Haryana SSC Mock Test-3: 2007, Outram Lines, 1St Floor, Opposite Mukherjee Nagar Police Station, Delhi-110009
Haryana SSC Mock Test-3: 2007, Outram Lines, 1St Floor, Opposite Mukherjee Nagar Police Station, Delhi-110009
Haryana SSC Mock Test-3: 2007, Outram Lines, 1St Floor, Opposite Mukherjee Nagar Police Station, Delhi-110009
mÙkj vkÑfr;k¡ %
Answer Figures :
(A) 10 (B) 19
(A) 10 (B) 19
(C) 21 (D) 23
(C) 21 (D) 23
10. Find the missing number in the following 10. fuEu fp=k esa yqIr la[;k Kkr djsaA
figure :
36 9 ? 27
36 9 ? 27
25 16 125 64
25 16 125 64
funsZ'k (iz-la-
81 vkSj 82) uhps fn, x, x|ka'k dks 91. She is disguisted ......... their habits.
Choose the most suitable answer.
è;kuiwoZd i<+dkj iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft,A
(A) under (B) with
x|ka'k (C) off (D) up
lkfgR; rks ,d lkfRod thou gS] mls dfBu riL;k vkSj egku ;K Synonym of bonhomie is
le>uk pkfg,A tgk¡ O;fDr ds dksbZ LorU=k fo"k; ugha jg (A) tkrs]friendliness (B) cheat
(C) threaten (D) pacify
mPp lkfgR; dh og Hkko&Hkwfe gSA ogk¡ vifjxzg dk lkezkT; gS]
93. Antonym of sublime is
iQksVks uga Nkis tkrsA ogk¡ ok.kh ekSu jgrh gS ^xkFkh* xkus esa lq[k ugha (B) base
(A) reaction
ekurhA ml mPp LRkj ls ftrus fØ;k&dyki gksrs gSa] vkRekiszj.kk ls
(C) resistance (D) magnificence
gksrs gSa] ij vktdj fgUnh esa vkReizs.kk vkSj vkRedFkk dk uke ysuk
94. A large crowd used to ........ to listen to his
ik[k.M c<+kuk gSA gekjs ns'k esa vkRedFkk dk uke ysuk ik[k.M
Find the correct verb.
c<+kuk gSA gekjs ns'k esa vkRedFkk fy[kus dh ifjikVh ugha jghA
(A) follow (B) gather
81 lkfgR; dks D;k ekuk x;k gS \ (C) deliver (D) collect
95. Why do you waste your time? The correct
(A) dfBu lk/uk vkSj riL;k
Passive Voic will be
(B) ys[ku dk egku ;K (A) Why is your time wasted by you?
(C) dfBu riL;k vkSj egku ;K (B) Why is time been wasted by you?
(D) ys[ku riL;k vkSj dfBu lk/uk (C) Why has time been wasted by you?
(D) Why is time being wasted by you?
82. mPPk lkfgR; dh Hkko&Hkwfe D;k gSa \
Directions (Q.Nos. 96 and 97) Find the suitable
(A) tgk¡ O;fDr LorU=k fo"k; ugha pqu ldrk indirect speech.
(B) tgk¡ ys[kd ds O;fDRo dh LorU=krk ugha jgrh 96. Priya asked me, “Did you see the cricket
(C) tgk¡ O;fDrRo dks fy[kus dh LorU=krk ugh jgrh match on television last night?”
(A) Priya asked me whether I saw the
(D) tgk¡ O;fDrRo ds dksbZ LorU=k fo"k; ugha jg tkrs cricket match on television the earlier
83. 'Suervision' dk vFkZ gS night
(A) i;Zos{kd (B) i;Zos{k.k (B) Priya asked me whether I had seen the
(C) fuorZu (D) vf/Øe.k cricket match on television the previous
84. 'kq¼ okD; dk p;u dhft,A (C) Priya asked me did I see the cricket
(A) ygjkrs [ksr gjs&Hkjs
(B) gjs&Hkjs ygjkrs [ksr match on television last night
(C) [ksr gjs&Hkjs ygjkrs
(D) gjs ygjkrs [ksr Hkjs (D) Priya asked me whether I had seen the
cricket match on television last night
85. ^lqyVkuk* 'kCn dk foijhrkFkZd 'kCn pqfu,A
97. David said to Anna, “Mona will leave for her
(A) fuiVkuk (B) feVkuk native place tomorrow.”
(C) iyVkuk (D) my>uk (A) David told Anna that Mona will leave
86. Hkkstiqjh] exgh vkSj eSfFkyh cksfy;k¡ fdlls lEcfU/r gS for \ her native place tomorrow
(B) David told Anna that Mona left for her
(A) if'peh fgUnh (B) iwohZ fgUnh native place the next day
(C) fcgkjh fgUnh (D) jktLFkkuh fgUnh (C) David told to Anna that Mona be leaving
87. rn~Hko 'kCn igpkfu,A for her native place tomorrow
(A) xksey (B) gfjnzk (D) David told Anna that Mona would leave
for her native place the next day
(C) i;Zd (D) rh[kk Directions (Q. Nos. 98 and 99) Find out the
88. ^'kkfUr* 'kCn dk lekukFkhZ ugha gS part which contains an error. If sentnece is
(A) pqIih (B) ekSu error free, then your answer is (D).
98. The minister for ‘Education’ (A)/ vehemently
(C) uhjork (D) vkdk'k
refused (B)/ the allegation that he had
89. fuEu esa ls fdl 'kCn dh orZuh v'kq¼ gS \ taken bribes. (C)/ No error (D)
(A) euksdkeuk (B) euksgj 99. If I were Zubin (A)/I would not attend (B)/ the
(C) euks;ksx (D) euksjFk wedding, come what may. (C)/ No error (D)
100. If I had more money, I ....... build a temple.
90. Reminder dks fgUnh esa D;k dgrs gSs \
Find the correct linking word.
(A) 'kklukns'k (B) Kkiu ;k Le`fr i=k (A) could (B) had
(C) dk;kZy; vkns'k (D) vuqLEkkjd (C) did (D) will