LECT 4 Types of Research
LECT 4 Types of Research
LECT 4 Types of Research
Types of Research 4
i. Descriptive ii. Analytical
i. Descriptive vs. Analytical 5
Descriptive Research includes surveys and fact-
finding enquiries of different kinds. The major purpose
of descriptive research is description of the state of
affairs as it exists at present.
i. Descriptive vs. Analytical 7
Analytical Research the researcher has to use facts or
information already available, and analyze these to make a
critical evaluation of the material.
Characteristics of Critical Thinkers
Critical thinkers:
• Care that their beliefs be true and that their
decisions be justified; that is, care to “get it right”
to the extent possible. This includes the
dispositions to
Seek alternative hypotheses, explanations,
conclusions, plans, sources, etc. and be open to
Endorse a position to the extent that, but only to
the extent that it is justified by the information that
is available.
Be well informed.
Consider seriously points of view other than their
Characteristics II
Critical thinkers:
• Care to present a position honestly and clearly,
theirs as well as others'. This includes the
dispositions to:
Be clear about the intended meaning of what is said,
written, or otherwise communicated, seeking as
much information and precision as the situation
Determine, and maintain focus on, the conclusion or
Seek and offer reasons for their
Take into account the total situation
Be reflectively aware of their own basic beliefs
Characteristics III
Critical thinkers:
• Care about other’s point of view and treat it with
respect. These are:
Discover and listen to other’s views and
Avoid intimidating or confusing others, taking
into account others' feelings and level of
Are concerned about other’s welfare
Are concerned about educating others on the
Steps in Critical Thinking:
Formulating your argument
• Focus on a Question
– Identify and formulate the question
– Develop criteria for judging possible answers
– Develop a plan for collecting data
• Develop an Argument
– Generate premises and conclusions (the
“whereas” and “therefore”)
– Develop reasoning steps/support for
conclusions (the “why”)
Steps in Critical Thinking:
Deconstructing your Argument
Analyze Arguments
1. Identify conclusions
2. Identify unstated reasons (assumptions)
3. Identify stated reasons
4. Identify and handle irrelevance
5. See the structure of an argument
6. Summarize.
Steps in Critical Thinking:
Clarifying Arguments
Ask and answer questions of clarification
and/or challenge, such as:
1. Why?
2. What is your main point?
3. What do you mean by…?
4. What would be an example?
5. What would be an exception?
6. How does that apply to this case (describe a case,
which might well appear to be a counter example)?
7. What difference does it make?
8. What are the facts?
9. Is this what you are saying: ____________?
10. Would you say some more about that?
Steps in Critical Thinking:
Knowing/Analyzing Sources
Judge the credibility of a source. Major
criteria (but not necessary conditions):
1. Expertise
2. Lack of conflict of interest
3. Agreement among sources
4. Reputation or risk to reputation
5. Use of established procedures
6. Ability to give reasons
ii. Applied vs. Fundamental 15
Applied Research is a form of systematic inquiry
involving the practical application of science.
ii. Applied vs. Fundamental 16
1. Researching which strategies work best to motivate
workers .
2. Studying different keyboard designs to determine which
is the most efficient and ergonomic.
3. Analyzing what type of prompts will inspire people to
volunteer their time to charities.
4. Investigating which treatment approach is the most
effective for reducing anxiety.
ii. Applied vs. Fundamental 17
Fundamental Research or pure research is scientific
research aimed to improve scientific theories for improved
understanding or prediction of natural or other phenomena.
Examples: 1. A study into the role of Federal Reserve into
the emergence of global economic crisis.
2. An investigation into the main elements of brands and
3. A critical analysis of factors impacting each stage of
product life cycle.
4. An assessment of factors leadership style in Coca Cola
5. Investigation on advanced Material Strengthening
Techniques (SPD)
ii. Applied vs. Fundamental 18
Fundamental research
The central aim of applied research is to discover a
solution for some pressing practical problem, whereas
Fundamental research is directed towards finding
information that has a broad base of applications and thus,
adds to the already existing organized body of scientific
Difference b/w Applied & Fundamental19
Fundamental research Applied research
• Expand knowledge of • Improve understanding of
processes of business and particular business or
management management problem
• Results in universal • Results in solution to problem,
principles relating to the New knowledge limited to
process and its relationship problem
to outcomes • Findings of practical relevance
• Findings of significance and value to the manager(s) in
and value to society in organization(s)
general • Undertaken by people based
• Undertaken by people in a variety of settings
based in universities including organizations and
• Choice of topic and universities
objectives determined by • Objectives negotiated with
the researcher originator
• Flexible time scales • Tight time scales 4/25/2019
iii. Quantitative vs. Qualitative 20
Quantitative Research is based on the measurement
of quantity or amount. It is applicable to phenomena that
can be expressed in terms of quantity. OR
Quantitative methods emphasize objective measurements
and the statistical, mathematical, or numerical analysis of
data collected through polls, questionnaires, and surveys,
or by manipulating pre-existing statistical data using
computational techniques.
Examples: 1. Research that consists of the percentage
amounts of all the elements present in a particular material.
2. Survey that concludes that the average patient has to
wait two hours in the waiting room of a certain doctor
before being selected.
Quantitative Approach 21
It can be sub-divided into inferential, experimental and
simulation approaches to research
Quantitative Approach 22
Quantitative Approach 23
Simulation Approach involves the construction of an
artificial environment within which relevant information and
data can be generated. This permits an observation of the
dynamic behaviour of a system under controlled
The term ‘simulation’ refers to “the operation of a numerical
model that represents the structure of a dynamic process.
Given the values of initial conditions, parameters and
exogenous variables, a simulation is run to represent the
behaviour of the process over time.”
Simulation approach can also be useful in building models
for understanding future conditions.
Qualitative of Research 24
Qualitative Research is primarily exploratory research.
It is used to gain an understanding of underlying reasons,
opinions, and motivations.
It provides insights into the problem or helps to develop ideas
or hypotheses for potential quantitative research.
It concerned with qualitative phenomenon, i.e., phenomena
relating to or involving quality or kind.
Example: when we are interested in investigating the reasons
for behavior of materials or people (i.e., why people think or do
certain things), we termed it ‘Motivation Research’.
This type of research aims at discovering the underlying
motives and desires, using in depth interviews for the purpose.
Other techniques of such research are word association tests,
sentence completion tests, story completion tests and
similar other projective techniques. 4/25/2019
Qualitative of Research 25
Attitude or Opinion Research i.e., research designed to
find out how people feel or what they think about a particular
subject or institution is also qualitative research.
Qualitative research is specially important in the behavioral
sciences where the aim is to discover the underlying
motives of human behaviour.
Through such research we can analyze the various factors
which motivate people to behave in a particular manner or
which make people like or dislike a particular thing.
It may be stated, however, that to apply qualitative research
in practice is relatively a difficult job and therefore, while
doing such research, one should seek guidance from
experimental psychologists.
Quantitative Research Methods 26
1. Natural phenomenon
2. Mathematical modeling
3. Experiments
4. Optimization
5. Game theory
6. Surveys
Qualitative Research Methods 27
1. Social & cultural phenomenon
2. Case studies
3. Focus groups
4. Observations
5. Usability testing
6. Interviews
7. Questionnaires
iv. Conceptual vs. Empirical 28
Conceptual Research it focuses on the concept or theory
that explains or describes the phenomenon being studied.
It is related to some abstract idea(s) or theory.
It is generally used by philosophers and thinkers to
develop new concepts or to reinterpret existing ones.
What causes disease?
How can we describe the motions of the planets?
What are the building blocks of matter?
The conceptual researcher sits at his desk with pen in hand
and tries to solve these problems by thinking about them. It
required using the brain, not the hands.
iv. Conceptual vs. Empirical 29
Empirical Research It is a way of gaining knowledge
by means of direct and indirect observation or
It relies on experience or observation alone, often without
due regard for system and theory.
It is data-based research, coming up with conclusions
which are capable of being verified by observation or
We can also call it as experimental type of research.
In such a research it is necessary to get at facts firsthand,
at their source, and actively to go about doing certain
things to stimulate the production of desired information.
Empirical research is appropriate when proof is sought that
certain variables affect other variables in some way.
Research Validity 30
• Internal Validity – the validity of findings with the
research study; the technical soundness of a study,
particularly concerned with the control of extraneous
(5 Types) influences that might effect the outcome
• External Validity – the degree to which the
findings can be inferred to the population of interest
or to other populations or settings; the generalizability
of the results
• Both are important in a study but they are frequently
at odds with one another in planning and designing
a study
• Internal validity is considered the basic minimum for
experimental research