs. Jones was consumed with making it increasingly difficult to live alone in her lovely Sunday, May 19, 2019, at
the far-flung activities and joys of raising a family of 5 San Mateo home. 4:00 pm. All are welcome.
children – including a 6-month sabbatical ‘road trip’ with Once at Atria, Mrs. Jones embraced a leadership role on
004 0508 wed:0508 wed 220 5/7/19 11:37 AM Page 1
650 344-8200
005 0508 wed:0508 wed 220 5/7/19 7:28 PM Page 1
Newsom wants to end tax on tampons, diapers money,” he wrote in his veto message.
By Kathleen Ronyanne
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS “This is even more important when the
state’s budget remains precariously bal-
SACRAMENTO — California Gov. anced. Therefore, I cannot sign these
Gavin Newsom wants to end the sales tax measures.”
on tampons and diapers and use revenue Newsom has said he plans to maintain
from legal marijuana sales toward enhanc- Brown’s reserved approach to budgeting
ing child care programs. by limiting new ongoing spending in
Those items are part of a “parents’ agen- favor of using extra money to pay down
da” Newsom will announce Tuesday in a debts and bank away for the next reces-
preview of the revised state budget he’ll sion. On Thursday, he’ll offer an updated
present later this week. budget that will show whether he’s main-
“As anyone who takes care of kids can taining that approach. He and lawmakers
tell you, these costs add up,” Newsom will must agree on a one-year spending plan by
say, according to excerpts of his remarks June 30.
released by his office. “From diapers to In January, he proposed a $209 billion
child care, raising kids is expensive wher- budget with a $21.5 billion surplus, the
ever you live. But when you factor in the state’s largest in at least 20 years. His
cost of living here in California, it is plan increased spending by about 4% but
close to impossible.” pledged more than $13 billion to build the
Cutting the diaper and tampon tax would state’s reserves and pay down debt.
eliminate about $55 million in revenue He proposed several billion dollars’
from the budget, according to legislative worth of new spending on child care, edu-
REUTERS FILE PHOTO cation and housing, and also called for a
estimates. His child care proposals, mean-
while, would cost about $130 million, Gov. Gavin Newsom wants to end the sales tax on tampons and diapers and use revenue new tax to pay for improvements to drink-
with about $80 million coming from taxes from legal marijuana sales toward enhancing child care programs. ing water.
on legalized marijuana. Newsom also strual equity,” meaning that women don’t rebuffed eliminating the tax on menstrual On child care, Newsom would spend an
wants to give families with children under face taxes for products their biology products and diapers in 2016. He vetoed additional $54 million on county-run
6 a tax credit of $1,000, but his office did requires them to buy. the proposals alongside five other tax- child care programs through CalWORKS,
not say how much that would cost. The proposal is about “having a tax code related bills, suggesting that such issues the state’s public assistance program.
Democratic Assemblywoman Cristina that’s gender neutral (and) a tax code that should be considered as part of the budget. Newsom also wants to spend $80 million
Garcia, who has proposed a bill to elimi- represents our values,” she said. But he included neither proposal in any of in tax revenue from legalized marijuana to
nate the tampon tax several times, praised Several other states including New York his future budgets. pay for child care programs, though his
Newsom for including it in his budget. She have already eliminated the tax on tam- “Tax breaks are the same as new spend- staff didn’t offer specifics ahead of the
said her proposal is about creating “men- pons. Former California Gov. Jerry Brown ing - they both cost the General Fund press conference.
FBI: No evidence
porters are looking for. “Every federal court that has heard a chal-
Anti-abortion activists and lawmakers lenge to a similar ban has ruled that it’s
across the country , energized by the new unconstitutional.”
Amazon opens first Go store that accepts cash By Joseph Pisani Cameron Janes, who oversees Amazon’s
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS stores, says the way it accepts cash could
change in the future, but declined to give
NEW YORK — Amazon launched its high- details.
tech Go convenience store a year ago, where “This is how we’re starting,” he says.
shoppers can pull items off the shelf and “We’re going to learn from customers on
walk out. what works and what doesn’t work and then
Now it’s adding a decidedly low-tech fea- iterate and improve it over time.”
ture: accepting cash. A small but growing number of stores
Its new store that opened in New York City around the country have gone cash-free. But
Tuesday is the first Amazon Go store to do so. some activists and politicians say that dis-
At its other shops, customers can only enter criminates against people who don’t have a
with an app that links to a credit card or an bank account.
Amazon account. Philadelphia became the first city to ban
The company, facing a backlash from cashless stores earlier this year, and New
those who believe cashless stores discrimi- Jersey passed a statewide ban soon after. San
nate against the poor, confirmed last month Francisco will soon require brick-and-mortar
that it was working on a way to accept dollar retailers to take cash as payment, and a simi-
bills and coins. lar law is being considered in New York City.
In the new store, employees will swipe It’s not clear how many shoppers will skip
those who want to pay by cash through the the app and want to pay by cash at Amazon
turnstile entrance. After shoppers grab what Go. The New York store, the first in the city,
they want off the shelves, an employee will is in Brookfield Place, a high-end shopping
scan each item with a mobile device, take the mall and office complex that houses a Gucci
REUTERS FILE PHOTO cash, give customers their change from a store and office workers from banks and cred-
People walk by the Amazon Go brick-and-mortar grocery store. cash drawer and hand them a receipt. it card companies.
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009 0508 wed:1030 FRI 64 5/7/19 5:54 PM Page 1
ome bask in the glow of cariously near Desert Hot Springs and ablest man; her career more worthy of honor
eral clean air mandate and the expecta-
our smoggy sunrises and the mouth of the San Gorgonio Pass and is more useful to the community than the career of any
tion had been that we’d meet the June
sunsets.” funnel that brings in L.A.-generated man, no matter how successful.” — Theodore Roosevelt, a
deadline. Word that we’re likely to
That doesn’t sound like a very smog. concept expressed during another era, but just as true
continue having to breathe this toxic
enticing come-on to draw visitors to SCAQMD pollution-credit rules today.
mix for the foreseeable future is a
our tourism-dependent Coachella punch to the gut. allow such operations to buy credits Mom is a woman with children who society praises one
Valley, right? It certainly doesn’t con- “Ground-level ozone, you can think to make up for the toxins they pump day a year and is basically taken for granted the rest of the
jure visions of “healthy living” for of it as a corrosive gas. It burns lung out in a balancing process across the time. Sometimes she’s considered a saint, but more often
those of us who call the desert home. tissue like a bad sunburn on the skin,” entire SCAQMD region. Those of us she’s vilified as the cause of all things pathological in her
According to recent stories by The Will Barrett, California director of in the valley, however, are directly progeny. She’s a woman who is often made to feel like a
Desert Sun’s Janet Wilson, air we can clean air advocacy with the American subjected to their harmful effects. slacker if she chooses to stay at home to raise her chil-
really “chew on” is the reality for us. Lung Association, told Wilson. “It SCAQMD — which has never man- dren. She is encouraged to find her fulfillment in the work-
This despite years of progress toward damages your respiratory tract, it cre- aged to meet the Clean Air Act require- place — to “have it all,” often stretching herself so thin
meeting federal air quality goals. ates coughing, tightness in the chest, ments for ozone — should accelerate that burnout isn’t unusual. Yet a mother who devotes a few
The South Coast Air Quality shortness of breath ... but it can also the phaseout of pollution-swapping years to nurturing her children is considered by many to be
Management District plans to ask fed- contribute to asthma, lung disease, credits and compel emitters to actual- everything from quaint to
eral officials to “bump up” the heart attacks and premature death.” ly clean up their processes at each lazy.
Coachella Valley’s official ozone sta- Clearly, the human cost of this site. Child raising should be
tus to extreme — the highest federal problem — especially for the elderly, Wilson’s reporting revealed that about the most esteemed
classification. Doing so will give the the already sick and young children — even smaller operations not specifi- occupation a woman can
agency additional years to bring the is high. Surrender cannot be an cally linked to what most would see as pursue because, after all, the
region’s air into line with federal option, however. “industry” are high-level emitters of products thereof are our
standards. One of the biggest sources of our smog components. These include nation’s and the world’s
That reality — reclassification to a ozone, or smog, is pollution blown places like Eisenhower Health med- future. We hear rhetoric
worst-case situation and receiving here from Los Angeles. More trucks, ical center, Desert Regional Medical about how important it is
more cleanup time — seems as dis- cars, trains and freighter ships in the Center and the Palm Springs Aerial to raise happy and healthy
torted as it is disappointingly tragic. constantly-growing Southland belch Tramway. These polluters must follow (mentally and physically)
Everyone from the image-conscious emissions that funnel through the San through on promises to continue children, but the connec-
multibillion-dollar Coachella Valley Gorgonio Pass and wind up tinting seeking ways to reduce the ozone- tion to mothers who have it
tourism industry to residents of our our skies. forming compounds released at their all together does not seem
desert cities should be horrified. Our representatives at the local, facilities. to register. As Jane Swigart,
SCAQMD told The Desert Sun that regional and state level must redouble Health, wellness and leisure-based author of “The Myth of the Bad Mother,” wrote: “Though
among the main causes of our increas- efforts to clean up pollution sources organizations owe us nothing short child raising is a discipline that teaches us an enormous
ingly bad air over the past two years that already exist as well as manage of such efforts. amount about ourselves and the world, it is not really seen
are heat waves and wildfires, which growth in a way that doesn’t add to Closer to home, keeping your car as such in our culture. We have no traditions that elevate
have helped push our ozone levels the problem. Economic development tuned up with properly inflated tires caring for our children and all that it involves, making it a
above the federal air quality limits set is indeed important, but it must be makes a difference, especially when way of achieving intellectual or spiritual enlightenment. It
in 1997. The Coachella Valley’s air coupled with efforts that mitigate its that’s multiplied by tens or hundreds is not given the respect it deserves, and child rearing with-
had been mandated to meet the federal worst side effects. These can include of thousands of vehicles. out respect, practical help and emotional support can cause
limit by this June. everything from pushing and incen- Maintaining your lawn equipment terrible deprivations in the mother as caregiver, making
Yes, we do live in a desert valley tivizing industry to retool with clean- (small engines are among the worst her a victim or her own unfulfilled needs as well as well as
that is always going to see high tem- er equipment to getting more personal when it comes to emissions) also can her children’s demands.”
peratures that can smother us under a cars off the roads by encouraging pub- help tremendously. A mother who feels understood when she expresses
layer of airborne toxins. We’ve also lic transit use and ride-hailing. Homeowners, investing in rooftop fatigue, frustration, anxiety and despair as well as when
come to accept a future of ever-larger While traffic emissions blowing in solar could help our environment as she expresses love, joy and delight; a mother who feels
wildfires with noxious clouds of from our west are the biggest prob- well as your own pocketbook through that whatever her problems, someone is there to support
smoke. With macro factors like wild- lem, Wilson’s reporting revealed that lower energy bills. Conducting a her; a mother who is educated in child growth and develop-
fires and suspected ill effects of cli- even “green” projects can be bad. The home survey to reveal ways to cut ment, who is healthy is body, mind and spirit and is will-
mate change adding to the bad air, we wastewood-burning Desert View energy use could also help. ing to devote a few years of her life to her children and has
need to redouble our efforts to mini- Power electricity generation plant in Join a carpool to get to work or the support of her husband, is a fortunate mother indeed.
mize sources of pollution that are Mecca is the top emitter of ground- shuttle the neighborhood kids back And, especially in this day and age, all of this is very diffi-
within our control. level ozone components, belching and forth to school. If you can, use a cult to come by.
Fighting Mother Nature is never them out at a rate substantially higher bike for short trips; your waistline When you think about it, there are few institutions in
going to be easy. Still, as noted in than a comparable coal-fired facility. and the rest of us will be better off for this society that do not undermine motherhood in some
Wilson’s coverage, our region had This despite its certification as an in- it. way. For instance, during George W.’s administration,
been making progress toward the fed- state renewable energy source. Yes, we all can and must do our part. child care funding was cut at a time when limits imposed
by welfare reform increased the number of working moth-
ers who cannot afford caretakers for their children. The big
Letter to the editor concern was with tax cuts that mostly benefited the
wealthy than needy families. The economy has evolved
over the past several decades to a point that it is impossi-
ble for many two-parent families to subsist on one salary
Extra years for Trump? eight years in office, since the end of the third eight-year Obama
and single parents have an even more difficult row to hoe.
Republican Congress and its leader- administration, Trump would not be
Editor, At the same time, intense pressure is applied by corporate
ship conspired to obstruct whatever much of a threat anymore, and in all
interests via the media to consume and accumulate. In most
President Donald Trump claims that he tried to do, whether they were pre- likelihood we would have a country in
cases, what a mother does with her kids while she works is
the Mueller investigation destroyed viously for or against anything he much better shape, with Obama not
her problem.
his first two years in office, so he worked for. And, if they continued to too old for the Supreme Court.
The traditional school schedule has been altered little to
should be awarded two extra years as work against him during those extra accommodate employed parents. Reproductive and family
compensation. With that philosophy, eight years, another allotment of Jorg Aadahl life education are woefully inadequate or lacking in most
President Obama could claim another eight years would be justified. By the San Mateo high schools. The legal system is often sadly deficient
when it comes to adequate child support or custody arrange-
ments. Many religious organizations cling to their ante-
OUR MISSION: diluvian dogma, still trying to prevent women from taking
It is the mission of the Daily Journal to be the most control of their fertility. Feminists have been encouraging
accurate, fair and relevant local news source for
those who live, work or play on the MidPeninsula. women to find their fulfillment according to the male model
By combining local news and sports coverage, instead of drumming up support for women who consider
Jerry Lee, Publisher BUSINESS STAFF: analysis and insight with the latest business, mothering an opportunity and a privilege that contributes
Michael Davis Charles Gould lifestyle, state, national and world news, we seek to to the betterment of society.
Jon Mays, Editor in Chief Paul Moisio Jeff Palter provide our readers with the highest quality
Nathan Mollat, Sports Editor Joe Rudino Joy Uganiza information resource in San Mateo County. Our culture’s general disregard for the well-being of the
Todd Waibel Our pages belong to you, our readers, and we family (except where corporate profits are involved) has
Erik Oeverndiek, Copy Editor/Page Designer
choose to reflect the diverse character of this had a tremendously stressful impact on many mothers.
Dave Newlands, Production Manager INTERNS, CORRESPONDENTS, CONTRACTORS: dynamic and ever-changing community.
Robert Armstrong Charlie Chapman Seems the joys and rewards of dedicated mothering when a
Will Nacouzi, Production Assistant Jim Clifford Matthew Dalton woman has time to creatively and unhurriedly nurture her
Kerry McArdle, Marketing & Events
Talia Fine Maria Garcia-Hernandez SMDAILYJOURNAL.COM children has been relegated to the Smithsonian. In his
Brooke Hanshaw Robert Hutchinson
Tom Jung Shavonne Lin Follow us on Twitter and Facebook: provocatively titled book, “Hating Women,” Rabbi
Austin Walsh, Senior Reporter
Vishu Prathikanti Joe Roias Shmuley Boteach wrote: “It seems incredible that any
REPORTERS: Nick Rose Joel Snyder woman would feel she has to apologize for prioritizing
Terry Bernal, Zachary Clark, Anna Schuessler Gary Whitman
parenting. While the battle for open access and opportuni-
Susan E. Cohn, Senior Correspondent: Events Online edition at
ty to the professional world was waged without hesitation,
why wasn’t part of the program to gain respect for the
Letters to the Editor • Emailed documents are preferred: Correction Policy work women had been doing all along? Why did feminism
Should be no longer than 250 words. [email protected] The Daily Journal corrects its errors.
Perspective Columns • Letter writers are limited to two submissions a If you question the accuracy of any article in the Daily throw out the lady with the bath water?”
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010 0508 wed:0508 wed 220 5/7/19 5:38 PM Page 1
Lyft posts strong growth, 15%. In the final minutes of trading on tions. The average estimate of three ana-
Business briefs Tuesday, shares hit $92.73, a fall of 25% in lysts surveyed by Zacks Investment
big losses in first public quarter with investors. the last 12 months. Research was for a loss of 13 cents per
NEW YORK — Lyft is reporting strong Lyft’s stock has fallen dramatically since share.
revenue growth but substantial losses in its its own IPO in April. It closed Tuesday at
Genomic Health The drug developer posted revenue of
first quarterly earnings report since its $59.34, down about 18% from its debut at reported 1Q net income of $13M $12.6 million in the period, also exceeding
rocky stock market debut. $72. The stock slipped another 3% in after- Street forecasts. Three analysts surveyed by
The ride-hailing company posted revenue REDWOOD CITY — Genomic Health Inc. Zacks expected $12 million.
hours trading following the release of the on Tuesday reported first-quarter net income
of $776 million during the first quarter of earnings report. In the final minutes of trading on Tuesday,
2019, nearly doubling the amount it made of $13 million, after reporting a loss in the the company’s shares hit $2.34. A year ago,
same period a year earlier.
the same time last year. Their revenues beat Electronic Arts reported On a per-share basis, the Redwood City-
they were trading at $3.82.
expectations of analysts polled by FactSet,
who were expecting $740 million. fiscal 4Q earnings of $209M based company said it had profit of 34 Allogene Therapeutics
But the San Francisco-based company REDWOOD CITY — Electronic Arts Inc. cents.
lost $1.1 billion in its first public quarter, on Tuesday reported fiscal fourth-quarter The results surpassed Wall Street expecta- reported a loss of $31.6M in 1Q
primarily because it paid out $894 million earnings of $209 million. tions. The average estimate of five analysts SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO — Allogene
in stock-based compensation and related The Redwood City-based company said it surveyed by Zacks Investment Research was Therapeutics Inc. on Tuesday reported a loss
payroll taxes during its initial public offer- had net income of 69 cents per share. for earnings of 29 cents per share. of $31.6 million in its first quarter.
ing. Earnings, adjusted for non-recurring costs The cancer test maker posted revenue of On a per-share basis, the South San
After adjusting for those one-time costs, and stock option expense, were $1.41 per $108.8 million in the period, also exceed- Francisco-based company said it had a loss
Lyft’s losses reached $211.5 million in the share. ing Street forecasts. Six analysts surveyed of 32 cents.
first quarter, compared to $228.4 million at The results beat Wall Street expectations. by Zacks expected $107.1 million. The results topped Wall Street expecta-
the same time last year. The average estimate of 13 analysts sur- Genomic Health shares have risen rough- tions. The average estimate of six analysts
veyed by Zacks Investment Research was ly 2% since the beginning of the year. In surveyed by Zacks Investment Research was
Lyft executives emphasized the growth of
for earnings of 97 cents per share. the final minutes of trading on Tuesday, for a loss of 41 cents per share.
their active riders, which jumped to 20.5
The video game maker posted revenue of shares hit $65.46, a rise of 81% in the last Allogene Therapeutics shares have
million in the first quarter, up 46% from the
$1.24 billion in the period. Its adjusted rev- 12 months. climbed 15% since the beginning of the
same time last year.
The company also announced a partner- enue was $1.36 billion, also topping Street year.
ship with Waymo to deploy 10 autonomous forecasts. Ten analysts surveyed by Zacks Iovance Biotherapeutics
vehicles in the Phoenix area over the next expected $1.2 billion. reported a loss of $37M in 1Q Google spinoff, Lyft team
few months, which could help the company For the year, the company reported profit
as it competes with Uber to roll out the tech- of $1. 02 billion, or $3. 33 per share.
SAN CARLOS — Iovance Biotherapeutics up to offer self-driving car rides
Inc. on Tuesday reported a loss of $37 mil-
nology that both are relying on to drive Revenue was reported as $4.94 billion. lion in its first quarter. SAN FRANCISCO — Google’s self-driv-
down costs. Electronic Arts expects full-year earnings On a per-share basis, the San Carlos- ing car spinoff Waymo is teaming up with
“We’re excited about our investments to be $8.56 per share. based company said it had a loss of 30 Lyft in Arizona to attempt to lure passen-
and initiatives this year that will drive Electronic Arts shares have increased 18% cents. gers away from ride-hailing market leader
future growth, ” said Logan Green, Lyft’s since the beginning of the year, while the The results missed Wall Street expecta- Uber.
co-founder and CEO, in a conference call Standard & Poor’s 500 index has increased tions. The average estimate of eight ana- The alliance announced Tuesday will
lysts surveyed by Zacks Investment allow anyone with the Lyft app in the
Research was for a loss of 29 cents per Phoenix area to summon one of the 10 self-
share. driving Waymo cars joining the ride-hail-
Iovance Biotherapeutics shares have ing service.
climbed 24% since the beginning of the Waymo’s robotic vehicles will still have
year. In the final minutes of trading on a human behind the wheel to take control in
Tuesday, shares hit $11.01, a decrease of case something goes awry with the technol-
28% in the last 12 months. ogy. But their use in Lyft’s service could
make more people feel comfortable about
Rigel Pharmaceuticals riding in self-driving cars.
Both Lyft and Uber consider self-driving
Inc. reported a loss of $37M in 1Q cars to be one of the keys to turning a prof-
SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO — Rigel it, something neither company has done so
Pharmaceuticals Inc. on Tuesday reported a far. Meanwhile, Waymo has been slowly
loss of $17.6 million in its first quarter. expanding its own ride-hailing service in
On a per-share basis, the South San the Phoenix area that so far has been con-
Francisco-based company said it had a loss fined to passengers who previously partici-
of 11 cents. pated in free tests of its self-driving tech-
The results surpassed Wall Street expecta- nology.
011 0508 wed:0508 wed 220 5/7/19 12:08 AM Page 1
A’s 2, Reds 0
Fiers fires
With the win, Woodside (8-5 PAL Ocean,
15-10 overall) keeps its postseason hopes
alive. The two teams rematch Thursday and,
despite the several different tiebreaker for-
mulas, they all lead to the same destination
— the winner of that regular-season finale
will decide who advances to Saturday’s play-
in game with PAL Lake champion Jefferson.
“We definitely have to win Thursday to go
on,” said David Trujillo, M-A’s new varsity
baseball manager. “It’s going to be a tough By Terry Bernal
battle because [Woodside ace Joseph King] DAILY JOURNAL STAFF
is pitching and he’s quite the prospect. But
we’re ready for him. These guys have battled On a night that started with over an hour-
all year. Just one game at a time, that’s how long power outage, the Oakland Coliseum
we approach it.” was ultimately illuminated by an historic
In Trujillo’s first game as M-A’s new skip- effort by Mike Fiers.
per — replacing David Klein, who was dis- For the second time in his career, the A’s
missed Monday — the Bears (7-6, 10-14) right-hander fired a no-hitter, facing two
saw a 4-2 lead evaporate late when Woodside over the minimum Tuesday in Oakland’s 2-0
sent 10 batters to the plate in the sixth. win over the Cincinnati Reds (15-21).
Woodside senior Max Moreno did it all for “I knew,” Fiers said when asked by NBC
the Wildcats. Not only did he go the distance Sports California if he knew he had a no-hit-
on the mound to earn his PAL leading sev- ter in progress. “I don’t like when guys say
enth win — tied with Aragon’s Adam Bever they don’t know. They know. You don’t think
and Capuchino’s Devin Meyer — he also about it till a little later — but I knew.”
went 2 for 4 at the plate, including a go- Fiers finished off the night with a curve-
ahead two-run single. ball in the dirt to coax a swinging third
Moreno came to the plate with two on and strike out of Reds third baseman Eugenio
one out, with Woodside trailing 4-3 and Suarez. Catcher Josh Phegley deadened it
promptly greeted M-A reliever Elliot Zeien nicely, wrestled up the ball and applied the
with a line-drive single to right-center, plat- tag to Suarez to end it.
ing Garrett Faure and Jason Guaspari. “I’m not usually like a big rah-rah, excite-
“I was waiting for a pitch, I kept my hands ment kind of guy,” Phegley said during the
in, I drove it to right field,” Moreno said, postgame press conference, “but when we
“and I guess we were able to score some runs struck that last guy out, it was awesome.
TERRY BERNAL/DAILY JOURNAL Just a pile-on out there. I felt like I was
on that.”
Woodside senior Max Moreno delivers a go-ahead two-run single in the sixth inning to lift the holding the whole pile up myself. My legs
Wildcats to a 7-5 Tuesday at Menlo-Atherton. Moreno went 2 for 4 at the plate and also turned
See WOODSIDE, Page 16 in a complete-game victory on the mound in the critical PAL Ocean Division matchup. See A’S, Page 15
Colorado Avalanche (38-30-14, fifth in the Central ST. LOUIS — Pat Maroon scored 5:50 into the second
Division during the regular season) vs. San Jose Sharks overtime, Jordan Binnington made 29 saves and the St.
(46-27-9, second in the Pacific Division during the regu- Louis Blues outlasted the Dallas Stars 2-1 in Game 7 of their
lar season) Western Conference semifinal playoff series Tuesday night.
Wes tern co nference s eco nd ro und: Series tied 3-3 Maroon slammed the puck in after Robert Thomas skated
Bo tto m l i ne: The Colorado Avalanche visit the San in on Ben Bishop from the right wing. It was the second
Jose Sharks in game seven of the Western Conference sec- game-winning goal of the series for the 31-year-old St.
ond round. The teams meet Wednesday for the 10th time Louis native.
this season. The Avalanche won the previous meeting 4-3 Vince Dunn also scored for St. Louis, which will face the
in overtime. J.T. Compher scored a team-high two goals winner of the San Jose-Colorado series in the conference
for the Avalanche in the victory. final.
The Sharks are 25-11-5 at home. San Jose is third in the Ben Bishop made 52 saves and Mats Zuccarello scored for
league averaging 6.2 assists per game, led by Brent Burns Dallas, which dropped to 5-8 in Game 7s in franchise histo-
with 0.8. ry.
The Avalanche are 22-20-8 against conference oppo- It marked the first time in NHL history that three playoff
nents. Colorado averages 9.4 penalty minutes per game, JEFF CURRY/USA TODAY SPORTS
series were decided in overtime in Game 7 in the same year.
the fourth-most in the NHL. Ian Cole leads the team serv- Pat Maroon is mobbed by his St. Louis teammates after his
San Jose eliminated Vegas and Carolina beat Washington in
ing 115 total minutes. game-winning overtime goal that beat Dallas in Game 7 and
the first round.
To p perfo rmers : Burns leads the sents the Blues into the Western Conference finals.
St. Louis, which improved to 9-8 in Game 7s, outshot
Sharks with 67 assists and has recorded Dallas 54-30, including 41-16 in regulation. But Bishop career playoff goal.
83 points this season. Logan Couture was terrific against his first NHL team, keeping the Stars in Zuccarello then jumped on a fortunate deflection for
has seven goals and three assists over the game with a handful of big-time stops in regulation and Dallas, tying it at 1 at 15:55. A clearing attempt by St.
the last 10 games for San Jose. the overtimes. Louis forward David Perron hit referee Marc Joannette and
Nathan MacKinnon leads the The Blues jumped in front when Dunn converted a shot bounced right into the slot. Binnington was looking in the
Avalanche with a plus-20 in 82 games from the point 13:30 into the first period. It was his first other direction and never saw Zuccarello’s shot.
played this season. Mikko Rantanen
has five goals and eight assists over the
Brent Burns
last 10 games for Colorado.
Duri n g the p l ay o f f s :
Av al anche: Averaging 3.0 goals, 5.2
Leonard scores 21 as Raptors
take 3-2 series lead over 76ers
assists, 4.4 penalties and 10.4 penalty
minutes while giving up 2.6 goals per
game with a .920 save percentage.
Sharks : Averaging 3.1 goals, 5.3
assists, 4.6 penalties and 11.6 penalty
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Up by one after the first, the Raptors outscored the 76ers 37-17
minutes while giving up 3.2 goals per in the second quarter to take a 21-point lead, 64-43,at halftime.
TORONTO — Kawhi Leonard had 21 points and 13 rebounds, Ahead 92-70 at the start of the final quarter, Toronto extended
game with a .900 save percentage. Pascal Siakam scored 25 points and the Toronto Raptors used a
Sharks Injuri es : Radim Simek: out its lead to a game-high 40 points on a dunk by Normal Powell
huge second quarter to rout the Philadelphia 76ers 125-89 with 2:24 remaining.
Nathan (lower body), Joe Pavelski: day to day Tuesday night and take a 3-2 lead in their Eastern Conference
(upper body). The Raptors shot 16 for 40 from 3-point range, their 3-point-
MacKinnon semifinal series. ers made in the series.
Av al anche Injuri es : None listed. Toronto can advance to the Eastern Jimmy Butler scored 22 points and Tobias Harris had 15 for the
Conference finals for the second time in four 76ers, who have lost two straight after winning the previous
seasons with a victory in Game 6 at
NASCAR brief Philadelphia on Thursday night. The
Joel Embiid scored 13 points and had eight turnovers. Embiid
Raptors lost in six games to Cleveland in the
NASCAR’s Hamlin suffered East finals in 2016.
started despite missing the morning shootaround because of flu-
like symptoms. He also battled illness in Games 2 and 4.
carbon monoxide poisoning at Dover If the 76ers can extend the series to a sev-
Sixers guard Ben Simmons shot 3 for 5 and finished with seven
enth game, it would be played in Toronto on
DOVER, Del. — Denny Hamlin suffered from nausea and dou- Sunday night. points, seven rebounds, and five turnovers.
ble vision from carbon monoxide that seeped into his Toyota at Kawhi Leonard Leonard, who had scored 33 or more Siakam scored nine points in the first and Lowry had eight as
the end of the NASCAR race at Dover. points in each of the first four games of the Toronto led 27-26 after one. Leonard had seven rebounds and five
Hamlin felt ill after Monday’s race and was attended to by med- series, shot 7 for 16 from the field and 7 for 8 at the line before points in the first.
ical staff on pit road after he finished 21st. Hamlin was treated and checking out with 7:22 to play and Toronto up 103-73. Ibaka needed three stitches to close a cut on his forehead after
released from the NASCAR medical care center. Debris struck Kyle Lowry scored 19 points, while Danny Green shot 5 for 7 he was inadvertently elbowed by Leonard in the opening quarter.
Hamlin’s No. 11 Toyota during the race that knocked out the right from 3-point range and finished with 17 points. Marc Gasol Ibaka returned to start the second and, despite a visible bump on
rear crush panel and allowed fumes into the car. scored 11 points and Serge Ibaka had 10. his head, soon scored his first points by blowing past Embiid for
“That kind of hampered the very end of the race for us but it cer- a dunk.
tainly wasn’t the deciding factor if we raced good or bad,” Hamlin
said Tuesday.
He said he felt fine on Tuesday and was ready to race this week-
end at Kansas Speedway.
014 0508 wed:0508 wed 220 5/7/19 11:01 PM Page 1
a runner on first, Mika Chong snared a line choice and scored on Santos’ two-out triple to
Continued from page 11
drive at third base and threw across the diamond
to first baseman Alex Bunton to double up the
the fence in left field. Chong had a leadoff triple
in the fifth, her second hit of the game, and
scored on Hayley Ahlvin’s single to right. It
By that time, Hillsdale (8-5 PAL Bay, 13-7 was 6-1 an inning later when Sophia Eftekhari
overall) enjoyed a 4-1 lead. After going quietly walked, stole second and scored on a Santos
“You gotta move on,” Santos said. single.
in the first inning, the Knights scored runs
Nagamine certainly did as the freshman held “We played loose and executed extremely
over the next five innings. They took a 1-0 lead
Woodside in check for most of the game. The well,” McDonald said.
in the bottom of the second when Bunton hit a
Wildcats scored an unearned run in the fourth
RBI groundout to second, with Kealani Cardona Woodside made it interesting at the end, scor-
and added two more in the seventh, but
scoring on the play. Cardona had singled and ing twice on three hits. With one out, Barstad
Nagamine stayed poised and closed out the
took second on an error. had her second single of the game. Nagamine
Bunton, a freshman, would got on to finish 2 got a strikeout for the second out, but Anissya
She allowed three runs while scattering five
for 3 at the plate, adding a double in the fifth. Avendano reached on an infield hit. Emma
hits with five strikeouts and one walk.
Hillsdale added two more runs in the second. Kinder followed with a RBI single to left and a
“It doesn’t surprise me,” said Hillsdale head
Junior Sophia Eftekhari led off the inning with pair of Hillsdale errors enabled Avendano to
coach Kelly McDonald. “[Nagamine] was out-
a single to right, stole second and went to third score as well.
standing. She handled it brilliantly.”
Nagamine took a no-hitter into the fourth on a wild pitch. Santos drove her in with a But Nagamine got a routine groundout to sec-
inning before a single to left by Woodside’s groundout to second, followed by senior ond to end the game.
Megan Barstad broke it up. Barstad’s hit also Addison Eftekhari’s single right. She then mir- “[Nagamine] did great,” Santos said. “She’s
drove in the Wildcats’ first run of the game as it rored her younger sister — Addison Eftekhari been pitching a lot the last couple of weeks. …
plated Gianna Voltattorni, who was on second stole second, moved to third on a wild pitch and She’s been doing her job.”
following a two-base error. then scored on wild pitch for a 3-0 Hillsdale Now, Hillsdale’s focus turns to cross-town
The Hillsdale defense atoned for a couple mis- lead. rival San Mateo, who they’ll host Thursday.
NATHAN MOLLAT/DAILY JOURNAL takes in the field by making a couple of defen- Woodside (5-8, 6-15) finally broke through The two teams battled into extra innings with
Hillsdale freshman pitcher Sydney Nagamine sive gems. In the fifth inning, Santos dove in the top of the fourth, but the Knights came the Knights pulling out a 1-0 win in nine.
threw a complete game, allowing three runs headlong to make a catch on a popup just in right back in the bottom of the frame to get the “What a great way to end the (regular) sea-
(two earned) while scattering five hits. front of the plate. Then later in the inning, with run back. Bella Carreon reach on a fielder’s son,” Santos said.
1 offering from Antonio Senzatela Giants, he had gone 5-0 with 3.16
Continued from page 11
and drove it over the left field wall
for a three-run homer. Crawford
singled ahead of Pillar’s home
Roster shakeup
run, and the Giants took a 6-1
gratifying that I was able to get it In addition to selecting
somewhat back together. I’m feel- Williamson also made a running Williamson’s contract from Triple
ing good.” catch at the wall of a line drive off A Sacramento, the Giants also
the bat of Nolan Arenado in the
After clearing waivers, purchased the contract of INF
Colorado eighth and starting a
Williamson accepted the Giants’ Donovan Solano and recalled LHP
relay that shortstop Crawford fin-
assignment to Sacramento, where Williams Jerez from the River
ished with a throw to the plate
he quickly regained the team’s Cats. Following Monday night’s
that got Tapia trying for home.
attention by turning his fortunes loss at Cincinnati, the Giants
around, batting .378 with nine Williamson added an RBI single optioned OF Mike Gerber and
homers, including three on in the fifth. switch-pitcher Pat Venditte to
Monday night. One of them trav- Senzatela (2-2) allowed seven Sacramento. Earlier Tuesday, vet-
eled 511 feet. runs on eight hits in 4 2/3 eran OF was outrighted to
He hit a 371-foot drive that was innings. It was Senzatela’s first Sacramento but opted to become a
no less impressive in the Giants’ loss to the Giants as a starter. In free agent. INF Yangervis Solarte ISAIAH J. DOWNING/USA TODAY SPORTS
five-run fourth. He got hold of a 1- six previous starts against the was designated for assignment. Mac Williamson launches a three-run home run Tuesday at Coors Field.
t t
015 0508 wed:0508 wed 220 5/7/19 12:19 AM Page 1
Continued from page 11
chise dating back to the days of
the Philadelphia A’s. The last A’s
pitcher to record a no-hitter was
San Jose 4, Vegas 3
East Division
W L Pct GB
East Division
W L Pct GB
Sean Manaea on April 21, 2018 Wednesday, April 10: San Jose 5, Vegas 2 Tampa Bay 23 12 .657 — Philadelphia 20 15 .571 —
against the Boston Red Sox. Friday, April 12: Vegas 5, San Jose 3 New York 21 14 .600 2 Atlanta 18 18 .500 2 1/2
were about to collapse. But, yeah, Both A’s (16-21) runs were pro- Sunday, April 14: Vegas 6, San Jose 3 Boston 18 19 .486 6 New York 17 19 .472 3 1/2
as soon as the last out was made, I duced by second baseman Tuesday, April 16: Vegas 5, San Jose 0 Toronto 15 21 .417 8 1/2 Washington 14 21 .400 6
was out of breath for like 20 min- Jurickson Profar. He doubled off Thursday, April 18: San Jose 5, Vegas 2
Baltimore 13 23 .361 10 1/2 Miami 10 25 .286 10
utes. It was a rush. It was awe- Reds starter Tyler Mahle to score Sunday, April 21: San Jose 2, Vegas 1, 2OT Central Division Central Division
some.” Stephen Piscotty in the second W L Pct GB W L Pct GB
Tuesday, April 23: San Jose 5, Vegas 4, OT
It was the sixth strikeout of the inning. In the seventh, he hit a Minnesota 22 12 .647 — Chicago 20 13 .606 —
game for Fiers, who improves his solo home run off reliever Robert Cleveland 18 16 .529 4 St. Louis 21 15 .583 1/2
San Jose 3, Colorado 3 Chicago 16 18 .471 6 Milwaukee 22 16 .579 1/2
record to 3-3. Stephenson, an East Bay native Friday, April 26: San Jose 5, Colorado 2 Detroit 15 17 .469 6 Pittsburgh 17 15 .531 2 1/2
Fiers threw his first no-hitter for out of Alhambra High School- Kansas City 13 24 .351 10 1/2 Cincinnati 15 21 .417 6 1/2
Sunday, April 28: Colorado 4, San Jose 3
the Houston Astros against the Martinez. Tuesday, April 30: San Jose 4, Colorado 2
Los Angeles Dodgers Aug. 21, The play of the game — perhaps West Division West Division
Thursday, May 2: Colorado 3, San Jose 0
2015. The losing pitcher that of the season — came courtesy of W L Pct GB W L Pct GB
night was Fiers’ current rotation Saturday, May 4: San Jose 2, Colorado 1 Houston 21 15 .583 — Los Angeles 24 14 .632 —
center fielder Ramon Laureano in Seattle 19 19 .500 3 Arizona 20 16 .556 3
mate with the A’s, Brett Anderson. Monday, May 6: Colorado 4, San Jose 3, OT
the sixth inning in robbing Reds Texas 16 17 .485 3 1/2 San Diego 20 17 .541 3 1/2
Fiers was asked in the postgame Wednesday, May 8: Colorado at San Jose, 6 p.m.
first baseman Joey Votto of a Angels 16 19 .457 4 1/2 Colorado 16 20 .444 7
news conference if having experi- home run. A’s 16 21 .432 5 1/2 Giants 16 20 .444 7
enced a previous no-hitter was Votto launched one of his signa- WARRIORS PLAYOFF SCHEDULE Tuesday’s Games Tuesday’s Games
helpful. ture middle-away drives to the left
Warriors 4, L.A. Clippers 2 ChicagoWhite Sox 2,Cleveland 0 Pittsburgh 5, Texas 4
“It made it so much easier,” Fiers side of center field, where N.Y.Yankees 5,Seattle 4 Tampa Bay 6, Arizona 3
Saturday, April 13: Warriors 121, L.A. Clippers 104
said. “I’m out there — just staying Laureano timed a leap perfectly at Boston 8,Baltimore 5 Milwaukee 6, Washington 0
within myself. And that’s pretty Monday, April 15: L.A. Clippers 135, Warriors 131
the shorter portion of the wall. Pittsburgh 5,Texas 4 Philadelphia 11, St. Louis 1
much the pitcher I am just going The former Astros farmhand — Thursday, April 18: Warriors 132, Clippers 105 Minnesota 3,Toronto 0 Chicago Cubs 5, Miami 2
Sunday, April 21: Warriors 113, Clippers 105 San Francisco 14, Colorado 4
out there and throwing a bunch of who was playing for Houston Angels 5,Detroit 2
Oakland 2, Cincinnati 0
strikes, trusting my guys behind Low-A Quad Cities in 2015 when x-Wednesday, April 24: Clippers 129, Warriors 121 Tampa Bay 6,Arizona 3
Kansas City 12,Houston 2 L.A. Dodgers 9, Atlanta 0
me and being the aggressor. I Fiers threw his first no-no for the x-Friday, April 26: Warriors 129, Clippers 110
Oakland 2,Cincinnati 0 N.Y. Mets 7, San Diego 6
think that’s the big tale of my Astros — caught fantastic air to Wednesday’s Games
Wednesday’s Games
career. When I’m aggressive, I’m a make a backhanded catch over the Warriors 2, Houston 0 Texas (Miller 1-2) at Pitt (Kingham 1-0), 9:35 a.m.
Texas (Miller 1-2) at Pittsburgh (Kingham 1-0),9:35 a.m.
Arizona (Ray 2-1) at Tampa (Morton 3-0), 10:10 a.m.
much better pitcher.” wall with full extension. Sunday, April 28: Warriors 104, Houston 100 Arizona (Ray 2-1) atTampa Bay (Morton 3-0),10:10 a.m.
Washington (Hellickson 2-0) at Milwaukee (Woodruff
Fiers is one of six active pitch- “Ramon’s catch, he’s done that Tuesday, April 30: Warriors 115, Houston 109 White Sox (Lopez 2-4) at Cleveland (Bieber 2-1),3:10 p.m. 4-1), 10:10 a.m.
ers to have two no-hitters to his once or twice, so that’s normal for Saturday, May 4: Houston 126, Warriors 121, OT Seattle (Kikuchi 1-1) at N.Y.Yankees (Loaisiga 1-0),3:35 p.m. Philly (Eickhoff 1-1) at St.Louis (Flaherty 3-2),10:15 a.m.
Boston (Sale 1-5) at Baltimore (Cashner 4-1),4:05 p.m. N.Y. Mets (Font 1-0) at S.D. (Strahm 1-2), 12:40 p.m.
credit, joining a list that includes him,” Fiers said. Monday, May 6: Houston 112, Warriors 108
Minnesota(Gibson2-1)atToronto(Thornton0-3),4:07p.m. Miami (Urena 1-5) at Cubs (Hendricks 2-4), 5:05 p.m.
Jake Arrieta, Homer Bailey, Cole The start of the game was x-Wednesday, May 8: Houston at Warriors, 7:30 p.m. LAngels (Skaggs 3-2) at Detroit (Boyd 3-2),4:10 p.m. Giants (Holland 1-4) at Colorado (Gray 3-3), 5:40 p.m.
Hamels, Max Scherzer and Justin delayed for 1 hour and 38 minutes x-Friday, May 10: Golden State at Houston, TBD KansasCity(Lopez0-3)atHouston(Peacock2-2),5:10p.m. Cincinnati (Gray 0-4) at A’s (Anderson 4-2), 7:07 p.m.
Verlander. It was first no-hitter of due to a power outage at Oakland x-Sunday, May 12: Houston at Golden State, TBD Cincinnati (Gray 0-4) at Oakland (Anderson 4-2),7:07 p.m. Atlanta(Foltynewicz0-1)atDodgers(Kershaw1-0),7:10p.m.
2019 and 300th no-hitter recorded Coliseum. First pitch was thrown
in major league history. at 8:45 p.m. WHAT’S ON TAP
It is the eighth no-hitter in “I’m just glad they got those
Oakland A’s history, and the 13th lights working,” Fiers said. WEDNESDAY Softball FRIDAY
Baseball Hillsdale at San Mateo, Half Moon Bay at Capuchino, Baseball
Terra Nova at Carlmont, Capuchino at King's Acad- Carlmont at Aragon, Burlingame at Woodside, 4 Carlmont at Terra Nova, King's Academy at Ca-
emy, Burlingame at Menlo School, Sacred Heart p.m. puchino, Menlo School at Burlingame, Hillsdale at
Prep at Hillsdale, 4 p.m. Sacred Heart Prep, 4 p.m.
Softball Half Moon Bay at Sequoia, Menlo-Atherton at SATURDAY
Mills at South City, Jefferson at Sequoia,Terra Nova Woodside, Mills at Aragon, El Camino at San Mateo, Baseball
at Menlo-Atherton, 4 p.m. Westmoor at Jefferson, South City vs Crystal Springs PAL CCS play-in game-winner
at Sea Cloud Park, 4 p.m. Lake Divisoin champion at third-place Ocean, 10
Tuesday, June 11
San Mateo County Fair
1346 Saratoga Drive, San Mateo
Senior Expo open 11am - 3 pm
Seniors age 62+ admitted Senior Expo features:
FREE into Fair and Senior Expo t Senior-related businesses
until 3pm and community booths
Parking on-site $15 t Goody bags for first 1000 guests
Senior Expo hours: 11am to 3pm t Giveaways
Dean Martin impersonator Matt Helm
The all - time “ King of Cool” will sing some old
favorites, as well as Sinatra songs.
Senior Stage, Expo Hall
11:30 am, 12:30 pm, 1:30 pm
Bears acquire kicker Chicago that ended with a double-doink The team waived tight end Marcus Lucas
NFL briefs miss in the closing seconds of a playoff on Tuesday to make room on the roster.
Eddy Pineiro from Raiders least five regular-season games this upcom- loss to Philadelphia at Soldier Field. The Johnson was originally drafted by
LAKE FOREST, Ill. — The Chicago Bears ing season. Bears have three kickers on the roster. They Pittsburgh in the fifth round in 2014. He has
have acquired Eddy Pineiro from Oakland, have not appeared in a regular-season game. played in 51 games with 24 starts in five
Pineiro set a school record for accuracy in
adding another kicker to the mix to replace two seasons kicking at Florida by making seasons with the Steelers, Jets and
Cody Parkey. 38 of 43 field goals. Signed by the Raiders
49ers sign OL Johnson Dolphins. Johnson played 10 games last
The Bears sent a conditional seventh- as an undrafted free agent last May, he was to a one-year deal season for Miami.
round pick in 2021 to the Raiders in the deal placed on injured reserve because of a groin SANTA CLARA — The San Francisco Lucas originally joined the 49ers after
announced Tuesday. Oakland gets the pick if injury prior to the season. 49ers have signed offensive lineman being signed to the practice squad last
Pineiro is on Chicago’s active roster for at Parkey was let go after one rough year in Wesley Johnson to a one-year deal. December.
Continued from page 11
Proudly sold at
Draeger’s Market
222 East 4th Ave.
San Mateo
018 0508 wed:0508 wed 220 5/7/19 8:08 PM Page 1
county,” said MidPen’s president and CEO took perseverance, creativity and a lot of children and includes an outdoor play-
Continued from page 1
Matt Franklin, adding that one of five sen-
iors in California currently lives in pover-
people — it took a village to get us to
where we are today,” he said. “Redwood
City has a long tradition of using public
“I love the fact that we’re going to have
“The site is unrivaled as far as its access land to build affordable housing and seniors in this program and little children
to health care, to important neighborhood MidPen has an excellent tradition of build- because together they’re going to make a
be reserved for formerly homeless veterans amenities to transportation,” he continued. ing high-quality affordable units, particu- magical situation,” said Executive Director
and seniors with special needs. It also has a “When you take a valuable piece of land larly for our seniors, which are much need- Karen Haas-Foletta. “We’re gong to try to
creekside trail open to the public and the like this right in the middle of the down- ed. … This is a long-held dream of the City see what seniors — we won’t force them —
child care component spans 8,000 square town precise plan, right in the middle of all Council and Arroyo Green is going to be are interested in helping out working with
feet. Residents are expected to move into the great things happening here in down- the fulfillment of that dream.” children in a meaningful way and they’re
the seven-story building by spring 2021. town and you put out a call to create high- Arroyo Green’s on-site amenities include going to come down to our program and
The units include a mix of studios, one- quality homes for low-income seniors and an open-air rooftop courtyard with commu- hopefully we’re going to go up to their pro-
bedroom and two-bedroom units to be rent- child care spots for the neighborhood, it’s nity gardening planters, barbecue and seat- grams and make it one big community.”
ed between $700 and $1,500 a month. a the best expression of your values as a ing, and indoors there will be a community
“What the city and county know is the city and it speaks volumes.” room, computer lab, game room, library Seven funding sources, including
tremendous need for this type of housing Mayor Ian Bain said the development has and fitness room. Redwood City, San Mateo County and
and [seniors] are our biggest growing been in the works for 15 years. Run by nonprofit Footsteps, the ground- Union Bank, made the development a reali-
demographic statewide and here in the “It took vision, it took leadership, it level child care space can accommodate 70 ty.
but he preferred the former primarily in the same district. citizens’ commission and the city had to
Continued from page 1
because it preserved the most neighborhood
“We’ve invested quite a bit in those
“I’m reminded that Bair Island has a very
large Asian population. It has the largest
Asian population of any of the proposed
meet strict deadlines.
In March, the council voted on first read-
ing for a map that included just one district
neighborhood associations,” he said. districts except Redwood Shores. with a majority of voting age Latinos. After
Borgens agreed and Howard celebrated Combining Bair Island with Redwood pushback from that community, among oth-
again for Redwood City Council in 2022. 13h for preserving neighborhood character.
Before 13h was approved, a motion was Shores empowers the Asian community and ers, the city’s demographer announced that
“I do believe 13h better preserves the separating it promotes isolation in my it made an error and was in fact able to create
made for a map called 21f that didn’t pass character of our neighborhoods and that’s
because it was opposed by Mayor Ian Bain, opinion,” she said. maps with two Latino majority districts in
something that’s important to me,” she One map, 13l, included only one district terms of voting age.
Vice Mayor Diane Howard and said.
Councilwomen Diana Reddy and Janet with a majority of voting age Latinos and The council decided to switch to district
Masur and Hale preferred 21f in part all councilmembers nixed it for that reason.
Borgens. Two other maps called 13l and 13g because it was more popular among resi- elections after receiving a letter from
were also rejected. dents, both said, while Reddy endorsed Councilmembers reminded residents that Malibu attorney Kevin Shenkman saying
Bain said 13h and 21f almost equally 1 3 g , mai n t ai n i n g h er p o s i t i o n t h at maps will be redrawn in 2021 based on the city’s at-large system whereby all vot-
appealed to him and noted their similarity, Redwood Shores and Bair Island belong 2020 census data and nearly all of them ers can vote for councilmembers is at odds
expressed support for establishing an inde- with the California Voting Rights Act.
pendent citizens redistricting commission Shenkman threatened litigation if the city
to handle the process then. Bain said the did not voluntary make the switch and it’s
only reason the creation of district bound- generally agreed that if the city took
aries was council-led this time around was Shenkman to court, it would lose the costly
because it would be faster than relying on a lawsuit.
Elementary School, 715 Indian Ave.,
MPMC Lifeline Per sonal Help San Mateo. Learn how to ride safely and its financial management. community to improve opinions on
Button. 12:30 p.m. to 1 p.m. San with YBikes, join San Mateo Police To that end, about 32% of those sur- the district.
Mateo Senior Center, 2645 Alameda Department for a ride around the
neighborhood, face painting and a veyed maintained very or somewhat “You just have to be communicative
de las Pulgas, San Mateo. MPMC’s Continued from page 3
‘Lifeline’ is a personal help button balloon artist. Free. For more infor- favorable opinion on whether the dis- and transparent,” he said. “Because
that helps seniors live independent- mation call 522-7300.
trict is providing a quality education, the reality is, you are never going to
ly. Registration is required. For more to no longer support the district if
information call 522-7490. San Bruno AARP Chapter 2895 while about 37% had a somewhat or have 100% support.”
Monthly Meeting. 10 a.m. to noon. their favorite campus was shuttered, very unfavorable opinion while the Should the district improve its con-
Nests: Patterns from Nature, a lec- San Bruno Senior Center, 1555 McBride said he believes the prevail-
ture by W. Gary Smith. 3:30 p.m. to Crystal Springs Road, San Bruno. For rest were not sure. Similarly, about nection with voters during the poten-
4:30 p.m. Filoli, Cañada Road, more information call 583-4499. ing sentiment favors the hard choices 27% had a somewhat or very favor- tial tax campaign, McBride expressed
Redwood City. Inspired by both pat- made. able opinion on whether the district confidence the community would get a
terns in nature, nesting animals and Friends of the Library Spring Book
using materials from the Filoli Estate, Sale. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. South San “After making the cuts, the commu- effectively managed its funds, while better understanding of the quality
Gary takes us through a journey of Francisco Main Library, 840 W. nity is much more aware of the issues about 33% had somewhat or very education offered to local students.
Orange Ave., South San Francisco.
Nests: Patterns from Nature. Free for
For more information call 829-3860. in the Redwood City School District unfavorable opinions on the matter “There’s a lot of really amazing
Filoli members, $5 for non-members.
For more information call 364-8300. and is concerned,” he said. and the rest were uninformed. things going on with dedicated teach-
Bargain Book and Media Sale. 10 Poll results suggest otherwise
Free Work shop: Sur viving the a.m. to 3 p.m. Millbrae Library, 1 McBride though said his position ers and staff,” he said. “And it is on us
Retirement Per fect Stor m. 6:30 Library Ave., Millbrae. All books 25 though, as feedback from voters indi- on whether to pursue the measure to make sure we are getting that out
p.m. to 8 p.m. Foster City Library cents to 50cents. Free. For more cated a majority of potential voters would not waver in the face of the and people know the good things
Community Room, 1000 Hillsdale information call 697-7607.
Blvd., Foster City. Presented in collab-
either have a negative or uninformed feedback, suggesting more work going on.”
oration with Foster City Library, Stark Raving Dad Book Signing
Financial Aptitude Training, Event. 11 a.m. to noon. Nuts For
California Society of CPAs and LFS Candy, 1241 Broadway, Burlingame.
Asset Management. Free. Local dad and author Sanderson A
8=BCAD2C8>=B)5 5X]SPPb\
\P]hff^aSbPPbhh^dRRP]Q Qh[[X]ZX]V
Registration is required, to register Dean will be signing his new book. 1 D ? 7 [TccTabd
S^f]bbXSTc^bXSTPP]SS SXPV^]P[[hf faXcX]Vff^aSb
Free. For more information call 343- ^]PPQ
Q[P]ZbbWTTc^ ^U_
H^d\\Ph^^][hd dbTT
call 401-4662.
8758. F > 8 B ^]RTf fXcWX]PPbbX]V[Tf
Pub Style Trivia. 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 6 > : 4 f^aSUUX]SbRRa^bbX]V^ ^dcRR^\\^]f f^aSb
Mother’s Day Plant Sale and Craft 0 6 ; <
1>66;4 H>DA1
4 ; 0 3
presented by Y WCA. 7 p.m. to 8:30
p.m. Burlingame Library, 480 Hungar ian Heritage Festival. '[[TccTab,
, _
_^X]cb !
0 \PcTda
Primrose Road, Burlingame. Explore Noon to 10 p.m. Twin Pines Park, 1
Twin Pines Lane, Belmont. Live folk
, $_
_^X]cb , ,
Caah PV
effective action for the most critical
dance, music, cultural exhibits and
issues of our time. Tips and tricks for A
children’s activities. Cost is $5 to $15.
= C
standard tactics and unique lessons
; 3
and stories from YWCA’s legislative For more information call (510) 853-
3104. FT_ _dcb
advocacy and Impact community ^U[[TccTab2
organizing fellowship for young
women of color. Free. For more infor- Origami Time. 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.
Reach And Teach, 144 W. 25th Ave.,
mation call 558-7400. F>A3BXX]ccWTV
San Mateo. Learn some new paper
D 8 >
FRIDAY, MAY 10 folding tricks. All materials provided.
Community B enefits and Free. For more information call 759-
Resource Fair. 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 3784.
a.m. San Mateo Senior Center, 2645
A Very Vintage Tea and Social. 1
Alameda de las Pulgas, San Mateo.
B 4 < C
Get information on Transportation p.m. to 4 p.m. The America Legion,
Discount Programs, Housing, Health 1159 Bush St., San Carlos. Enjoy fun
and Social Services, Fraud activities and tea. A portion of the
Protection, Emergency Services, proceeds will benefit Operation
Caregiving and more. Free. For more Freedom Paws. Cost is $25 to $30. For
information call 349-2200. more information call 455-3624.
7PbQa^88]R $' (
Floral Lei-Making with Hapa Hula. For more events visit !! (7
SUDOKU Want More Fun
ANSWERS and Games?
O Each row and each column must contain the
numbers 1 through 6 without repeating.
The numbers within the heavily outlined boxes,
O called cages, must combine using the given operation 5VOESB0WFSUIF)FEHF$PNJDT$MBTTJmFET
(in any order) to produce the target numbers in the
top-left corners. #PHHMF1V[[MF&WFSZEBZJO%BUF#PPL
O Freebies: Fill in single-box cages with the number in
the top-left corner.
021-026 0508 wed:Class Master Odd 5/7/19 3:27 PM Page 1
Requirements: BS or equiv. in IT, MIS,
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EVENT MARKETING SALES The Daily Journal seeks a local person to help
us continue being the best news and information
Join the Daily Journal Event marketing team as a Sales and Business Development resource on the Peninsula.
Specialist. Duties include sales and customers service of event sponsorships, Candidates must have the following
partners, exhibitors and more. Interface and interact with local businesses to enlist characteristics:
participants at the Daily Journal’s ever expanding inventory of community events t3FMJBCJMJUZBOEQVODUVBMJUZ
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You will also be part of the project management process. But first and foremost, t$VTUPNFSTFSWJDFTLJMMT
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Must have a successful track record of sales and business development. +PCEVUJFTJODMVEFIBOEMJOHQIPOFT
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021-026 0508 wed:Class Master Odd 5/7/19 3:27 PM Page 2
110 employment 203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices tundra tundra tundra
SaLeS - Telemarketing and Inside Sales oRDeR to SHoW CaUSe foR oRDeR to SHoW CaUSe foR
Representative needed to sell newspa- CHaNGe of Name CHaNGe of Name
per print and web advertising and event CASE# 19C1V02260 CASE# 19C1V02332
marketing solutions. To apply, please call SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA,
650-344-5200 and send resume to
[email protected] COUNTY OF SAN MATEO, 400 COUNTY CENTER RD,
SaLeS/maRKetING PETITION OF Beth Ann Stanley
INteRNSHIPS Zaven Kevork Khatchadourian
The San Mateo Daily Journal is looking TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS:
for ambitious interns who are eager to Petitioners: Beth Ann Stanley filed a peti-
jump into the business arena with both TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: tion with this court for a decree changing
feet and hands. Learn the ins and outs Petitioners: Zaven Kevork Khatchadouri- names as follows:
of the newspaper and media industries. an filed a petition with this court for a de- Present name:
This position will provide valuable cree changing names as follows: Beth Ann Stanley
experience for your bright future. Present name: Proposed Name:
Email resume Beth Ann Jaeger-Stanley
[email protected]
Zaven Kevork Khatchadourian
Proposed Name: THE COURT ORDERS that all persons
Zaven Kevork Khachadourian interested in this matter shall appear be-
203 Public Notices fore this court at the hearing indicated
below to show cause, if any, why the pe-
over the Hedge over the Hedge over the Hedge
THE COURT ORDERS that all persons
interested in this matter shall appear be- tition for change of name should not be
fICtItIoUS BUSINeSS Name granted. Any person objecting to the
StatemeNt #280954 fore this court at the hearing indicated name changes described above must file
The following person is doing business below to show cause, if any, why the pe- a written objection that includes the rea-
as: Access Cabling, 951 Mariners island tition for change of name should not be sons for the objection at least two court
Blvd Suite 300, SAN MATEO, CA 94404.
Registered Owner: Fireside Security granted. Any person objecting to the days before the matter is scheduled to
name changes described above must file be heard and must appear at the hearing
Group Inc., CA. The business is conduct- to show cause why the petition should
ed by a Corporation. The registrants a written objection that includes the rea- not be granted. If no written objection is
commenced to transact business under sons for the objection at least two court timely filed, the court may grant the peti-
their FBN on 1/3/14. days before the matter is scheduled to tion without a hearing. A hearing on the
/s/Guido Rodriguez/ be heard and must appear at the hearing petition shall be held on 6/13/19 at 9
This statement was filed with the Asses-
sor-County Clerk on 4/10/2019. (Publish- to show cause why the petition should a.m., Dept. PJ, at 400 County Center,
not be granted. If no written objection is Redwood City, CA 94063. A copy of this
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, Order to Show Cause shall be published
4/17/19, 4/24/19, 5/1/19, 5/8/19). timely filed, the court may grant the peti- at least once each week for four succes-
tion without a hearing. A hearing on the sive weeks prior to the date set for hear-
petition shall be held on 6/12/19 at 9 ing on the petition in the following news-
StatemeNt of aBaNDoNmeNt of a.m., Dept. PJ, at 400 County Center, paper of general circulation:
tHe USe of a fICtItIoUS BUSINeSS
Name StatemeNt 260838 Redwood City, CA 94063. A copy of this San Mateo Daily Journal
Order to Show Cause shall be published Filed: 5/1/2019
Registered Owner (Legal Entity) aban-
doning the use of the Fictitious Business at least once each week for four succes- /s/Jonathan E. Karesh/
Judge of the Superior Court
203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices
Name: Richard E. Ato. Name of Busi- sive weeks prior to the date set for hear- Dated: 4/30/2019
ness: Linda Mar Florist. Date of original ing on the petition in the following news- StatemeNt of aBaNDoNmeNt of
(Published 5/8/19, 5/15/19, 5/22/19, tHe USe of a fICtItIoUS BUSINeSS
filing: May 16th, 2014. Address of Princi- paper of general circulation: 5/29/19). NotICe of PUBLIC HeaRING
pal Place of Business: 1353 Linda Mar Name StatemeNt 260400
Shopping Center, PACIFICA, CA 94044. San Mateo Daily Journal Registered Owner (Legal Entity) aban- ReGaRDING WaIVeR ReQUeSt
Registrants: Richard E. Ato, 2000 Trous- Filed: 5/1/2019 doning the use of the Fictitious Business
dale Dr. #107, BURLINGAME, CA /s/Jonathan E. Karesh/ Name: Richard E. Ato. Name of Busi-
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held
94010. The business was conducted by Judge of the Superior Court ness: Linda Mar Florist. Date of original
an Individual. Dated: 4/25/2019 oRDeR to SHoW CaUSe foR filing: April 15, 2014. Address of Principal on May 9, 2019, beginning at 7:00 p.m., in the San Mateo
/s/Richard E. Ato/ CHaNGe of Name Place of Business: 1353 Linda Mar
This statement was filed with the Asses-
(Published 5/8/19, 5/15/19, 5/22/19, CASE# 19C1V02333 Shopping Center, PACIFICA, CA 94044.
Adult School, 789 East Poplar, San Mateo, CA 94401.
sor-County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo 5/29/19). SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, Registrants: Richard E. Ato, 2000 Trous-
County on 4/11/19. COUNTY OF SAN MATEO,
(Published in the San Mateo Daily Jour- 400 COUNTY CENTER RD,
dale Dr. #107, BURLINGAME, CA
94010. The business was conducted by
The hearing will be held to gather public comment before the
nal, 4/17/19, 4/24/19, 5/1/19, 5/8/19). REDWOOD CITY CA 94063 an Individual. Board of Trustees of the San Mateo Union High School District
Stephanie Carol Jaeger
/s/Richard E. Ato/ considers submitting a waiver request to the State Board of
This statement was filed with the Asses-
sor-County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo Education, relating to Education Code sections 17455, 17466,
TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: County on 4/11/19. 17469, 17472, 17473, 17474, and 17475. The waiver request
Petitioners: Stephanie Carol Jaeger filed (Published in the San Mateo Daily Jour-
will ask that the District be allowed to waive certain surplus
Got JoBS?
a petition with this court for a decree nal, 4/17/19, 4/24/19, 5/1/19, 5/8/19).
changing names as follows: property procedures related to a potential sale or lease of sur-
Present name:
Stephanie Carol Jaeger plus District property located at 300 Piedmont Avenue, San
Proposed Name: fICtItIoUS BUSINeSS NAME
Stephanie Carol Jaeger-Stanley STATEMENT #281120 Bruno, County of San Mateo, California, through a request for
The following person is doing business proposal process rather than a public bid process. The public
THE COURT ORDERS that all persons as: 1.) Portugal Macau China Interna-
tional Association of North America 2.) hearing is required by the waiver procedures found in Educa-
the best career seekers interested in this matter shall appear be-
fore this court at the hearing indicated Pinnacle Music International 3.) Center tion Code §§ 33050, et seq.
below to show cause, if any, why the pe- for the Advancement of the Macanese,
read the Daily Journal. tition for change of name should not be
granted. Any person objecting to the
1160 Chess Drive Suite 4, FOSTER
CITY, CA 94404. Registered Owner: For further information, please contact Kevin Skelly, Superin-
name changes described above must file Nuno Prata da Cruz, 2642 School Street, tendent, San Mateo Union High School District, 650 N. Dela-
We will help you recruit qualified, talented a written objection that includes the rea-
sons for the objection at least two court
OAKLAND, CA 94602 . The business is
conducted by an Individual. The regis- ware Street, San Mateo, California 94401; Ph: 650-558-2299.
individuals to join your company or organization. days before the matter is scheduled to trants commenced to transact business
be heard and must appear at the hearing under their FBN on APRIL 30, 2019.
to show cause why the petition should /s/Nuno Prata da Cruz/
the Daily Journal’s readership covers a wide not be granted. If no written objection is
timely filed, the court may grant the peti-
This statement was filed with the Asses-
sor-County Clerk on 4/30/2019. (Publish-
range of qualifications for all types of positions. tion without a hearing. A hearing on the ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, Noise exposure map acceptance
petition shall be held on 6/13/19 at 9 5/8/19, 5/15/19, 5/22/19, 5/29/19).
a.m., Dept. PJ, at 400 County Center,
for the best value and the best results, Redwood City, CA 94063. A copy of this Pursuant to Section 107(a) & (b) (Title 49 United States Code,
Order to Show Cause shall be published StatemeNt of aBaNDoNmeNt of
recruit from the Daily Journal... at least once each week for four succes- tHe USe of a fICtItIoUS BUSINeSS Section 47506 of the Airport Safety and Noise Abatement Act
sive weeks prior to the date set for hear-
ing on the petition in the following news-
Name StatemeNt 257188 of 1979, as amended, notice is hearby given that on April 23,
Registered Owner (Legal Entity) aban-
Contact us for a free consultation paper of general circulation: doning the use of the Fictitious Business 2019, the Federal Aviation Administration has completed its
San Mateo Daily Journal Name: AEH International, LLC. Name of evaluation of, and has formally accepted the Noise Exposure
Filed: 5/1/2019 Business: 1)New-Flow 2)Inflow Controls.
/s/Jonathan E. Karesh/ Date of original filing: Aug. 14, 2013. Ad- Maps for San Carlos Airport, located in San Mateo County,
Call (650) 344-5200 or Judge of the Superior Court
Dated: 4/30/2019
dress of Principal Place of Business: California that were prepared pursuant to Title 14 Code of
131 Glenn Way Suite 2, SAN CARLOS, Federal Regulations Part 150 (14 CFR Part 150). These
email: [email protected] (Published
5/8/19, 5/15/19, 5/22/19, CA 94070. Registrant: AEH International
LLC, CA. The business was conducted maps and supporting documentation are available for public
by a Limited Liability Company.
/s/Yaling Hou/
review at the Manager's Office, San Mateo County Airports
This statement was filed with the Asses- Division, San Carlos Airport, 620 Airport Drive, Suite 10, San
sor-County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo Carlos, CA, 94070-2714.
County on 4/26/19.
(Published in the San Mateo Daily Jour-
nal, 5/1/19, 5/8/19, 5/15/19, 5/22/19).
NotICe IS HeReBY GIVeN that sealed proposals will be received in the Administration Offices
of the San Mateo County Harbor District (District) either by U.S. Postal Service addressed to its
mailing address, P.O. Box 1449, El Granada, CA 94018; or by courier or personal delivery to the
San Mateo County Harbor District, 504 Ave Alhambra, Ste. 200, El Granada, CA, by June 6th,
2019 at 2:00 Pm, Pacific time, for the following:
The San Mateo County Harbor District (“District”) is requesting proposals from qualified firms or
individuals for pump-out services at Pillar Point Harbor and Oyster Point Marina.
The District hereby notifies all Proposers that it is the policy of the District to ensure nondiscrimi-
nation on the basis of race, color, national origin or sex in the award and administration of con-
Proposals will be examined by District Staff and reported to the San Mateo County Harbor District
Board of Harbor Commissioners within one hundred twenty (120) calendar days after the propos-
als have been opened. The District reserves the right to reject any and all proposals; or to waive
any irregularities or informalities in any proposal or in the proposal procedure; or to postpone the
proposal opening for good cause. No Proposer may withdraw its proposal for a period of one hun-
dred twenty (120) calendar days after the date of opening of the proposals. Each Proposer will be
notified of award of contract, if an award is made.
The RFP Documents are available for download on the District's website. To download the docu-
ments, go to the District's website home page at, click on BIDS/RFPS,
scroll to RFP #2019-04 Pump-Out Services.
Downloading RFP documents from the District's website does not imply your firm is a potential
proposer nor will your name automatically appear on the District's "List of Potential Proposers."
The District requests that those who download the documents, complete and submit the online
Ultimately, it is the responsibility of the Proposer to check the District's website for any
addenda that may be issued relative to this RfP.
021-026 0508 wed:Class Master Odd 5/7/19 3:27 PM Page 3
LegaL NOtiCes
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matches, say 26 Snooze 0878
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leXuS ‘00 RX 300, $4,900. 163K miles,
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54 Pet healers
57 *HBO vampire
58 San Diego
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arcade bar
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61 Shoelace tip
62 Young woman
63 Mountain road
curve By Sam Acker
64 Spanish rulers ©2019 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
021-026 0508 wed:Class Master Odd 5/7/19 3:28 PM Page 5
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027 0508 wed:0508 wed 220 5/7/19 8:11 PM Page 1
Continued from page 1
San Mateo, Burlingame, South San
Francisco and Foster City.
Deputy Mayor Maureen Freschet was
Comment on
or share this story at
survey respondents indicated some level of
support for an e-scooter pilot program and
78% of respondents were either very sup-
joined by her fellow councilmembers in a 4- portive or somewhat supportive of bicycle-
0 vote in support of establishing a shared sharing programs in San Mateo,
implementing shared mobility platforms, bicycle permit process in the city and hold- Councilman Eric Rodriguez expressed con-
which could include bicycle-sharing and e- $5,000 nonrefundable permit fee to cover
ing off on allowing e-scooters, which they the cost of implementing the program, cerns about how much officials should rely
scooter-sharing programs. hoped would give officials time to study e- on the survey data since those who don’t live
From May 2016 to February, the city has explained Parking Manager Sue-Ellen
scooters’ impact on other cities. Atkinson. in San Mateo could have responded to the
participated in a bike share program in some Councilman Rick Bonilla was absent from survey.
form, working with Social Bicycles to pro- Several members of the city’s
the meeting. Sustainability and Infrastructure “I think we really need to use a lot of cau-
vide 50 pedal bicycles until May of 2018. “While I recognize the importance of first- tion when we use that as evidence,” he said.
About a year ago, the city began offering the Commission and residents voiced support
and last-mile solutions … I favor the bicy- for the city to start taking steps toward Mayor Diane Papan said she appreciated
service through the startup Lime, which pro- cles, I think that’s great,” said Freschet. “I the ability to exercise caution in introducing
vided a fleet of 275 pedal and electric bicy- allowing e-scooters at the commission’s
just am happy to support giving more time March 13 meeting. But concerns voiced by e-scooters in the city as well as the opportu-
cles that did not need to be docked at specif- to scooters and really taking a closer look at nity to amend the ordinance in the future to
ic hubs. more than 740 respondents to a shared
what’s happening in other communities.” mobility survey administered by the city in allow them in San Mateo.
Though ridership grew to .96 daily rides Officials approved the issuance of one per- “I’m comfortable with not proceeding
per bike through Lime, up from the .26 daily early 2019 about pedestrian safety, e-scoot-
mit to a bike share operator allowed to oper- ers blocking sidewalks and illegal use of e- with e-scooters at this moment,” she said. “I
rides logged with Social Bicycles, the bike ate up to 500 pedal and electric dockless appreciate the flexibility going into the
share service ended abruptly after Lime scooters on sidewalks weighed heavily for
bicycles over a one-year period. The opera- the City Council Monday. ordinance so that we can in the future evalu-
announced it would end its bike-sharing tor selected would be required to pay a ate it.”
028 0508 wed:0508 wed 220 5/7/19 6:27 PM Page 1
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